Tuesday 8th August 2006 10:00 Council meeting (Boardroom 5.68 in the Wills Memorial Building) 14:00 Registration (Wills Memorial Building) 14:00 Installation of Group 1 Posters (Merchant Venturers Building) 19:00-21.30 Welcome Reception (In the Museum adjacent to the Wills Memorial Building)
Wednesday 9th August 2006 08:00 Registration (Wills Memorial Building) 08:00 Installation of Group 1 Posters (Merchant Venturers Building) 09:00 Congress opening (The Great Hall) To be opened by The Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of Bristol, Councillor Peter Abraham. THE D.G.M. WOOD-GUSH MEMORIAL LECTURE The Great Hall Chair: Marek Spinka 09:30 Author: Alistair Lawrence Title: Is there a future for applied ethology? 10:30 Coffee Break and Poster Session 1 (Merchant Venturers Building) Sponsored by the RSPCA 11:15 Spoken Papers The Great Hall The Reception Room Chair: Hans Erhard 11:15 Plenary Paper: 1 Author: Mike Appleby Title: Where did it all go right? Applying applied ethology worldwide TOPIC: GENES AND BEHAVIOUR TOPIC: MOTHER AND OFFSPRING Chair: Mark Rutter Chair: Anna Olsson 12:00 Author: Per Jensen Author: Cathy Dwyer Title: Genetic inheritance of acquired Title: Contributions of ewe and lamb
behaviour to the maintenance of body temperature in neonatal lambs of two breeds
12:15 Author: Andrew Fisher Author: Gudrun Illmann Title: The identification of quantitative Title: Responsiveness of sows towards
trait loci for stress and learning responses in piglet vocalization during 24 h after birth the sheep
12:30 Author: Joop Lensink Author: Jenny Loberg Title: Parental effects on the behaviour of Title: Weaning and separation at different 12:45 Author: James Serpell Author: Emma Baxter Title: Breed differences in aggressive Title: Predictors of neonatal piglet survival 13:00 Lunch: Sandwiches in the Merchant Venturers Building
14:30 Spoken Papers The Great Hall The Reception Room TOPIC: SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR (I) TOPIC: EARLY EXPERIENCE Chair: Harold Gonyou Chair: Suzanne Millman 14:30 Author: Carol Petherick Author: Hanno Würbel Title: Mate choice by female beef Bos Title: Developmental plasticity and animal
welfare: adaptive plasticity, phenotypic mismatch or pathology?
14:45 Author: Anja Wasilewski Author: Jolanda Pluijmakers Title: 'Friendsheep'? Non-reproductive Title: Is there a "sensitive period" at the 15:00 Author: Anette Wichman Author: Angelica Terrazas Title: Influence of light/dark incubation on Title: High-energy food supplementation
in the last 15 days of pregnancy facilitates the establishment of non-olfactory recognition of the kid in underfed goats.
15:15 Author: Johannes Baumgartner Author: Severine Henry Title: Preferences for littermates or non- Title: Influence of various early human-
littermates in social behaviour of weaned
foal interference on subsequent human-foal
pigs kept in mixed groups of different size
15:30 Coffee Break and Poster Session 2 (Merchant Venturers Building) Sponsored by the RSPCA
16:15 Spoken Papers The Great Hall The Reception Room TOPIC: SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR (II) TOPIC: FEEDING BEHAVIOUR Chair: Per Jensen Chair: Birte Nielsen 16:15 Author: Hans Erhard Author: Sarah Redgate Title: Dominance has a quantitative Title: Post-ingestive feedback on diet
selection in horses (equus caballus); dietary experience changes feeding preferences
16:30 Author: Susanne Waiblinger Author: Nicky Roberts Title: Social bonds of dairy cows affect Title: Absence of variation between sheep
reactions in a challenging situation and
16:45 Author: Karen Thodberg Author: Fernando Borderas Title: The acute effect of a synthetic pig Title: Feeding behaviour and response to
weaning of calves fed limited or ad libitum
17:00 Author: Janne Winther Christensen Author: Lesley Smith Title: Habituated companion horses reduce Title: Grazing behaviour of herbivores is fear responses in naïve test horses
affected by nutritional environment and maternal investment
17:15 Author: Suzan Dudink Author: Laura Hänninen Title: Announcing the arrival of Title: Effect of method of feeding
reduces weaning stress induced behaviours
17:30 Author: Lisa Collins Author: Andrea Ellis Title: A birds-eye view of stocking Title: Effects of high concentrate versus
high fibre diets on the behaviour of horses
crowded conditions in which they are kept commercially?
