He encontrado que alguna farmacia puede tener existencias limitadas de ciertos medicamentos, mientras que otras pueden tener casi cualquier formato que se le ocurra y el habitual de dosis habitualidad apareció. En resumen, siempre se contiene el almacén de corroborar. Al mismo tiempo que el producto que más que gustaba ha resultado no estaba disponible en stock otro distinto por las Buenas costumbres también debe buscarse jefe no asн parezca. Por eso es importante disponer de un Plan B para actuar cuandod ello no ocurra.
Ventaja de tomar un genérico en lugar de Asix
Un genérico es más barato que el nombre de marca
Uno de los mayores incentivos para someterse al Dónde comprar Lasix genérico en lugar de pagar la marca es que usted puede obtener un ahorrando importantes Lasix genérico. Por lo tanto, un Lasix genérico es en general mucho más barato que el homólogo de marca, así que una denominación genérica se hace posible para las personas que usan este medicamento con frecuencia. Un ejemplo: La compra de lurosemida en lugar de Lasix es una considerable ahorro para el presupuesto mensual de medicamentos.
The use of the internet as learning and teaching tool
The use of the Internet within police education in the Netherlands
The use of the Internet within police education in the Netherlands Reinder Vrielink, MSc School of Advanced Policing, Police Academy of the Netherlands Abstract
The Internet is going through a major change with the introduction of social networks.
This change could have profound implications for the way we use the Internet, for the way we
do business, for the way we learn, for police work and for police education. This paper
describes the use of social media by the Dutch police and the implications social media has
on police education. It provides an answer to the question: How do you incorporate social
media into police education, taken into account a proper didactical approach and
implementation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)? This paper also
shows the need and the opportunities to incorporate social media into police education.
Keywords: implementation, learning environment, participatory learning, police education,
Corresponding author: e-mail (work) [email protected], e-mail (private): ;
The use of the Internet within police education in the Netherlands
The Internet is going through a major change with the introduction of social media
applicationssuch as Blogs, Facebook and Twitter. Social media applications are used more
and more inour daily personal and professional lives and it seems clear that the way we use
the Internet is rapidly changing. This change could have profound implications for the way we
use the Internet, for the way we do business and for the way we learn. ‘The information
revolution, which sneaky occurs this decennium, has far-reaching consequences for the police
and for police education’ (Boer, 2009). ‘Many educational institutions are becoming
increasingly aware that such social media applicationscan be effectively integrated intotheir
learningprogrammeand lifelong learning delivery systems.However, currently very few are
actually using these applications to innovate their training systems’ (Toole et al., 2010).
The Police Academy of the Netherlands is the central organisation responsible for
police education programmes and knowledge management regarding the police profession in
the Netherlands. The traditional focus on the exchange of factual expertise has been replaced
by an approach that concentrates on the acquisition of competences in professional practice.
Police education and training is supported by Blackboard. In this virtual learning environment
(VLE), all teaching assignments, keys, grids and announcements can be found.
Communication through e-mail is also possible. Students of the Police Academy experience
more satisfaction in using Blackboard than those in other vocational institutes of education
(Vrielink, 2009). In addition to Blackboard, the Police Academy uses a variety of simulation
programs. Besides that, teachers often use YouTube videos to serve as teaching material. In
addition to being an education centre, the Police Academy is also a knowledge centre for and
run by the police department. In police training, the emphasis lies on acquiring competences,
whereas to police knowledge the focus is on sharing knowledge with each other and jointly
The use of the Internet within police education in the Netherlands
developing new knowledge. The knowledge function aims to improve and update day-to-day
professional practice as well as to develop the policing profession.
Nowadays, it is no longer the teacher or the student who remain central in the learning
process but the learning process itself has become significant. A learning process, which is
independent of place and time. In addition, ‘the choice of what technology is situation
dependent. A triangle between teacher, student, and content. What content, which pedagogical
approach and with what technology.Why and how’? (Hudson, 2008).
