Documentary evidence to the operator according to Article 29 (1)
The Organic Factory B.V. The Organic Factory B.V. \\ Mastbos 21, 5531 MX BLADEL, NETHERLANDS
Skal number 027389 \\ Certificate number 622860\\ NL-BIO-01
This certificate has been issued on the basis of Article 29 (1) of Regulation (EC) No. 834/2007 and Regulation (EC) No. 889/2008 for:
Manufacturing Manufacture of food products Wholesale and retail trade Wholesale trade
The operator has submitted his activities under control and meets the requirements laid down in the named regulations. This implies that the products and/or processes mentioned meet the requirements for organic production.
This certificate is valid from 01 November 2012 to 24 February 2014 as laid down in the Annex and under defined circumstances.
G.J.H. de Vries, general managerZwolle, 01 November 2012
latest date of inspection: 10 January 2012 The Organic Factory B.V. \\ Mastbos 21, 5531 MX BLADEL, NETHERLANDS
Skal number 027389 \\ Certificate number 622860 \\ NL-BIO-01
This operator has been certified for the following products or processes under
certificate number 622860 Manufacture of food products Manufacture of chocolate and sugar confectionery Wholesale trade Wholesale of sugar, chocolate and sugar confectionery drops acerola Processed >95% Organic (VO art 24.4a / CG art 15) drops anise Processed >95% Organic (VO art 24.4a / CG art 15) drops echinacea Processed >95% Organic (VO art 24.4a / CG art 15) drops herbs mix (Eco Sweets & Dharma Processed >95% Organic (VO art 24.4a / CG art 15) drops honey Processed >95% Organic (VO art 24.4a / CG art 15) gum cola bottles Processed >95% Organic (VO art 24.4a / CG art 15) gum dummy's & bears Processed >95% Organic (VO art 24.4a / CG art 15) gum french fries (sour) Processed >95% Organic (VO art 24.4a / CG art 15) liquorice rolls (sweet) Processed >95% Organic (VO art 24.4a / CG art 15) lolly's & drops in all fruit flavours (Eco Processed >95% Sweets & Dharma Candy) Organic (VO art 24.4a / CG art 15) lolly's & drops sweet liquorice Processed >95% Organic (VO art 24.4a / CG art 15) peppermint & peppermint rolls Processed >95% Organic (VO art 24.4a / CG art 15) peppermint & peppermint rolls in all fruit Processed >95% flavours Organic (VO art 24.4a / CG art 15)
PORTARIA No- 558, DE 30 DE AGOSTO DE 2006 (*) O Ministro de Estado da Ciência e Tecnologia, considerando a Portaria Interministerial nº 597, de 6 de setembro de 2006, e no uso de suas atribuições, resolve: Art 1o Priorizar os seguintes temas para o desenvolvimento de produtos ou processos para concessão de recursos financeiros sob a forma de subvenção econômica a empresas nacionais
SPANYOL FELVÉTELI FELADATSOR “A” változat Minden feladat mellett négy - a, b, c, d-vel jelölt - megoldási javaslatot talál. Válassza ki a legmegfelelőbbet és döntését a mellékelt táblázatban jelölje X-szel. A jó megoldások egy-egy dolgozatpont értékűek. A hibátlanul megírt feladatsorral tehát 40 dolgozatpontot szerezhet. 1) L