Microsoft word - top tag drill down report 03_2008

O regon Seniors and People with Disabilities

Top Tag Drill Down Report
Original 1/10/08 rev 3/08
The total number of phrases or key words is greater than the number of instances as a
tag may contain multiple issues.

Nursing Facilities

F 0309 - Provide necessary care and services…
30 cites for the 10/1-12/31/2007 quarter
14 – lack of monitoring or assessment or Dr notification for change in condition
11 – failure to follow care plan for falls, skin breakdown/pressure or positioning
10 - lack of, or inadequate bowel and/or catheter care
10 - failure to follow physicians orders for medication or treatment ( insulin,
Haldol, Avonex, prn pain meds)

28 cites for the 07/1-09/30/2007 quarter
The 28 citations were scattered over so many issues that to trend them or lump
them together would be difficult.

27 cites for the 04/01 – 06/30/2007 quarter
9 - failure to follow physicians orders for medication or treatment
9 - lack of, or inadequate bowel and/or catheter care
7 – lack of monitoring or assessment or Dr notification for change in condition
3 – failure to assess or treat for pain
3 – failure to follow care plan/Dr orders for weights and meal/fluid management

29 cites for the 01/1-03/31/2007 quarter
8 – lack of or inadequate bowel and/or catheter care (most experienced pain or
5 – lack of or inadequate diabetic or insulin monitoring and administration
4 – failure to follow physician orders or care plan for Oxygyn and/or respiratory
4 – failure to prevent or care plan for skin breakdown
3 – failed to prevent or manage pain
3 – failed to follow orders for meal / nutrition monitoring
2 – failure to notify physician of significant change
2 – fall prevention and care plan
22 cites for the 10/1-12/31/2006 quarter
15 – Failure to follow physicians orders for medication or treatment
(includes meds, (insulin, Atenelol, Haldol) diet and hydration, and device use,
(foam boots, positioning pads and contracture devices).
9 - Lack of pain management, treatment for on-going pain or unassessed pain
3 – Failure to care plan or provide care for Residents on hemodialysis .
CBC Citations

C 232 - Abuse Reporting and Investigation: Facility

5 cites for the 10/1-12/31/2007 quarter
3 – no investigation for incidents and incidents with injury
2 – incomplete investigations
2 – no preventative measures or interventions for future
C 260 - Service Plan: General

8 cites for the 10/1-12/31/2007 quarter
7 – not reflective of resident needs (i.e., unaddressed and unassesed pain,
weight loss, dietary, restraints)
4 – service plans not done or not complete
3 – no updates of service plan since admit but change in needs(6 mo, 7 mo, 1 yr)
C 270 - Change of Condition and Monitoring

3 cites for the 10/1-12/31/2007 quarter
2 – no assessment or follow-up or intervention for residents w/ falls
3 - no monitoring for pressure sores, weight loss or health status
C 280 – Resident Health Services
6 cites for the 10/1-12/31/2007 quarter

3 – RN not notified of health issues, MD not notified
3 – no assessment of worsening health conditions
2 - no delegation records for delegated tasks
C 290 - Resident Health Srvc: On- and Off-Site Health Srvc
2 cites for the 10/1-12/31/2007 quarter

3 – failure to coordinate with Home Health



Protocol Mexicaanse griep Van Maasdijkschool Heerenveen November 2009 Algemeen Hoe te handelen bij gevallen van Mexicaanse griep? De overheid (Ministerie van Onderwijs en Wetenschap en Welzijn, Volksgezondheid en Sport) roepen bedrijfsleden en onderwijs op zich voor te bereiden op een mogelijke uitbraak van Mexicaanse griep. Er is informatie via de site van WVS verkregen, die nu in b

Sondaggio di opinione

Concorso "SMETTI & VINCI 2004"Nel Maggio 2004 si è svolta la quarta edizione del concorso Smetti & Vinci,un’iniziativa a carattere internazionale per incentivare le persone a smettere difumare, che ha registrato in tutta Italia un numero di iscritti pari a 8.186 (6.370 nel2002, 5.900 nel 2000, 2.460 nel 1998 - solo Veneto). Con il sondaggio di cui presentiamo i risultati, si

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