He encontrado que alguna farmacia puede tener existencias limitadas de ciertos medicamentos, mientras que otras pueden tener casi cualquier formato que se le ocurra y el habitual de dosis habitualidad apareció. En resumen, siempre se contiene el almacén de corroborar. Al mismo tiempo que el producto que más que gustaba ha resultado no estaba disponible en stock otro distinto por las Buenas costumbres también debe buscarse jefe no asн parezca. Por eso es importante disponer de un Plan B para actuar cuandod ello no ocurra. Ventaja de tomar un genérico en lugar de Asix Un genérico es más barato que el nombre de marca Uno de los mayores incentivos para someterse al Dónde comprar Lasix genérico en lugar de pagar la marca es que usted puede obtener un ahorrando importantes Lasix genérico. Por lo tanto, un Lasix genérico es en general mucho más barato que el homólogo de marca, así que una denominación genérica se hace posible para las personas que usan este medicamento con frecuencia. Un ejemplo: La compra de lurosemida en lugar de Lasix es una considerable ahorro para el presupuesto mensual de medicamentos.

"I" - Medicament Inoculation Pdf:


Interoute Management Biographies Photos of the Interoute Management Team are also available for download from the website http://www.interoute.com/about-us/leadership. For additional information, please contact us: Interoute Communications Limited Walbrook Building 195 Marsh Wall London E14 9SG T +44 020 725 9000 E [email protected] W www.interoute.com Registered address as above

Microsoft word - seroquel.doc

Seroquel (quetiapine) FDA ALERT [04/2005] Seroquel is a type of medicine called an atypical antipsychotic. FDA has found that older patients treated with atypical antipsychotics for dementia had a higher chance for death than patients who did not take the medicine. This is not an approved use. Brand and Generic Names: Tablets: 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg, 200 mg, 300 mg, 400 mg What is


International Projects: Health and Nurtrition Grant value over $250,00 Project Title Department Description Partners This grant will implement and evaluate a multi-faceted series of evidence-based interventions aimed at decreasing epilepsy-associated stigma, improving the socioeconomic status of PWE and lowering the rates of seizure-related morbidity and mortality in four Zamb

Ventura - propran.chp

Polyvalenter Betablocker-Veteran Das linksdrehende Isomer von Propranolol bindet sich reversibel an adrenerge β1- undβ2-Rezeptoren; beide Isomere besitzen eine membranstabilisierende Aktivität. Am Herzenführt Propranolol zu einer Senkung der Herzfrequenz und des Auswurfvolumens; initial trittdie blutdrucksenkende Wirkung wegen peripherer Vasokonstriktion mit Verzögerung ein. DieÜberleitu

Proceedings, the range beef cow symposium xxi

SELECTING FOR EFFICIENCY Nick Hammett Marketing Manager Circle A Angus Ranch Iberia, MO INTRODUCTION Why is efficiency so important to the beef industry? "Efficiency impacts unit cost of production, thereby having the potential to increase beef's competitiveness in both the domestic and global marketplace, to improve industry profitability, and to enhance long-term su

W0117-section i (31-50).qxd

W0117-Section I (31-50).qxd 4/23/04 7:26 PM Page 124 Polyphagia Ellen N. Behrend P olyphagia is the consumption of food in excess of and liver disease) lead to polyphagia by unknown mecha-normal caloric intake. Hunger and satiety and, conse-nisms. Secondary polyphagia can also be caused by certainquently, feeding behavior are primarily controlled bycertain regions in the central nervous s

Microsoft word - colo-auf.doc

INTERNISTISCHE PRAXIS AM MARKT Drs. W. Gottsleben – L. Nietfeld – T. Röper – M. Stamm Internisten Am Markt 3 30989 Gehrden Tel.: 0 51 08/27 20 Aufklärung zur Dickdarm-Spiegelung (Coloskopie) Liebe Patientin, lieber Patient, 2. CitraFleet (2 Becher Lösung) Essen Sie am Vortag der Untersuchung bitte bei Ihnen soll aufgrund Ihrer Beschwerden nur ein

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Estrategia Diagnóstica a Seguir en la Investigación de la Hipoacusia en la Infancia Este capitulo esta basado en 3 conjeturas: (1) la sordera es común, (2) la etiología básica varía alrededor de todo el mundo y (3) la estrategia diagnóstica debe ser secuencial tomando en cuenta la lateralidad y la severidad de la pérdida auditiva. 1) La sordera es frecuente La sordera es el défi

Eftba_eu_juni 2012

EFTBA UPDATE – June 2012 EFTBA Activity The EFTBA AGM on the 13th May was well attended in the magnificent location of Longchamp racecourse in Paris. Many issues of current concern and relevance were debated and the packed AGM agenda was followed by racing in the afternoon including a prize giving to Dietrich von Boetticher from Germany as the 2012 EFTBA award winner. Following the AGM m


Tier 0 (Zero) What Is Tier 0? Tier 0 is a fourth tier of drugs in our multi-tiered prescription drug program. We offer approximately 65 generic drugs with a cost of $0—that’s right, no copayment, no cost to you! Many of these generic drugs are used to treat chronic, high-cost conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. Tier 0 generic drugs, which are safe and effe

Pneumococcal polyscaccharide vaccine - what you need need to know

PNEUMOCOCCAL POL YSACCHARIDE W H A T YO U N E E D T O K N O W 1 Why get vaccinated? 3 Who should get PPV? Pneumococcal disease is a serious disease that• All adults 65 years of age or older. causes much sickness and death. In fact,pneumococcal disease kills more people in the• Anyone over 2 years of age who has a long-United States each year than all other vaccine-preventab

Microsoft word - regprize_progfinal_2010.doc

IICN Registrar’s Neuroscience 2010 Four Seasons Hotel, Dublin November 5th 2010 RESEARCH PRESENTATIONS (12 mins: 10 mins presentation + 2 mins Qs) 10.40 Familial ALS: Defining the true rate of familial ALS, assessing the role of chance occurrence within kindreds, and proposing criteria for familial ALS. Susan Byrne1,2, Cathal Walsh1, Catherine Lynch2, Orla Hardiman1,


Lok Adalats for Speedy Justice W hat is Lok Adalat? effective remedy could be given one to be decided by the Lok to the litigants. The institution of Adalat. The court shall do it only enacted the Legal Lok Adalat in India, as the very when the parties agree to it. One Services Authorities Act in 1987 name suggests, means People’s of the parties has to make an and one of the aims of

Microsoft word - paperkes2001.doc

Speech Technology to Provide Access to Digital Grupo TLATOA (CENTIA), Universidad de las Américas-Puebla Sta. Catarina Mártir, Cholula, Pue., MEXICO Abstract . Thanks to the advances in today’s technology in terms of processing speed of computers, storage space and the management of sound and video devices, speech technology is a reality in almost any kind of computerized system. Spe


http://www.indianexpress.com/story-print/561767/ Print Close Window Parimal Dabhi Posted online: Thursday , Dec 31, 2009 at 0848 hrs AHMEDABAD/VADODARA : She was a minor; her alleged assaulter a man with clout. The police initially turned her away; while a decade later, her case is still on in courts. And while Ruchika Girhotra’s tragic story may have got thenation’s and governmen

A neurobehavioral intervention and assessment program in very low birth weight infants: outcome at 24 months

A Neurobehavioral Intervention and Assessment Program in Very Low BirthKaren Koldewijn, PT, Aleid van Wassenaer, MD, PhD, Marie-Jeanne Wolf, PhD, Dominique Meijssen, MSc,Bregje Houtzager, MSc, PhD, Anita Beelen, PhD, Joke Kok, MD, PhD, and Frans Nollet, MD, PhDObjective To determine whether the Infant Behavioral Assessment and Intervention Program (IBAIP) improvesdevelopment and behavior in ver


SIR/NIVA-gruppen Mötesprotokoll 1) Christina Grivans (narkosläkare, SU) och Charlotta Gustafsson (ssk IT-strateg, SU) hälsar välkommen till mötet där följande deltar: Tommy Olsson (ssk, SU), Johan Ljungqvist (neurokirurg, SU), Kristina Eriksson (ssk, Linköping), Johanna Hjelm (ssk, KS), Daniel Törnberg (narkosläkare, KS) 2) Mötet inleds med genomläsning av förra mötets


J Musculoskel Neuron Interact 2003; 3(1):71-76 Original Article Bone mineral density in hypoparathyroid women on LT4 suppressive therapy. Effect of calcium and 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3 treatment F. Hawkins1, F. Escobar-Jiménez2, E. Jfidar1, M.M. Campos2, M.B. L fi pez Alvarez1, G. Mart›nez D›az-Guerra1 1Service of Endocrinology, University Hospital 12 de Octubre, Madrid2Servi


Dr. Ike Okorie Inland Family Practice Center LLC118 s. 10th ave Hattiesburg, MS 39401 Phone: 6015447012 Patient Education PHENTERMINE - ORAL IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a summary and does not contain all possible information about this product. For complete information about this product or your specific health needs, ask your health care professional. Always seek the advice of your healt

Informativostj e stf marÇo-abril 2009

Procuradoria Geral do Município de Belo Horizonte. INFORMATIVO N°.002 REFERENTE ÀS DECISÕES DO STF E STJ. MARÇO/ABRIL 2009. Este Informativo é elaborado a partir dos informativos do STF e STJ. Contém resumos não-oficiais com objetivo de informar de maneira atualizada, os entendimentos proferidos pelo Poder Judiciário em assuntos relevantes à defesa do Município

Microsoft word - lucas.doc

Interface: a journal for and about social movements Volume 2 (2): 149 - 167 (November 2010) Lucas, Patient-centred strategies… Patient-centered strategies to counter stigma, oppression and forced incarceration in the C/S/X and medical cannabis movements Philippe Lucas Abstract Under the guise of protecting personal health and public safety, federal and regional gove


United States Court of Appeals FOR THE EIGHTH CIRCUIT * District Court for the* Eastern District of Missouri. Before WOLLMAN, BYE, and SHEPHERD, Circuit Judges. Several groups of investors1 who purchased the securities of KVPharmaceutical Company (KV) brought this class action lawsuit alleging KV andsome of its individual officers committed securities fraud. The investors alleged KVmade

Wholesalers application_01_10_v

Visitors to Canada Travel Insurance Application Form *Applicants can select Plan A or Plan B. Before selecting Plan A or B, read the section “Pre-existing Condition Exclusion” which explains the difference between Plan A and Plan B. *All applicants must complete Parts B, C and D. *For Plan B, applicants 35 years of age and over must also complete Part A. Who can apply? a) Visitors

Microsoft word - summary_singapore_.doc

SINGAPORE: The Threat of Influenza Pandemic and Singapore’s Response Plan Pandemic Preparedness 1. Singapore has developed a pandemic preparedness plan detailing actions to be taken before and during an influenza pandemic. Our Influenza Pandemic Readiness and Response Plan was published and made available to the general public through MOH’s website in June 2005. The objective of the p

