He encontrado que alguna farmacia puede tener existencias limitadas de ciertos medicamentos, mientras que otras pueden tener casi cualquier formato que se le ocurra y el habitual de dosis habitualidad apareció. En resumen, siempre se contiene el almacén de corroborar. Al mismo tiempo que el producto que más que gustaba ha resultado no estaba disponible en stock otro distinto por las Buenas costumbres también debe buscarse jefe no asн parezca. Por eso es importante disponer de un Plan B para actuar cuandod ello no ocurra.
Ventaja de tomar un genérico en lugar de Asix
Un genérico es más barato que el nombre de marca
Uno de los mayores incentivos para someterse al Dónde comprar Lasix genérico en lugar de pagar la marca es que usted puede obtener un ahorrando importantes Lasix genérico. Por lo tanto, un Lasix genérico es en general mucho más barato que el homólogo de marca, así que una denominación genérica se hace posible para las personas que usan este medicamento con frecuencia. Un ejemplo: La compra de lurosemida en lugar de Lasix es una considerable ahorro para el presupuesto mensual de medicamentos.
Microsoft word - 2010 feb march rssl
URL: http://www.qsl.net/rssl 0 T H E MO NT HL Y NE WS LE T TE R OF T HE R AD IO SO CI ET Y OF S RI L A NK A
The General Meeting for the Month of March 2010 will be He was President of the RSSL from 1984-1987 and in his held on Wednesday the of 31st. The venue is the tenure took steps to make the RSSL an Incorporated body with Balcony Hall of the Otters Aquatic Club 380 / 1 Cecil de Mel as his able Secretary. He also initiated with Bauddhaloka Mawatha Colombo 7.
4S7EF Ekendra. a training programme for radio amateurs with
at 6.00 p.m. In the Ministry of Man Power Development and he also initiated
future too the meetings will be held at this new venue. Its action to get ARRL kits for our members and no less than 50
not far from the BMICH towards Borella. Continue towards ARRL Handbooks. He was a very energetic president and he
the rear of the BMICH at the Wijerama Rd / Baudhaloka also revived the journal of the RSSL, printing it in 1985 after a
Monthly meeting for April will be held on the 27th Tuesday It was a pleasure to talk to this man and go own memory lane and not as always on the last Wednesday of the month as and relive the glorious past with its exciting developments and it is a poya day. We have also made arrangements to even hilarious anecdotes. We shall dearly miss him. provide tea, so come for the meeting and enjoy tea with us.
The RSSL remembers and appreciates his services to the radio
amateur community with deep gratitude. His name will go down in the annals of the Amateur Service in this country and
Please note that unless otherwise notified, monthly General Meetings will be remembered for many years with such names as John
wil be held at Otters Aquatic Club at 6.00 P.M. on the last Amaratunge, Dick Le Mercier, Gabriel Rockwood. Jim White,
Wednesday of the month. Please also monitor the RSSL net Wickram and Soma, Freddie Gomes and Noel Gunasekara,
regularly on 145.625 MHz at 0900 P.M. for RSSL announcements. Paul Solom if I were to name a few of the greats.
You are welcome to contact any Council member if you need to verify.
Membership and ID Card applications can be obtained at the The RSSL extends its deepest sympathies to his XYL Therese
meetings. Membership renewals are also accepted by the Treasurer and his children who down the years extended their support to
Ernie and like most ham families were a part of the amateur
Good bye dear friend. May you rest in peace.
It is with sadness that we inform the membership of the MEMBERS NEWS passing away of R. Ernest (Ernie) H. Perera (4S7EP) fondly referred to as Echo Papa by the radio amateur community of 4S7AI Ananda Jayatilake has QSYd to VK land we understand this country and as REH at Radio Ceylon/SLBC. Ernie passed and is badly missed with his homebrewers delight on 40m. in away on the 19th of February, a few weeks before his 90th the morning and evening. We wish AI all the best and hope he birthday. He was a founder member of the RSSL. He retired will make up his mind to return to 4S land soon. as Director Engineering of the SLBC serving the broadcasting industry of this country for almost 40 years. He held Licence 4S7NE Nelson: Another who has QSYd down under, but not No 003 in post independent Ceylon but is only the second Sri for good we understand to help celebrate his grand son’s 1st Lankan to receive an amateur radio license pre independence birthday. Enjoy the next generation and put the bug in the Ceylon on the 17th of July 1947, at a time when it was the fellow Nelson. All the best in SWLing and Internet browsing British who almost exclusively obtained licenses. He was while there. VS7EP and up to his death held a valid Advanced class license 4S7EP.
4S5SC: We like to extend our sympathies to Jayantha on the
passing away of his mother recently. We know only too well
Ernie was a Christian but he had no religious bias and he the pain of losing loved ones Jayantha. proudly used to relate how he carried two car batteries on his shoulders up Adam’s Peak for the first Pirith Ceremony from 4S7GV: Condolences to Glen and Mallika who grieve the the peak in the fifties. He loved radio and was a great passing away of their Son-in-law Ranjit with whom they were experimenter and constructor. He was active until a few years living. To Dilhara, Glen and Mallika we extend our deepest before his passing away, only ill health keeping away from the sympathies. bands. Even though his eyesight was failing he always waited for the newsletter and inquired after members when ever we had the opportunity to meet or call him.
