He encontrado que alguna farmacia puede tener existencias limitadas de ciertos medicamentos, mientras que otras pueden tener casi cualquier formato que se le ocurra y el habitual de dosis habitualidad apareció. En resumen, siempre se contiene el almacén de corroborar. Al mismo tiempo que el producto que más que gustaba ha resultado no estaba disponible en stock otro distinto por las Buenas costumbres también debe buscarse jefe no asн parezca. Por eso es importante disponer de un Plan B para actuar cuandod ello no ocurra. Ventaja de tomar un genérico en lugar de Asix Un genérico es más barato que el nombre de marca Uno de los mayores incentivos para someterse al Dónde comprar Lasix genérico en lugar de pagar la marca es que usted puede obtener un ahorrando importantes Lasix genérico. Por lo tanto, un Lasix genérico es en general mucho más barato que el homólogo de marca, así que una denominación genérica se hace posible para las personas que usan este medicamento con frecuencia. Un ejemplo: La compra de lurosemida en lugar de Lasix es una considerable ahorro para el presupuesto mensual de medicamentos.


Newsletter of the International Macrobiotic Shiatsu Society The Joy Is In The Journey by Patrick McCarty For almost three decades I have This introduction to traditional with. How you are feeling day-to-day is the truth of your dominate vibration.
of simplicity. Yes, strange as it sounds, projects. It is as if when we finish with find in every person joy, and live. There is a pretty big sepa- “have to do” and doing things that we see the results of this type of thinking.
countries. I’m not only referring to the 4 as worry, anger, depression, irritabil- ity and so on. I’m also referring to the 6 deeper, unconscious, but all too real been volumes written about the influ- 6 sources of stress that exist and affect ence of our thoughts on our health. It 7 tions that influence the body to adjust emotional phenomena can stimulate 7 in ways that eventually lead to disease. neuron activity in the brain, in the pro- This subtler form of stress is vibrational 9 concepts find themselves in contradic- functional or physical symptoms. Ac- in this case; chemistry is in the service thing but have not gotten it. If indulged Volume XVI Number One
Spring-Summer 2002
like, I want to travel but I don’t have ful. but after you attain it, it is nothing cause it is our birthright. Yet, being con- gall bladder. Fear is associated with thekidney/bladder system. Over 2,500 years ago it was taught that imbalancein the physical or emotional would cause harm in the associated system.
I.M.S.S. Tee Shirts
development,” “inner calm,” “pen- 2002 in San Francisco, these colorful tee does what it does best. It promotes self- correction, establishes health and vital- 1 The Mindbody Prescription by John E. Sarno, questions) State COLOR (Tangerine,
Zen Mind Beginner’s Mind by Shunryu Suzuki, navy blue ink) and SIZE (only large
The International Macrobiotic Shiatsu Society is a forum for friends interested in the Healing Arts of Macrobiotics and Shiatsu. This dynamic combination is based on the teachings of Shizuko Yamamoto.
2807 Wright AvenueWinter Park, FL 32789-6161 Healthways (ISSN 0898-9251) is published 2-3 times a year Editor. Patrick McCartyFounder. Shizuko Yamamoto 2807 Wright Avenue Winter Park, Florida 32789 U.S.A.
Telephone (407) 644-4480 E-mail: [email protected] Internet Address: www.imss.macrobiotic.net U.S. Membership $25/year Foreign Membership $30/year International Macrobiotic Shiatsu Society Massage Arts Expo in San
tend. Dates are November 22-29, 2002.
alities in the U.S. Each practitioner will NEW Macrobiotic Shiatsu
Seminar Workbook Available
Wright Avenue, Winter Park, FL 32789.
FLORIDA— From the authors of Bare- Shiatsu in Brazil
