October, 2007 CURRICULUM VITAE Marcia Ann Angle, MD, MPH
221 Deer Chase Lane Durham, North Carolina 27705-7934
July 2000 to 2008: Adjunct Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC: With the assistance of a PhD epidemiologist, I co-teach an introductory environmental epidemiology course to masters-level students. This course uses case-discussions to enable students to understand and apply all basic epidemiologic concepts while considering problems of environmental health, including water- and air-born diseases and pollutants, heavy metal exposures, ionizing radiation, and exposure to pesticides and other synthetic chemicals. Students are enabled to both critically assess whether an imputed environmental exposure actually causes
an adverse health consequence, and to broker this information for the lay public in a responsible, understandable way. I will teach this course for the seventh time in the fall of 2008, and hope to continue to teach every other fall semester. DEGREES:
1984 – 1987 School of Public Health, Department of Maternal and Child Health,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC Degree: M.P.H.
1977 – 1981 Duke University School of Medicine Durham, NC Degree: M.D. 1972 – 1976 Harvard University, Cambridge, MA Degree: B.A. Magna cum Laude RESIDENCY EDUCATION:
1984 – 1987 Preventive Medicine Residency (Board Certified) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC 1981 – 1984 Family Medicine Residency (Board Eligible) Duke University Department of Community and Family Medicine, Durham NC RECENT EMPLOYMENT: July 1987 to July 2000: Medical Director, Orange County Health Department, Hillsborough, NC (under contract for 20% time to UNC Department of Family Medicine). In my 13 years as Medical Director of the OCHD, I was responsible for advising the Health Director on all medical decisions in the county, including issues of epidemic control and quarantine, budget allocation priorities, clinical quality of care and risk management issues, and new public health initiatives. Additionally, I regularly provided family planning (FP), sexually-transmitted disease (STD), and tuberculosis control clinical services. I was legally responsible for the quality of work done by all nurse practitioners under my supervision, as they managed FP, STD, and tuberculosis (TB) out-patients. I was responsible, in accordance with the NC Board of Nursing and Board of Medical Examiners, for the content of, and updating of, all FP/STD and TB clinical protocols, as well as protocols for control of communicable diseases. I provided routine formal and on-the-job continuing education for the nursing staff. As I am fluent in Spanish, I also served as de facto staff Spanish translator. July 1987 to April 2002: Clinical Officer, International Training in Health Program (INTRAH), UNC, Chapel Hill, NC (part-time appointment). INTRAH is now an independent NGO, based in Chapel Hill, but grew from a program of UNC which works under contracts from the U.S. Agency for International Development (U.S.A.I.D), to increase the quality and quantity of service providers offering reproductive health care in the developing world. Reproductive health (RH) includes obstetrics, contraception, control of sexually transmitted diseases, and basic pediatric interventions. My responsibilities during my 15 years as INTRAH’s clinical officer included advising on the technical accuracy of clinical trainings, assisting in evaluation of clinicians, developing clinical training materials, counseling on clinical questions, and providing leadership for international collaborative efforts with USAID, the World Health Organization (WHO) and other cooperating agencies in the update of international evidence-based standards for family planning (FP) and other reproductive health (RH) services. I provided clinical technical expertise on teams addressing RH services in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. July 1987 to July 2000: Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine, UNC, Chapel Hill, NC. I precepted nurse practitioner and medical students and family medicine residents who rotated through the Orange County Health Department’s reproductive health clinics. Every year, I advised numerous medical and public health students seeking international health experience and facilitated medical student placements abroad. For four years, I co-taught international health course to UNC medical students, and periodically lectured at UNC’s School of Public Health on international reproductive health issues. PUBLICATIONS: BOOKS: - Angle MA in Murphy C, ed.: Guidelines For Clinical Procedures in Family Planning: A Reference for Trainers, 2nd Revised Edition. Chapel Hill, NC: International Training in Health Program, University of North Carolina, 1993. Angle MA in Murphy C, ed.: Lignes directrices pour les procédures cliniques en planification familiale: Une référence pour les formateurs. Chapel Hill, NC: International Training in Health Program, University of North Carolina, 1993. Angle MA in Murphy C, ed: Guidelines For Clinical Procedures in Family Planning: A Reference for Trainers. Chapel Hill, NC: International Training in Health Program, University of North Carolina, August 1992. Angle MA and Hillis SD, in Beasley G, Murphy C and Bricker B, eds.: Guidelines For Clinical Procedures in Family Planning and Sexually Transmitted Diseases: A Reference for Trainers. Chapel Hill, NC: International Training in Health Program, University of North Carolina, February 1989.
