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Queries to [email protected] / +44 (0) 208 667 8521 Please use the white spaces to complete your answers.
3 Country in which your institution is located 4 Does your institution provide a National or Regional service? 5 Your name (person completing this questionnaire) 7 Your telephone number or Skype contact details: 8 Total number of staff in your institution (Full-time equivalents) Currency:
9 Annual revenue budget for your organisation (for the whole institution) 10 Full-time equivalent number of staff managing or engaged in digitisation 11i Does your institution have a written digitisation plan? ii If 'Yes' to 11, does this cover the long-term preservation of digital items? 12 What is your institution's annual budget for digitisation, (in Euros)? 13 What percentage of your digitisation costs to-date were funded by: other "in-kind" support? (e.g. value of partnership help) 14 What percentage of your analogue collection(s): 15i Do you posses an online catalogue of your collection(s) ii If 'Yes' to 15, does this distinguish digitised materials? Click the blue "Standards" tab to continue. Questionnaire Page 1:
Classifications and definitions:
When respondents answer question 3, the currency is automatically selected and assumed for al expenditure / budget questions on the questionnaire (Q9, Q12, Q19, Q23, Q26, Q28 & Q33). Q1 Thank you for your help. If, for any reason, your response to any of the questions is incomplete, please add a note to the "Comments" section of this questionnaire, explaining the data you have provided.
Q3 Country (continued)
Q10 Digitisation Staff
Include the time of your own institution's staff engaged on digitisation projects, including: planning and managing in- Q2 Type of Institution
house and contracted projects; preparing and digitising materials; enhancing digitised output to widen accessibility. Q11i Digitisation Plan
(The plan may be for any period up to 2012.) Please provide a copy of this plan with your completed questionnaire if you answer "Yes". Museum of Science &Technology (or Ethnology) Q12 Digitisation Budget
This sum is the amount identified in your own institution's annual budget to provide for digitisation work. Please attempt to include the cost of the staff time devoted to such projects in this estimate, but exclude external funding not in your budget. Make a note on the Comments page, if the figure you provide omits any significant items. Q13ii Funded by Government Programmes
Q8 Year (also Q9, 10 & 12)
Grants made by Central, Regional or Municipal Government for specific purposes, of which Digitisation was an Q4 Geographic Importance
2007/08 Q13iv Funded by Other Arrangements
Show the percentage of all expenditure on digitisation that was funded from any other resources. (e.g. Commercial Q3 Country
Q11 ? (also Q11ii, Q15i & ii)
Q14i No Need to be Digitised
The part of your collection that does not form an important part of the nation's cultural heritage, or is duplicated and has been (or will be) digitised by another institution. Digitisation of reference items will obviate the need to digitise NOTES OF GUIDANCE:
Q8 Full-Time Equivalent Staff (FTE Staff)
Q14i Already Digitised
Show the total staff employed by your institution, assuming part-time Include projects that are approaching completion. Include materials that are staff are converted to the equivalent number for a full working week. recorded as images, even without character recognition. (See Question 23) Include both permanent and temporary staff on the establishment, but Q14iii Still Needs to be Digitised
Include the part of your collection(s) that "still needs to be digitised", either Q9 Annual Budget
to assist with preservation, and/or because the material is sufficiently This is the approved revenue budget, including the annual provision for relevant to justify digitisation to improve open accessibility to a larger staff and running costs of the whole institution, including the cost of planned purchases to replace items in the collections, depreciation, maintenance of IT etc. Note significant omissions in the Comments. Description of digitisation activity you have already undertaken
16 What percentage of your digitisation work was carried out: Digitisation of pictorial images: (e.g. Photographs, paintings, etc. )
pictorial images alone
19 What is the average cost per image (in Euros) achieved? Digitisation of text: (include manuscript, print and microfilm)
text with images:
text only:
21 Most frequent File Format of Master Files: 22 What percentage of digital output is OCRed? 23 What is the average cost per page (in Euros) for OCR achieved? (i.e. inclusive of digitisation cost) 24 How many digitised "image" pages remain to be processed by OCR, Digitisation of audio material:
audio materials:
26 What is the average cost per hour (in Euros) achieved? Digitisation of video and film:
28 What is the average cost per hour (in Euros) achieved? 29 Do you use simultaneous high-speed A-V digitisations equipment? Usage of, and access to digitised materials:
30 Is access mainly to full service free, paid or restricted? Proportion of digitised materials available on the internet:
31 What percentage of the material you have digitised is publicly 32 How many user requests to access DIGITISED materials were there last year: by any other method? (e.g. CD-Rom within the institution) Click the green "Activity" tab to continue. STANDARDS
Questionnaire Page 2:
Classifications and definitions:
Q18 & 21 Image Text Format
Q16 Who Undertakes the Work
If your institution undertook no digitisation work during the previous 12 months (either in-house, contracted or using partners), write "NONE", and move on to question 32. Percentage processed by Optical Character Recognition Q29 Audio-Visual Conversion Equipment
Audio Format
For audio-visual materials do you use conversion equipment that can digitise several originals simultaneously and at speeds that are faster Q20:23 Text with Images
Documents including text and il ustrations on the same page. For example: illustrated books, periodicals, etc. Film / Video Format
Questionnaire Page 3:
Classifications and definitions:
Q33a Unit of Measurement
33 Please provide your best estimate of the materials in your col ections and digitisation activity - also include mass-digitisation (e.g. projects like Google).
