Friday, the 17th July, 2009. Asadha 26, 1931 (Saka)
The House assembled at 11.00 am of Friday, the 17th July, 2009 in theAssembly Hall with the Hon’ble Speaker, Dr. S. Budhichandra Singh in the Chair.MEMBERS PRESENT:
Hon’ble Chief Minister, 11 Cabinet Ministers, Chairman & Vice-Chairman
(Hill Areas Committee) and 42 Elected Members. QUESTIONS:
(a) Hon’ble Minister (Works) made a reply to Starred Question No.
391 asked by Shri E. Kunjeswar Singh, MLA in the absence of ShriT. Mangibabu Singh, MLA regarding the works taken up underS.P.A. in Thanga A/C.
(b) Hon’ble Minister (Social Welfare) gave a reply to Starred Question
No. 392 asked by Shri Th. Nandakishor Singh, MLA regarding thedistrict wise number of beneficiaries under Family Benefit Schemeduring 2008-09.
(c) Hon’ble Minister (Social Welfare) gave a reply to Starred Question
No. 393 asked by Shri R.K. Anand, MLA regarding theenforcement of person with disabilities (Equal Opportunities,Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1955 in
(d) Hon’ble Minister (Social Welfare) gave a reply to Starred Question
No. 394 asked by Shri V. Hangkhanlian, MLA regarding the non-payment of honorarium for Anganwadi Workers and Helpers underParbung I.C.A.S. Project since August, 2008.
(e) Hon’ble Minister (Revenue) gave a reply to Starred Question No.
acquisition for the post of Mandal in the Department.
(f) Hon’ble Minister (Revenue) gave a reply to Starred Question No.
396 asked by Shri Wungnaoshang Keishing, MLA regarding theupgradation of Sahamphung S.D.C. Office to S.D.O. Office.
(g) Hon’ble Minister (Education) gave a reply to Starred Question No.
397 asked by Dr. I. Ibohalbi, MLA regarding the filling up of someposts of Head Masters of Junior High Schools and Asst. HeadMasters of High Schools through regular DPC.
(h) Hon’ble Minister (Works) gave a reply to Starred Question No. 398
asked by Dr. Ng. Bijoy Singh, MLA regarding the pending of casesin Court in respect of the seniority list of A.E. and E.E.
(i) Hon’ble Minister (I.F.C.D.) gave a reply to Starred Question No.
399 asked by Dr. U. Deben Singh, MLA regarding Project proposalfor improvement of river banks of Imphal River and Sekmai Riverpassing through Wabgai A/C.
(j) Hon’ble Minister (Revenue) gave a reply to Starred Question No.
implementation of the recommendation of the House Committee toenquire into the allotment of Plots in the Plan/Scheme areas ofImphal. Shri O. Ibobi Singh, Chief Minister further supplemented to it.CALLING ATTENTION:
S/Shri O. Joy Singh and T. Hangkhanpao, MLAs called the attention of
IFCD Minister on the collapse of earthen embankment of Khuga canal at T. Daijang Village.
Shri O. Joy Singh, MLA quoted the Sangai Express and Imphal Free Press
edition on the breach of Khuga canal for the third time within one year andexpressed apprehension that the Khuga Dam Project, the second dam after Singdaexpected to bring about socio-economic changes to the state would fail to givemaximum benefits to the people. He raised queries on whether the repeated breachof the embankment was due to the water pressure or the earthen bund lackedcompactness. Weak embankments and lack of proper specification of the width ofthe canal might be the main reasons, he stated. He said that flood level monitoringmachine should be installed to check the water level. He pointed certain technicalfailure inspite of the huge investments being made in the past years and attentiongiven to it by the present government and said that communalism and localismhampering the progress of the work should be removed. He also made asuggestion to find out the vulnerable points before the release of water.
Shri T. Hangkhanpao, MLA co-mover of the motion expressed that the
Project first started in the early part of the 1980s and successive governments hadfailed to complete it and hand it over to the people. From the last Assemblyonwards there was progress but the final completion was not being made, he said. He opined that the June and July embankment breach might be a trial of thequality of the works. Pointing out technical defects, he said that the use of steamroller for earth compression was not seen in the last many years. The Project wasstarted with a motive of progress and development in many spheres but due to thenegligence of contractors and officers in the past years the target could not beachieved till now. Expressing apprehension of a disaster if the problem was not
looked into timely, he appealed to the House to set up a House Committee andtake up effective measures. Lastly he also mentioned the need to take up remedialmeasures to protect the agricultural works taken up in the area.
Shri N. Biren (IFCD) Minister replying to the motion said that there had
been lack of supervision of the works in the early part of the Project which wasfirst started in 1983-84 and the breaching at some points of the right main canalwas a result of the dug out earth and the embankment was not properlystrengthened. Highlighting the improvement measures taken up by the governmentunder the initiative of the Chief Minister, he said that the Project was almostcomplete. He expressed that the local people need not be tense and suspicious asthe department had given maximum attention not to create any untoward incidents. He informed the House that on trial basis the canal had irrigated several paddyfields successfully. The water would be released in a phasewise manner with extraprecaution and the wear and tear of the canal at different points would be checked,he added. He further expressed that a spot verification would be made with theconcerned MLAs.
