Corbin McNeill:A PBMR in Exelon’s future?Corbin McNeill,chairman and co-chief executive fuel balls,it leaves at the bottom at a temperature of about
officer of Exelon Corporation, is guardedly opti-
900 °C. This gas passes through three turbines. The first two
mistic about the involvement of the Pebble Bed
turbines drive compressors, and the third drives the gener-
Modular Reactor (PBMR) in the future of nuclear power in
At that stage, the gas is about 530 °C, and it then goes into
The PBMR, a new design being pursued by Exelon in as-
a recuperator, where it loses excess energy and leaves at
sociation with South Africa’s state-owned utility Eskom, is
about 140 °C. A water-cooled cooler takes it down further
claimed to be safer, cheaper, and faster to build than other
to about 30 °C. The gas is then repressurized in a turbo-com-
reactor technologies. As such, Exelon is watching careful-
pressor before moving back to the regenerator heat-ex-
ly its design development, which may lead to a decision to
changer, where it picks up the residual energy and goes back
go forward with a PBMR demonstration project to be start-
ed later this year in South Africa, according to McNeill.
Spent fuel balls are passed pneumatically to large storage
The PBMR is a high-temperature, helium-cooled reactor
tanks at the base of the plant, where there is enough storage
using a direct-cycle gas turbine. It is designed in 110-MWe
capacity to hold all spent fuel through the life of the plant.
modules for relatively quick operation in an electricity en-
The tanks are also designed to hold the spent fuel for 40 to
vironment where 1000-MWe units may be too big and cost-
50 years after shutdown. About 2.5 million fuel balls will
ly to compete in a deregulated market.
be required for the 40-year life of a 100-
tory built” before assembly at a site.
°C is introduced into the top of the re-
conducted by Rick Michal, NN senior
McNeill: “[PBMRs] could dramatically boost the
prospect of nuclear energy on a global scale.”
You have gone on record as predicting that newanother LWR would never again be built in
It’s too early to tell. Our current investment
nuclear power plants will be built in the Unit-
commitment is designed to take us through the
ed States. When will they start being built, and
completion of the design feasibility study. At
will they be exclusively of PBMR technology?
reads this understands that this is my own
that point, we should have a good estimate of
I don’t control all of that decision making,
personal opinion. The current LWR designs
what the construction costs and the feasibili-
of course. The demand for electricity is con-
require extensive safety systems to assure
ty of the operation of the design will be. We
tinuing to increase as we move more toward
public safety, including large containments.
would then make a separate decision as to
an information technology age. We’re seeing
That structure of large containments that con-
whether to continue to participate in the proj-
in Chicago, for instance, load growth rising at
tain the energy associated with the steam re-
about 4–4 1⁄2 percent per year. That’s substan-
lease of a hypothetical LWR accident, plus
tially above what we’ve seen earlier. The de-
holding all the radioactive products that
When is the PBMR’s feasibility study expect-
mands on the generating community with that
might come out of that, produces a relatively
kind of electricity growth continue to be chal-
high initial construction cost and long con-
The path that we are pursuing in the current
lenging. I believe that nuclear can be one of
struction period. Much of that construction is
development is to conclude the design feasi-
the answers to the needs of the country, and
done on site, as opposed to in a factory, which
bility study sometime early in the third quar-
at the same time be one that is environmen-
ter of 2001. If that proves that there is eco-
Having said that, I don’t know of anybody
who has plans to build a new nuclear plant in
The PBMR will have the
the next several years. Our interest at Exelon
is in a new technology—the PBMR [Pebble
thermal efficiency of about
Bed Modular Reactor]—which could produce
a new plant maybe in five years in this coun-
40–42 percent, versus a 28–30
try. But that will depend on the completion of
our design feasibility study from which we
percent efficiency for today’s
will be able to predict what the costs will be
and whether a plant of that nature would be
light-water reactors.