Digital output
Planned digitisation
Objects / items / materials in collections: Microforms / Microfilms (not included elsewhere) Any other 2 dimensional object not shown above (Complete supplementary form if you use this line) Total cost for your plans included in column [6] = For information, you reported your digitisation budget for one year at Q12 = On average, how many pages do you store per metre of archive shelving? (You have shown xxxx pages, as calculated from line 'a'.) Report both analogue and digitised materials in the units defined in column 1. Show the total pages equivalent to the units you plan to digitise in column [5].
The "Cost" required under column [6] is equivalent to your estimate that a contractor would charge to digitise all the material shown in columns [4] or [5].
"Digitised units" are materials that have already been digitised.
"Planned units" are materials for which financial resources for digitisation have been identified in plans, for any period up-to 2012. "Sheet music" - The "Number" represents physical units of printed music. These may be held as titles, scores or collections. Click gold "Projects" tab to continue.
The table below should identify the quality and quantity of the digital content (and related metadata) held by your institution. Please enter details in the yellow cells and start a new row for each
Type of material,
Quantity & Definition
Format & Quality
Current Use
Existing Metadata
Other Information
description of
Add further entries if necessary - then click the yellow tab to make any comments. Thank you for your help. PROJECTS
Ref Q16 ii, please list the names of contractors you have employed to digitise materials:
Ref Q16 iii, please list any partners with whom you cooperate on digitisation projects:
Please enter any further comments below: Please save your completed file (Save As) and give it a name that identifies your institution;
… then, send your completed survey return to: [email protected]
Questionnaire Definitions
access (ISO 5127)
right, opportunity or means of obtaining information from documents. access control (NEDLIB)
verification of user rights and the terms and conditions for the access to a publication. archive (Pierce-Moses)
The division within an organization responsible for maintaining the organisation’s records of enduring value. An organisation that collects the records of individuals, families, or other organisations. archive (ISO 5127)
organisation or part of an organisation responsible for selection, acquisition, preservation and availability of one or more archival unit (ISO 5127)
single document or set of documents in an archive, treated as an entity. archived records (adapted from ISO 5127)
records of the same provenance accumulated by an organization or person in the course of the conduct of af airs, and preserved because of their enduring value. article (ISO 5127)
independent text forming a part of a publication. artifact (ODLIS)
An object made or modified by the work of one or more persons (replicas excluded), as distinct from a natural object, called a specimen when col ected. Objects created for their aesthetic value are considered works of art. Alternative spelling, “artefact”. audiorecording (ODLIS)
any medium on which sounds are recorded for mechanical or electronic playback, including phonograph records (vinyl), audiotape, and compact disc. Synonymous with sound recording. audiovisual document (ISO 2789)
document in which sound and/or pictures are prominent, and which requires the use of special equipment to be seen and/or This includes audio documents such as records, tapes, cassettes, audio compact discs, DVD’s, files of digital audio recordings; visual documents such as slides, transparencies, and combined audiovisual documents, such as motion pictures, video recordings, etc. Microforms are excluded. book (ISO 2789)
non-serial printed document in codex form. born digital (Jones)
Digital materials which are not intended to have an analogue equivalent, either as the originating source or as a result of closed access (ISO 5127)
access to information, documents or information services limited by general or specific regulations. collection (ISO 5127)
gathering of documents assembled on the basis of some common characteristic, without regard to their provenance. digital document (ISO 2789)
information unit with a defined content that has been digitized by the library or acquired in digital form as part of the library This includes eBooks, electronic patents, networked audiovisual documents and other digital documents, e.g. reports, cartographic and music documents, preprints, etc. Databases and electronic serials are excluded. Items incorporated in databases are excluded. A digital document may be structured into one or more files. A digital document consists of one or more content units. digital materials (Jones)
A broad term encompassing digital surrogates created as a result of converting analogue materials to digital form (digitisation), and "born digital" for which there has never been and is never intended to be an analogue equivalent, and digital records. digital preservation (ODLIS)
The process of maintaining, in a condition suitable for use, materials produced in digital formats, including preservation of the bit stream and the continued ability to render or display the content represented by the bit stream. The task is compounded by the fact that some digital storage media deteriorate quickly ("bit rot"), and the digital object is inextricably entwined with its access environment (software and hardware), which is evolving in a continuous cycle of innovation and obsolescence. Also refers to the practice of digitizing materials originally produced in non-digital formats (print, film, etc.) to prevent permanent loss due to deterioration of the physical medium. digitisation (IMLS)