foot Shiatsu, The Shiatsu Handbook, and McCarty will present a 2-day work-shop on Barefoot/Macrobiotic Shiatsu Whole Health Shiatsu comes an invalu- Day One: class includes the essen- Shiatsu. Finally, in one book, all the sented in the city of Florianopolis, Bra- take place at Fort Mason Center'sHerbst Pavilion and Cowell Theater Chinese Medicine is now available.
Contents include: Healthy Profits
San Francisco, California. May 3-5,2002. Workshops follow on May 6-7.
Macrobiotic Report
internet at www. macrobiotics. sph.sc.
Johnson & Johnson released the results Macrobiotics in Cuba
savings per employee of $225 annually.
In total, the study showed that J & J Defining Macrobiotics by Carl Ferré Today, people new to macrobiotics one schooled in a more conservative THREE TYPES OF PRACTICE
picture and can accept it rather than be- of little help as there is great variety in ing confused by it. Here is a new defi- TYPE ONE macrobiotic practice
in Ohsawa’s writing, Kushi’s writing, TYPE TWO macrobiotic practice
philosophical and dietary principles that are then used in one’s principles used for one’s daily decision making. The main two practice is that the practitioner has ally, mentally, and spiritually greater control over his or her choices, depending on the level of including dietary ones based on current condition, needs, and purpose.
TYPE THREE practice centers
around developing one’s intuition.
This allows one to reach the dietarygoal of macrobiotic type three practice:To be able to eat whatever one wantswhenever one wants.
macrobiotic practice are represented inthe accompanying chart. Of course, inactual practice here are manycombination and variations possible.
When viewed in this way it is easy tosee that a healing diet is the mostrestrictive or contractive while theintuitive approach is the most free orexpansive. With study and practice onecan learn to move among all types ofmacrobiotic practice as needed ordesired. This gives one great freedom.
Carl Ferré is editor of MacrobioticsToday, in which more on the definition ofmacrobiotics can be found, and the authorof Pocket Guide to Macrobiotics, bothof which can be ordered from G.O.M.F.
(800-232-2372). He can be emailed at:[email protected]. You can also visit theG.O.M.F. website: gomf.macrobiotics.net.
International Macrobiotic Shiatsu Society Training the Practitioner by Shizuko Yamamoto As in any other serious activity, others. Thus it is very natural to treat of the shiatsu practitioner’s life. Thus changing a patient’s condition requires family, at work, or with his country.
ral power to surface and guide one’sactions.
Shiatsu Information at Your
web site at imss. macrobiotic.net. The
treat others is to continue in self-devel- ails you. Of special interest is a section patients’s view of life, his family rela- tionships, his occupation and his activi- ties are all considered, for all of these life. This is the secret of happiness.
We have some form of green Mustard green, collard, kale, Chinese releases it’s wonderful scent and starts greens that are available these days) all vegetables into mouth-sized pieces).
vibrant color to our macrobiotic meals.
Seared Greens
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil greens but they willsurely enjoy this dish.
2-3 cloves organic garlic (chopped)one bunch greens (about 4 cups of kale, Heat a cast-iron or other skilleton the stove and add olive oil.
When the oil is warmed, butnot smoking, add sliced garlic.
Sauté garlic in olive oil for justa few minutes until the garlic drawings from Fresh from a Vegetarian Kitchen by Meredith McCarty The only blood test that measures
thigh and upper arms, increased heart 1. to block action of hormone in body.
rate, erratic pulse, frequent, loose bow- roxin. e.g. inderal and lopressor, can’t Thyroid problems are found 4
times more often in women than men. ❏ Who is at risk? diabetics, those ❏ Hashimoto’s Disease — chronic