competitive in the kind of deregulated envi-
What are the technical and economic advan-Exelon has invested $7.5 million in a PBMR
nomic and technical feasibility for the PBMR
project being developed by Eskom, in South
design, then we would request approval from
Africa. What is Exelon’s financial position
the South African government to construct a
on this investment—i.e., is it equity in the
single demonstration plant of 110-MWe de-
that affords a degree of flexibility. In terms of
sign in South Africa, which would take rough-
construction, a utility would be making what
It is an equity position in the intellectual
ly 36 months to construct and about a year’s
might be a $120-million investment decision
property development of the PBMR. For the
worth of testing after that. If, at some point in
instead of a $2-billion–$3-billion investment
$7.5 million, we’ve got about a 12 1⁄2 percent
time, we were confident about the design, we
decision. PBMRs are faster to construct. We
share. If the design feasibility study is fa-
might then begin to pursue licensing in the
think that they can be built in the neighborhood
vorable, it also would allow us to participate
United States. We probably would not have a
of 18–36 months as opposed to perhaps 5-plus
in the construction of the first plant. We have
plant completed in this country for five or
years for a larger plant. The PBMR will have
certain contractual rights to build these and
the thermal efficiency of about 40–42 percent,
market them in various parts of the world.
versus a 28–30 percent efficiency for today’s
How closely do you think other U.S. nuclear
light-water reactors [LWRs]. There is a sig-
Is Exelon also participating in the Eskom de-utilities are watching what Exelon is doing
nificantly higher degree of safety of the PBMR
in that during the worst predicted accident, the
I think they’re aware of what we’re doing. I
temperature that would be achieved in the re-
don’t know of any specific effort to do much
actor would be well below fuel damage tem-
amount of time to perhaps 60 percent of their
beyond that. I know that the Nuclear Energy
peratures, so no meltdown could occur like in
time in South Africa today, not necessarily do-
Institute is promoting a broad, general effort to
an LWR. The operating costs of a PBMR are
ing direct engineering, but reviewing engi-
try and promote new nuclear construction in
substantially less because of the staffing char-
neering, helping to review cost-prediction
the country, and this is one possible part of that.
acteristics and the lower fuel costs. There is
methodologies, trying to develop the best
But I don’t know specifically what anybody’s
lower low-level waste production in a PBMR
probabalistic risk assessment tools for the de-
doing one way or the other in that regard.
as opposed to an LWR. And, finally, PBMRs
sign, and things of that nature. We’re provid-
maintain the traditional characteristics of nu-
ing what I would call a contribution to the de-
clear plants in that there won’t be any atmos-
sign effort, but we are not the designers.
pheric emissions associated with them.
but there needs to be an understanding of the
How dedicated is Exelon to PBMR technolo-
rationale behind it. In an LWR, under accident
At the ANS/ENS International Meeting lastgy? Would the company be willing to invest
conditions where the safety system has failed,
November in Washington, D.C., you said thatmore into the South African project?
fuel damage can occur very quickly. There-fore, there needs to be in place a containmentmechanism to make sure that it doesn’t escapeduring those potential early minutes of an ac-cident situation.
Eskom, the South African utility that is leading the effort to develop the Pebble Bed
developing those accident conditions is hours
Modular Reactor, has a Web site that contains information on various aspects of the de-
and even up to days. The temperature rise in
sign. An overview of the PBMR is included, along with information about its operational
a PBMR that undergoes a loss-of-coolant ac-
requirements, safety principles, main power system, operating principles, fuel, construc-
cident is very slow, as opposed to minutes in
tion, and maintenance. The Web site is at <www.pbmr.co.za>.