the process of converting, creating and maintaining books, art works, historical documents, photos, journals etc, in electronic representation so they can be viewed via computer and other devices. document (ISO 2789)
recorded information or material object, which can be treated as a unit in a documentation process. Documents may differ in their physical form and characteristics. download (ISO 2789)
successful request of a descriptive record or content unit, e.g. for displaying, printing, saving, or emailing. For web server logs successful requests are those with specific return codes, as defined by NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Applications). drawing (ISO 5127)
picture made with a solid mineral substance or a pointed tool. engraving (ISO 5127)
print made from any kind of intaglio plate, whether engraved with hand-tools or a machine, or etched with acid, so that the printing areas are lower than the non-printing areas. film (ISO 5127)
series of pictures recorded on a strip of transparent material, or on an electronic data medium, which, when projected or produced rapidly one after another on a screen, give the il usion of natural and continuous movement. full-time equivalent/FTE (adapted from ISO 11620)
a measurement equal to one staf person working a full-time work schedule for one year. If out of three persons employed in an institution, one works quarter-time, one works half-time, and one works ful -time, then the FTE of these three persons would be 0,25 + 0,5 + 1,0 = 1,75 employees (FTE). incunabulum (ISO 5127)
volume printed in Europe from movable type and dating from before 1501-01-01. issue (ODLIS)
copy of a newspaper or periodical published on the same date and bearing the same issue number. journal (adapted from ISO 2789)
serial under the same title published at regular or irregular intervals, over an indefinite period, individual issues in the series being numbered consecutively or each issue being dated. Series of reports, transactions of institutions, series of regular conference proceedings and annuals are included, while newspapers and Leaf (ISO 5127)
sheet of paper or similar thin material on which information has been or may be recorded library (ISO 2789)
organization, or part of an organization, the main aims of which are to build and maintain a col ection and to facilitate the use of such information resources and facilities as are required to meet the informational, research, educational, cultural or These are the basic requirements for a library and do not exclude any additional resources and services incidental to its main purpose. Manuscript (ISO 2789)
original document that is handwritten or in typescript. Bound volumes and other units (fragments, rolls, autographs, etc.) may be counted separately. Map (ISO 5127)
conventional representation, on a reduced scale and usually flat, of phenomena which can be localized in space and time. Metadata (ODLIS)
Literally, “data about data.” Structured information describing information resources/objects for a variety of purposes….The term is general y used in the library community for on-traditional schemes such as the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, the VRA Core Categories, and the Encoded Archival Description (EAD). Metadata has been categorized as descriptive, structural, and administrative. Descriptive metadata facilitates indexing, discovery, identification, and selection. Structural metadata describes the internal structure of complex information resources. Administrative metadata aids in the management of resources and may include rights management metadata, preservation metadata, and technical metadata describing the physical characteristics of a resource. Microform (ISO 2789)
photographic document requiring magnification when used. Slides and similar documents are counted as audiovisual documents. Monograph (ISO 5127)
publication in print or non-print form, either complete in one volume or complete, or intended to be completed, in a finite Monument (adapted from OECD and UNESCO)
Historic monuments are fixed assets that are identifiable because of particular historic, national, regional, local, religious or symbolic significance. This includes architectural works, groups of buildings, works of monumental sculpture and painting, elements or structures of an archaeological nature, inscriptions, cave dwellings and combinations of features. The definition excludes objects in the collections of archives, libraries and museums. Museum (1) (ISO 5127)
organized collection of artefacts or naturalia of cultural or scientific interest, stored permanently for intended display. Museum (2) (ISO 5127)
organization or part of an organization responsible for collecting, preserving, and exhibiting museum documents. Newspaper (ISO 2789)
serial, which contains news on current events of special or general interest, the individual parts of which are listed chronologically or numerically and usually appear at least once a week. Object (adapted from CIDOC guidelines)
An item which forms part of an institution’s collections. For natural science collections the term “Specimen” is used. In this document the two terms should be regarded as being interchangeable. Open access (ISO 5127)
