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Minutes 2011-02


Call to Order/Roll Call. Trustee Dennis Richgels called this regular Village Board meeting to order at 6:00
p.m. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Dennis Richgels, Deb Sander and Tom Cody.
Neil Michek arrived at 6:30. Excused: Mike Aide, Teresa Bomkamp and John Kreul. Others present: Susan
Washa and Tom Pinch. Tom Michek and Charles Scullion arrive later.
Certification/Compliance. Clerk certified that notice of meeting was posted on February 4, 2011. Tom Cody
motioned as to compliance with open meeting law. Deb Sander seconded. Motion carried.
Insurance Proposal. Randy Peterson presented a proposal for Tricor Insurance. Mike Zagrodnik presented a
proposal for the League of Wisconsin Municipalities/Baer Insurance. Neil Michek arrived during the
discussion. The proposals were very close in cost. Neil Michek motioned to renew Village insurance with
current carrier – the League of Wisconsin Municipalities thru Baer Insurance. Dennis Richgels seconded. Roll
call vote “Aye”: Deb Sander, Tom Cody, Dennis Richgels and Neil Michek. Absent: Teresa Bomkamp, John
Kreul and Mike Aide. Motion carried.
Dog Vaccination and Licensing Clinic. Sheri Fillmore, Iowa County Humane Society, spoke of a low cost
rabies vaccination program for dogs. Rabies vaccinations are important for health and safety of humans and
animals. Neil Michek motioned to authorize a rabies vaccination clinic at the Village Hall. Tom Cody
seconded. The vet clinic to vaccinate and license dogs will be held on Saturday, March 12, 2011 from 9:00 a.m.
to 11:00 a.m. at the Village Hall. The clinic will be open to residents of the Village of Highland and the Town
of Highland.
Use of Facilities for SUN Program. Discussion postponed to March agenda in order to receive
information on use of the program.
Fire District Update. The current contract between the Village of Highland, the Town of Highland
and the Highland Fire District was adopted May 12, 2008 and expires December 31, 2011. A joint
meeting should be set up in February or March to assess the current/future needs of the Fire District.
The ISO rating should be reviewed. The Fire Board will prepare a listing of priorities and costs.
Tractor Finance. Dennis Richgels motioned to reconsider his motion from the December 10, 2010
Public Property Committee Meeting to borrow $52,750 for the Case 570 MXT tractor loader from the
Highland State Bank. Deb Sander seconded. Motion carried. Dennis Richgels motioned to borrow
$55,500 for the Case 570 MXT tractor/loader from the Highland State Bank with using the additional
$2,250 to purchase pallet forks at a later date. Neil Michek seconded. . Roll call vote “Aye”: Deb
Sander, Tom Cody, Dennis Richgels and Neil Michek. Absent: Teresa Bomkamp, John Kreul and Mike Aide.
Motion carried. Interest rate will remain between 2% and 2 ½% with interest only payments in 2011
and repayment of principal and interest from 2012 to 2016.
Approve Minutes/Pay Bills. Deb Sander motioned to approve January minutes as presented. Tom
Cody seconded. Motion carried. Neil Michek motioned to approve payment of bills as presented.
General Account $17,003.67; Sewer Account $3,426.40; Water Account $1,776.54 and TID #2
Account $3,897.34 Dennis Richgels seconded. Motion carried.
Committee Reports. Economic Development – David Vabora will be invited to the March meeting to
update the Board on the status of the proposed vegetable plant.
Law Enforcement – The Village has a snow removal ordinance that should be enforced.
Adjournment. Deb Sander motioned to adjourn at 8:55 p.m. Tom Cody seconded. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Theresa C. Michek, Clerk-Treasurer


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