With the introduction of social media and the consequent changes in police work, the
question arises how to make students deal with social media. The Police Academy can already
be found on Twitter. This paper describes the use of social media by the Dutch police and the
implications social media has on police education. It provides an answer to the question: How
do you incorporate social media into police education, taken into account a proper didactical
approach and implementation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)? This
paper also shows the need and the opportunities to incorporate social media into police
Changing police work: Police and social networks
The police is an information-intensive organisation. Police work is about data,
information, knowledge and intelligence. Only a part of the information can be found in
police information systems but a mass of information can be found on the Internet. In order to
support police work and to make proper use of information on a strategic, tactic and
operational level, space for innovation will be necessary. Police workers will have to get
involved in the discussion about today’s information systems, future information strategy and
The use of the Internet within police education in the Netherlands
internet strategy and the corresponding information services of the Dutch Police. Police
employees will have to get the space and the possibilities to think along about innovative
applications that support police work in the right way (Rijssel van, 2010).
Web 2.0 has its impact on the police force and on police information channels. For
instance: The plane crash on Hudson river. Social media were at the forefront of breaking and
disseminating news. It provides an invaluable real-time running commentary on events,
which, when taken together with the factual accuracy, analysis and commentary of the
mainstream media, provides a fascinating and rich account of this major incident. Moreover,
from felons on Facebook to tips through Twitter, social media is being used more and more
by law enforcement agencies, and not just to fight Internet-related crimes. ‘We are talking
about solving crimes that are happening on the street and in your community. However, many
police departments that have embraced social media are still trying to figure it out. Most
agencies are not significantly proactive with keeping up with content and updates, said Terry
Halsch from CitizenObserver.com, developers of the tip411 system for police agencies. There
are some limitations because of uncertainty of how secure information is, how can it be
efficiently maintained, [and] the risks and liabilities of entering the world of social media
(Cohen, 2010)’. Legal experts agree that public information sources such as Facebook can be
legally used in criminal or other investigations. In this way, information posted on sites such
as Facebook can be used by the police and by university officials to prosecute users.
The Groningen Regional Police Force make use of videos on You Tube. According to
the Groningen Police Corps, YouTube is "one of the strongest means to cooperate with
citizens in order to identify criminals”. In May 2010, the Groningen Regional Police Force
launched their own channel on You Tube. Since then, seventeen videos have been put online
that were viewed about 150,000 times. Eight cases were solved thanks to tip-offs from the
public or because suspects had turned themselves in at the police office. These cases involved
The use of the Internet within police education in the Netherlands
a taxi driver, petrol station and drugstore robbery. The Groningen Police supplied 150
policemen on the beat with a Smartphone which has a built-in camera and video. The Corps
wants its policemen to be in direct communication with other colleagues, partner institution
members and with the public. This allows the police to transform into a network organisation
(Duijneveldt van et al., 2011) because networks will be connected to each other. With tools
like Twitter, real-time information can be exchanged. The Dutch police and especially
policemen on the beat make frequent use of Twitter for prevention and tracking purposes
(Zorko et al., 2011). Since May 2011, 258 Dutch policemen on the beat (about 9%) use
Twitter professionally. According to Suster (2010) Twitter’s biggest power is information
sharing. Up to May 2011, one policeman made as many as 4000 tweets. The Utrecht Police
District has the most followers (more than 5000) of the 26 police districts (Balance at
01/05/2011, source: Utrecht University study commissioned by Police & Science).