Office h1n1 triage questionnaire

Are you concerned that you or a family member might be sick with H1N1 flu? Follow this set of questions and find out what to do. Question #1: Does the patient have a new cough, or new shortness of breath (not related to feeling anxious)? No… be reassured, they do not have H1N1. Stop right here. Yes… Continue with questionnaire. Note: sore throat or runny nose, without c

Microsoft word - iibis facilities & resources.doc

_____________________________________________________________________________________ Indiana Institute for Biomedical Imaging Sciences Resources and Capabilities New research laboratory space was opened in early 2003 that will support the activities of the Indiana Institute for Biomedical Imaging Sciences (IIBIS). A new research imaging center is located in the Research Institute II (R2)


Professor Salah Badawi Ahmed Doma Postal Address: El-Yasmin Village, El-Arish, North Sinai, Egypt. Academic Qualifications: B. Sc. Special degree in Mathematics (Distinction with honor), Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Egypt, June 1966. M. Sc. in Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Egypt, January 1970. PhD. in Mathematical Physics, Tb


T h e n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l o f m e dic i n e Rosiglitazone and Cardiovascular Risk Bruce M. Psaty, M.D., Ph.D., and Curt D. Furberg, M.D., Ph.D. In this issue of the Journal, Nissen and Wolski1 control groups. Across the trials, there was no report the results of a meta-analysis of treatment standard method for identifying or validating trials of rosiglitazone, as compared


INTERVENTION by INDIA – TRIPS Council June 2009 Agenda item ‘M’ – OTHER BUSINESS – Seizure of generic drug consignments at EC ports Madame Chair, When India and Brazil raised the issue of seizure of generic drug consignments at EC ports in the TRIPS Council meeting of March 3, we did not foresee that we will need to raise the issue again in today’s meeting. Going by EC’s interven


CURRICULUM VITAE INVESTIGATOR PERSONAL DATA Father’s name Institution (Department, Faculty, Institution) University of Chile, Faculty of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences EDUCATION, ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE National Institutes of Health, USA Fogarty International Fellow 1966 Molec. Pharmacol. RESEARCH AND/OR PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE ACADEMIC EMPLOYMENT

Microsoft word - 20061019_01teil3_inhalt_de.doc

5.3 Atemschutzmasken Ob Atemschutzmasken vor Infektionen allgemein wirksam schützen, ist nicht eindeutig bewiesen, da keine unumstrittenen Wirksamkeitstests vorliegen, die mit lebenden oder abgetöteten Keimen durchgeführt worden wären. Es gibt jedoch – aus der Erfahrung mit SARS – Hinweise dafür, dass die Übertragung von Viren durch Atemschutzmasken eingeschränkt werden kann. Bei

Microsoft word - 5. moz-cats-mr part 67.doc

MOZAMBIQUE CIVIL AVIATION TECHNICAL STANDARDS MOZ-CATS-MR MEDICAL REQUIREMENTS Mozambique Civil Aviation Technical Standards – Part 67 – Medical Requirements MOZAMBIQUE CIVIL AVIATION TECHNICAL STANDARDS: CATS Each Chapter is re-printed from the amended page onwards. Parts Title Control Date MOZ-CATS-FCL63 Flight Engineer Licensing MOZ-CATS-GSPL Ground Service

Staff meeting agenda

International Students & Programs Office International Center, 9500 Gilman Drive, Mail Code #0018 F-1 STUDENT: STEM EXTENSION OPTIONAL PRACTICAL TRAINING (OPT) REQUEST FORM DIRECTIONS: Student must complete Section #1, #2, and #3A. Employer must complete Section #3B. A complete application will include: □ STEM Extension OPT Request Form □ Copy of I-94 card (fro


Kurslitteratur Spanska H13 Spanska III – ES3300 Du förbättrar din färdighet att skriva olika slag av texter samt att kommunicera muntligt på spanska. Ett viktigt inslag är förmågan att överföra texter från svenska till spanska och vice versa. Litteratur- och språkstudierna fördjupas och analyserna baseras på olika teorier och metoder. Språket som interaktion mellan män


molecular interaction with an affordable A simple and flexible system that’s easy foryou to configure and modify with off-the-shelfSPR is a highly specific and sensitive technique based on a surface designed formolecular interaction between a ligand and analyte of interest. This figurerepresents a typical planar surface based on a self-assembled monolayer ofpolyethylene glycol (PEG) and ca



Puberty ppt ammended ii [compatibility mode]

• How do you see your child behaving /what • Develop awareness of strategies to avoid Hypothalamus controls action of pituitary gland which produces necessary hormonesHypothalamus like a ‘thermostat’ which regulates levels of sex hormones in the body. At puberty there is a change in the ‘setting’ of the hypothalamus requiring pituitary gland to work harder thus increasing sex hormon


Información Importante Sobre Medicamentos yAlimentos Del Centro Clínico Warren Grant Magnuson, Institutos Nacionales de SaludFuerza Operativa Sobre la Interacción de Medicamentos-Nutrientes Información importante que debe saber cuando esté tomando alguno de los siguientes medicamentos: Amiodarone (Cordarone,® Pacerone®) Lovastatin (Mevacor®)Buspirone (Buspar®) Nifedipine La tor

Imagecare, llc

ImageCare, LLC 710 Rabon Road * Columbia, SC 29203 Phone: (803) 462-3680 Patient History Questionnaire Name: _________________________ Today’s Date: ___________________________ Patient ID: _____________________ Sex: ___________________________________ Current Height: _________________ Date of Birth: ___________________________ Weight: ________________________ Referring Phys

Microsoft word - television.docx

ACTUALITES SANTE TELEVISION - Semaine du 5 au 11 mai 2012 SAMEDI 5 MAI - 3h55-4h50 Arte: "Erectionman", documentaire de Michael Schaap Pour montrer la place que Viagra* et ses cousins ont prise dans la sexualité, le réalisateur Michael Schaap joue le rôle d'un quadragénaire heureux en couple, mais de plus en plus souvent sujet à des pannes sexuelles. Il sillonne la "planète Viag


Multiperiod Synchronization Bus TimetablingDepartment of Transport Engineerig and LogisticsTransit network planning is a difficult task that is usually decomposed into different sub-problems (Ceder, 2007; Desaulniers and Hickman, 2007) such as network design (deter-mines the bus lines: routes, stops), frequency setting (defines a proper frequency for agiven bus line based on the transit netwo


A publication of the International Centre for Policy Studies ICPS newsletter ® government reform Together with the Center for Ukrainian Reform Education (CURE), ICPS has out in a mechanical manner, but taking into completed the first round of public consultations on local government reform in seven Ukrainian cities: Chernivtsi, Lutsk, Zhytomyr, Dnipropetrovsk, Kirovohrad,


c 2001 EURASIP. Personal use of this material is permitted. However,In Proc. Int. Conf. on Augmented, Virtual En-permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotionalvironments and Three-Dimensional Imaging,purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution toICAV3D-2001, May 30 -June 1, 2001, Mykonos,servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighte

Tegdn, sensitivity reducing ingredient for nitrocellulose based propellants

TEGDN, Sensitivity reducing ingredient for nitrocellulose based Propellants Jaana Suuronen, EURENCO Vihtavuori, Ruutitehtaantie 80, FI-41330 VIHTAVUORI, 1. Background Nitroglycerin is an important and widely used component of explosive materials. In double base propellants it is a main component in addition to nitrocellulose and stabilizers. However, Nitroglycerin is dangerous to ha


the bird could have been migrating (http://www.kolkatabirds.com). Bird Conservation Nepal (BCN), with support from otherChinthaka Kaluthota reported the ringing of a Sand Martinorganisations like Britain’s Royal Society for the Protection ofRiparia riparia and White-cheeked Tern Sterna repressa at BundalaBirds (RSPB) has opened a novel concept, a restaurant forNational Park, Sri Lanka, dur


Veículo: O Estado de S.Paulo – coluna Espaço Aberto Data: Julho/2011 A soma e o resto Fernando Henrique Cardoso Tomo de empréstimo o título de um livro de Henri Lefebvre, escritor francês que rompeu com o Partido Comunista em 1958 e publicou suas razões para tanto neste livro de 1959. Anos mais tarde, em 1967/68, fui colega de Lefebvre em Nanterre quando demos início, j


PSYCHIATRIE LA PARANOÏA I - DEFINITION Terme très ancien, qui vient de l'antiquité grecque. Il signifie "autour de la raison". Il recouvrait alors toutes les formes de folie. Aujourd'hui il recouvre une pathologie particulière. Délire d'apparition tardive : entre 30 et 50 ans. Début progressif, insidieux. Mécanisme interprétatif. Synonyme : la folie raisonnant

Knee tab a2, b2,

These instructions are designed to inform you about Total Knee Replacement. Initial instructions are to be fol owed before the surgery, during your stay in the hospital and after surgery when you are at home. The success of the Total Knee Replacement surgery requires active participation of the patient. For a long-term successful result, understanding and adherence to these guidelines are imper


PLE DE L’AJUNTAMENT Sessió Ordinària Dijous, 30 d’abril de 2009 Acta núm. 5 1a. convocatòria Senyors/Senyores assistents: Alcalde-President : Sr. JOAQUIM BALSERA GARCIA. Regidors/Regidores: Sra. RAQUEL SÁNCHEZ JIMÉNEZ, Sr. JOSÉ FCO. OBISPO VALLECILLOS, Sr. XAVIER ESTEBAN MARTÍN, Sra. ANNA BECERRA PEÑA, Sra. LAURA BARRUFET MIRÓ, Sr. VÍCTOR CARNERO LÓPEZ, S


Newsletter of the International Macrobiotic Shiatsu Society The Joy Is In The Journey by Patrick McCarty For almost three decades I have This introduction to traditional with. How you are feeling day-to-dayis the truth of your dominate vibration. of simplicity. Yes, strange as it sounds,projects. It is as if when we finish withfind in every person joy, and live. There is a pret

Rapport 3 - 1-5,7,8, 1

Chapter 8 Wayfi nding Wayfi nding Contents Introduction Standards Output form Projects User Requirements Conclusions Introduction The term “Wayfi nding” is defi ned as services and products, which could be used as a tool for users to access information which is associated with geographically located information. These tools are used to navigate from

Microsoft word - modello.doc

Di Bella Paolo, dirigente medico - recapito telefonico: 090.60128929 [email protected] Incarico rivestito: Responsabile Neurofisiologia Clinica , Degenza C Docente nel Corso di Laurea Triennale per Tecnici di Neurofisiopatologia . Membro del Comitato Etico del Centro Neurolesi “Bonino Pulejo” Membro del comitato infezioni ospedaliere ( CIO ) e CTO dell’Ente Incarichi precedenti

