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8 de Octubre 2323/1501 Tel: (5982) 4001684 Fax: (5982) 4028056 Email: [email protected] World beef report Information and analysis of Livestock markets Issue: 772 Date: Wednesday, November 5th, 2008 Editor: Eduardo Blasina The US surpasses Russia as main Uruguayan beef buyer Negotiations on E.coli between Uruguay and the US progress Brazilian beef exports fall 15% in October Marfrig announces new purchases while other Brazilian companies ask for help New record in Argentine cow slaughter The US to import more beef in 2009 End of year fall of Russian beef consumption expected Uruguay Beef average FOB price falls 13% in October Uruguay - Beef FOB values
• For the first time in fourteen months (since
August 2007), Uruguayan beef exports to the US
surpassed those destined to Russia. Both,
however, were displaced by the European Union
which turned into the leading destination in the
month. At the same time, a strong contraction
According to data provided by Customs, in
October, Uruguay exported 16,375 tons of
refrigerated beef valued in US$ 83.4 million at an
average FOB price of US$/t 5,094. The volume
was 8.7% above September but the average
price fell 12.9%. Consequently, the monthly
changes in the market since August. Chilled beef
• Export average price reflected the strong
averaged US$/t 13,189, 13.5% below September
drops of international markets. It contracted 13%
while frozen averaged US$/t 6,821, 15% below
in the case of Russia to US$/t 3,283, which was
September. The average fall would be more
accompanied by a significant fall in volume to
acute but for some increases on sales to Europe,
just 2,267 tons, the lowest since July 2007. The
strong drop on sales to Russia was somehow
Other markets with fairly good volumes were
compensated by an increase on sales to the US
Venezuela with 1,337 tons and Hong Kong with
which, as mentioned above, situated above
969 tons, both consolidating among best buyers
However, if considered jointly, sales to the EU
• Volumes of processed meat exports are still
were the highest in the month with 4,357 tons,
low with the UK as the best client. In October it
38% above September and almost trebling the
was the destination of 635 tons, 65% of the
total. After the drops suffered by refrigerated
counterweighted by a notable fall on FOB average
beef prices, it is certain that shipments of
price, something expected due to the radical
Blasina & Tardáguila Consultores Asociados. Montevideo, Uruguay
Uruguay - Beef and byproducts exports Uruguay - FOB value of chilled exports to the Total fresh beef Chilled beef
Ene Feb Mar Abr May Jun Jul Ago Sep Oct Nov Dic
Frozen beef
• In the first ten months of the year, Uruguay
exported 222,267 tons of beef, much the same Frozen boneless
volume of equal period 2007. The average FOB
price, meanwhile, was US$/t 5,066, 61% above
High ranking officials travel to the US for E.Coli issue
The Director of Animal Industry, Héctor
Lazaneo, and the member of Cattle Services.
Jorge Armstrong, start today a series of contacts
in the US aiming to “remove any doubts” with
respect to the sanitary equivalence agreement Offal
signed late last year between sanitary authorities
of both countries, which concerns to a potential
E.coli contamination, commented to Radio RuralTripe, stomachs,
Francisco Muzzio, Director General of Cattle etc
Services. The trip was agreed in a meeting
between industrial unions and members of INAC Processed
Though in Uruguay they are sure that the issue
will be solved promptly, some importers keep
doubts that inhibit them from buying Uruguayan TOTAL GENERAL
beef afraid of a possible recall. Muzzio said he Source: based in Customs/Urunet
agreed with US sanitary authorities that any
that several Uruguayan meatpackers already
eventual appearance of E.coli in a Uruguayan
shipment should be “first reported to Cattle
Services of Uruguay, who will proceed to inspect
• The market for finished cattle continues
extremely blocked, with just few packers passing
buying prices. Most maintain the attitude of
The agreement indicates that if the feared
bacteria is present, the entire “lot” will be retired.
booking lots for 15-20 days without fixing prices.
