CADET ACTIVITY MEDICAL INFORMATION FORM INSTRUCTIONS: All activity participants must complete this form in its entirety. Indicate NONE or NO where applicable. Failure to disclose all known medical conditions is cause for dismissal from the activity. Attach a current copy of the member’s insurance card to the application submission. Parent/guardian of cadets age 17 and under must complete this form. PART I – MEMBER & EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION PART II – INSURANCE INFORMATION PART III – MEDICATION INFORMATION & AUTHORIZED NON-PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION INSTRUCTIONS: List ALL prescription, over-the-counter (OTC), and herbal medications taken. Include medication name, dosage, and time to be given. ALL medications MUST be in the original container. DO NOT bring any medications in daily pill packs. For cadets 17 and under, indicate which over-the-counter medicines, their generics, or a similar product if necessary or deemed appropriate by the health services officer may be given. No product endorsement is implied. INITIAL next to each OTC medication authorized. MEDICATION Permission for Administration of Non-Prescription Medications. Non-prescription medications may be given to minor cadets as needed and according to package directions by CAP senior members, and only if permission is given in writing by the cadet’s parent or guardian. I hereby grant permission to the Civil Air Patrol and the Health Services Officers of this activity to administer the medications indicated below to my cadet/child during this activity after consultation and as directed by myself (initial next to each medication authorized). ____ Acetaminophen (Tylenol®) PART IV – MEDICAL HISTORY & INFORMATION
Has the member had, or currently have, any of the following? Circle Y for yes, N for no. If yes, explain in the remarks section with date and physicians consulted. Y | N Frequent Headaches
Y | N Eye Trouble except glasses Y | N Other (List in Remarks)
Y | N The member has been or is now waived from physical training by a doctor. Y | N Is there anything else not specifical y listed that should be known? REMARKS. Describe all medications being taken, medical ailments, recent ALLERGY INFORMATION. List any allergies to medications, food, insects, etc. accidents and injuries, other accidents and injuries, and other conditions. DIETARY RESTRICTIONS.Medical, religious, vegetarian, etc.
I hereby grant permission for the activity Health Services Officer to share this information with CAP Senior Staff members and any health care providers as necessary to ensure appropriate healthcare services are provided for my cadet/child (or myself if age 18 or over). I ( DO ) (DO NOT) (circle DO or DO NOT – line through other) authorize the health services staff to collect and safeguard my minor cadet’s medication for the duration of the activity. PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME (OR MEMBER OVER 18) (TYPED)
FLWG Form 504, 26 Oct 11 OPR: FLWG/CP
Manejo de la Hiperplasia Benigna de Próstata Notas: 1.- El orden en el que aparecen las preguntas en el test de evaluación es aleatorio; y 2.- En este documento, la respuesta correcta está marcada en color rojo El PSA es específico de: Seleccione una: a. Cáncer de próstata. b. HBP. c. Tejido prostático. Sobre la eficacia de la dutasteride es cierto que: Seleccione una: a. La mejorí
2003 Super Bowl game, but the first consumer outreach for The golf connection offered the opportunity for Rx EDGE to in Rx EDGE in-store programs. Matched-panel research the product occurred in late 2002. Rx EDGE began working create a new floor display promoting chances to win tickets has shown that Rx EDGE campaigns deliver an average When the first prescription drug to treat erectile dysf