17:45 – 18:45 Poster Session 3 (Merchant Venturers Building) 20:00 – 22:00 To be announced…
Thursday 10th August 2006 09:00 Spoken Papers The Great Hall The Reception Room Chair: Joseph Garner 09:00 Plenary Paper: 2 Author: Jaak Panksepp Title: Affective neuroscience and the ancestral sources of socio-emotional feelings within animal minds TOPIC: EMOTION TOPIC: ASSESSING LAMENESS, Chair: Carol Petherick PAIN AND INFLAMMATION Chair: Dan Weary 09:45 Author: Elizabeth Paul Author: John Church Title: Doing emotion and feeling emotion: Title: The effects of using lidocaine on the
constructing a framework for investigating
10:00 Author: Mike Mendl Author: Mitja Sedlbauer Title: Studies of emotion-cognition links in Title: Lameness and pain in dairy cows humans as a basis for developing new measures of animal emotion 10:15 Author: Lucile Greiveldinger Author: Jeffrey Rushen Title: Ability of lambs to form Title: Local anaesthetic as a means to
validate measures of lameness in dairy cows
10:30 Author: Bart Houx Author: Anne Marie de Passillé Title: What do 50-kHz vocalizations tell Title: Effects of lameness on activity in
dairy cows and the effects of hoof trimming
10:45 Author: Alain Boissy Author: Andrew McMullan Title: Inconsistent behavioural and cardiac Title: Associations between behavioural
patterns in ewes' responses to the separation indicators and inflammatory disease in dairy from their lambs
11:00 Author: Patrick Zimmerman Author: Eranda Rajapaksha Title: Anticipation as a tool to explore Title: Development and assessment of a 11:15 Coffee Break and Poster session 4 (Merchant Venturers Building) 11:45 Remove Group 1 Posters 12:00 Spoken Papers The Great Hall The Reception Room TOPIC: PERSONALITY, TOPIC: GAS INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES Chair: Charlotte Nevison Chair: Kate Breuer 12:00 Author: Suzanne Held Author: Richard Kirkden Title: Changes and individual consistency Title: Strength of aversion to carbon
over several parities in two tests of maternal dioxide in rats during a gradual-fill responsiveness in outdoor sows
12:15 Author: Corinna Clark Author: Lee Niel Title: Do age and experience matter? Title: Rat responses to CO2 euthanasia:
Consistency of aggressive responses and the effects of novelty versus distress effect of repeated resident intruder tests on pigs
12:30 Author: Hilde Vervaecke Author: Ellen Jongman Title: Measuring dominance styles in Title: Aversion of finisher pigs to CO2 and 12:45 Author: Emma Creighton Author: Victoria Sandilands Title: Animal personality and animal Title: Aversion of chickens to various 13:00 Preparation for Excursions 13:30 Excursions Bus Departure Friday 11th August 2006 08:30 Installation of Group 2 Posters (Merchant Venturers Building) 09:00 Spoken Papers The Great Hall The Reception Room Chair: Janice Swanson 09:00 Plenary Paper: 3 Author: Innes Cuthill Title: Other ways of seeing: Vision, ecology and welfare TOPIC: PERCEPTION AND TOPIC: ENRICHMENT LEARNING Chair: Kate Littin Chair: Cathy Dwyer 09:45 Author: Ashleigh Bright Author: Oliver Burman Title: Plumage colour and feather pecking Title: A multidisciplinary study of the
long-term effects of environmental enrichment on laboratory rat welfare
10:00 Author: Go Kurosu Author: Helena Chaloupkova Title: Preference for visual variability in Title: Enrichment of pre-weaning housing
Lister-hooded rats and European starlings
decreases later agonistic behaviour in domestic pigs
10:15 Author: Claire Guest Author: Camilla Munsterhjelm Title: Individual differences in a complex Title: Effects of environmental enrichment
scent discrimination task: Cancer Detection
early in life on aggressive and explorative
10:30 Author: Dorthe Rasmussen Author: Arianna Manciocco Title: Learning performance differs with Title: The response to different
environmental enrichments in the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus): Comparison among laboratory and zoo colonies