The doubt remains in the definition of “lot”, but
However, price drops have been softer than in
Muzzio explained that “in most cases” is one day
previous weeks. During the past two months
of production. “The doubt – he expressed – is if
heavy steer quotations dropped between US$
one lot sails on different days, which may
0.15 and 0.25/kg cw each week. In this last, if
generate an important recall, but the industry
compared with the beginning of the previous,
prices fell between 5 and 10 cents. The few
He concluded by saying that “it is a commercial
plants passing prices offer between US$ 1.90 and
issue, more than any other thing”, and remarked
1.95/kg cw for special steers, when in the past
were paying US$ 2.00. In some punctual cases of
Blasina & Tardáguila Consultores Asociados. Montevideo, Uruguay
Uruguay - Slaughter and Exports Total Slaughter from 26/10 - 1/11 H eads per category Slaughterhouse Year to date % Total Last w eek Distribution of slaughter (percentage) W eekly beef exports by destination (ton c.w )
* includes Puerto Rico; ** includes Chile
special lots the last reference could still be
for ovine meat. There are no plants passing
reached. These have relatively short terms of no
prices for adult categories while heavy lambs are
more than a week. Those applying this strategy
paid between US$ 2.30 and 2.40/kg carcass
buy cattle to slaughter in the next week. Prices
for cows oscillate around US$ 1.65/kg cw.
• Supply is far from abundant but still surpasses
• Cattle slaughter fell during the past week.
demand. Lack of rains is a factor that still puts
After four weeks of gradual increases, in the past
pressure on many producers, especially in the
– according to information issued by the National
southern region. However, there’s no significant
Meat Institute (INAC) – incoming cattle totaled
selling pressure. If the relative stability of
29,853 head, 11.8% below the previous and 9%
financial markets prevails, new export business
below the same week 2007. Industry worker
should slowly resume and allow the beef market
strikes - Wednesday and Friday – had important
repercussions in that sense. Besides, many
• Meatpackers also reduced strongly its demand
plants are inactive, some also for trade union
Ovines: slaughter, prices and exports in Uruguay Uruguay - Weekly steers and cows Slaughter slaughter Slaughterhouse
In US$ cents/k lw; export lamb dwExps. in tons cw. Sources: own, INAC, MGAP & ACG
Blasina & Tardáguila Consultores Asociados. Montevideo, Uruguay
Mercosur Cattle View (US$ cents/kg) Brazil - Monthly fresh beef exports URUGUAY ARGENTINA (live weight)
problems like Las Moras and others by market
problems like Clademar and Sarubbi.
slaughters (-24.5%) which totaled just 10,889
head, the lowest number in the year, while steers
Cattle slaughter totaled 144,145 head in
October, just 3.9% below September. Compared
with October 2007 there’s a 16.4% increase
BRAZIL (live weight)
(20,300 animals), but the descent is 25%
(46,900 animals) when compared with October
• Ovine activity during the past week accounted
for 32,529 head, 31.8% below the previous and
Brazil Beef exports fell in October Future steer prices
• According to data provided by the Overseas Trade Agency (Secex), Brazilian beef exports fell
in October. Beef as well as swine and poultry
meat exports suffered drops with respect to
Restocker quotes
In the case of refrigerated beef, overseas sales
totaled 89,300 tons valued in US$ 394.3 million
at an average FOB price of US$/t 4,418. The
volume is 13.9% below September and 15.4%
PARAGUAY (live weight)
reductions but most certainly reflects the
contraction of international demand. However,
the average price is not yet falling and increased
o.9% in the month and 41.9% in the year. This
• Some downward corrections again took place
value will start to fall in November data.
on Brazil’s finished cattle prices. However, the
• In the 12 months to October, Brazil exported
week also had positive trends, especially late last
1.08 million tons of beef, the lowest volume since
week, with consistent improvements in the
futures market. Notwithstanding, prices eyed
more the stability on financial markets but cattle
Blasina & Tardáguila Consultores Asociados. Montevideo, Uruguay
World cattle prices Steers in Uruguay Estimated carcass price (US$/k) Steers Steers in San Pablo
Sources: Uruguayan operators, Mercado de Liniers SA, argentine operators,
producers have good expectations on prices
• JBS-Friboi announced its third quarter
considering that supply is at this moment in its
balance sheet which included enlargement plans
on its slaughter and debonement capacity of its
plants in Brazil, showing it bets strongly to an
The week was as well positive for the Real,
which improved again in its parity with the US$,
increase of demand in 2009. The unit in Barra de
slowly leaving behind the peaks of 2-3 weeks
Garças, Mato grosso will pass from 1,300 daily
back and nearing the R$/US$ 2.00 reference that
head to 2,500 while its unit in Mato Grosso do
some analysts estimate as the new balance for
Sul will increase from 1,300 daily head to 3,000.