Edmands E, Murphy C, Angle MA, Burton B and Hurwit P: French and English Glossary: Terms Used in Training, Teaching and Delivery of Family Planning Services. Chapel Hill: International Training in Health Program, University of North Carolina, April 1987.
REFERRED ARTICLES: - Bertrand J, Magnani R, Hardee K and Angle MA: "Access, Quality of Care and Medical Barriers in
International Family Planning Programs." International Family Planning Perspectives, July 1995; 21(2):64-69,74.
- Angle MA, Brown LA and Buekens P: "IUD Protocols for International Training." Studies in Family Planning, March/April 1992; 24(2):125-31.
- Hanlon JT, Angle MA and Ebbert PJ: "Diphyllobothrium Latum Infection in a North Carolina Couple." Southern Medical Journal, 1982; 75:1431-2. OTHER ARTICLES: - Angle MA. “Depo-Provera (DMPA) Continuation.” Chapel Hill, NC: PRIME Clinical Mem, 2000. - Shelton Angle MA and Jacobstein RA. "Medical Barriers to Access to Family Planning." Editorial Lancet, November 28, 1992; 340:1334-5. Angle MA, Huff P and Lea JW. "Interactions Between Oral Contraceptives and Therapeutic Drugs." Outlook, April 1991; 9(1):1-6.
- Mtawali G, Muhuhu P, Angle MA and Lea JW. "Pregnancy Diagnosis and Contraception." Africa Health, November 1990; 13(1):36-37.
-Mtawali G, Pina M, Angle MA and Murphy C: "The Menstrual Cycle and Its Relation to Contraceptive Methods." Chapel Hill, NC: International Training in Health Program/PRIME, 1997. -Technical Guidance Working Group: “Recommendations for Updating Selected Practices in Contraceptive Use. Volume II. Volunteer Surgical Contraception, Vasectomy, Combined Injectable Contraceptives, Levonorgestrel-Containing Intrauterine Device, Lactational Amenorrhea Method, Natural Family Planning, Progestin-only Pills during Breastfeeding, Barrier Methods, Oral Contraceptives as Emergency Contraceptive Pills, Selected Questions on NORPLANT® Implants,
Selected Questions on IUDs, COCs and DMPA, COC CBD Checklist, DMPA CBD Checklist, Client-Provider Interaction, Efficacy, Dual Method Use, Family Planning/STD Protection Chart, STD Risk Assessment, and Cervical Cancer Prevention.” Chapel Hill, NC: International Training in Health Program, in preparation, 1996. Subsequently translated into French , Spanish and Portuguese.
- Angle MA, Cole E and Murphy C: "Sterilization, Disinfection, Decontamination and Cleaning of
FP/MCH Clinic Equipment," INTRAH Training Information Packet. Chapel Hill, NC: International Training in Health Program, April 1989, revised August, 1996.
- Bright P, Ogburn L and Angle MA: “Cervical Cancer Prevention.” Technical Information
Memorandum, Chapel Hill, NC: INTRAH, July 1996.
- Angle MA and Curtis KM: "Initiation and Continuation Medical Eligibility Criteria for Use of Selected
Contraceptive Methods: 1) Continuation Criteria for COCs, POPs, DMPA, NORPLANT® Implants, and Copper IUDs; 2) Initiation/ Continuation of Barrier Methods; and 3) Initiation Criteria for Emergency Contraceptive Pills (COCs and POPs). Document 1: Tables of Classifications with Rationales, and Document 2: Background Document." Background papers prepared at the request of, and submitted to, the World Health Organization for Expert Meeting on Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptives, May 15-19, 1995.
- Mtawali G, Curtis KM, Angle MA and Pina M: "Contraceptive Side Effects: Responding to Client's
Concerns." Outlook, October 1994; 12(3).
- Technical Guidance Working Group: "Recommendations for Updating Selected Practices in
Contraceptive Use: Results of a Technical Meeting. Volume I: Combined Oral Contraceptives, Progestin-Only Injectables, NORPLANT® Implants, and Copper-Bearing Intrauterine Devices." Chapel Hill, NC: International Training in Health Program, November 1994. Subsequently translated into Spanish, Portuguese, French and Arabic.