Microsoft word - niere.doc

Autor: St. WieserHELIOS Klinikum Berlin-Buch, Klinik für Nuklearmedizin Niere - Szintigraphie mit 99mTc-MAG3 • Beurteilung der seitengetrennten Nierenfunktion, Harnabflusssituation, Gesamt-clearance bei urologischen, internistischen oder onkologischen Fragestellungen. • Ein-/Zweikopfkamera, Low Energy High Resolution – Kollimator• Untersuchungsaufklärung des Patienten, Einverständ

Phs 398 (rev. 9/04), biographical sketch format page

Principal Investigator/Program Director Rigotti, Nancy, A. : BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA Section A. Positions and Honors Positions 1984-91 Instructor, Medicine & Preventive Medicine, Harvard Medical School 1985-90 Associate Director, Institute for the Study of Smoking Behavior and Policy, Harvard Uni


Official Journal of the European Communities DIRECTIVE 1999/4/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE of 22 February 1999 relating to coffee extracts and chicory extracts Whereas Directive 77/436/EEC should be brought intoline with general Community legislation on foodstuffs,particularly legislation on labelling and methods ofHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the EuropeanCommu


ISSN : 2330-9519 (Online) | ISSN : 2231-2463 (Print) IJMBs Vol. 1, Issue 3, septeMBer 2011 NPAs Reduction Strategies for Commercial Banks in India 1 G.V.Bhavani Prasad, 2 D.Veena 1,2Dept. of Commerce & Business Management, Kakatiya University,Warangal, Indiabanks. Every bank had to earmark a minimum percentage of A healthy banking system is essential for any economy their loan po


Parasitosis intestinales Julio Romero González, Miguel Angel López Casado Hospital Universitario Materno Infantil Virgen de las Nieves. Granada Desde un punto de vista etiológico, las parasito-mago dónde se destruye la cubierta del quiste, libe-sis intestinales engloban las parasitaciones del tuborándose los trofozoitos que se localizan en la muco-digestivo producidas por protoz

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ALGAS E ESPONJAS: UMA FONTE DE SUBSTÂNCIAS COM ATIVIDADE ANTIVIRAL Odinéia do S. Pamplona*1; Bruno F. dos Santos2; Suzi M. Ribeiro3; Lísia M. Gestinari1; Maria Teresa V. Email: [email protected] Instituições: *Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM), Instituto de Ciências Exatas e Tecnologia (ICET); 1 Núcleo em Ecologia e Desenvolvimento Sócio-Ambiental de Macaé/Univers


UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT MIDDLE DISTRICT OF FLORIDA ORLANDO DIVISION IN RE: Seroquel Products Liability Litigation. Case No. 6:06-md-1769-Orl-22DAB _____________________________________/ TO THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT This cause came on for consideration after hearing on the following motion filed herein: PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR DISCOVERY SANCTIONS (Doc. No. 256)

Microsoft word - 228.doc

Título: Um Estudo da Inserção dos Medicamentos Genéricos no Mercado Brasileiro. Autores: Fernando Nascimento Zatta (*) Hercules Vander de Lima Freire (**) Marcio Luiz de Castro (***) Moises Brasil Coser (****) Álvaro Ricardino (*****) País: Brasil FUCAPE – Fundação Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisas em Contabilidade, Economia e Finanças; (*) Mestrando da FUC


SAFETY DATA SHEET Based on Directive 2001/58/EC of the Commission of the European Communities PROGESTERONE Identification of the substance/preparation and of the company/undertaking 1.1 Identification of the substance or preparation: Synonyms: : 57-83-0 Reference number : EC index No. NFPA code : 0-1-0(*) Molecular weight Formula : 1.2 Use of th


J. Mol. Microbiol. Biotechnol. (2001) 3(2): 179-184. Enterococcus faecalis MDR Transporters 179 JMMB Symposium Enterococcus faecalis Multi-Drug Resistance Transporters: Application for Antibiotic Discovery Deborah vR. Davis1, James B. McAlpine1*, Christopher class, the first members of which were discovered in 1953 J. Pazoles1 , M. Kelly Talbot1, Elisabeth A. Alder1, Abbie (Charney et


Une réponse à un défi majeur du siècleLa maladie d’Alzheimer, largement ignorée il y a quelques décennies encore, est devenue un défi sociétal et mé-dical majeur. Le Pr Ivanoiu (UCL) nous entretient de cette maladie et de la riposte développée par les chercheurs des universités et de l’industrie pharmaceutique. E, les malades souffrant d’Alzheimer présentant à plus de 60

Microsoft word - cv henrique silveira-ingles-jan13.doc

CURRICULUM VITAE Name : HENRIQUE Manuel Condinho da SILVEIRA Date of birth: 28/04/1966 Marital status: Married, 2 daughters Nationality: Portuguese Institutional address: Centro de Malaria e Outras Doenças Tropicais, Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Rua da Junqueira 100, 1349-008 Lisboa Portugal Home address: Av Duque de Loule, 50, R/

Electric field measurements in sea and ground:

ELECTRIC FIELD MEASUREMENTS IN SEA AND GROUND: RECENT DEVELOPMENTS AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Lviv Centre of Institute of Space Research, 5-A Naukova St., 290601 Lviv, Ukraine ABSTRACT The measurements of slow fluctuations of weak electricfields in the conductive media (soil, water, space plasmaetc.) is one of the most difficult problems ofmeasurement science. That is because of extremel

Microsoft word - issue 14, june 2003 od version .doc

April 2003 icanseeclearly.com June 2003 The Best VisioNewsletter Optic Neuritis and Early Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Prediction Erdey Eye Group Ocular clinicians play an important role in the diagnosis of MS since ocular findings are often the presenting sign. High clinical suspicion for optic neuritis remains our best ally to identify this condition. Recent evidence p

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MISSION STATEMENT:Promote full utilization of the capabilities of the Enterprise's employees and champion the betterment of thecompany and community. Promote interest in Asian Pacific issues and culture and act as a bridge to allgroups within our community. ---------------------------------------------------------------------ed. by Douglas Ikemi([email protected])--------------------------------


Lieven Saerens Lieven Saerens studeerde geschiedenis aan de KU Leuven, waar hij in 1999 promoveerde tot doctor in degeschiedenis met een proefschrift over de houding van de Antwerpenaars tegenover de Joden in de periode1880-1944. Voor zijn proefschrift ontving hij zowel de Hubert Pierlot-prijs als de Prijs van de ProvincieAntwerpen. Hij werkte in de jaren 1980 een aantal maal mee aan de BRT-uit


Weathering Autism Frequently Asked Questions Hello! My name is David Hamrick and I am a young man with high-functioning autism. For the past six years, I have been doing conferences and workshops on issues related to living with autism and the following 50 questions have been asked by participants, including parents, teachers, care-givers, and other professionals in the field of a


To: All Healthcare Professionals Re: Further Education on Propoxyphene Products Date: February 14, 2011 Background for Notice On November 19, 2010, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration recommended the withdrawal of propoxyphene products from the US market. The drug was pul ed from the market in response to study data that demonstrated propoxyphene, even at recommended doses, caused

Microsoft word - iwwf tue application procedure 201

Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) Procedure THIS PROCEDURE APPLIES TO ALL IWWF WORLD CALENDAR EVENTS Procedure for athletes who need to take a prohibited substance for medical reasons June 2010 version Please note: • The TUE request forms must be completed electronically if possible, or in BLOCK CAPITALS . • The TUE must be completed in English. If the medical info


Based on International Medical Guide for Ships, 3rd ed. PRODUCT LIST 2014 IPD SHIPPHARMA, ROTTERDAM I. MEDICIN 1. CARDIO VASCULAR (Heart, blood & veins) Acetosal , 300mg (or IPD: 500mg or Acetylsalicylic acid)Epinephrine HCl 1/1000/1 ml or Adrenaline 1mg/ml 1ml)Atropine sulf inj 1 mg/ml 1ml (double if 0,5 mg/ml)Furosemide (Frusemide) 4ml=40mg (IPD: 20mg/2ml)Furosemide (Frusemide)

Microsoft word - biotechnology pharmaceuticals and their implications.doc

Medical Director Illumination Medical, Inc. It is imperative that health plans today identify and quantify their existing and projected future liability for the biotechnology derived pharmaceuticals. These agents are becoming the standard for care in most organ system diseases. Not to understand this looming liability could prove fatal for unprepared health plans. Within health care, the ep

Microsoft word - eng.final version-sm

* Books marked with an asterisk are those quoted in the report N. Meron, Without Offense – Value Dilemmas in Children’s Society, The Right to Respect and the Duty to Respect. Matah – The Center For Educational Technology, 1998. H. Adan, V. Ashkenazi, B. Alperson, To Be Citizens in Israel - A Jewish and Democratic State – Civics Textbook for Upper Grades in General and Religious Schools.


SOLUZIONI COMPITO PARZIALE CHIMICA 20-05-11 1A) Il permanganato di potassio reagisce con il cloruro di potassio in presenza di acido nitrico in eccesso dando luogo alla formazione di nitrato di potassio, nitrato di manganese (II), cloro molecolare ed acqua. Bilanciare la reazione con il metodo ionico-elettronico e calcolare il volume di cloro, misurato a 35°C e 698 torr, che si può ott

Microsoft powerpoint - irix_004_spink_sigir04.ppt

INTERACTIVE INFORMATION RETRIEVAL AS MULTITASKING: AN EXPLORATORY FRAMEWORK Amanda Spink & Minsoo ParkUniversity of Pittsburgh Interactive Information Retrieval z How is interactive IR constructed by humans?z Interactive IR is a complex process of coordinating and interplay of various tasks, including information tasks and interactive tasksz Interactive IR within a multita


Short report Homeopathy service in a National Health Service community menopause clinic: audit of clinical outcomes School of Health and Related Research, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UKsubstances. These doses (usually in tablet form) are Sheffield’s National Health Service community menopause individually prescribed according to the principle of ‘like clinic has run a

Il sistema fiscale di cipro

Il sistema fiscale di Cipro Dal 1° maggio 2004, la parte greca di Cipro fa parte dell'UE. L'armonizzazione dellalegislazione cipriota con l'acquis comunitario ha avuto conseguenze sul sistema fiscale alivello di imposizione diretta, IVA, accise, reciproca assistenza e cooperazioneI principi e le procedure giuridiche di Cipro sono basati sul diritto inglese: nelle Corti i case law britan

Printing - fulltexts - october+ 2009

T 7 - Taschner - Triacetine in cigarette filter - "Do we get what we add?"Triacetine in cigarette filter - "Do we get what we add?"Petra TASCHNERH.F. & Ph.F. Reemtsma GmbH, Research & Development, Albert-Einstein-Ring 7, 22761Hamburg, Germany. Triacetin is the most commonly used plastiziser for cellulose acetate filters. To get asufficient hardness, target values for tri

ISSN: 2278 – 1323 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET) Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2013 Review of Real Time Two Phase Navigation Tracking Approach for Assisting Visually Sanjay M.Malode Dr. S.K.Shriwastava Department of Computer Technology, Director, SBITM, K.D.K. College of Engineering Betul, India Nagpur, India. Abs