an LWR. What a PBMR design does is allowfor the release of the helium coolant in a loss-
of-coolant accident. It also establishes a con-
is the issue. The PBMR advantages that we
tainment to make sure that if fission products
discussed earlier have a bottom line that says
are released within the following several days,
that this reactor has to be economically feasi-
they are contained within the containment
ble. We will make a comparison with other
forms of generation and the costs of those
The kind of containment that would be re-
generations that are available in general. We
quired for licensing a PBMR in the United
believe that the PBMR will be a very com-
States is not yet clear. However, there is an
petitive design. Therefore, for the foreseeable
future, we should be able to build it if it meets
has looked at the need for conventional con-
the economic criteria that we are looking for
from the design feasibility study. The window
of opportunity is really the technology that is
tainment design and concludes that conven-
being developed, but we have to be confident
tional containment is not mandated for a high-
about the technical and economic parameters
structure itself ends up providing containment. Could you talk about the long-term storage ofthe PBMR’s spent fuel pebbles?In terms of time limits, is there a window of
They are much easier to store than our cur-
opportunity for PBMR technology to be in-
rent fuel rods, for a couple of reasons. First,
the silicon-carbide coating on the fuel parti-
That’s one of the issues that we are trying
cles will, in fact, isolate the decayed products
to resolve in the design feasibility study. Here
for hypothetically a million years. And sec-
PBMR licensing in the United StatesB EFORE A PEBBLE Bed Modular Re- Combustion Engineering System 80. “The
process would be the same,” he said. “It’s
would first have to be granted by the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission. Tom King, director
for design certification, a review by NRC
of the NRC’s Division of Risk Analysis and
staff and a separate review by the NRC’s
Applications within the Office of Nuclear
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards,
Regulatory Research, is leading the agency’s
and the opportunity for public hearings.
effort to set up a review process in the event
a PBMR licensing application comes in.
Exelon Corporation, which is currently in-
Eskom in South Africa, first approached the
years to certify the three newer generation
NRC in November to discuss the design’s pos-
reactor designs, but, Dricks stressed, that is
sible licensing in the U.S. A face-to-face meet-
ing was held, followed by a letter from Exelon
sources available at the time, project priori-
to the NRC in December, putting in writing
ty, and demonstration of safety features.
the fact that the utility is involved in the
Dricks said the review history of those oth-
PBMR project and requesting interaction with
er certifications should not be tied to what
the agency early on. According to King, Ex-
should be expected for the PBMR, and that a
elon hopes that by meeting with the NRC be-
two- to three-year approval process could be
fore an application is filed, the utility will get
realistic. “Our expectation is that we’ll be
a sense of what requirements lie ahead. That
able to accommodate a request for a design
knowledge will help Exelon make a decision
certification in two to three years by what we
on whether a licensing request should proceed.
call a pre-application review,” he said. “That
King said preliminary talks have revealed
means that we’ll have had discussion with the
that Exelon is interested in receiving licens-
licensee on various design and engineering
ing within two to three years following sub-
features of what they’re going to bring to us,
mittal of an application. “At this point, I
so that we’ll be familiar with the technology
can’t say whether [Exelon’s expectations
and we’ll have done some advance planning
are] reasonable or not, until we know more
before an application actually comes in.”
about the design and their approach for li-
censing it,” King told Nuclear News.
attempt to familiarize itself with the PBMR
review process by offering regulatory assis-
tance to the South African government for
three other newer generation designs that
its licensing of the Eskom project. So far,
have received NRC approval—the Westing-
though, that government has not responded.
vanced Boiling Water Reactor, and the ABB
application, King has studied the technolo-
ond, the carbide ball has characteristics
June, concluded that if cost and safety goals
around it that allow it to be directly stored for
are met, “we can expect to see literally hun-
not only the life of the plant, but for the per-
dreds of PBMR modules being built around
manent storage. We think this is easier to
the world in the next decade or two.” Do you
store than the current rods, but we still need
have any comments on this statement?
a location. That’s why any nuclear plant is
I’m not going to project any number for
PBMRs. I do think that if the promise of the
coming up with some solution to the long-
design pans out, it could dramatically boost
term storage problem. Hopefully, the decision
the prospect of nuclear energy on a global
scale as a non-pollut-ing power source. That could bridge us
We believe that the PBMR will to a hydrogen econo- be a very competitive design. tury—I don’t know
on Yucca Mountain, with an affirmative suit-
pands and Third World countries develop, the
ability determination, will be made this com-
demand for electricity is going to increase.