The Chief Minister supplementing the reply said that close monitoring was
required when the water was first released and department officials wereinstructed to be extra cautious. The right main canal was to extend upto Bishnupurand repairing works of the breaches had been taken up, he maintained. He alsopointed out the poor quality of works done in the past and said that the earthendam and spillway should be given more attention. Since it was a multipurposeproject expected to bring benefits, the Government was keeping strict vigil on theworks and there was no question of a major threat, he added. As opined by the Chief Minister the discussion on the Annual Report of theState Vigilance Commission for the year, 2008, laid on the Table of the House tobe raised by Shri O. Joy Singh, MLA was deferred and the matter would bediscussed on Tuesday, the 21st July, 2009.LEAVE OF ABSENCE:
Hon’ble Speaker informed the House that Shri T. Mangibabu Singh, MLA
had applied leave of absence for the day i.e. 17th July, 2009. The House granted the leave. The Hon’ble Speaker, Dr. S. Budhichandra Singh adjourned the House at 12.50 p.m. till 2.00 p.m. of the day The afternoon session resumed at 2.00 p.m. with the Hon’ble Speaker in the Chair. ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE THREE FINANCIAL COMMITTEES:
Hon’ble Minister Shri Th. Debendra Singh moved the following motions
in place of Shri O. Ibobi Singh, Chief Minister :-
“That in pursuance of Rule 233(1) of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct
of Business in Manipur Legislative Assembly, this House do proceed to elect 7(seven) members each of the following Committees on July, 24, 2009:-
(ii) Committee on Estimates; and(iii) Committee on Public Undertakings.”
Hon’ble Minister Shri Th. Debendra Singh moved Demand No. 16 - Co-
operation, Demand No. 19- Environment & Forest and Demand No. 46 - Science& Technology & Information Technology for discussion.
Hon’ble Speaker clubbed the three demands for a joint discussion.
Dr. Ng. Bijoy Singh, MLA moving cut motion on said that cooperative
movement was an age old tradition of our society which had deteriorated in recentpast and expressed the need for its revival. Critically commenting on the patheticcondition of the cooperative societies in the district and block level, he emphasisedthe need for improvement of infrastructure at these levels. He emphasised thatCooperative Inspectors should monitor and evaluate Self Help Groups andCooperative Societies properly. Commenting on Environment, he emphasised theimportance of Incinerator for Bio-medical waste disposal and suggested forinstallation of Incinerators by the Government for the disposal of biomedicalwaste of private hospitals. He wanted to now the criteria of selection of NGOs forsolid waste disposal and queried about the steps taken up by the government toprevent water pollution. He further expressed the need to take up measures toprevent air pollution in collaboration with Transport Department. He further saidthat pollution of river by toilet waste should be checked. He questioned where andhow many the improved crematorium were built under IREP. He further questionwhether the Wind Solar Hybrid Project taken up by MANIREDA was costeffective or not. Emphasising the importance of Remote Sensing, he urged thegovernment to take over MASARC.
Dr. I. Ibohalbi, MLA moving cut motion on demand number 19-
Environment and Forest, pointed out the need to monitor the system of quarryingin river beds since quarrying helps in the siltation of Loktak lake and the disposalof waste in rivers which in turn pollutes Loktak lake and emphasised the need toprevent them in order to save the lake. He further expressed concern over thelosing of many small lakes like Lamphelpat, Kharungpat etc. and wanted thegovernment to take up measures to save and conserve them. In order to saveLoktak lake Loktak Protection Force should be set up and straightened, he said. The Government, he said, need a scientific method of waste disposal including theBio-medical waste and queried about how infected needles were disposed by the
NGOs dealing with HIV infected people. He further opined that awarenessregarding waste disposal should be spread to both urban and rural areas. He alsoappealed to the government to give protection to the people residing at 9 99Langol area when they were evicted and also to fill up the vacant posts in ForestDepartment.
Shri R.K Anand, MLA mover of cut motion on Demand No-19 pointed out
the ecological disturbance caused by deforestation, siltation of loktak lake, soilerosion and pollution of rivers and lakes and added that afforestation taken up bythe government was too less. The impact on environment by construction ofTipaimukh Dam, he opined, was a matter of major concern to the state andcritically commented on the lack of impact assessment of the project by thegovernment and suggested for the need to re-examine the project. He alsoexpressed the need to find out an alternative source of power by Science andTechnology Department.
Dr. Khashim Ruivah, MLA participating in the discussion drew the
attention of the Minister for proper identification of unelectrified villages in theremote hill areas and take up Non Conventional Solar Power Projects there forproviding solar lighting system. Pointing out the availability of abundant naturalresources like Ginseng in Ukhrul, he appealed to the Government to tap theseresources.
Shri Morung Makunga, MLA participating in the discussion reiterated the
importance of Forest and expressed the need to preserve them. He was of theopinion that emphasis should be given to protection rather than plantation of treesand expressed the need for a policy on protection of forest. He further pointed outthe abundant cutting down of trees in the interior parts of the hills and urged theForest Department to check them. Langol hill should be protected, he said. Hesuggested for encouraging plantation of rubber trees to check Jhum cultivation bythe hill people and urged the government to frame such a policy. He further opinedthat all the MLAs should jointly take up steps to protect forest.