There are people who use Twitter to report a collision because they find it difficult to
call the police. Ultimately, Twitter is a fast communication medium: a tweet is often
retweeted and messages can be sent quickly. In practice and in daily life, police students have
to deal with the Internet and social media. Therefore, it is important that they are also
motivated to explore social media and understand its ethical aspects during their education. Is
it advisable for a policeman to be known or recognized in social media? What does one
twitter or not twitter? In December 2010, a Dutch District Chief was suspended for improper
use of Twitter. Another report concerned the theft of a woman’s cell phone in an Amsterdam
cafe. Within two days, the woman’s boyfriend was able to trace details of the suspected
offender by using his own phone. To his own amazement, the policeman who had taken down
the report did not take the boyfriend seriously. The latter did not understand the situation. A
ping program, installed standard on Blackberry, makes it possible to access information about
the thief’s name and photograph. Ping is an application with a unique code that is linked to
The use of the Internet within police education in the Netherlands
the telephone and not to a SIM-card as with a telephone number. As soon as a thief starts
using the application, its former owner can trace him or her. In this way, the boyfriend
succeeded in tracing the suspected thief’s data. According to professor Stol of the Police
Academy, the technical expertise of the average policeman is far from adequate, as a result of
which cases are unnecessarily shelved. However, the police do provide specialists when
needed. ‘Police work has always been labour intensive. The technological evolution, through
which a great deal of manual labour has disappeared, has not affected this labour
intensiveness. Most police capacity is invested in everyday police patrol work, like
emergency patrol and community beat patrol. The character of policing in a certain district
depends on what police officers do (and do not do) while they are on patrol. Consequently,
police management is managing what police officers do and do not do. Managing police work
and improving the quality of policing therefore first of all requires a good insight in what
police officers do. Police management requires knowledge about what determines what police
One of the most important characteristics of these second-generation applications is
that everyone can participate by uploading texts, links, photos, and video films. These
enriched websites are indicated with ‘user generated content’. Civilian initiatives and Web 2.0
sites flooded the police with a lot of information. How to fence this information on proper
interpretation? The Police should anticipate on Web 2.0 who can support investigation
(Smilda, 2009). The next paragraphs supplies an answer to the question: How do you
incorporate social media into police education, taken into account a proper didactical
approach and implementation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)?
The use of the Internet within police education in the Netherlands
The Future of Learning Institutions in a Digital Age
Davidson (Davidson et al., 2009) states that ‘the single most important characteristic
of the Internet is its capacity to allow for a worldwide community and its endlessly myriad
subsets to exchange ideas, to learn from one another in a way not previously available. A key
term in thinking about these emergent shifts is participatory learning. Participatory learning
includes the many ways in which learners (of any age) use new technologies to participate in
virtual communities where they share ideas, comment on one another’s projects, and plan,
design, implement, advance, or simply discuss their practices, goals, and ideas together.
The above insight into the Future of Learning Institutions in a Digital Age combined
with the Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education (Chickering et al.,
1987, 1999) might be an excellent way to use the Internet for learning and teaching in police
education. The Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education were a huge
success when they were first issued in the mid-1980s, and they have continued to be refined
and used in a variety of ways since then. These principles have inspired several lines of
research. The results support the extension of five from the seven principles of good practice in
classroom-based undergraduate education to web-based graduate education. These findings
suggest that principles of effective classroom teaching may be used as a starting point for
developing and teaching web-based courses (Baars et al, 2005; Hutchins, 2003; Arbaugh et al.,
The use of the Internet within police education in the Netherlands
The Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) These principles are:
1. Encourage contact between students and school; frequent student-school contact, both
inside and outside class, is an important factor in student motivation and involvement
(Baars et al., 2003). The student’s intellectual capacities will increase. The Internet
makes it more accessible for students and teachers to ask questions and to give
feedback. The Online College distinguishes some hundred ways in which Facebook
can be used in your classroom/an educational setting. Facebook is not just a great way
for you to find old friends or learn about what is happening this weekend; it is also an
incredible learning tool. Teachers can utilize Facebook for class projects, for
enhancing communication, and for engaging students in a manner that might not be
entirely possible in traditional classroom settings (Pempek et al., 2009). There is also a
Facebook for educators. This is a guide created for teachers on how to establish a
professional image while using Facebook as a social networking application (Phillips,
2. Develop reciprocity and cooperation among students. School should create and
encourage opportunities for collaborative learning among students. Collaborative
learning stimulates the involvement of learning. According to Kessler (2010) Twitter
increases student engagement. Students in the study who were asked to contribute to
class discussions and complete assignments using Twitter, increased their engagement
over a semester more than twice as much as a control group did. Dunlap
(Dunlap, et.al, 2009) describe the use of Twitter to encourage free flowing just-in-time
interactions and how these interactions can enhance social presence in online courses.