- Angle MA: “Use of Hormonal Methods in the Postpartum Period,” In: Rethinking Postpartum Health
Care. Proceedings of a seminar presented under the Population Council’s Robert H. Ebert Program on Critical Issues in Reproductive Health and Population, December 10-11, 1992, the Population Council, New York, NY, (edited by) Martha Brady and Beverly Winikoff. New York, NY, Population Council, 1993; 72-7.
- Angle MA: “Medical Barriers and Controversies,” In: Final report of the Cooperating Agencies
Meeting on Depo-Provera®, “Providing Quality Services.” New York City, March 4, 1993. New York, NY. Association for Voluntary SurgicalContraception, 1993; 7-10.
- Hillis SD, Knauff LK, Bricker B and Angle MA: "Breastfeeding and Contraception," INTRAH Training Information Packet. Chapel Hill, NC: International Training in Health Program, December 1987.
- Angle MA: "AIDS: Of Importance to Family Planning Workers," INTRAH Training Information Packet, Chapel Hill, NC: International Training in Health Program, June 1987.
PUBLISHED NOTES OR ABSTRACTS: - Pina Angle MA and Curtis K: “Maximizing Access and Quality of Family Planning Services
(MAQ) by Updating Contraceptive Information and Practices,” SAGO conference (Societé Africaine des Gynecologues et Obstetrics), December 12-16, 1994.
- Leke R, Pina M and Angle MA: “Les critères d’eligibilité des méthodes contraceptives hormonales et
du DIU: Approche OMS,” SAGO conference (Societé Africaine des Gynecologues et Obstetrics), December 12-16, 1994.
- Angle MA, Curtis KM, Meese K, Lea JW and Gaye P: "Reducing Medical Barriers and Increasing
Access to Services and Quality of Care through the Development of National Family Planning Service Policies and Standards: Examples from sub-Saharan Africa," Abstracts: American Public Health Association. October 24-28, 1993.
- Angle MA: "Restricted Access to, and Quality of, Family Planning Services: Examples from the
Developed and Developing World," Abstract # 151, North American Primary Care Research Group. November 1993; p. 132.
- Angle MA and Davis MK: "Observations on Breastfeeding and the Risk of Infant HIV Infection."
Letter to the Editor, Tropical Doctor. October 1988; 18(4):191-2.
MA and McCann MF: "Use of Oral Contraceptives in Breastfeeding Women," Letter to the
Editor, Journal of Nurse Midwifery. May/June 1991; 36(3):209.
DISSERTATIONS AND BOOK CHAPTERS: - Angle MA: "Intrauterine Devices: An Evaluation of the Epidemiologic Evidence Implicating IUDs in
Infertility, and a Consideration of the Policy Implications for U.S.A.I.D.," unpublished Master's Paper, for Masters in Public Health (M.P.H.) degree, Department of Maternal and Child Health, School of Public Health, UNC, Chapel Hill, April 1987.
MA: "Distribution of Health Care Services in Peru: A Case Study of the Utilization and
Training of Sanitarios - Cuzco, Peru." Senior Honors Thesis. Cambridge: Harvard University, Department of Sociology, 1976.
- Novik BR, and Angle MA: "The Treatment of Chronic Hiccoughs with Permissive Hypnotic
Techniques," in Dowd T and J Healey, eds. Case Studies in Hypnotherapy. NY: Gilford Press, 1985, p. 166-74.