Another unit located in Rondônia already
enlarged its capacity from 900 to 2,200 head
Marfrig confirms purchase of OSI Group Marfrig and Comercio de Alimentos announced
this week the purchase of the companies Moy Central Bank keeps interest rate unchanged Pork in Europe and the OSI Group in Brazil for
• The Committee forMonetary Policies of the
US$ 680 million, after its approval by the
Central Bank (Copom) decided Thursday to keep
European Commission. For the purchase in
the basic interest annual rate (Selic) unchanged
Europe the group, following the laws of Northern
in 13.75%. The decision disregarded the wishes
Ireland, created Kilnway Limited which will
of President Lula – who wanted the rate to fall –
control actives in the continent. Moy Pork is the
but at least took into account the government’s
Brazil - Meat & leather exports
fourth company in the segment in Northern
Ireland and also comprises plants in England,
France and the Netherlands, reported Beefpoint.
Brazilian companies bought by Marfrig-OSI
include Brasio Produtos de Carne – supplier of
fast food chains -, Penasul Alimentos – industry
of pork and poultry products – and Agrofrango Industria e Comercio de Alimentos – a chicken
JBS-Friboi invests on instalation enlargements
Blasina & Tardáguila Consultores Asociados. Montevideo, Uruguay
wing that rejected a new drop, informed Estado
generated by units that stopped their activities –
de SaoPaulo. The committee said that the
some R$ 7 million (US$ 3.24 million) – not to be
decision was taken considering the environment
shared by active units. Sharing the “damage” is
of big economic uncertainty generated by the
a consequence of the tributary system that
collects the Product and Services Circulation Tax
Good expectations despite the crisis
(ICMS). All units in the sector must pay a
• According to two industrial representatives
predetermined amount based on its billings. If,
cited by Beefpoint, the beef industry sector is
for some reason, the amount is not reached, the
optimistic with respect to 2009 projections
difference must be shared by the rest of the
despite the unfavorable international context. “In
units. ICMS will collect in Mato Grosso some R$
a scenario that runs beside a credit crisis, cost-
109 million during the current year but five
effectiveness in the beef production chain
inactive plants generate a R$ 7 million debt that
improved”, affirmed the president of the Beef Exporter’s Association, Roberto Gianetti da
“We can’t assume debts of closed units as the
Fonseca, referring to the US$ exchange rate
industry goes through a very delicate moment
increase. “Cattlemen have good prices; though
and this will complicate even more the situation
somewhat lower, it’s still well paid”, he said. He
and produce more closures”, warned Sindifrigo’s
added that “meatpackers have better margins;
president, Luis Antonio Freitas Martins, cited by
for each dollar exported they get more Reales
Sadia and Perdigâo announce losses
• On his side, the president of the Beef Industry
• The two biggest beef processors in the
Union of Rio Grandedo Sul (Sicaderg), Ronei
country, Sadia and Perdigâo announced net
Lauxen, maintains his projections of recovery of
losses during the third quarter, unlike gains
the state’s sector despite the international
during the same quarter in the past year. While
scenario and cattle shortages. “In 2006 we had a
Sadia announced losses for US$ 365 million,
production peak and in following years we
Perdigâo admitted US$ 11.6 million. Mentioned
register falls on our exports; we had many
as main reason for these negative results is the
closures. In 2009 the crisis may partly endanger
US dollar depreciation against the Real in the
our recovery, but there are no intentions to grant
concessions”, he said in a radio program.