Willi (1999) brings the human needs to shape and leave tangible signs in any
The use of the Internet within police education in the Netherlands
environment to the foreground. The significance of these needs and even more, the
need to fulfill these needs with success usually brings about a drive in humans to form
intensive and effective relationships with their environment. In that way, one will also
attempt to reach out for the other person, trying to get into contact with interpersonal
relationship. Participation is also made possible through a wiki (Hazari et al., 2009).
The Wiki platform constitutes the learning portal that integrates learning contents from
all of the learning modules in the learning environment, making them accessible in a
structured way. It does not only serve as knowledge repository, but also as working
environment. The Wiki is an activator in the learning and teaching setting in terms of
blended learning – in both phases of online and actual presence (Blees et al., 2009).
3. Encourage active learning: Students should actively work with their knowledge and
skills. Interaction is an important feature of an active on-line way of working.
Oblinger and Oblinger (2005) emphasize the importance of interactivity and learning-
by-doing. Interaction is essential in order to receive feedback on the learning process.
Feedback is a relevant factor in the interaction between student and teacher as well as
between peers. Next, it is important that an assignment is geared to the student’s
perception of his or her environment. This can be made possible, for instance, when
data is used coming from the students themselves. Students tend to become more
motivated developing their own product. If this product (for instance a traffic control
plan) is really actually used (at school or in real) then it will work extra motivating
4. Give prompt/immediate feedback: School should provide appropriate and prompt
feedback on performance. Students need assistance in assessing their actual
competence and performance, and they need frequent opportunities to perform and
receive suggestions for improvement. Such feedback should be an ongoing process in
The use of the Internet within police education in the Netherlands
collegiate settings; it is essential to the student’s learning process. The Internet offers
the possibility to give students feedback in different ways. A digital portfolio makes it
possible to assess on the learning process, to see if there is proof that the learning
goals have been reached. When guiding the personal development of citizens to police
officer writing week journals gives input to the students’ reflection report. A great
power of writing week journals is the process of continuous reflection which gives
time and space to create new ideas (Hartnell-Young, 2003). The fact that the week
journal is on-line refers to the easy access teachers have to it, since they can use it for
consultation at any time by just going into the Internet. This allow them to easily
access and read the week journal without having to collect them in, and provide
feedback by attaching written comments to individual entries (Lopez, 2006 ; Xiang,
2005). Students can put their week journals in their own thread in the discussion board
of Blackboard or in their own Weblog. With the proper supervision of Weblogs, the
ability for students to receive feedback and critiques to guide and monitor their
academic achievement can surely be an effective assessment tool (Lee et al., 2006).
Periodically, students should also be given the opportunity to reflect critically on what
they have learned so far. Experience becomes knowledge through reflection, which is
enhanced by timely and appropriate criticism (Brown et al., 2005). Learning to reflect
is a competence of growing importance in higher education (Andernach, 2006).
Learning is the result of active construction of knowledge, coupled to personal unique
foreknowledge. This couple is necessary to save this knowledge in the long-term
memory. Learning is the development of meaningful concepts, in a realistic context.
Reflection and feedback at the learning process are of vital importance for the
development of Meta cognitive skills. Learning always takes place in a social context
The use of the Internet within police education in the Netherlands
and learning you do together (Kral, 2005). Reflection is among the main reasons why
people blog and is described by numerous authors (Thomas, 2005; Koa et al., 2006).
5. Emphasize time on task: School should create opportunities for students in order to
enable them to practice good time management. This includes setting a realistic
deadline for students to complete assignments and to use class time for learning
opportunities. A teacher’s support is made effective when clarity on the overall aim,
time investment, and choice of literature is provided. As a result, students are able to
learn more efficiently. Furthermore, students tend to lose time by searching for
resources on the Internet. However, on-line communication can be efficient if you
organise it well. Using social media applications accelerates the learning process and
6. Communicate high expectations: School should set and communicate high
expectations for student learning. Such will turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy and
students will often endeavour to meet the challenge. When a student has a clear
awareness of his/her own expectations, he/she will work harder. Creating a website,
working with students from other countries through virtual teams, displaying
assignments through a site can be sources of motivation and excellence (Jain, 2003).