Microsoft word - dr khezri-cv.doc

CURRICULUM VITEA ABDUL-AZIZ KHEZRI, MD Professor of Surgeurry Address : Department of Urology Medical School Shiraz University of Medical Scinces Personal: Place of Birth: Iran Date of Birth: March, 1935 Marital Stauts: married Education and Professional Experience: 1958-1965 Medical School of Shiraz University, Iran, including 12 months 1965-1969 Residenc

Microsoft word - document

Shen’s Entire Life History, In Detail No One Should Ever Know About: Nah, I'll answer anything. lol I'm not ashamed of my past. I just don't tell people unless they ask. That way, those who don't care, don't have to. lol So first question you asked. Why am I alone? Well. My mother never wanted children. Apparently she cried in shame when she found out she was pregnant with me. She'd had an abort

F:\ips-nz\may 2012\jmhhb-17-1.p

Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in unipolar Munish Aggarwal, Sandeep Grover, Subho Chakrabarti, Alakananda Dutt, Ajit Avasthi, Parmanand Kulhara Abstract Background: Metabolic syndrome is a risk factor for the development of coronary heart disease and type -2 diabetes mellitus. Depression and diabetes share a two way relationship. Only a few studies have evaluated the prevalence of

Microsoft word - chapter-48.doc

48 Drugs and Elderly Abstract: Before writing a prescription, physicians should ponder ‘Is drug therapy required?’ and drug regimen should be reviewed regularly so that unnecessary drugs are discontinued. Is a particular drug that is satisfactory for younger patient suitable for the elderly? For example is there increase likelihood of side effects? Which preparation should be used?

Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy on drugresistant pseudomonas aeruginosainduced infection. an in vivo study

Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2012, 88: 590–595Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy on Drug-resistant Pseudomonasaeruginosa-induced Infection. An In Vivo Study†Maria C. E. Hashimoto1, Renato A. Prates1, Ilka T. Kato1, Silvia C. NuMartha S. Ribeiro*11Center for Lasers and Applications, Institute of Energetic and Nuclear Researches, IPEN–CNEN ⁄ SP,2Institute of Health Researches, INPES-

Lit review

Treatment Options for Anxiety and Depression: A Review of the LiteratureHPRO 536 Program Planning and DevelopmentTreatment Options for Anxiety and Depression: A Review of the Literature About 14% of the global burden of disease has been attributed to neuropsychiatric disorders (Prince et al., 2007). This burden is likely to be underestimated because the link between physical health and mental

Microsoft word - fu oatb_def rapp_jg_v1001029_2014-1034967_bez 04-02-2013.docx

Rapport van het inspectiebezoek aan verpleeghuis de Notenhoff te Andel op 4 februari 2014 3.1 Door de zorgaanbieder te treffen maatregelen . 8 3.3 Beoordeling van overige locaties . 9 4.1 Sturen op kwaliteit en veiligheid . 10 4.3 Deskundigheid en inzet personeel . 13 Rapport van het inspectiebezoek aan verpleeghuis de Notenhoff te Andel op 4 februari 2014 De Inspectie voor de Gezondheidsz

easy conferences paphos

Venue    Azia Resort and Spa, Paphos, Cyprus    Official Rating: 5*  General Information: Built as three different sections on adjacent grounds, with plethora of magnificent spaces for carefree living, the Azia Resort has all the diversity to keep its guests contented for a week or longer. Each element of the three-in-one boutique Cyprus hotel concept has its own c


Pedro M. S. Alves - Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Letras A fenomenologia é um instrumento de análise das configurações de sentido que possibilitam a consciência de objectos. O seu ponto de partida não é uma interrogação sobre o que são os objectos de que temos experiência, mas, regressivamente, sobre como se realiza a experiência de objectos. A primeira interrogação é onto


Endovenous obliteration versus conventionalstripping operation in the treatment of primaryvaricose veins: A randomized controlled trial withcomparison of the costs Tero Rautio, MD,a Arto Ohinmaa, PhD,b Jukka Pera¨la¨, MD, PhD,c Pasi Ohtonen, MSc,a Timo Heikkinen, MD, PhD,a Heikki Wiik, MD,a Pasi Karjalainen, MD,d Kari Haukipuro, MD, PhD,a and Tatu Juvonen, MD, PhD,a Oulu, Finland; and Edmon

Lithuanian university of agriculture

LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE Department of Crop Science and Animal Husbandry APPLIED BIOTECHNOLOGY Teaching method : lectures, supported by PowerPoint presentation and slides Prerequisites : basic knowledge of plant biology and physiology. Teaching aids : scripts referring to the actual topics are distributed during lectures. Examination method : oral examination, upon


Use of mark in Indian market necessary to establish prior rights Cancellation National procedures (IPAB) has ruled categorically that trademark law is not extra-territorial and that, therefore, use of a mark in the Indian market is necessary to establish prior rights (April 5 2013, Rectification No ORA/56/2005/TM/MUM).  mark GATSBY in Class 3 of the Nice Classi

Bt200314 - february 18, 2003

I n d i a n a H e a l t h C o v e r a g e P r o g r a m s P R O V I D E R B U L L E T I N All Pharmacy and Prescribing Practitioners Subject: State Maximum Allowable Cost Fee Schedule Update Note: The information in this bulletin is not directed to those providers rendering services in the risk-based managed care (RBMC) delivery system. Overview Effective July 1, 2002, th

Microsoft word - 102nd annual meeting ina report _2_.doc

The 102nd Annual Meeting of the Iowa Nurses Association Iowa Event Center – Polk County Convention Complex Iowa Nurses Political Action Committee Event INPAC hosted a pre-convention activity moderated by Cindy Baddeloo. Gubernatorial candidate, Jim Nussle followed by candidate for Lt. Governor, Patty Judge and candidate Chet Culver addressed the sixty attendees. They discussed a variety of hea

Microsoft word - la cipolla novarese.doc

ECONOMIA Aspetti agricoli e territoriali della cipolla novarese Nino Gentile a cipolla ( Allium cepa L .), apprezzata e lodata sin dall’antichità, è considerata la “regina” degli ortaggi. Le numerose citazioni storiche forniscono l’idea delle peculiarità gastronomiche che questo ortaggio ha avuto da sempre nel passato. Basta vedere le feste paesane, le sagre lo

Microsoft word - n-an-eng-cert-pg10 rev000_in-service_testing.doc

Exelon Nuclear Engineering Training Certification Guide for N-AN-ENG-CERT-PG10 In-Service Testing (IST) Completion of the requirements of this certification guide is required to independently perform the following: 1. Interpret pump and valve test data. 2. Evaluate pump and valve operability assessments. 3. Initiate changes to pump and valve performance reference values. Trai


DNA and Protein Synthesis – Grade 10 Ohio Standards Lesson Summary: Connection: In this lesson, students will understand the role of DNA in protein synthesis. The relationship between protein Life Sciences synthesis and the characteristics of an organism will be analyzed through an activity that allows students to model the process . Explain the genetic mecha


Material Safety Data Sheet GEL STAIN REMOVER 1. Identification of the material and supplier Trade name of product : GEL STAIN REMOVER : Not regulated. Supplier : ECOLAB PTY LTD (A.B.N. 59 000 449 990) Emergency telephone : 1 800 124 170 number Material uses : Cleaning product Product dilution information : Not applicable Date of issue : 11 April 2012


LET ME: An Electronic Device to Help ElderlyDepartment of Computer Science and Systems,Abstract. Recent literature reports on high adverse events rate, espe-cially among elderly people, due to bad self-administration of their drugtherapy. They make errors taking wrong drugs, or taking drugs with in-correct dosage and frequency. These “ therapy errors ”, in the USA, causeabout 3,000,000 hospi

Investment law and sustainable development weekly news bulletin - june 6, 2003

Investment Law and Policy Weekly News Bulletin, June 6, 2003 Published by the International Institute for Sustainable Development: www.iisd.org -------------------------------- Contents at a Glance: -------------------------------- Arbitration Watch 1. Mexico's Treatment of Hazardous Waste Site Violates Mexico-Spain BIT 2. Notice of Intent in First Known NAFTA Chapter 11 Claim Finally Made Public


A soma e o resto Selvino Antonio Malfatti – Instituto de Filosofia Luso-Brasileira Pós-Doutor em Filosofia – Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal) e Università degli Studi di Milano (Itália) Fone de contato: (55)3259-1505 E-mail: [email protected] Data de recepção: 13/03/2012 Data de aprovação: 28/05/2012 Resenha: CARDOSO, Fernando Henrique. A Soma e o Resto: um

Microsoft word - sameer-complete list of publications -updated may2012

Complete List of Patent and Publications: PATENTS: 1. A Novel Method for Production of Nanoparticles using Sub-critical Carbon Dioxide, Granted Indian Patent (Number 544/MUM/2004). 2. Protein Shelled Microbubbles for Intravenous Oxygen Delivery (US Patent Being Filed) PUBLICATIONS: 1. Sameer Dalvi, Mohammad A. Azad, Rajesh Dave, "Precipitation and Stabilization of Ultrafi


EVALUATION AND DESIGN OF DEPENDABLE SYSTEMS WITH DESIGN DIVERSITY Subhasish Mitra, Nirmal R. Saxena and Edward J. McCluskeyDepartments of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceStanford University, Stanford, California Abstract Design diversity was described in the past as a Design diversity has long been used to protect technique to avoid or tolerate CMFs in redundant redundant sys

Microsoft word - limassol_revised.docx

Recovery of a Lattice Generator Matrix from its Gram Matrix for Feedback and Precoding in MIMO Francisco A. Monteiro, Student Member, IEEE , and Ian J. Wassell Abstract — Either in communication or in control applications, coding, MIMO spatial multiplexing, and even OFDM) multiple-input multiple-output systems often assume the unified from a lattice perspective as a general


POLICY IC 7.5 Issued: 9/91 Last Approval: 11/11 PEDICULOSIS AND SCABIES Office of Origin: Department of Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Control I. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to assign actions and responsibilities for confirming an exposure of pediculosis (lice or scabies), identifying those people likely exposed to pediculosis or scabies and determining the

Microsoft powerpoint - rendicion de cuentas


04-marius pantea

COUNTERFEITING OF PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS UNDER THE EU LAW AND RELEVANT JURISDICTIONAL PRACTICE *) Marius Pantea **) Abstract Throughout the article, the author brings forward the main characteristics of intellectual property law touching the pharmaceutical industry, the provisions of European Union (EU) law and the practical arrangements for the protection of medicines and ot

Microsoft word - 44bd13ba-5034-0821d4.doc

Recognising the traditional knowledge of the San people: The Hoodia case of benefit-sharing The Issue grounds of lack of novelty. For several NGOs that became involved in the Hoodia case, the main goal once The relationship between intellectual property rights, the patent on P57 had been granted to the CSIR was to prior informed consent, benefit sharing and the ensure that the S