Alimentos Estrela asks for financial help Futures steer price up in October
• Meatpacker Alimentos Estrela is one of the
• Finished steer was the only of the six agrarian
first to ask for help to the National Economic and
contracts that operate in Sao Paulo’s BM&F that
Social Development Bank (BNDES) and other
closed October with an upward trend, says a
public banks to face the crisis. Loan contracts are
survey of Valor Económico. October contracts
already finished and signed by all parties
grew 1.51% late in the month to R$/@ 92.06,
involved, but banks wait for a clearer sign about
equivalent to R$ 3.07/kg (US$ 1.42). The
beef demand in the future, said Rafael Torres,
increase occurred despite the falls registered
marketing manager of the company. “We are
during the second half of the month, after news
of possible Russian shipment devolutions started
governmental aid is close”, Torres added, cited
Russian sanitary mission arrived last week
The company – who is currently using 25% of its
• Russian sanitary authorities disembarked last
slaughter capacity – faced difficulties in
week in Brazil and expect to audit production and
September, when credit lines to exporters were
industrial establishments as well as veterinarian
suddenly stopped as a consequence of the
units. The issues under inspection include bovine,
international financial crisis. This generated
swine and chicken production in all states with a
payment delays to providers, which was followed
F&MD-free status with or without vaccination.
Mato Grosso meatpackers ask for financial Argentina: cattle salughter and beef production help to cope with the crisis
Representatives of the beef industry in Mato
Grosso met with a state economic team to ask for
help to avoid more plant closures. The State Beef Industry Union (Sindifrigo) asks for debts
Heads, OTH kilograms and th tons cwtSource: ONCCA
Blasina & Tardáguila Consultores Asociados. Montevideo, Uruguay
Argentina - Volume approved for exports in 2008 PROCESSED COW FOR PROCESSING Argentina - Monthly cattle slaughter 327.894,94 168.537,11 101.928,55 68.637,41
Source: ONCCA; beef in tons carcass weight eq, offals in swt and heads of cattle
Argentina - Beef authorized for exports Argentina Cow slaughter reaches another record
• Cow slaughter in July – August reached 25%
of the total – a new historical record – informed
Oncca in its last monthly report. The number of
female cattle slaughtered in August – 314,009 –
was 5.8% above the same month 2007. In July
the number was 345,924 head, the biggest
advantage of the historic high prices of the past
registered since 2001 and 18.8% above the same
month 2007. Accumulated to August, the number
ONCCA informs of more export certificates
of cows – 2,011,516 – was 5.9% above the equal
in October
A report from ONCCA informs that in October it
slaughtered. These numbers are a consequence
issued ROEs (Export registers) equivalent to
of liquidation processes on dairy farms and
61,845 carcass weight tons, the bulkiest
reduction and dismantling of breeding herds
affected by the drought, which adds to low prices
excludes industrial cows as well as offal and
generated by governmental decisions to restrain
Warns about negative perspectives in the
• Prices of finished cattle keep the notorious
next two months
downward trend in Argentina. Cattle sold in
• Beef exports in November and December are
Liniers salesyard and that destined to the local
expected to be very low and with an important
market and heavy export steers all suffered
overstock on major country packers, declared to
significant drops on its reference prices. These
Infocampo the adviser Víctor Tonelli. “External
are even bigger in US$ as the Argentine Peso
beef demand disappeared and this will be felt
again devaluated, in this case 2.4% in the week.
strongly in November and December; only in
January the situation will tend to slowly recover”,
North America
the specialist said. “An important overstock will
US beef imports may increase 15% in 2009
occur and this will bring cattle prices to very low
• The latest quarterly outlook published by US
levels”, and added that “meatpackers that may
based Steiner ConsultingGroup (SCG) reveals
not face the situation will have to negotiate some
that US beef imports in 2009 may increase by
kind of subsidy to keep their workers”.