unrestricted access to information, documents or information services. optical character recognition/OCR (ODLIS)
A process by which characters typed or printed on a page are electronically scanned, analyzed, and if found recognizable on the basis of appearance, converted into a digital character code capable of being processed by a computer. OCR eliminates the time-consuming process of re-keying information produced in print, but results can be unpredictable if the scanned copy is imperfect or contains diacritical marks or unrecognizable characters. page (ISO 5127)
pamphlet (ISO 5127)
monograph having not more than 48 pages. patent (ISO 2789)
government document granting an inventor the sole right to use or license an invention together with associated physical unit (ISO 2789)
physical y coherent document unit, inclusive of any protective devices, freely movable against other document units. Coherence may be achieved, for example, by binding or encasement. For printed documents, the term “volume” is used for the physical unit (see also volume). photograph (ISO 5127)
picture obtained by a process which fixes a direct and durable image on a sensitized surface by the action of electromagnetic picture (ISO 5127)
primarily two-dimensional presentation of one or more objects or shapes. postcard (ISO 5127)
card for conveyance by post, often with a picture on one side. poster (ODLIS)
A large single sheet of heavy paper or cardboard, usually printed on one side only, with or without illustration, to advertise a product/service or publicize a forthcoming event (meeting, concert, dramatic performance, etc.), intended for display on a bul etin board, kiosk, wal , or other suitable surface. preservation (ISO 5127)
all measures taken including financial and strategic decisions, to maintain the integrity and extend the life of documents or print (ISO 5127)
copy of an image transferred to a sensitive material. rare book (ISO 2789)
record (ISO 5127)
document created or received and maintained by an agency, organization or individual in pursuance of legal obligations or in request (adapted from COUNTER)
User requests include viewing, downloading, emailing and printing of items, where this activity can be recorded and controlled. restricted access (adapted from ODLIS)
the policy of limiting access to an online resource or service to members of a particular community, such as the students, faculty, and staf of a university or the walk-in patrons of a public library. retrodigitisation
The transformation of the information of the original physical, analogue carrier (e.g. print media, films, tapes) into a digital form. Retrodigitisation is used in libraries and archives for the purpose of preserving documents in danger of decay and of giving access to broad usage. score (ISO 5127)
document containing notation for a musical work, with the staves of the parts arranged on the page so that notes sounded set (ISO 5127)
assembly of objects or concepts considered as a whole. sheet music (ISO 5127)
printed music issued without covers, whether actually printed on single sheets (pages) or not. title (ISO 2789)
words at the head of a document thus identifying it and normally distinguishing it from others. For measuring purposes, “title” describes a document, which forms a separate item with a distinctive title, whether issued in one or several physical units, and disregarding the number of copies of the document held by the library. videorecording (ODLIS)
electronic medium in which visual images, usual y in motion and accompanied by sound, are recorded for playback by means of a television receiver or monitor. The category includes videotape and videodisc. volume (ISO 2789)
physical unit for a printed document assembling a certain number of leaves under one cover to form a whole or part of a set. Borbinha, J. L. and Cardoso, F. (2000), NEDLIB glossary, available at: CIDOC, International Committee for Documentation of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), International Guidelines for Museum Object Information: The CIDOC Information Categories, available at: http://www.wil COUNTER. Code of practice for journals and databases, Release 3, Appendix A: Glossary of terms, 2008, available at: IMLS. Institute of Museum and Library Services, Status of technology and digitization in the nation’s museums and libraries, 2006, available at: ISO 2789 (2006) Information and documentation – International library statistics ISO 5127 (2001) Information and documentation – Vocabulary ISO/FDIS 11620 (2008) Information and documentation – Library performance indicators Jones, M. and Beagrie, N. (2003), Preservation management of digital materials: a handbook, London: British Library, available at: ht p:// OECD. Glossary of statistical terms, available at: Pierce-Moses, R. (2005), A Glossary of Archival and Records Terminology, The Society of American Archivists, available at: Reitz, J. M., ODLIS - Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science, available at: UNESCO. Convention concerning the protection of the world cultural and natural heritage, Paris, 16 November 1972, available at:


ORIGINAL ARTICLE Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2012;46(5):346-352 Efficacy of sonographically guided intra-flexoral sheath corticosteroid injection in the treatment of trigger thumb Mohsen MARDANI-KIVI1, Farivar Abdullahzadeh LAHIJI2, Ali Babaei JANDAGHI3, Khashayar SAHEB-EKHTIARI4, Keyvan HASHEMI-MOTLAGH4 1Department of Orthopedics, Guilan University of Medical Sciences, Ra


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