12 ifssh scientific committee on pain syndromes (2012).pdf

IFSSH Scientific Committee on Pain Syndromes Andrzej Zyluk (Poland) Report submitted December 2012 Complex regional pain syndrome from hand surgeon perspective: INTRODUCTION Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS, formerly reflex sympathetic dystrophy) is a descriptive term for a complex of symptoms and signs, including pain at rest or at the slightest movement, swelling, vasom

Golden rule 3-tier t1000_3

2007 Prescription Drug List Reference Guide IMPORTANT NOTICE – PLEASE READ This reference guide will help you understand CAREFULLY these choices. It will also enable you to ask your doctor or pharmacist the right questions Your Prescription Drug List (formerly known regarding your medication needs. Our goal is as Preferred Drug List) has changed. Please to provide info

Microsoft word - chemical descriptions for marcellus shale wells-fortuna.doc

Chemical Descriptions for Marcellus Shale Wells The purpose of this document is to allow a better understanding of the chemistry that is commonly used in stimulating a Marcellus shale well. An explanation of the entire completion process is needed to understand the closed system in which the chemicals are injected into the fluid system and enter an isolated and specific formation. Additional doc


Revisiones y conductual en la enfermedad de AlzheimerInstituto Andaluz de Neurociencia y Conducta (IANEC)Centro de Investigaciones Médico-Sanitarias (CIMES) 3Unidad de Neurología Cognitiva y AfasiaCentro de Investigaciones Médico-Sanitarias (CIMES)Centro de Investigaciones Médico-Sanitarias (CIMES)Los síntomas conductuales y psicológicos están pre-to the use of drug measures and b


Prescription Prior Authorization Prior authorization helps ensure that covered medications provide the best safety and value. It is needed when a medication has only been proven to benefit a limited number of people or if unusually large doses These medications require prior authorization Possible alternatives because alternatives may offer a better value Cholesterol Crestor® simva


Country music is very old. It came from the United States, Canada, Ireland, and Great Britain. Country music is a mixture of music from all of these places. In the American West, cowboys had to t ake carthe cattle. They had to watch them all day and all night because the cattle were nervous and sometimes ran away. A cowboy’s life was lonely and dangerous. When he was alone in the desert with


Resolution 2011-2 RESOLUCIÓN SOBRE SEGURIDAD EN ALTA MAR CONSIDERANDO que la seguridad de los buques y tripulaciones, el orden de la navegación marítima y la protección ambiental son, y por mucho tiempo han sido, intereses comunes de las naciones alrededor del mundo; CONSIDERANDO que la Comisión y los Gobiernos Contratantes apoyan el derecho a las formas legítimas y pacífic

Skin modeling and optical characterization using visible light

Announcement : ISE Senior Project Yr2010 Skin penetration modeling and optical characterization using visible light. The aim of the projects is to study, analyze and characterize the change of the density of the epidermis layer from visible light reflection. The desired outcome is to be able to extract the density of an adsorbed solution in the epidermis/dermis layers. Backgroun

Microsoft word - innogen working paper 14 - final.doc

Therapeutic advance of biopharmaceuticals . 6 Table 1. Prescrire definitions of the evaluation categories . 7 Table 2. Prescrire evaluations of the therapeutic value of biopharmaceuticals and all other drugs (Jan 1986 – June 2004) . 9 Table 3. Prescrire evaluations of biopharmaceutical indications over time .10 Drug share and prevalence rates for biopharmaceuticals .11 The social benefi


Risk, and in the context of manufacturing or opinions are a function of fundamental plants, operational risk exposure, increases increases. The presence of operational risk becomes evident through variance The need therefore exists to integrate ele-ments of cognitive science, data visualisa-parameters such as production rate, qual-tion and system improvement. Operational ity, variable


http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct/show/NCT00088699 Rapid Antidepressant Effects of Ketamine This study is currently recruiting patients. Verified by National Institutes of Health Clinical Center (CC) May 2006 Sponsored by: National Institutes of Health Clinical Center Information provided by: (CC) ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT00088699 This study will test whether a sing

Istr. aciclinlabiale matita.ai

Materiale di proprietà della Fidia Farmaceutici S.p.A. che non deve essere assolutamente modificato odanneggiato. Da restituire al più presto. PRIMA DELL’USO È IMPORTANTE SAPERE CHE LEGGETE CON ATTENZIONE TUTTE LE INFORMA- Quando può essere usato solo dopo aver consultato ZIONI CONTENUTE NEL FOGLIO ILLUSTRATIVO il medico L'uso di ACICLINLABIALE non è raccomandato nei

Un hashtag per la cultura, stasera #nottebiancatw - europa quotidiano

Un hashtag per la cultura, stasera #NotteBiancaTW - Europa Quotidianohttp://www.europaquotidiano.it/2013/07/10/un-hashtag-per-la-cultura-s. FEDERICA CANTORE 10 LUGLIO 2013 Un hashtag per la cultura, stasera#NotteBiancaTW Com'è nata e come funziona la notte bianca digitale Un hashtag per la cultura, stasera #NotteBiancaTWChe fate stasera? C’è la notte bianca su Twitter. Qualche gio


A small medical kit: Anti-histamine cream/tablets for insect bites Imodium or similar for mild cases of the runs Clothing: Miscellaneous: LUGGAGE: A soft carry bag is recommended or a backpack. You cannot bring a suitcase, as it will not fit into the lockers on the truck. Also a small day bag for your camera, water bottle etc. PHOTOGRAPHY: There are occ

Purim assembly

I think I need some help here. I'm trying to think what to wear to a fancy dressparty on Thursday. I'll tell you about it. In year 5 we have recently been learning about space. We have learned about theway the Earth travels around the Sun in a journey that takes 365 1/4 days. Ofcourse, we call that length of time a year. We learned that as the Earth travelsaround the Sun the light and warmth of

Microsoft word - parentletter_aug09.doc

Dear Parent or Guardian: During the coming school year, more people than usual in our schools and communities are likely to be getting sick with the flu/influenza. In addition to the regular “seasonal” influenza that comes around every fall, we are still likely to be seeing cases of the novel H1N1 influenza (“swine flu”) that first appeared last spring. Novel H1N1 flu never comple

Heads of agreement

HEADS OF AGREEMENT The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining Reciprocal Recognition Agreement on Professional Qualifications AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE HONG KONG INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS AND THE INSTITUTE OF MATERIALS, MINERALS AND MINING FOR RECIPROCAL RECOGNITION OF PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS By this agreement the Hong Kong Institutio

Microsoft word - thebodyofthelongtide.doc

The Body of the Long Tide: Primary Respiration By Michael J. Shea PhD. Some of the world’s great religions postulate that there is more than one body or state of consciousness that we inhabit or share when conceived and born human. To contemplate the subtlety of the Long Tide and its effect in the soma, Primary Respiration, one must consider that it is a separate but interrelated bo

Curriculum vitae

Opúsculo informativo para el solicitante del status de refugiado 1. ¿EN CUALES CASOS PUEDO PEDIR EL RECONOCIMIENTO Italia, por la ley 30 julio 2002 n. 189, se ha dado nueva normativa en cuestión de inmigración y asilo. En particular, en cuestión del asilo, el art. 32 de esa ley, y relativo reglamento de actuación (D.P.R. 16/09/2004 n. 303), han establecido nueva disposición para el


Published in May 2010 NAMED PATIENT Programs Named Patient Programs Provide Pre-Launch Access to Drugs The dire outlook facing AML patients motivated a company to provide its drug in advance of the commercial launch. Contributed by Named patient programs (NPPs) enable physi-cians and patients in Europe to access medications JACK V. TALLEY PRESIDENT AND CEO, EPICEPT Medici

Microsoft word - nbayreport2008.doc

Report on IDMEC Institute of Mechanical Engineering visit 7.-8. August 2008 by Niels Bay 1. Introduction The undersigned, Professor Niels Bay, who has acted as member of the International Scientific Advisory Council of IDMEC in the period 2003-2005 and again in 2008 visited this year IDMEC’s Center of Advanced Production Technologies August 7-8, 2008. On the 7th of August personal di

Microsoft word - lchbfinal.doc


Microsoft word - tender document-final.docx

Tender Document Hardware & Software Products & Specifications National ICT R&D Fund intends to procure the following hardware & software items. Hardware Products S. # Product Specification Quantity Laptop (Category 1) Processor: Intel Core i5, Minimum 2.3 GHz Optical Drive: Blue Ray Reader, CD/ DVD±RW Connectivity: Ethernet, WiFi, USB 2/3, Bluetooth, HD

Applying human rights to improve access to reproductive health services

International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetricsj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / i j g oApplying human rights to improve access to reproductive health servicesDorothy Shaw Rebecca J. Cook a Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canadab Faculty of Law, Univers

X-ray working length detection of curved root canals

ABSTRACTS Part “Oral & Dental Medicine” LABORATORY ABNORMALITIES IN PATIENTS WITH ORAL BURNING A.Krasteva*, A. Kisselova*, Vl. Panov**, V. Dineva*, A. Ivanova***, Z. Krastev*** * Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University, Sofia, Bulgaria ** Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University, Varna, Bulgaria ***Clinic of Gastroenterology, Hospital “Sveti Ivan Rilski”,


International Journal of Ozone Therapy 7: 000-000, 2008 Is Medical Ozone Safe when Injected Intra-articularly? A Comparative Histological Study in Rat E. ILIAKIS*, I. PETROPOULOS**, A. ILIAKI***, E. AGAPITOS****, G. AGROGIANNIS**** * Orthopaedic Surgeon Hospital Inspector N.M.Y. Athens; Greece** Orthopaedic Surgeon National Centre for Emergency Aid; Greece*** School of Veterinary Medicine, A

Advanced reproductive care center of irving

7501 Las Colinas Blvd, Ste 200 Irving, TX 75063 Tel 972-506-9986 Fax 972-506-0044 600 W Mayfield Rd Arlington, TX 76014 Tel 817-701-1290 Fax 817-701-1297 Requisition for Hysterosalpingogram Patient Name: _________________________________________ DOB: _________________________ Patient Phone Number: __________________________________ Procedure performed between cycle day 7-10 Doxycycline or

Co-occurring disorder-related issue briefs

Co-Occurring Disorder-Related Quick Facts: NICOTINE Nicotine: Nicotine, a component of tobacco, is the primary reason that tobacco is addictive, although cigarette smoke contains many other dangerous chemicals, including tar, carbon monoxide, acetaldehyde, nitrosamines, and more.1 In 1988, the Surgeon General concluded that cigarettes and other forms of tobacco (i.e., cigars, pipes

Mt news -9-11 ipc.indd

Fall 2011 HEALTHWISE When you pick up your next prescription, you expenses by controlling the market for that may be told a generic equivalent was substituted specifi c drug over a set amount of time. Once for the brand name drug. You may ask yourself, the patent of the brand name drug has expired, “What exactly is a generic?” and “Is this just as other manufacturers