around 15% on this year’s low levels. This is
• The situation is already observed, said an
largely due to expectations that the US$ will
executive of the beef sector who added that
remain strong; trading conditions experienced in
“purchase orders are totally paralyzed and
other markets will be difficult; and US beef
relationships with the few buyers still remaining
deteriorates day after day”. In a statement to
Given the significant decline in import volumes
Infocampo he considered as “a shame that for
this year, Australian imported 90CL cow beef
political reasons we were unable to take
prices in the US for 2008 are expected to rise
Blasina & Tardáguila Consultores Asociados. Montevideo, Uruguay
NAFTA Markets Cattle (US$/k)
Month Var month % Cattle (US$/k) Import price US$/ton, frozen, boneless ) Trimmings 90 USA: Selected primal cuts US$ / Ton Montreal Wholesale Prices (US$/k) CME futures - Live Cattle (US$/k)
Sources: USA: USDA and CME. Canada: Cattle: USDA; Import prices: Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Wholesale Prices: Agriculture and Agri Food Canada
19.6% on 2007 levels, to average US¢/lb 160.48
Brazil —5%—, Argentina —20%—and the United
FOB (US landed, forward price). Prices over the
States —10%— outweigh decreases from
next couple of months, however, are expected to
ease from the record levels set earlier this year,
to US¢/lb 155 and US¢/lb 152 FOB in November
and December, respectively. Following tight
US Trade Representative Office eyeing EU
supplies of imported beef this year and the
product duties in beef hormones dispute
resulting high prices in the US, SCG is predicting
• The Office of the US Trade Representative
that Australian 90CL cow beef prices will ease
announced Friday it is seeking public comment
3.9% in 2009, to average US¢/lb 154.25 FOB (US
on modifying the list of European products
subject to increased tariffs in connection with
Despite the decline in US imported manufacturing
World Trade Organization (WTO) settlement
beef prices (in US$ terms) forecast for 2009,
rulings in the EU beef hormones dispute.
Australian cow prices should hold firm going into
Modifications could involve the products subject
2009 on the premise that the A$ remains low
to increased duties, the level of increased duties,
against the US$, and that the Australian herd
or the EU member States whose products are
rebuilds – reducing the availability of female
subject to the duties. In a report released on
October 16, 2008, the WTO Appellate BodyU.S. to import more beef in 2009
rejected the EU's claim and confirmed that the
United States has a continuing right to impose
The United States is expected to import 1.213
million metric tons of beef in 2009 — an increase
FSIS provides new guidance to inspectors
of 82,000 metric tons, or 7 percent, from 2008 —
for E. coli testing in raw beef
but still less than it imported each year between
• USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service is
2004 and 2007, according to USDA statistics.
providing new guidance to inspection program
In a Livestock and Poultry World Markets and
manufacturing trimmings and other raw ground
Trade report released last week, USDA said the
beef and patty components for E. coli O157:H7
increased U.S. imports are expected due to the
testing. Currently, FSIS personnel are not to
strengthening dollar and reduced cow slaughter
which will tighten beef processing supplies.
establishment has completed pre-shipment
Blasina & Tardáguila Consultores Asociados. Montevideo, Uruguay
USA - Import values Australia & New Zealand Financial crisis to curb Russian meat consumption
• The global financial crisis is likely to lead to a
10% fall in Russian meat consumption by the
end of 2008, compared to the first half of the
year, says Interfax News Agency. Impacts of the
global credit crunch are coming to light in Russia
products on the market and rising demand for
In US$/ton; n=no quote; Source: based in USDA
cheaper meat items. Consumption of beef, the
review for the sampled lot. Under this notice,
most expensive meat in the Russian market, is
FSIS, in many cases, will be collecting and
expected to see the largest decline, while
submitting samples to the laboratory before the
consumption of poultry is likely to increase.
establishment completes pre-shipment review.
