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Microsoft word - medical history.doc

William D Kenfield DDS LLC
Patient Information

Patient Name_____________________________________________ Phone# ( )____________Cell# ( )_____________
Address ______________________________________ City ________________________State ____ Zip ________________ Social Security #_______________________Birth Date__________________ Male [] Female [] Marital Status__________ Parent/Guardian/Responsible Party Information
Name ______________________________________________ E-mail____________________________________________ Address_______________________________________City_________________________State_____Zip_______________ Employer___________________________________________________________Phone# (____) ______________________ Insurance Company Name_____________________________________________ Phone# (____) ______________________ Medical History
[] No [] Yes explain_______________________________________________ [] No [] Yes explain_______________________________________________ [] No [] Yes explain_______________________________________________ Have you ever had a serious head/neck injury? [] No [] Yes explain_______________________________________________ Have you taken bisphosphonates including Actonel, Fosamax, Boniva, Skelid, Zometa, Aredia, Didronel, or Clodronate? [] No [] Yes list___________________________________________________ [] No [] Yes explain________________________________________________ [] No [] Yes type__________________________________________________ Are you taking any medicines, drugs, pills, or herbal supplements including garlic, ginseng, genko, feverfew, vitamin E or fish oil? [] No [] Yes list_____________________________________________________
Are you allergic to any of the following? Please check the box below
[] Penicillin [] Codeine [] Latex [] Aspirin [] Local Anesthetics [] Acrylic [] Metal [] Other__________________
Women, are you:
Pregnant or trying to get pregnant? [] Yes [] No Taking birth control [] Yes [] No Nursing [] Yes [] No
Do you have, or have you had any of the following?
Heart Valve Replaced [] Yes [] No Pregnancy [] Yes [] No Recent Weight Loss [] Yes [] No Have you had any serious illness not listed above? [] No [] Yes please explain______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dental History
Do you have a specific dental problem? Please describe________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ [] Yes [] No Do you have dental examinations on a routine basis? Last visit_______________________________________ [] Yes [] No Do you think that you have cavities or gum disease? _______________________________________________ [] Yes [] No Do your gums bleed? ________________________________________________________________________ [] Yes [] No Have you ever had periodontal (gum disease) treatment? ____________________________________________ [] Yes [] No Do you ever have popping, clicking, or discomfort in your jaw joint? Do you brux or grind your teeth? _______ [] Yes [] No Do you have pain near your ears or difficulty opening or closing your mouth____________________________ [] Yes [] No Do any of your teeth hurt when you bite?_________________________________________________________ [] Yes [] No Do you like your smile? If no, why? ____________________________________________________________ [] Yes [] No To the best of my knowledge, all of the preceding answers are correct. If I have any changes in my health status, or if my medicines change, I will inform the dentist or his staff at my next appointment. I understand that payment is my obligation regardless of insurance or any third party involvement. ___________________________________________ Date________________ Relationship to Patient __________________ Signature of Patient, Parent, or Guardian 2nd year signature_____________________________ Date________________ Relationship to Patient __________________ 3rd year signature_____________________________Date ________________ Relationship to Patient __________________ Referral Information
Whom may we thank for referring you to our office? [] Another Patient [] Yellow Pages [] Radio Advertisement [] Web Site [] Other Name of person referring you to our practice _________________________________________________________________ Who, if anyone (spouse, family member etc.), may we discuss your treatment with or release information to? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________


New study aims to clarify dosing information for drug used to treat neonatal herpes The Pediatric Trials Network (PTN) has launched a clinical study designed to test the effects of the antiviral drug acyclovir in premature infants infected with the herpes simplex virus (HSV). The study is expected to enroll its first patient this month. Most neonatal herpes infections occur at birth. Infants


Parasitosis intestinales Julio Romero González, Miguel Angel López Casado Hospital Universitario Materno Infantil Virgen de las Nieves. Granada Desde un punto de vista etiológico, las parasito-mago dónde se destruye la cubierta del quiste, libe-sis intestinales engloban las parasitaciones del tuborándose los trofozoitos que se localizan en la muco-digestivo producidas por protoz

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