“How Service Guidelines can Shape Performance-Based Service Training and Yield Service Results: Examples from Tanzania and Uganda,” USAID Staff In-service, Washington, DC, August 22, 1996. “Maximizing Access and Quality through Reproductive Health Service Guidelines: The Tanzania Experience.” USAID Cooperating Agencies Meeting, Washington, DC, May 21, 1996. “Reproductive Health in the Developing World: Your Tax Dollars at Work,” for annual meeting of the Friends of Planned Parenthood, Omaha, Nebraska and Council Bluffs, Iowa, May 1996. "WHO and USAID Guidelines for Maximizing Access and Quality of IUD Services," for Population Council Working Group on Reproductive Health and Family Planning, Safe Delivery and Use of IUDs and COCs, New York, October 2, 1995. "Update on Combined Oral Contraceptives and Emergency Contraceptive Pills," for Jamaican Medical Association physicians participating in an international training course for physicians, Family Health International, Research Triangle Park, NC, August 21, 1995. “Recommendations of the Technical Guidance Working Group for Updating Selected Practices in Contraceptive Use," for IX International Congress of the Society for the Advancement of Contraception, March 9, 1995, Guatemala City, Guatemala. "An Update on Progestin-Only Methods," IX International Congress of the Society for the Advancement of Contraception, March 6, 1995, Guatemala City, Guatemala. "Emergency Contraceptive Pills," for U.S. Agency for International Development, Office of Population, staff in-service, Washington, DC, September 30, 1994. "Reproductive Health Issues for Area Adolescents," Family Health International In-service, Research Triangle Park, July 19, 1994. "MAQ: Maximizing Access to and Quality of Family Planning Services by Updating Information and Practices," Advances in Health Communication Workshop, Johns Hopkins University Center for Communications Programs, Baltimore, MD, June 20, 1994. "Combined Oral Contraceptives and Depo Provera®: Reducing Medical Barriers through Updating Information," Ministry of Public Health, Cameroon, Dissemination Seminar on MCH/FP Service Policies and Standards, and FP Service Protocols, Bafoussam, Cameroon, March 16-18, 1994. (PRESENTATIONS, CONTINUED)
"Oral Contraceptives: Scientific Update," Professional Development Day, 1994 Cooperating Agencies Meeting, Washington, DC, February 22-25, 1994. "Reducing Medical Barriers and Increasing Access to Services and Quality of Care through the Development of National Family Planning Service Policies and Standards: Examples from sub-Saharan Africa," paper presented at the American Public Health Association 121st Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Francisco, CA, October 24-28 1993. "Restricted Access to, and Quality of, Family Planning Services: Examples from the Developed and Developing World," paper presented at the North American Primary Care Research Group, Twenty First Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 10-13, 1993. "Addressing Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the Family Planning Setting," for U.S. Agency for International Development, Office of Population, Washington, DC, May 7, 1993. “Too Old, Too Young, Too Many, Too Close: IUD Protocols for the Developing World," paper presented at the Population Council conference on IUD Use in High STD Prevalence Communities, New York, October 25, 1991. "Infection Control: The Forgotten Factor in Providing Safe Family Planning and Maternal Health Services," Round Table, National Council for International Health Conference, Washington, DC, June 26, 199l. "Active TB - What to Do When It Is Your Patient: Coordinated Care by the Family Physician and Health Department," (with J. Donohue, MD) Grand Rounds UNC Department of Family Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC, March, 1991, and August 1994. “Why Is It So Hard to Prove You're Doing Good? Evaluation of Training Traditional Birth Attendants in Nepal," Preventive Medicine Residency Program, Asheville, NC, June, 1990. "Expert Meeting on Oral Contraceptive Use," panel discussion, Family Health International, Chapel Hill, NC; July, 1990. "An AIDS Curriculum for Family Planning Workers in Africa: Design, Contents and Results of Field Testing," (with S.D. Hillis, MPH) National Council for International Health Southern Regional Conference, Chapel Hill, NC, October, 1987. "Hypnosis and the Relief of Pain in First Trimester Abortion,” poster board presentation for national conference, Society of Behavioral Medicine, NYC, NY, November, 1980. MEDICAL LICENSURE: North Carolina Physician's License #26485, up to date MEDICAL SPECIALTY BOARD CERTIFICATION: American Board of Family Practice (Board Eligible since 1985) American Board of Preventive Medicine (Board Certified since 1989) RECENT COMMITTEE SERVICE: 2002 to 2006: Member, Advisory Board, School of Public Health, UNC Chapel Hill 2000 to 2006: Member, Advisory Board, Sarah P. Duke Gardens, Duke University 2005: Co-Chair, River Society, Triangle Land Conservancy HONORS
United States Agency for International Development MAQ Global Achievement Award
“for worldwide leadership and achievement in USAID’s Maximizing Access and Quality Initiative” (1998). 1992 to1997 : Co-Chair, Technical Guidance/Competence Committee of the Maximizing Access and Quality (MAQ) Initiative of the Office of Population, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), responsible for drafting and overseeing the international review of evidence-based clinical guidelines for contraceptive use in USAID-funded programs.