4S7RO-Ron and XYL Madhvi mourn the passing away of Madhvi’s father in VU2land. It has been a hectic time for them HOBBY FAIR 2010:
A spark of interest can be the first step to greatness. This spark
is what the Rotary Club of Colombo in association with
4S7LF- Lovely Face as we call him or the Mawbimay—sorry SLANA (Sri Lanka Anti Narcotics Association) hopes to
RSSL ekey panchakalyaniya, Leo is enjoying cool 19C in generate in Sri Lanka through the “Hobby Fair 2010”.
Bandarawela while the rest of us are sweating it out at 33C Organized in aid of Cancer and Drug Abuse Treatment and
here in the Western Prov. Leo reissues his invitation to visit Prevention, the Hobby Fair committee launches this unique
Bandarawela and the Council is exploring the possibility of event with the primary goal of offering the younger generation
an avenue to express their creativity and talents.
VHF DX SEASON - It has been our experience that VHF The Hobbies Fair 2010 will take place in June 2010 at the Sri
propagation to India peaks around March April and September Lankan Exhibition and Convention Centre. Although the three
October due to Equinox, with another season in June. If one day event will cater mainly to the youth, it is also open to all
goes to the Internet there is loads to read about unusual VHF and any amateur and professional hobbyists, artists, crafts
propagation due to Sporadic E, Trans-equatorial scatter, where persons and related vendors of any age in order to create an
openings can be from a few minutes to an hour or so where effective multi-purpose forum that connects both traditional
signals could be expected from up to 2000 miles away. A good and modern hobbies to facilitate new learning.” The RSSL
beam antenna with a few watts can get you to the South Indian wishes to take part and seek volunteers to man the stall. Pl
repeaters and also well planned DXing, direct contacts as well contact Harenn 0773136638.
on the popular FM mode. Repeaters stationed on high
mountain tops are easier to work thru than ground level CONGRATULATIONS: To 4S7NI for securing 1st place in
stations beyond line of sight and of course when unusual the WPX CW competition. Way to go OM and you have
propagation takes place naturally it is earlier to work thru proved beyond doubt that you have what it takes to make a
Sporadic-E (Es) is formed when clouds of highly dense
ionization develop in the E-layer. These clouds might be very small, but regardless of their size, they seem to drift and move
about, making the propagation via these clouds short and G1EFP Andrew Made a fine presentation at the meeting which
unpredictable. They form between 50 and 70 miles above the was appreciated by those present. Andrew promised to make
earth. So imagine a normal line of sight VHF signal hitting a the presentation available for distribution to those interested.
point 50-70 miles in the ionosphere and acting like a repeater Those interested please inform the editor and who will get it from
and being refracted which can get your signal many hundred Andrew. Once again thanks Andrew and trust you enjoyed your
miles further than normal. In the tropics this can be pretty visit to your XYL’s home country.
common. Please Google Sporadic E VHF propagation and learn more. Tropospheric Ducting is another mode where due to a E-Mail Newsletters: If you like to get the newsletter by e-mail please send me your address. If you like to get RSSL announcements only but not the
temperature inversion signals can travel thru layers and reach newsletter, inform me as well. Its useful to be able to reach you via e-mail.
long distances. Usually as we go higher in the atmosphere the air gets cooler. Sometimes it happens the other way which Disclaimer :Comments articles herein are those of the editor made in
enhances VHF propagation as it causes ducts.
good faith and not necessarily those of the Council of Management. Ed. GET WELL WISHES TO WASANTHA: 4S5JW is at Kanday hospital after an accident. We ask our members to think of him and wish him a speedy recovery. He is the one RSSL COU,NCIL CONTACT INFORMATIONPresident:
Dammika Fernando 4S7DF, 11A Kawdana Road, Dehiwala. E-mail
who helped with the Gongala project while at ABC radio.
50th Anniversary Journal : I have discovered a few 0777309175Secretary: Victor Goonetil eke 4S7VK Shangri-la, 298
copies of the last RSSL Journal which was published in the Madapatha
year 2000. On a first come first served basis you can have a [email protected]: Rodney Martensteyn 4S7RM , 21/10
copy. I think it is time we print another Journal “The Radio Polhengoda Gardena, COL 5Tel 2811523 Mob 0714808524 Editor:
Amateur” and your contributions will be most welcome. I Victor Goonetil eke 4S7VK ‘Phone: +94-(0)11-2614098 Mob :
have had the pleasure of being the editor/publisher of the last 0718328336 E-mail: [email protected],
two which appeared in 1985 and 2000, so I would like to make it my swansong as after 25 years I have just about had enough as Editor!!
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