Microsoft word - lucas.doc

Interface: a journal for and about social movements Volume 2 (2): 149 - 167 (November 2010) Lucas, Patient-centred strategies… Patient-centered strategies to counter stigma, oppression and forced incarceration in the C/S/X and medical cannabis movements Philippe Lucas Abstract Under the guise of protecting personal health and public safety, federal and regional gove


IJMSS Vol.01 Issue-01, (May, 2013) ISSN: 2321–1784 PROBLEMS OF ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION MECHANISMS AND PROPOSALS FOR IMPROVEMENT: A STUDY IN BANGLADESH *Md. Nannu Mian **Shaikh Rajib Hossain Abstract Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is an alternative to a full-scale court proceeding and is applied in different situations in different ways, both formall


The Cognitive Symmetry Engine: An Active Approach to Knowledge Abstract • Interaction knowledge; i.e., knowledge of the relationof self to the external world and the possible interac- Knowledge acquisition and representation is an integral part of an active cognitive system, and such systems arecontinuously updating their knowledge of their own embod- iment, the external world and the r


Possible Role of Nitric Oxide and Arachidonic Acid Pathways in Hypoxia-Induced Contraction of Rabbit Coronary Artery Rings C. Barbé1, V. De Crescenzo2, F. Diemont2 and P. Bonnet21Lab. de Neurophysiologie, Équipe du Préconditionnement du Myocarde, Université d’Angers, Cedex, France;2Lab. de Physiologie des Cellules Cardiaques et Vasculaires, CNRS UMR 6542, Faculté de Médecine, Tours,

Microsoft word - informazioni.doc

MAROCCO: INFORMAZIONI UTILI DOCUMENTI . Nell’attraversamento della Francia e della Spagna occorrono gli stessi documenti obbligatori anche in Italia. Per il Marocco occorre: il passaporto valido (non è necessario apporvi la marca da bollo), il libretto del mezzo con procura notarile se lo stesso è intestato ad altri (2000MOTO è in grado di fornirla gratuitamente), la patente italia


Sostanze Attive revocate Dati tratti da Fitogest.com e Fitorev.com Sostanza attiva Situazione in Europa Situazione in Italia Revocata Revocata (esclusa dall’Annex 1) Revocata Revocata (esclusa dall’Annex 1) Revocata Revocata (eccetto usi commercializazzione limitatatmente (esclusa dall’Annex 1) essenziali) agli "usi essenziali" e in co


3. Student Recruitment and Experience vi. Student Experience: Undergraduate, Graduate and International Student Survey Results Figure h-i Canadian Graduate and Professional Student Survey (CGPSS) Responses Performance Relevance: Graduate surveys like the CGPSS provide information that helps identify aspects of academic and student life that can be improved through changes


INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR ECONOMIC RESEARCH WORKING PAPER SERIES G. Crespi, P. D’Este, R. Fontana, A Geuna THE IMPACT OF ACADEMIC PATENTING ON UNIVERSITY RESEARCH AND ITS TRANSFER The impact of academic patenting on university research and its transfer International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada INGENIO (CSIC-UPV), Valencia, Spain & SPRU-Univers

Microsoft word - 4.11.2011_produkliste aktuell Österreich-lizenz , spak,-1.…

Liste der ÖKOWELLNESS-Spezialitäten Lieferbare Produkte ab September 2011 mit Rezepten und typgerechter Zuordnung. Hergestellt von den Firmen Peter SPAK GmbH Wien und anderen lizenzierten Herstellern in Manufaktur-Qualität. Alle Produkte sind aus kontrolliert ökologischem Anbau. Kontrollnummer: AT BIO-301 Kontrollstelle der zentralen Entwicklung und für einzelne Produkte ÖKOWELLNE

Microsoft word - 19-2s-68-71.doc

INTERNAL MEDICINE Assessment of Insulin Resistance and Effect of Metformin in Non Alcoholic in Steatohepatosis Mithlesh Kumar Introduction : Insulin resistance plays a major role in the pathogenesis of non alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Insulin- sensitizing drugs like metformin may have a role in treatment in this disease. Objective: To determine insulin resistance and role


Luis Ariel del Val María Silvina Gómez Laura Polka Servicio de Hematología y Hemoterapia Departamento de Hemostasia y Trombosis Instituto Modelo de Cardiología Privado SRL La anticoagulación oral es un procedimiento médico en cons-tante avance. Los anticoagulantes orales más empleados actualmen-te continúan siendo los cumarínicos que inhiben el ciclo biológic

Asthma care in the emergency department

Approved 11/08 Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine Asthma Care in the Emergency Department Clinical Practice Guideline Inclusion: 1) Children 2 years of age or older with a prior history of wheezing, and 2) Children less than 2 years of age with likely Asthma rather than Acute Bronchiolitis Exclusion: History of unstable heart disease or suspicion of other reason for wheezin


Behavior and Presence of Antidepressant Pharmaceuticals and Their DegradatesMethods Research and Development Program, National Water Quality Laboratory,Antidepressants are widely prescribed pharmaceuticals. In 2004, six of the 100most widely dispensed pharmaceuticals were antidepressants, including sertraline(Zoloft), fluoxetine (Prozac), venlafaxine (Effexor), paroxetine (Paxil), citalopram(Cel

Primarycare leaflet6.qxd

THIRD EDITION SEPTEMBER 2003 A guide for primary care teams developed by The Primary Care Task Force for the Parkinson’s Disease SocietyIt is well known that Parkinson’s is a progressive neurological condition affecting movementand self-expression, however, it is less well known that it can devastate daily life forpatients and carers. It affects about 2:1000 people overall but up to 1:10


Medicines Shortages 01 March 2014 © IPU Services Ltd These materials are provided for the use,in their respective pharmacies, by members of the Irish Pharmacy Union. These materials, the information contained in these materials or any other contents of these materials may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted, downloaded, modified, distributed, altered in any way, inte

January 4, 2008

Drugs Offer No Benefit in Curbing Aggression, Study Finds The drugs most widely used to manage aggressive outbursts in intellectually disabled people are no more effective than placebos for most patients and may be less so, researchers report. The finding, being published Friday, sharply challenges standard medical practice in clinics ain the United States and around the world. In recent ye

Genetically engineered poly-\gamma-glutamate producer from bacillus subtilis isw1214

Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 70 (7), 1794–1797, 2006Genetically Engineered Poly--glutamate Producerfrom Bacillus subtilis ISW1214Makoto ASHIUCHI,y Kazuya SHIMANOUCHI, Terumi HORIUCHI,Tohru KAMEI, and Haruo MISONODepartment of Bioresources Science, Kochi University, Nankoku, Kochi 783-8502, JapanReceived February 13, 2006; Accepted April 4, 2006; Online Publication, July 23, 2006The pgsBC


IJBPAS, May, 2013, 2(5): 1151-1159 ISSN: 2277–4998 A REVIEW ON ESOPHAGITIS INDUCED MODEL ARYA E*AND JOSHI H Faculty of Pharmacy, Naraina Vidya Peeth Group of Institutions, Panki, Kanpur *Corresponding Author: E Mail: [email protected]; Ph.: 08574688230 ABSTRACT The term esophagitis is any inflammation of the squamous esophageal epithelium, irritation, or swelling in


Iranian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine Vol 18 , No 62 , 2013 The Viewpoints of General Practitioners Owning a Private office in North and East of Tehran about Barriers and Problems of Reporting of Communicable Diseases in 2011 Ali-Asghar Kolahi, Pouya Bakhshaei, Haleh Ahmadnia, Javad Moazzami-Sahzabi, Nematallah Mohammadinia, Bahzad Kalantari, Shahnam Arshi,

Cushing’s disease

CUSHING’S DISEASE (HYPERADRENOCORTICISM ) SYMPTOMS Cushing’s disease occurs primarily in senior dogs. It may also occur in ferrets. Signs that owners may notice in a pet with Cushing’s disease include increased urination, excessive thirst, voracious appetite, weight gain, thin hair coat, pot-bellied appearance, chronic infections, panting, and lack of energy. The symptoms o

Self management

Educational Information THE TRAINING IVA Driebergen offers a two to three-year full-time training to young people age 16 to 24. Basically students are allowed from Middle Secondary level (VMBO) to Pre-Academic secondary level (VWO). Previous education very much determines admission to one of the IVA-programmes. At the IVA students will be trained for technical and commercial, organ


FUNDOS DE PENSÕES GLOSSÁRIO DE TERMOS DA ACTIVIDADE AEGFP: Associação das Empresas Gestoras de Fundos de Pensões. APS: Associação Portuguesa de Seguradoras. Associados: pessoas colectivas ou outras instituições que contribuem para o fundo e cujos planos de pensões são realizados ou complementados por este. Avaliação Actuarial: estudo efectuado por um actuário

Asma brônquica/tratamento hospitalar da asma :: dr. pierre d'almeida telles filho

Asma Brônquica/Tratamento Hospitalar da Asma :: Dr. Pierre d'Almeida Telles Filho Informações Médicas Asma Brônquica Tratamento da Asma Medidas Gerais Um acesso venoso é necessário para conveniente hidratação e administração sistêmica de medicamentos. Pacientes em estado de mal asmático apresentam-se habitualmente hipoidratados devido a sudorese, hiperpnéia, baixa ingest


DOI: 10.5958/j.2319-5886.2.3.091 International Journal of Medical Research Health Sciences www.ijmrhs.com Volume 2 Issue 3 July - Sep Coden: IJMRHS Copyright @2013 ISSN: 2319-5886 Received: 23th May 2013 Revised: 24th Jun 2013 Accepted: 26th Jun 2013 COMPARATIVE STUDY OF FLUTICASONE PROPIONATE WITH BUDESONIDE AND BECLOMETHASONE DIPROPIONATE IN MILD PERSISTENT BRON

Redalyc. anestésicos locales en odontología . colombia médica

Colombia MédicaUniversidad del ValleCorporación Editora Médica del Valle ISSN: 1657-9534 COLOMBIA Colombia Médica, año/vol. 32, número 003 Colombia Médica Vol. 32 Nº 3, 2001 Anestésicos locales en odontología Miguel Evelio León, D.O. * El presente artículo revisa la literatura y actualiza los conceptos acerca de los anestésicos locales de uso odontológico. Descr

Microsoft word - cv_2012.doc

Yasuyuki Ishikawa E-mail: [email protected] Date of Birth: Oct. 10, 1947(naturalized U.S. citizen): Marital Status: Married, one child Education Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, B.S. in Chemistry 1971 University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, Ph.D. in Chemistry 1976 Employment Professor of Chemistry University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras IMS Visiting Professor University of Puerto Rico, Ri


Cryptographic Methods for Storing Ballots on a Voting Machine Abstract The subliminal-free property ensures that malicious soft- ware loaded on the terminal cannot leak covert information A direct recording electronic (DRE) voting machine must exposing how voters voted. Note that we must assume the satisfy several requirements to ensure voter privacy and the user of the voting machine