7. Respect different talents and ways of learning: School should create learning
opportunities that appeal to the different ways students will process and attend to
information. A variation of presentation styles and assignment requirements will allow
students to highlight their own personal and unique talents and it offers them different
ways about how to learn on an individual level. In general, Human Dynamics (Seagal
et al., 1997) distinguish three categories learning styles namely students who are
mentally centred, emotionally centred, or physically centred. The mentally centred
student proceeds in a linear way and does so mostly alone. He/she gathers information
The use of the Internet within police education in the Netherlands
and he asks him/herself what the use of this information is, next he comes to a
product. The emotionally centred student starts immediately. The process looks
chaotic. He/she proceeds by trial and error. His/her product gradually improves but is
never finished. He has an eye for detail. The physically centred student gathers a great
amount of information, many details and after a (long) time he completes his product.
That is the end; they do not chance it any more. Students differ in talent and style of
learning and they should be offered the possibility to show their talents in a way that
suits them. Social media applications allow students to work at their own pace. Social
media can provide for different learning styles, independent working of students and
personal responsibility (Baird et al., 2006).
The past decade has seen unprecedented investment in the use of new technology. The
role of educational technologies in improving educational practices and outcomes has been
criticized as over-hyped and insignificant (Amiel et al., 2008; Haydn, 2006). The management
of Institutes should wonder if they pay enough notice to the important role of the process of
implementation of new technology. ‘We should think of e-learning and learning technology as
enablers, not as a strategy. It is not the technology which makes learning challenging, but the
way it is used and implemented. It is the highway, not the destination; the means rather than
the end’ (Rosenberg, 2006). ‘As well as strengthening the integration of social media in
lifelong learning delivery, it is also important that the vocational education & training (VET)
sector and adult training institutions themselves think about how the inclusion of social media
applications can benefit their management structure. It is important for management to be
The use of the Internet within police education in the Netherlands
open to the new structures facilitated by social media tools and to consider shifting from a
hierarchical management model towards a flat hierarchy and self-organised teams. This would
help to ensure that social media applications actually work within the institutions. This view
suggests that the organisational culture has to be transformed into a more open business and
learning structure. The implementation of social media tools will further facilitate the
employees to actively co-develop their organisational processes. The working processes
within the organisations will consequently be more owned by their members’ (Toole et al.,
2010). This counts for the Police Academy as well.
On the other hand, is there a growing gap between learners and teachers in the way
they use the Internet? Do the manager and the teacher participate in social networks like
Facebook and Twitter? How many of the seven principles mentioned above are used in the
classroom? Are teachers aware of the important role of immediate feedback on performance
and the opportunity to incorporate and organise appropriate feedback through social media?
Albrini (2005) shows the importance of the teacher’s own point of view and his/her
experience with new technology. If an institute introduces the Internet for learning and
teaching without sufficiently formulating the different goals and without a teacher’s
experience how to actually use the Internet, there is a risk that the use will be under utilized or
even abandoned because of the lack of user acceptance. If there is no master plan present and
without the introduction of a pedagogical and didactical component, Internet learning and
teaching will provide no extra value to education. Participation of the management is crucial.
Furthermore, the use of the Internet should be put on the agenda of the job evaluation program
and teachers should be asked about their conduct in relation to its use. Besides that, there is a
need to develop learning and teaching training through the Internet (Simons, 2005).
The use of the Internet within police education in the Netherlands
In view of the above, it can be stated that police students who are educated based on
the aforementioned principles, including the use of social media, do not merely gain insight
into the ethical aspects of the use of social media but they also learn to cooperate and to give
and receive feedback; both are important competencies for the training and education of
policemen. Moreover, the learning process itself motivates students because of the context of
A police officer should always be aware of a digital world that can be used for
prevention purposes and also for identification and detection. This digital world should be a
Participatory learning fits with the Seven Principles for Good Practice in
Undergraduate Education, and with proper attention paid to its implementation it might be an
excellent way to use the Internet for learning and teaching purposes.
This paper shows the need and the opportunities to incorporate social media into
police education. Therefore, the use of the Internet should have a prominent place within the
field of learning and teaching in police education.
I wish to express a lot of thanks to Jane van de Linde for her English correction services.