North Carolina Public Health Association Award for Outstanding Service in Control of
CIBA Award for Community Service, Duke University School of Medicine (1981) Harvard University, Magna Cum Laude (1976) LANGUAGE COMPETENCE: Spanish: speaking and reading -- nearly fluent (comprehension hampered by hearing
technical reading – adequate (can review medical documents in French)
April 1985 to June 1987: Research Associate, International Training in Health Program (INTRAH), UNC Chapel Hill, NC (half time) .August 1985 to June 1987: Family Medicine Physician, First Care Walk-In Clinic, Chapel Hill, NC (part time; providing general primary care). August 1984 to June 1987: Preventive Medicine Resident (and Chief Resident, 1986- 1987), Department of Social and Administrative Medicine, UNC, Chapel Hill, NC. August 1985 to June 1987: Family Medicine Physician, Orange County Health Department, Family Planning (FP) and Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) clinic, Hillsborough and Carrboro, NC (part time; providing FP/STD services). July 1981 to July 1984: Family Medicine Resident, Duke University, Durham, NC. July 1976 to May 1977: Spanish-English Translator, Clinical Assistant, and Conference Coordinator Children's Heart Program of South Texas, Corpus Christi, Texas. ASSIGNMENTS IN AFRICA:
CLINICAL RESOURCE PERSON, for INTRAH team facilitating development of Ghanaian National Reproductive Health Service Protocols, Accra, Ghana
February 1995 CLINICAL RESOURCE PERSON, to update Family Planning and
Maternal Child Health Norms and Standards on request of the Ministry of Health and the Planned Parenthood Association, Mali
CLINICAL RESOURCE PERSON, for (INTRAH-assisted) Provincial- level Family Planning Service Policy Dissemination Seminar, Bafoussam, Cameroon
CLINICAL RESOURCE PERSON, for the Family Planning Association of Kenya during a one week workshop on Quality of Care, in Nakuru, with technical assistance by the INTRAH Regional Office, Nairobi, Kenya
FACILITATOR, INTRAH Technical Working Group on Clinical Preceptors' Jobs and Tasks, Lomé, Togo
February 1992 FACILITATOR, INTRAH Technical Working Group on Prototype
International Competency-Based Clinical FP Curriculum, Nairobi, Kenya
November 1991 CLINICAL MEMBER, Training Needs Assessment Team, conducting
needs assessment for the Gambian Family Planning Association, Gambia
September 1990 CLINICAL MEMBER, Clinic Needs Assessment team, conducting 2
week pre-project clinic needs assessment for INTRAH in Côte d'Ivoire
PARTICIPANT, INTRAH Regional Office Coordination Meeting (of INTRAH Anglophone and Francophone African Staff) concerning clinical issues. Lomé, Togo
CLINICAL MEMBER, Project Review Team, conducting 3 week evaluation of INTRAH-sponsored family planning training in Kwara, Benue and Lagos States, Nigeria ASSIGNMENTS IN LATIN AMERICA:
January 1981
RESEARCH ASSISTANT to Professor Felix Pifano, Institute of Tropical Medicine, University of Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela
PARTICIPANT study tour with American Medical Students' Association of Cuban health care system, Cuba
STUDENT supported by Ministry of Health, Lima, Peru, to observe and report on training of paramedical workers (sanitarios) in Cuzco, Peru
STUDENT, under Dr. Carroll Berhorst, Chimaltenango, Guatemala
STUDENT, observing work of Father Ernesto Cardinal, Soletiname, Nicaragua, in organizing paramedical workers for Sandinista resistance movement of Nicaragua ASSIGNMENTS IN ASIA:
preparing plan for technical assistance in family planning from the Association for Voluntary Surgical Contraception to the Ministries of Health of Kazakhstan and Uzbekestan
September 1988 MEDICAL ADVISOR, Project Review Team, conducting three-week
five-district end-of-project evaluation of INTRAH-sponsored training of traditional birth attendants by the Division of Nursing, Ministry of Health, Nepal
MEDICAL TRAINEE, studying clinical procedures and protocols, Integrated Maternal Child Care Services Development Incorporated, Metro Manila, Philippines
EVALUATOR, reviewing training of traditional birth attendants; provided technical assistance in evaluation to Division of Nursing, Ministry of Health, Kathmandu, Nepal
February 1987 MEDICAL TRAINEE, visiting research and clinical sites addressing
AIDS and other-sexually transmitted diseases affecting family planning clients, Bangkok, Thailand
November 1985 REVIEWER, observing training of family planning motivators and
providing technical assistance in evaluation, Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka, Columbo, Sri Lanka
November 1985 PARTICIPANT, providing evaluation methods information in
conference on program planning for training of traditional birth attendants by Division of Nursing, Ministry of Health, Kathmandu, Nepal
OBSERVER, studying clinical resources and capacities, rural health posts and hospitals, Nepal
February 1984 CLINICIAN, providing primary care services under supervision of Dr.