Commonly prescribed medications from empire’s formulary

Effective August 2006 Commonly Prescribed Medications from Empire’s Formulary To assist you in making informed choices regarding your prescription drug plan, we are providing you with this abbreviated version of Empire’sformulary, our preferred drug list. Empire’s formulary is developed by our Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee. This committee regularlyreviews and selects new


Present Research Activity and Publications (2007-continuing…) Conferences: 1. Sanghamitra Pradhan, National workshop on Nano-materials as Nano-catalyst, January 2 . Sanghamitra Pradhan, 77th National Workshop on Radiochemistry and applications of radioisotopes, 28th November – 6th December 2011, Bhubaneswar, India. 3. Sanghamitra Pradhan , Delivered a talk on Stereochemical a


Multi-dose vial management The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention administration rather than multi-dose vials due to the (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) risk of cross contamination and the potential to have developed recommendations and guidelines administer too high of a dose to patients.6 regarding best practices for infection control. These recommen


Reporting of Noninferiority and Equivalence Randomized Trials An Extension of the CONSORT Statement The CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) Statement, in- cluding a checklist and a flow diagram, was developed to help authors im- prove their reporting of randomized controlled trials. Its primary focus was on individually randomized trials with 2 parallel groups that as

Company profile:

Inogen One G2 Information on Battery Date: April, 2011 Information on Inogen One G2 battery for Airline companies Inogen One G2 Battery Summary Purpose: This document is in response to FAA docket 2004-18596, “Use of Certain Portable Oxygen Concentrator Devices Onboard Aircraft.” Specifically, this document addresses battery safety requirements newly specifie

Tetrahedron template

Research Gate: Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1 (2013) 76-79 Antiulcerogenic Effects of Terminalia chebula (Retz.) in Pylorus Ligated Rats 1Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Doctor Hari Singh Gour Vishwavidyalaya Sagar-(M.P.) India 2MES College of Pharmacy Sonai (M.H.) India A R T I C L E I N F O A B S T R A C T Keywords: The cause of ulceration in patients is mainly due t

Cronica del juicio del aÑo en el peru

ALBERTO FUJIMORI FUJIMORI-EX PRESIENTE DEL PERÚ REO CULPABLE DE GENOCIDIO, CORRUPCIÓN, DICTADURA. Los cargos por homicidio calificado, asesinato, bajo la circunstancia agravante de alevosía, lesiones graves y secuestro agravado CRONICA DEL JUICIO DEL AÑO EN EL PERU ESPECIAL DEL DIARIO LA PRIMERA La Primera , Lima, 08 de Abril del 2009 La rabia de la derecha César

republica de chile

REPUBLICA DE CHILE REGION DE ATACAMA MUNICIPALIDAD DE HUASCO CONCEJO MUNICIPAL ACTA SESION ORDINARIA Nº 05 CONCEJO MUNICIPAL DE HUASCO En Huasco 12 de Enero del 2009, siendo las 15:25 horas, se da inicio a la Sesión Ordinaria Nº 05 del Concejo Municipal, presidida por el Sr. Rodrigo Loyola Morenilla y contándose con la asistencia de los Señores Concejales: - Sr. Mar


WORKSHOPS and LECTURES – FIRST FLOOR 11am – Workshop Fillers - Demonstration of filling wrinkles on the face with hyaluronic acid. Dr Sophocles NicolaidesTel: 99 559 715E-Mail: [email protected] 12 Noon – Workshop Know Yourself: Meet your Soul Mate. You will learn the first and most vital step to attracting your soul mate: getting to know yourself. When you are fully aligned and ful

Tribunal permanente de los pueblos

TRIBUNAL PERMANENTE DE LOS PUEBLOS EMPRESAS TRANSNACIONALES Y DERECHOS DE LOS PUEBLOS EN COLOMBIA (2006-2008) TERCERA AUDIENCIA SOBRE BIODIVERSIDAD DICTAMEN En continuidad con anteriores audiencias que han examinado el problema de las empresas multinacionales en Colombia, en su actividad de extracción de recursos naturales con apoyo de la fuerza pública colombiana y grupos param


PRELIMINARY CHARACTERISATION OF BOVINE AND PORCINE MESENCHYMAL STEM CELLS COLLEONI S., PONDERATO N., DUCHI R., GALLI C., LAZZARI G. Laboratorio di Tecnologie della Riproduzione Istituto Sperimentale Italiano Lazzaro Spallanzani, CIZ srl Via Porcellasco 7/F, 26100 Cremona, Italy. Recent studies have determined that stem cells exist in most tissue. To date, in several species, it has

Iedtac minutes august 2013

INDIGO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & TOURISM ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Mission Statement: To support and develop a sustainable, thriving and resilient Community through leadership and partnership. LOCATION: Please note : If one or more Council ors are in attendance, this meeting wil be defined as an Assembly of Council ors in accordance with the Local Gov

Microsoft powerpoint - po_frey_weimar01.ppt

Vanadium phosphates on mesoporous supports: Model catalysts for solid-state NMR studies of the selective oxidation of alkanes J. Frey, Y. S. Ooi, B. Thomas, R.V. Reddy Marthala, A. Bressel, M. Hunger Institute of Chemical Technology, University of Stuttgart, 70550 Stuttgart, Germany INTRODUCTION EXPERIMENTAL PART Selective oxidation of n -butane to maleic an

Valid 08/2002 - 10/2002

M A T E R I A L S A F E T Y D A T A S H E E T INOVA Diagnostics, Inc. Revision Date: 03/04/10 9900 Old Grove Road San Diego, CA 92131 U.S.A. General information telephone number: 858/586-9900 Emergency telephone number: 858/586-9900 SECTION 1. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CATALOG #: 704615 NAME: QU



Hej, jag heter tim saks

Denna skrift är en fri översättning av Tim Sales och Professor Charles Kings presentation på videobandet på denna hemsida. Den är för dig som har lite svårt att hänga med på engelskan och kan också vara ett bra stöd för en ny Distributör att ha tillsammans med sitt övriga material. Jag rekommenderar att Du har dessa 10 sidor utskrivna då du ser på videon. Det är vissa bilder

Ir updates style sheet & word list

Abstract Submission Style Guidelines In order to expedite the publication process of your abstract submission, if it is accepted, we ask that submitter use a consistent style when imputing the text portion of the submission. Please follow these style PLEASE NOTE: The maximum character count is 2,500 total. Do not re-enter the abstract title or the authors’ names/institutions in the tex

International aid serving kids (iask)

International Aid Serving Kids (IASK) Introduction Welcome to the IASK humanitarian health team! IASK Board of Directors and the Humanitarian Task Force thank you and your family for donating your time, resources, and talents to help make a difference in the lives of vulnerable, orphaned, and poor children in Haiti from May 31th to June 7th 2008. The primary objectives of the humanita


Download the PDF of the official ICWE 2007 program (1.7MB). - WQVV'07: workshop on Web quality, Verification and Validation(organizers: Maria Angeles Moraga, Coral Calero Munoz, Maria Angélica Caro Gutierrez, Alessandro Marchetto, AndreaTrentini, Tevfik Bultan) - AEWSE'07: workshop on Adaptation and Evolution in Web Systems Engineering(organizers: Sven Casteleyn, Florian Daniel, Peter Dolog,

Fdez. bravo-borges-conrad.indd

INTRODUCCIÓN*Imperio y canon en William Henry HudsonLeila Gómez University of Colorado, Boulder En 1941, se publica en Argentina la pionera Antología de Guillermo Enrique Hudson con estudios críticos sobre su vida y su obra , con textos de Fernando Pozzo, E. Martínez Estrada, Jorge Casares, Jorge Luis Borges, H. J. Massingham, V. S. Pritchett y Hugo Manning. Fue este uno de los principales

Microsoft word - infosheet10.doc

Disclaimer Medical and scientific information provided by Dr Boothroyd on this website may not be relevant to your own circumstances and should always be discussed with your general practitioner or Dr Boothroyd before you act on it. This communication is confidential and may contain copyright or otherwise protected information of Dr Clare Boothroyd. If you are not the intended recipient of

Targeted drug flyers depression (read-only)

RJLEE &ASSOCIA TES We all have days when we feel sad. But generally those feelings go away and we feel happy again. De-pression is more than just feeling sad. It is a medical illness that can affect your ability to work, sleep, eat and enjoy life. It’s estimated that almost 50% of people who are depressed do not get medical treatment. But depression can be treated—and you can

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INTERNATIONAL BRITISH ACADEMY Telephone Number: (046) 471-5922; Fax Number: (046) 471-5924 Student Information Last Name: ______________________ First Name: ________________________ Middle Name: _____________________ English Name ( if applicable ): __________________________ _____________________________________________________ Nationality: _________________________________________

Microsoft word - collab_fr_egee.doc

Grippe aviaire Anticiper les risques de pandémie, identifier les médicaments potentiels les mieux adaptés aux mutations éventuelles du virus de la grippe aviaire, tels sont les objectifs du deuxième déploiement à très grande échelle de calculs de biochimie sur grille informatique qui ont démarré depuis deux semaines sur les grilles informatiques des projets Auvergrid et EGEE. Les grille


Why aircraft disinsection?Norman G. Gratz,1 Robert Steffen,2 & William Cocksedge3A serious problem is posed by the inadvertent transport of live mosquitoes aboard aircraft arriving from tropicalcountries where vector-borne diseases are endemic. Surveys at international airports have found many instances oflive insects, particularly mosquitoes, aboard aircraft arriving from countries where mal

Microsoft word - 6-les_hypnotiques.doc

LES HYPNOTIQUES A/ LE SOMMEIL ET SES TROUBLES I) LES ÉTATS DE VIGILANCE CHEZ L'HOMME 1) enregistrement polygraphique - L'étude polygraphique du sommeil chez l'homme est réalisée en enregistrant : + l'activité corticale par l'intermédiaire de l'électro-encéphalogramme (EEG), les électrodes + le tonus musculaire, au niveau de la houppe du menton. + les mouvements ocul


ImmunoTools IT-Box-Cy55M-Award 2013 Alice Toniolo PhD Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Chiara Bolego Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, University of Padua, Italy Modulation of macrophage polarization by 17beta-estradiol Macrophages are an essential component of innate immunity and play a central role in inflammation and host defense. Cells of the monocyte-macroph


1. Generale informations about Nancy. p.34.What to bring with you?… … … … … … p.4 1. Generale informations about Nancy: Nancy is a town rich by different way. First, we have to say that it’beautiful town with a lot of cultural place and monument. We can quoteall the history city centre and a large group of 18th century buildings: the“Place Stanislas”, “

Microsoft word - ic3 health policy.doc

ABOUT IC3’S HEALTH POLICY Our health policy is designed to provide a healthy environment for the children in our care as well as for our employees. We recognize the work responsibilities of parents and the conflicts which arise when an ill child must stay home. However, IC3 strives to control the spread of illness to the extent possible by ensuring that neither children nor employees a