I’m seeing and hearing that international de-mand is almost going to double by 2020. That
A member of the NRC’s Advisory Committee
clearly presents an opportunity for a nonpol-
on Reactor Safeguards, in a memorandum last
gy. Because of the design’s inherent safety
level,” King explained. “And, vice versa, if
characteristics, he said, it requires a smaller
they take helium out and lower the pressure,
that reduces the heat transfer, the core heats
miles, compared with the limit for current
up, and the power starts to shut down.”
light-water reactors of 10 miles. However,
It is helium that drives the turbine, and as
King added, “What our position would be in
such, no steam generator exists for a PBMR
[approving an EPZ], it’s certainly one of the
plant. Cool helium is put into the reactor ves-
sel where the nuclear chain reaction heats it
King talked about the make-up of the fuel
up. The hot helium under pressure goes to
for the PBMR. “The basic element of the fuel
the turbine, driving its blades. During this
is about the size of a poppy seed,” he said.
process, the helium’s pressure and tempera-
That “poppy seed” is a unit of enriched urani-
ture are reduced. It is then funneled to a com-
um dioxide that has three coatings covering it.
pressor, where pressure is increased, and it
The first is a carbon coating to absorb fission
is put back in the reactor to be heated up
products, the second is a silicon carbide coat-
again. “It’s pretty straightforward in terms
ing that is the pressure-retaining boundary, and
of a simple heat-transfer cycle,” King said.
the third is another outer coating of carbide to
“It’s strictly a closed helium loop with a tur-
prevent abrasion and rubbing against other
bine in-line in the primary coolant piping.”
particles. About 15 000 of these poppy seeds
form one fuel pebble, about the size of a ten-
nis ball. The pebbles fit in the reactor inside
PBMR system is a fraction of what is need-
“something like graphite blocks” that are up
ed for an LWR. In fact, King commented, it
against the steel vessel wall, he added.
is important to keep water out of the prima-
Once loaded into the reactor, the pebbles
ry system because it reacts with hot graphite
are cycled out of the bottom in an on-line re-
and degrades the integrity of the fuel parti-
fueling scheme. “There is no refueling out-
cles, as well as produces hydrogen, carbon
age,” King said. “This is on-line refueling.
This process is continuing as the reactor op-
erates. [Plant workers] are constantly taking
nents that are in the primary cooling system,
pebbles out the bottom, checking the burn-
up, checking for leakers, and then putting
them back in the top or discarding them and
to better understand the PBMR design, look-
ing at experiences that other countries have
had with high-temperature gas reactors (HT-
once every several years for maintenance of
GRs), particularly pebble beds. Germany op-
other mechanical parts of the plant, King said.
compensate for initial heat-up” and “for
achieving full cold shutdown.” For normal
containment, will likely involve policy judg-
operational control while the plant is pro-
ducing power, according to King, the tem-
cluded. “The sooner we can get [key issues]
perature of the core is moderated by raising
settled, the better off the staff will be in terms
or lowering helium pressure. With more he-
of being prepared to review [the PBMR],”
lium in the vessel, the pressure goes up and
he said, “and the better off Exelon will be in
the heat transfer gets better, which cools the
terms of knowing what’s coming down the
core. “Cooling the core increases the power
road that they will have to deal with.”
THIRD EDITION SEPTEMBER 2003 A guide for primary care teams developed by The Primary Care Task Force for the Parkinson’s Disease SocietyIt is well known that Parkinson’s is a progressive neurological condition affecting movementand self-expression, however, it is less well known that it can devastate daily life forpatients and carers. It affects about 2:1000 people overall but up to 1:10
Boletim do Serviço de Difusão - Nº 91 17 de Junho de 2013 Outros links: Sumário: JURISPRUDÊNCIA DO TJERJ: EDIÇÃO DE LEGISLAÇÃO* - Institui o Programa Estadual de Proteção da Criança e do Adolescente inseridos nas chamadas “Escolinhas de Futebol” e Atletas das Divisões de Base do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e dá outras providências. Fonte: site da