10:45 Author: Jan Langbein Author: Kamara Scott Title: Learning how to learn - learning set Title: Environmental enrichment for pigs:
formation in dwarf goats during voluntary
11:00 Coffee Break and Poster session 5 (Merchant Venturers Building) Sponsored by CIWF Trust
11:45 Spoken Papers The Great Hall The Reception Room TOPIC: PREFERENCES AND TOPIC: COMPANION ANIMAL MOTIVATION (I) BEHAVIOUR AND HUMAN-ANIMAL Chair: Anna Valros INTERACTIONS (I) Chair: Paul Koene 11:45 Author: Georgia Mason Author: Nicola Cross Title: Substitutability effects in a closed Title: Causal factors for excessive barking 12:00 Author: Ragen Trudelle-Schwarz Author: Yoshiko Uchida Title: Dogs' social hierarchy in the Title: 'Need' or 'luxury'? Measuring
motivation for contrafreeloading in laboratory mice
12:15 Author: Louise Holm Author: Eva Baranyiova Title: The importance of a food feedback Title: Dog bites to children in the Czech 12:30 Author: Alexandra Harlander-Matauschek Author: Sabine Gebhardt-Henrich Title: Motivation in laying hens for Title: Feeding behaviour and daily energy
feathers and wood shavings when presented
12:45 Lunch: Free-Foraging in Bristol 14:15 Spoken Papers The Great Hall The Reception Room TOPIC: PREFERENCES AND TOPIC: COMPANION ANIMAL MOTIVATION (II) BEHAVIOUR AND HUMAN-ANIMAL Chair: Georgia Mason INTERACTIONS (II) Chair: James Serpell 14:15 Author: Anne Lene Hovland Author: Helene Leruste Title: Using the 'maximum price paid' to Title: On-farm measurement of the human-
animal relationship for veal calves housed
14:30 Author: Tarja Koistinen Author: Janet Talling Title: The preference for sand floor in Title: The influence of driving style on the 14:45 Author: Eva Søndergaard Author: J. Elizabeth Bolhuis Title: Horses' motivation for three levels of Title: Effects of social support by a social contact as measured by operant
familiar person or conspecific on responses
15:00 Coffee Break and Poster session 6 (Merchant Venturers Building) Sponsored by CIWF Trust 16:00 – 18:00 ISAE Annual General Meeting 18:00 Preparation for Banquet 20:00 Buses depart for Banquet 20:30 – 24:00 Banquet
Saturday 12th August 2006 09:00 Spoken Papers The Great Hall The Reception Room Chair: Deborah Goodwin 09:00 Plenary Paper: 4 Author: Jane Hurst Title: What the nose knows: How scents underlie social recognition and assessment TOPIC: TESTS, METHODS AND TOPIC: HUSBANDRY SYSTEMS AND MODELS (I) HUSBANDRY PROCEDURES (I) Chair: Gudrun Illmann Chair: Alain Boissy 09:45 Author: Barbara Schoening Author: Frank Tuyttens Title: Validation of a behavioural test of Title: Long-term consequences of early
and late castration of male piglets on social
10:00 Author: Joanne van der Borg Author: Gry Færevik Title: Behavioural test for the diagnosis of Title: Behaviour and social interactions of
dairy calves kept at different group sizes
10:15 Author: Paul Koene Author: Laura Boyle Title: Vocal expressions of density, group Title: Behaviour and welfare of yearling
dairy heifers out-wintered on an all-weather
10:30 Author: Rachel Casey Author: Jonathan Cooper Title: Refinement and validation of the Title: Competition for resources by laying 10:45 Author: Mairi Stewart Author: Bas Rodenburg Title: Changes in eye temperature, Title: Welfare of laying hens in furnished
measured using infra-red thermography, can cages and in non-cage systems detect pain due to disbudding in calves
11:00 Coffee Break and Poster session 7 (Merchant Venturers Building) 11:45 Spoken Papers The Great Hall The Reception Room TOPIC: TESTS, METHODS AND TOPIC: HUSBANDRY SYSTEMS AND MODELS (II) HUSBANDRY PROCEDURES (II) Chair: Jonathan Cooper Chair: Alison Hanlon 11:45 Author: Rob Thomas Author: Cassandra Tucker Title: Impacts of capture and handling on Title: Sprinklers and shade cool dairy cows 12:00 Author: Lindsay Matthews Author: Virginie Remience Title: A novel method for automatically Title: Effects of space allowance on the