Imatran kaupunki Hyvinvointipalvelut Psykososiaaliset palvelut Imatran kaupungin terveyden ja toimintakyvyn edistämisen lautakunnan soveltamisohje 2013 1 Toimeentulotuen yleiset perusteet 1.1 Säännökset Tämä ohje perustuu toimeentulotuesta annettuun lakiin (1412/1997, jäljempänä toimeentulotukilaki), sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön julkaisuun Opas toimeentulotuk


DOSSIER N'16: Reflux gastroœsophagien chez une asthmatique Madame V. B., 40 ans obèse, souffre d'un asthme sévère depuis l'adolescence et qui est actuellementcortico-dépendant. Elle prend 15 mg de prednisone chaque jour depuis six mois, en raison de l'échec detoutes les autres thérapeutiques. L'enquête allergologique a retrouvé des IgE spécifiques dirigées contredes acariens et de


Pubblicazioni dell'INSMLI dal 1949 al 2010 "Aria di crociata". I cattolici italiani di fronte alla nascita dello Stato d’Israele (1945-1951) , Milano, Unicopli, 2012 «Ci chiamano barbari». Lotte sociali e movimento sindacale in Sicilia nel secondo dopoguerra (1943-1950) , Napoli, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2011 131 Alessandro Giacone, Éric Vial I fratelli Rosselli. L�


AVL & Dispatch Software Administrative Management Features Windows® OS Graphical • NEXEDGE® Digital Messaging & AVL2 Interface • Analog Conventional & LTR® Trunked • 30 Status Icons & Emergency Icon6• Historical Logging & File Playback • Screen View & Navigation Functions• Microsoft® MapPoint® 2006 European • Mobile Icon Tags (na

Takeaway english, coffee

Take Away English 随身英语 1 July 2013 Coffee's popularity 对咖啡的热爱 Vocabulary: coffee 词汇 : 咖啡 Do you drink a lot of coffee? The water boiling in the kettle, the aroma , the first mouthful from the cup in the morning – so many people see it as part of a ritual that it inspired an expression in English: 'Wake up and smell the coffee!' I read t

Microsoft word - time inflammation 2-23-2004

Cover The Fires Within Inflammation is the body's first defense against infection, but when it goes awry, it can lead to heart attacks, colon cancer, Alzheimer's and a host of other diseases By CHRISTINE GORMAN; ALICE PARK; KRISTINA DELL What does a stubbed toe or a splinter in a finger have to do with your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, suffering a heart attack or succumbing to colon c


1 AASI Jetcruzer Business and utility transport2 AEA Explorer Multirole utility transport3 Aermacchi F-260 Two seat trainer and high performance light aircraft4 Aero Boero AB-95/115/150/180 Family of three and four seat light aircraft5 Aeronca 11 Chief Two seat light aircraft6 Aeronca 7 Champion Two seat light aircraft7 Aerospatiale N-262 Fregate & Mohawk 298 Short range turboprop commuter air


Innovation NJ: New Jersey’s Famous Inventors and Innovations Howard Aiken – Aiken invented the MARK I Computer Jack Avins – invented the industry standard FM detector for radio and television resources. John Bardeen, William Shockley, Walter Brattain – This trio invented the transistor and eventually would go on to receive the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics. Donald L. Campb


Nucleotide sequences and comparison of twolarge conjugative plasmids from differentCampylobacter speciesRoger A. Batchelor,1 Bruce M. Pearson,2 Lorna M. Friis,2 Patricia Guerry1and Jerry M. Wells2Naval Medical Research Center, Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA2BBSRC Institute of Food Research, Norwich Laboratory, Norwich Research Park, ColneyTwo large tetracycline resistance (TcR) plasmids have bee

Microsoft word - scheda sportello agosto 2004.doc

Lo Sportello Scuola & Volontariato è un laboratorio di crescita alla solidarietà e nella Il volontariato per la forte componente valoriale che lo caratterizza può essere occasione offerta ai giovani di trovare una progettualità creativa e solidale: il disagio giovanile – le cui radici esistenziali profonde si trovano in un drammatico smarrimento del valore della vita e del suo


Congeneric and (Essentially) Tau-Equivalent Estimates of Score Reliability: What They Are and How to Use Them Educational and Psychological Measurement The online version of this article can be found at:http://epm.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/66/6/930 can be found Educational and Psychological Measurement Additional services and information for (this article cites 4

Candida self analysis:

Candida Self Analysis: It is estimated that over 90% of the U.S. population has some degree of Candida overgrowth. What is Candida albicans? It is yeast organism that normally lives in your mouth, on your skin and in your intestinal tract. If you are a female, it can also live in your vagina. In a normal healthy body, the immune system and the “friendly bacteria” that inhabit the intes

Contrato embotelladora zacatecas


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_________________ It is with solemn respect that I address this court in Japan. I am fully aware of the longstanding ban on the use of cannabis in Japan since American General Douglas MacArthur and his colleagues rewrote the Japanese constitution in 1948. It was then that the many thousands of years of history of the Japanese use of cannabis came to a close – Taima Torishimaru Ho, the Canna


NORGES HØYESTERETT Den 4. juni 2004 avsa Høyesterett dom i HR-2004-00981-A, (sak nr. 2002/582), sivil sak, anke, I. Paranova AS mot Merck & Co Inc Merck, Sharp & Dohme B.V. MSD (Norge) AS II. Merck & Co Inc Merck, Sharp & Dohme B.V. MSD (Norge) AS Dommer Bruzelius: Saken gjelder parallellimport av legemidler, nærmere bestemt en parallellimportørs a


BLOOD DONOR GUIDELINES If you have any questions, please ask a member of our staff General Donor Requirements • All donors must provide a personal photo identification • Medications: Not currently taking antibiotics or other medication for an active infection • Eating: Eat within four hours before donating Permanent Travel Disqualifications • FROM 1980 THROUGH

Microsoft word - bib-info juin 2007.doc

N E U R O - B I B - I N F O Marie-Pierre RETHY : : COLLOQUES.CONFERENCES.… REUNIONS.CONGRES…….COLLOQUES.CONFE • Lundi 4 juin 2007, mardi 5 juin 2007 , au Novotel Orléans La Source, 2 rue Honoré-de- Balzac, 45071 Orléans, les 34ème Journées d’étude de l’AFIINC (Association Française desInfirmières et Infirmiers de Neurologie et de Neuro

Microsoft word - electrolysis glossary.doc

Accutane - an oral prescription acne medication that inhibits oil production, and helps control severe acne. Some side effects may include hair loss, headaches, liver problems, extreme dryness of the skin and eyes. Glycolic acid and retinol products should not be used while taking accutane and for 6 months after you stop the medication. Acne - an inflammation caused by blockage of the oil

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Microsoft word - modified rx 4 drug benefit.doc

Modified IBEW Local 18 R x RX 4 Drug Benefits B e ne fi At Anthem Blue Cross, we know that prescription drugs are t Finding a Participating Pharmacy s the fastest–rising item of your total health care benefits cost. Because our huge pharmacy network includes major Reasons for the spiraling costs of prescription drugs are drugstore chains plus a w


Journal of ApiProduct and ApiMedical Science 1(1): 1-6 (2009) ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Quality and standardisation of Royal Jelly Anna Gloria Sabatini1*, Gian Luigi Marcazzan1, Maria Fiorenza Caboni2, Stefan Bogdanov3, Ligia Bicudo de Almeida-Muradian 4 1 CRA- Istituto Nazionale di Apicoltura, Bologna, Italy. 2 Dipartimento di Scienze degli Alimenti, Università di Bologna, Ital

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MUDANÇAS CLIMATICAS NO ACRE: EM ANALISE A PERCEPÇÃO LOCAL Érika Mesquita Resumo Analisaremos as percepções das atuais mudanças climáticas sobre os povos da floresta amazônica, especificamente sobre os habitantes do município de Assis Brasil, localizado no Alto Vale do Rio Acre, local mais agredido pela ultima seca no Estado. Buscaremos assim analisar como os moradores de


Pediatric Hematology and Oncology , 23:1–7, 2006Copyright C Taylor & Francis Group, LLCISSN: 0888-0018 print / 1521-0669 onlineDOI: 10.1080/08880010600803214 CONCURRENT DEVELOPMENT OF CROHN DISEASE AND MYELODYSPLASTIC SYNDROME IN A CHILD: Case Report and Literature Review Sergio Carlos Nahas, Caio Sergio Rizkallah Nahas, and Carlos Frederico Marques ✷ Colon and Rectum Su


Guideline No. 10(A) THE MANAGEMENT OF SEVERE PRE-ECLAMPSIA/ECLAMPSIA This is the first combined guideline for the management of severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia. It replacesthe previous guideline entitled Management of Eclampsia , published in November 1996 and reviewed inJuly 1999. Mild pre-eclampsia is not considered. Purpose and scope Severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia are relati

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D I E W E R T PA P I E R H A N D E L S B A N K Morning News 13. Juni 2013 Differenz Differenz Differenz US Börsen Overnight: Die Angst vor einem Ende des billigen Geldes drängt gegenwärtig auch an den US Börsen alles andere in den Hintergrund. Eine Mini-Erholung zum Handelsstart hielt am Mittwoch nicht lange, der Dow-Jones-Index schloss erstmals seit dem 5. Juni wie

Doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agq039

Alcohol and Alcoholism Advance Access published June 30, 2010 Alcohol & Alcoholism, pp. 1–7, 2010Acetyl-L-Carnitine for Alcohol Craving and Relapse Prevention in Anhedonic Alcoholics: A Randomized,Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Pilot TrialGiovanni Martinotti1,2,*, Daniela Reina2, Marco Di Nicola2, Sara Andreoli1,2, Daniela Tedeschi2, Ilaria Ortolani2, Gino Pozzi2,Emerenziana Iannoni

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How a Free Spine & Health Check changed My Please Read This If You Want To Find Out What Is Causing Your Headaches. Solve Irregular Menstrual Cycles And Get Rid Of Period Pain! Kelly Moore, Age 23, Canterbury Psychology Student My story really starts at university. I never had many accidents when I was younger, but I did begin to have constant headaches during


DISKUSSIONSFORUM Samstag, 15.02.2014 15:00 - 18:00 Uhr NIG, Hörsaal 3 Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien DIE GRENZEN DER MEINUNGSFREIHEIT Über die Grauzone zwischen Recht und Unrecht Bei dieser Podiumsdiskussion werden Experten und Betroffene anhand konkreter Beispiele über die Verfolgung politischer und gesellschaftskritischer Aktivitäten


Overview Courses at Tertiary non-university level are provided by Public Schools of Tertiary Education and Private Institutions of Tertiary Education. Law 67 (I) of 1996 and its amendments regulate the establishment and operation of these institutions. Public Tertiary Education The public Schools of Tertiary Education operate under various ministries: 1. Forestry College of Cyprus

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