Mehran Gupta, Tribuvan University Health Center, Kirtipur, Nepal EXPERIENCE AS A TRAINER: July 1987
IN-SERVICE TRAINER, for nursing staff of Orange County Health
to July 2000 Department; topics have included emergency procedures, AIDS,
NORPLANT®, oral contraceptives (Ocs), tuberculosis prevention, cholesterol, prevention of blood borne pathogens infection (HIV, HBV, HCV), and other public health issues.
1990-1994 LECTURE and CO-COURSE LEADER, with Dr. James Lea, of
"Health in the Developing World," of annual two-month seminar for first year Medical Students, Department of Family Medicine, UNC, Chapel Hill, NC.
CO-TRAINER, Clinical Family Planning and STD Update for Trainers, five-day seminar in French for 13 Francophone African clinicians, Lomé, Togo.
SEMINAR LEADER, Family Medicine Clerkship seminar on Sexually Transmitted Diseases for second year medical students. Seminar given up to three times yearly, Chapel Hill, NC.
December 1987 PARTICIPANT, "Basic Human Interaction Laboratory," National
Training Laboratories Institute, Amelia Island, FL
May - June 1987 PRECEPTOR for field practicum in international public health for two
physicians, Masters degree candidates in the Department of Maternal and Child Health, UNC, Chapel Hill.
SEMINAR LEADER, "Traditional Birth Attendants and Maternal Health in Nepal."
Presentation given annually for international health course lead by Dr. Deborah Bender, UNC School of Public Health.
Sept-Dec 1986 CO-INSTRUCTOR, basic epidemiology for medical students, UNC,
CO-TRAINER, training with INTRAH staff, on evaluation methods for members of family planning organizations in Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and the Philippines; training occurred in May 1996, Bangkok, Thailand.
CO-TRAINER, evaluation training for participants from 4 Asian and 4 African countries, INTRAH, Chapel Hill, NC.
PARTICIPANT, seminar on Women in Education with Dr. Margaret Mead, Bath, England.
INVESTIGATOR, with three medical student stipends for 8
weeks of work per student, conducting 3 brief studies: "Screening for STDs in Low Resource Settings: A Prototype Tool for Use in Family Planning Clinics" “Increasing Correct and Consistent Condom Use among Clients in a Public Family Planning/Sexually Transmitted Diseases (FP/STD) Clinic." "Screening for Chlamydia trachomatis Endocervical Infection among Women Attending a Public FP/STD Clinic."
PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR, "Comparison of Kodak Chlamydial test to Microtrack fluorescent antibody test." Contract for 9 week study of client at Orange County Health Department, Hillsborough, NC; $7,525.
January 1988 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR, "Field Testing in Uganda of a Training
Module on AIDS, Prepared for Nurses, Midwives and other FP/MCH Workers"; $12,000 awarded by the UNC School of Public Health, Chapel Hill, NC. (The Ministry of Health, Uganda, later declined this proposal, due to internal political considerations, and the grant money was returned).
Previous Employment: Prof. Marcel Vekemans, MD, Ob/Gyn, currently: Charge de Cours Honoraire, Universite Libre de Bruxelles Senior Medical Adviser / Theme Leader: Abortion IPPF, Regent's College, Inner Circle, Regent's Park London NW1 4NS, UK Tel: +44 (0) 20 7487 7887; Fax: +44 (0) 20 7487 7950Email: IPPF website Mr.Pape Gaye, President IntraHealth International, Inc. 6340 Quadrangle Drive Suite 200 Chapel Hill, NC 27517 Tel: (919) 313-9111 Fax: (919) 313-9107 E-ma (REFERENCES, CONTINUED) Dr. James D. Shelton, Senior Scientist, U.S. Agency for International Development, Office of Population Phone: (202)712-0869
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