pastoral livestock in naturalistic settings
12:15 Author: Gesa Neisen Author: Marcus Karlen Title: Automatic recording of social Title: Aggression, stress and immune
responses of gestating sows in stalls and in large groups on deep litter
12:30 Author: Mariko Lauber Author: Paul Hemsworth Title: Behavioural responses to novel and Title: Behaviour and stress physiology of
gestating sows in a combination of stall and group housing
12:45 Author: Mark Rutter Author: Kathalijne Visser Title: Using GPS animal tracking, grazing Title: The effect of different housing
conditions on the welfare of two-year old
mapping to estimate diet selection in cattle
13:00 Lunch: Free-Foraging in Bristol 14:30 Spoken Papers The Great Hall The Reception Room Chair: Stine Christiansen 14:30 Plenary Paper: 5 Author: Joe Garner Title: Standardization and the Red Queen: applying methodologies from ethology, neuropsychology, and field biology to problems in high-throughput behavioural methods TOPIC: TESTS, METHODS AND TOPIC: HUSBANDRY SYSTEMS AND MODELS (III) HUSBANDRY PROCEDURES (III) Chair: Hanno Wuerbel Chair: Heleen van de Weerd 15:15 Author: Lynne Sneddon Author: Keelin O'Driscoll Title: Using selective attention strategies to Title: Effect of milking frequency and understand the importance of the subjective 15:30 Author: Maarit Mohaibes Author: Lorenz Gygax Title: The importance of external validity Title: Comparing stress in two types of
either partially forced or free cow traffic: daily periodicity in milk cortisol concentration
15:45 Author: Daniela Lexer Author: Usama AbouIsmail Title: The Analytic Network Process - a Title: Let sleeping rats lie: does the timing 16:00 Author: Jim McLeod Author: Charlotte Burn Title: From Boids to Sheepoids Title: Early experience of cage-cleaning does not affect adult rat anxiety, but identification tail-marking does 16:15 Coffee Break and Poster session 8 (Merchant Venturers Building) 17:00 Spoken Papers The Great Hall The Reception Room TOPIC: STEREOTYPIES TOPIC: HUSBANDRY SYSTEMS AND Chair: Ruth Newberry HUSBANDRY PROCEDURES (IV) Chair: Janet Talling 17:00 Author: Maria Andersson Author: Moira Harris Title: Behaviour problems in horses - a Title: Assessing the welfare, housing and
further look into factors associated with crib husbandry of elephants in U.K. zoos biting and weaving
17:15 Author: Andrew Hemmings Author: Verity Bowell Title: Opioid circuitry and the aetiology of Title: Positive reinforcement training and
human interaction reduces the stress of capture
17:30 Author: Megan Jones Author: Nora Lewis Title: To stereotype or not to stereotype? Title: Group versus multiple individual behaviour, can we distinguish between the two? 17:45 Author: María Díez León Author: Drewe Ferguson Title: Are stereotypies less interruptible Title: Effect of duration of road transport 18:00 Author: Naomi Latham Author: Sandra Edwards Title: We've got to get out of this place: Title: Supplementation of pregnant ewe
frustration, enrichment and the development diets with docosahexaenoic acid reduces of stereotypies in laboratory mice (Mus
18:15-18:45 Close of the Congress (The Great Hall)
Alcohol & Alcoholism Vol. 42, No. 5, p. 506, 2007 doi:10.1093/alcalc/agm058 Advance Access publication 1 August 2007 GAMMA-HYDROXYBUTYRATE (GHB)-DEFICIENCY IN ALCOHOL-DEPENDENCE? 23 rue du Depart—BP 37—7 5014 Paris, France (Received 10 January 2007; first review notified 17 January 2007; in revised form 3 March 2007; accepted 28 March 2007; advance access publication 1 August 2007) J
Barriär- Lösenpris Elasticitet per aktie AstraZeneca – tre faktorer som talar för kursuppgång Aktien har backat med mer än 10 procent sedan årsskiftet, huvudsakligen till följd av oro över risken för lanseringar av generika i USA för AstraZenecas läkemedel Seroquel och Nexium. Även om vi finner det osannolikt att både Seroquel och Nexium skulle förlora