Shri Radhabinod Koijam, MLA participating in the discussion pointed out
the changes brought about by advancement of Science and Technology to theupgradation of knowledge, healthcare, entertainment, economy etc. and said thatthe benefit which this advancement of Science and Technology would bring to thepeople of the state and provide a source of strength to all the departments shouldbe the aim and objective of the Department of Science and Technology. He furthersuggested for pumping more fund to Science and Technology Department andmake it a major department.
Shri Y. Erabot Singh, Minister (Co-operation) replying to the discussion
informed the House that District Cooperative Officers had been posted in the 9districts for strengthening the department. He further informed that the final reportof the enquiry conducted by the CBI regarding the fraudulent withdrawal ofmoney sanctioned by the National Horticulture Board from the Manipur IndustrialCooperative Bank had been submitted and the final verdict awaited. Thegovernment, he said, was putting in their best effort to create awareness among thepeople regarding cooperative society and Self Help Groups and also to improvethe infrastructures at the district and block level according to the availability of
fund. He further informed that Manipur State Cooperative Bank had given benefitsto 9492 beneficiaries under the SEGP. He also informed of the weaving of loans tofarmers by the Central Government and the phase wise process taken up in thestate. The department, he said, was exercising to fill up the Boards of Cooperativebanks which do not have such a board. He further informed that some of theCooperative Societies at the Zilla Parishad level were actively functioning. Thegovernment, he said, was putting in their best effort to make the cooperativemovement a success and appealed to cut motion movers to withdraw and allow thedemand to pass.
Dr. Ng. Bijoy Singh sought further clarification and the Hon’ble Minister
Shri Phungzathang Tonsing, Minister (Science & Technology) replying to
the demand discussion informed that opening of Manipur Science Centre,inauguration of 3 Dimensional Centre, awarding of Science and Maths subjecttoppers of HSLC examination, science excursion programme to Guwahati forclass XI & XII students, Science Meet and workshop on disaster management, etc,were taken up under the Science & Technology sector and added that integratedland management and administration planning was taken up and targeted forcompletion in October. Upgraddation of IT Park at Chingmeirong under SPA andwhich was targeted for completion within the current month was taken up underthe Information Technology Sector, he informed. He enlightened thatelectrification of 14 remote villages in the hills and installation of 100 nos. of solarlighting system at Heirok during the current year were taken up under the Non-Conventional Sources of Energy Sector and added that lighting at 4 hilltops tofacilitate night landing at Imphal airport was almost complete. Under theIntegrated Rural Electrification Program an amount of Rs. 50 lakhs had beenreleased to Zilla Parishads during the current year as part of devolution of power,he informed and added that a same amount had been earmarked for the comingyear. He further informed that 83 nos. of improved crematorium had beenconstructed from 2004-07 but discontinued since then.
Shri Th. Debendra Singh, Minister (Forest & Environment) replying to the
discussion said that working plan for forest management had been completed forChandel and Ukhrul district and efforts were on for early completion for theremaining districts. He acknowledged that steps being taken up regarding JointForest Management need to be looked into. Forest covered area had beenincreased with the plantation of bamboo under the National Bamboo Mission, hesaid. He informed that recruitment for Loktak Protection Force had beencompleted and thus, the inconveniences being faced in the conservation of LoktakLake would be solved. Nursery plantation at the catchment area was taken up as astep towards conservation of Loktak Lake, he said. He informed about theconstitution of a High Power Committee, with the Chief Minister as Chairman, forprotection, conservation and preservation of lakes, water bodies and wetlands ofthe state and added that the approval of the Chief Minister in this regard would beobtained soon.
Dr. I. Ibohalbi, Dr. Ng. Bijoy Singh and Shri O. Joy Singh, MLAs sought
further clarifications and the Hon’ble Minister made the clarifications. All the cut motions were withdrawn and Demand Nos. 16, 19 & 46 wereHon’ble Speaker, Dr. S. Budhichandra Singh adjourned the House at 5.05 p.m. till 11.00 a.m of Monday, the 20th July, 2009. Th. Megha Raj Singh
Seasonal Influenza Report 2010-11 San Mateo County Health System, Public Health Week 4 (January 23-29, 2011) · r Reporting: 650.573.2346 · 650.573.2919 (fax) Volume 3, Issue 7 (Issued February 8, 2011) Karen Relucio MD, Assistant Health Officer · Suvas Patel, MPH, Epidemiologist · Scott Morrow MD, MPH, Health Officer Current Activity Percentage of Positive
October, 2007 CURRICULUM VITAE Marcia Ann Angle, MD, MPH 221 Deer Chase Lane Durham, North Carolina 27705-7934 CURRENT ACADEMIC APPOINTMENT: July 2000 to 2008: Adjunct Professor , Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC: With the assistance of a PhD epidemiologist, I co-teach an introductory environmental epidemiology course to masters-level students