Hypo thyroid (TSH is high)
thyroiditis characterized by goiter, thy- “feeling tired and listless”, chilly, dry roid fibrosis, infiltration of thyroid tis- muscles, depression. Men - no interest ❏ Medication: don’t take iron with
medication for at least 2 hours. Iron in- Possible cause is stress which in-
Hyper thyroid (TSH is low)
“feeling too hot”, nervous and irritable, Hyperthyroid (Graves Disease)
International Macrobiotic Shiatsu Society “… food and drink are beneficial to health, but only when taken appropriately both as toquality and quantity; otherwise, they can become detrimental. Moreover, for sick per-sons, suitable food will be beneficial to the recovery from illness, while unsuitable foodaggravate the condition.”— Zhang Zhongjin, physician of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 A.D.) “Water is the origin of all things on the globe— drink comes from water, while food comesfrom earth. Food and drink are of vital importance to human life.”— Li Shizhen, Encyclodedia of Materia Medica (1518-1593 A.D.) “We can no longer think of emotions as having less validity than physical, material substance, but instead must see themas cellular signals that are involved in the process of translating information into physical reality, literallytransforming mind into matter. Emotions are at the nexus Great Strength is the symbol of Major between mind and matter, going back and forth between Power, bringing Enlightenment andProgress to the world. The trigram thunder positioned over that of heaven — Candace Pert, Ph.D., Molecules of Emotion:Why You Feel establishes the path of goodness and the ability to carry it out.
Transcend difficulties in your innerdevelopment by remaining mindful ofyour shortcomings. Pay special
attention to timing, propriety andgoodness in order to fully employ the “No matter how many operations you have, sooner or later, GREAT STRENGTH available to you.
Adhering to these ideals will center
if you want to truly heal, you will need to listen to your you, regardless of our opinions of pain … The purpose of any illness or pain is to teach you conventional values. This is absolutely how to be better than your were before, to grow, to heal, to necessary in order to give your GREATSTRENGTH the correct thrust. learn to love yourself, and to discover a greater part of your- self. This requires an open mind, faith, and a lot of cour- Progress to others, you strengthen yourown sense of health and well-being. age.”— Art Brownstein, M.D., Healing Back Pain Naturally Real Cost of Drugs
as their eating frequency increased.
pairing its ability to control and eradi- a day had the lowest total cholesterol, — Journal of American Medical As- Stress & Immunity
have higher levels of "good" HDL cho- —Brain, Behavior, and Immunity on- plausible. Animal research has shown Eating More Frequently May
Lower Your Cholesterol
"bad" cholesterol levels compared with Seven days those who tended to down one or two intake among frequent eaters in this the fact that the frequent eaters, on av- fruits and vegetables and cut their satu- —British Medical Journal December International Macrobiotic Shiatsu Society Hands & Feet Shiatsu by Yamamoto & McCarty All of Asian medicine stresses force circulates within the human body. 2. Press up outside of leg with thumb.
3. Press up inside of leg with thumb.
the result of nature, which is the source flow of Qi. The link of Lung qi to Large Intestine qi is routed through the finger. This qi continues from the Large push back stretching fingers and wrist.
ill health. (Illness is the absence of Health.) *see Seminar Workbook details on page 3 When Qi circulates
there is good health.
International Macrobiotic Shiatsu Society rhea: has a mild effect against Deficient for soft pus-filled carbuncles as well as Using Pearl Barley
protein; the grain tonifies yang energy.
Research on Pearl Barley
dia, Africa, and America and the part slightly brown. Use it to make tea to Nature: cool, sweet and plain; tigue, and excessive perspiration in
regulates the stomach; expands the in- summer. You can also add a few slices of fresh ginger. Drink it as a substitute Affinity: affects the Spleen, Stom- for regular tea. Good for people who
Class Schedule
Is it Time to Renew?
Have You Checked Out
Check date on address label.
Our Web site?
2807 Wright Avenue
Winter Park, FL 32789-6161
BRAZIL — June 13-16. Contact IMSS.
CUBA — Nov. 22-29. Contact IMSS.

Source: http://imssmacrobiotic.net/Resources/IMSS%20News%20PDF/IMSS%20XVI%201.pdf


BEHANDELING VAN HOMMELSTEKEN EN ALLERGIEËN 1. STEKEN VAN HOMMELS OF BIJEN Bij de hommels hebben, net als bij honingbijen en wespen, alleen de koninginnen en werksters een angel. De mannetjes dus niet. De angel is bedoeld als verdedigingswapen. Tijdens een steek wordt een geringe hoeveelheid gif via de angel in het lichaam gepompt. Bij de mens levert de steek meestal een korte, heftig

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The effects of a glass of wine on the reproductive systems of men and women Introduction Our reproductive system includes three basic components – a brain region (hypothalamus), the pituitary gland (located at the base of the brain) and the gonads – specifically, the ovaries in women and the testes in men. This is referred to as the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. The r

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