Russia limits meat import from Belgium, Canada approves first vaccine against E.coli Brazil, Denmark and the US
• The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
approved last week the use of the first world’s
(Rosselkhoznadzor) has imposed a temporary
vaccine against E.coli O157:H7, which received
ban on meat import to Russia from twelve
on February a provisional license from the US
companies of Belgium, Brazil, Denmark and the
Department of Agriculture(USDA), reported
United States effective October 28, according to
Eurocarne. The vaccine – developed by the
the Russian news agency Itar-Tass. Listeriosis
University of British Columbia (UBC), the Alberta
disease germs, intestinal infection germs,
Research Council (ARC), the University of
tetracycline antibiotics and anti-parasitic
Saskatchewan’s Vaccine and Infectious Disease
medicines were detected in the meat products, a
Organization (VIDO) and the Canadian
Rosselkhoznadzor source told Itar-Tass on
pharmaceutical company Bioniche Life Sciences
Friday. According to USDA, Russia banned
Inc. – prevents the E.coli O157:H7 bacteria from
poultry imports from Allen Family Foods in
sticking to the intestine of cattle, reducing its
Hurlock, Maryland, effective October 28. USDA
reproduction in the animal and diminishing the, USDA has not posted any
• Prices in the US beef complex once more
Move to raise age for cattle's BSE tests
improved during the past week. Carried by
Proposals have been made to raise the age
expectancies of a rather scarce offer for the next
above which cattle must be tested for BSE. The
few weeks, which add to the main financial
consultation has been launched by Defra, the
indicators, beef cut prices as well as finished
cattle tend upwards. The same happened in the
ChicagoMercantile Exchange, where futures
proposals, the age above which all cattle
prices for finished steers went up in a fairly
slaughtered for human consumption and all
fallen stock must be tested for BSE would rise to
However, clouds arrived this week from the beef
48 months. If the changes are agreed then the
industry side. Though beef price climbed,
new rules would come into place from January
industrial operating margins seem to be negative.
• Reference values for imported beef published
by the USDA again fell last week. Demand is still
Commission proposes €100 million
extremely poor and prices for differed deliveries
additional fund to eradicate “blue tongue”
continue to quote with big discounts with respect
• The European Commission (EC) is ready to
propose early next year an additional € 100
million fund to help eradicate the “blue tongue”
disease. In this way, the EC will supply between
Blasina & Tardáguila Consultores Asociados. Montevideo, Uruguay
Australia Beef Export Prices Prices to Japan (C.I.F) Chilled Exchange rates Frozen To US (C.I.F.)
All currency/US$, except euro and pound, US$/curr. Oceania Australia cuts reference interest rate
2008 and 2009 near € 300 million to fight against
• The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) decided
the disease. The European Health Commissioner,
yesterday to cut by 75 points the basic interest
Androulla Vassiliou, reminded in a statement the
rate to 5.25%. The Australian dollar, which
big preoccupation that the disease generates in
recovered last week part of the previously lost
European cattlemen and authorities and indicated
terrain, returned once more to a downward
that “the extensive vaccination will stop the
trend. It devaluated yesterday a further 3% in its
disease and reduce its prevalence and effects”.
European economic confidence plunges to 15-year low PGG Wrightson ditched plan to buy Silver
Economic confidence in Europe plummeted in
October to its lowest level since 1993, according
Wrightson Ltd has ditched a NZ$ 220 million
to a key survey released Thursday, adding to
(US$129 million) plan to buy 50 percent of meat
signs of a looming recession for the region, said
processor Silver Fern Farms due to problems
ANP. The European Commission's closely-watched
economic sentiment indicator (ESI) for the 15-
The company last month was forced to delay the
deal after funding promised by a number of
September to 80.4 October in the wake of share
banks fell through due to the global credit crisis.
market chaos that has helped to fuel the
Canceling the deal was necessary to provide
deepening sense of economic gloom facing the
certainty to shareholders, said Keith Cooper,
currency bloc.The release of the commission's
chief executive of Silver Fern Farms, a sheep and
latest survey comes just one week before the
beef meat processing co-operative owned by
European Central Bank is expected to cut interest
farmers, though the two groups would still look
rates to help shore up investor and economic
for ways to work together. "It enables us to
feasible," Cooper said in a statement, quoting by
Blasina & Tardáguila Consultores Asociados. Montevideo, Uruguay
Press Release “WINES GREATEST VALUE COULD BE IN THE WASTE” The value of the powerful antioxidants extracted from wine waste could be far greater than the wine itself according to Martin Cheney from Yarra Valley based gourmet food producer Australian Harvest Fine Foods. Martin launched antioxidant supplements on to the Australian market in 1984 when he owned Bio-Organics one of Austr
Keep in a cool place: exposure of medicines to hightemperatures in general practice during a British heatwaveExposure of medicines to high temperatures in storage or in transit could reduce their efficacy, and most licencesspecify storage at 258C or less. To assess whether this criterion was being met, maximum temperatures in a generalpractice drug cupboard and in drug bags placed in car boots