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The use of the Internet within police education in the Netherlands
About the author
Reinder Vrielink, MSc (August 22, 1951), Manager of education, School of
Advanced Policing, Police Academy of the Netherlands: e-mail (work)
[email protected], e-mail (private):
I studied biochemistry (1973, HBO-b, Bachelor degree/Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Institute
Delft), physics and chemistry (1981, MO-A, Bachelor degree/Rijks Universiteit Utrecht)
medical and biological techniques (1983, 2de graads, Bachelor degree NGLOB/Amsterdam)
and e-learning, multimedia and consultancy (2005, Master degree/Sheffield Hallam
University). In my work experience, I started as a biochemical laboratory assistant. At
Psychiatric Hospital Endegeest at Oegstgeest, we studied brain metabolism, which has a
relation with the disease of Parkinson. At the same hospital, I teach nurses in laboratory skills.
In 1978, I made a transfer to a secondary school in Deventer. There I teach Sciences for about
ten years. After that, I became a headmaster on three different secondary schools. In
2006/2007, I worked as an interim teacher/developer at NHL University, the Netherlands,
Institute of Technology, department Communication & Multi Media Design. I developed the
minor in education and multimedia. Since November 2007, I am manager of education at the
School of Advanced Policing, Police Academy of the Netherlands. I am senior advisor about
learning and teaching with ICT. I also coached the school to introduce a new educational,
administration and planning system. For the school of Policing I am a member of the project
team to develop the new curriculum: MBO all-round police officer in three years.
The use of the Internet within police education in the Netherlands
Besides my job, I have my own business since 1983 (small scale). It is called Paul Revédi
Consultancy. First as a publisher, nowadays (2010) as coach, trainer and consultant in non-
violent communication and learning and teaching with ICT. I am married; I have three
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Vrielink, R. (2006). Predicting the use of Blackboard and predicting the use of a Personal Digital Analyser with the Technology Acceptance Model. A comparative and a cross-
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The use of the Internet within police education in the Netherlands
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Vrielink, R.(1987) Lerarenhandleiding bij de praktikumhandleidingen. Revédi. Deventer.
Vrielink, R. (1986) praktikum deel 2:Milieukunde. Revédi. Deventer.
Vrielink, R. (1985) prakticum deel 1:Keukenchemie. Revédi. Deventer.
Vrielink, R. (1984) Prakticumhandleiding voor scheikunde en biologie. Revédi. Deventer.
Goekoop, J.G., Spies, F., Wisse D.M., Vrielink R., de Vries E., and G. M. J. van Kempen
(1978) pH-dependent behaviour of erythrocyte membrane elevations II Occurrence in moderate acidemic and alkalemic conditions Cell Biology International Reports Volume 2,
The use of the Internet within police education in the Netherlands
Goedkoop, J.G., Spies, F., Bierman-van Steef, C., Vrielink, R. and van Kempen, G.M.J.
(1978). pH-dependent behavior of erythrocyte membrane elevations. Volume 2, Issue 2,
Pennings, E.M.J., Vrielink, R. and van Kempen, G.M.J. (1978). Kinetics and Mechanism of the rat brain phenol sulfotransferase reaction. Biochemical Journal. 173, pp. 299-307
Pennings, E.M.J., Vrielink, R. and van Kempen, G.M.J. (1976). Anomalous effect of probenecid on rat brain phenolsulfotransferase. Journal of Neurochemistry. Vol. 27, pp. 915-
Pennings, E.M.J., Vrielink, R., Wolters, W.L. and van Kempen,G.M.J. (1976). Inhibition of brain phenol sulfotransferase in vitro by noradrenaline and dopamine metabolites. Journal of
Artigos Originais ABORTO PROVOCADO COMO OBJETO DE ESTUDO EM ANTROPOLOGIA DA SAÚDE INDUCED ABORTION AS THE OBJECT OF STUDY IN ABORTO PROVOCADO COMO OBJETO DE ESTUDIOS EN HEALTH ANTHROPOLOGY Este artigo tem o objetivo de contribuir para a reflexão sobre o aborto provocado em adolescentes, sob o ponto de vista teórico-metodológico. Apre- senta uma breve revisão bibliográf