He encontrado que alguna farmacia puede tener existencias limitadas de ciertos medicamentos, mientras que otras pueden tener casi cualquier formato que se le ocurra y el habitual de dosis habitualidad apareció. En resumen, siempre se contiene el almacén de corroborar. Al mismo tiempo que el producto que más que gustaba ha resultado no estaba disponible en stock otro distinto por las Buenas costumbres también debe buscarse jefe no asн parezca. Por eso es importante disponer de un Plan B para actuar cuandod ello no ocurra.
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Uno de los mayores incentivos para someterse al Dónde comprar Lasix genérico en lugar de pagar la marca es que usted puede obtener un ahorrando importantes Lasix genérico. Por lo tanto, un Lasix genérico es en general mucho más barato que el homólogo de marca, así que una denominación genérica se hace posible para las personas que usan este medicamento con frecuencia. Un ejemplo: La compra de lurosemida en lugar de Lasix es una considerable ahorro para el presupuesto mensual de medicamentos.
C2ccd#060460 1.7
J_ID: Z7V Customer A_ID: 06-0418 Cadmus Art: CCI 21093 Date: 5-JANUARY-07
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions 69:000–000 (2007)
Late Stent Thrombosis: Considerations and Practical
Advice for the Use of Drug-Eluting Stents:
A Report From the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography
and Interventions Drug-eluting Stent Task Force
John McB. Hodgson,1* MD, FSCAI, Gregg W. Stone,2 MD, FSCAI, A. Michael Lincoff,3 MD, FACC,
Lloyd Klein,4 MD, FSCAI, Howard Walpole,5 MD, FSCAI, Randy Bottner,6 MD, FSCAI,
Bonnie H. Weiner,7 MD, FSCAI, Martin B. Leon,2 MD, FSCAI, Ted Feldman,8 MD, FSCAI,
Joseph Babb,9 MD, FSCAI, and Gregory J. Dehmer,10 MD, FSCAI
Key words: Drug-eluting Stent; thrombosis; percutaneous coronary intervention; com-plications
occurrence of cardiac death and non-fatal myocardialinfarction in patients treated with DES when compared
Recent analyses have suggested that implantation of
with bare-metal stents after clopidogrel had been dis-
drug-eluting stents (DES) is associated with a higher
continued at 6 months [1]. Other meta-analyses of the
rate of very late stent thrombosis when compared with
existing DES trials also showed an increase in late
bare metal stents. This complication is evident with
events in the DES cohort although these analyses were
both sirolimus-eluting stents as well as polymer-based
limited by incomplete data in publications, abstracts,
paclitaxel-eluting stents, but the precise magnitude of
and Internet sources [2,3]. In October 2006, an inde-
this risk and whether this applies to all patients or
pendent patient-level meta analysis of the four pivotal
only a subset of those who have received DES is
randomized Cypher stent trials and the five pivotal
incompletely characterized. This alert is designed to
randomized Taxus stent trials was publicly presented.
provide the practicing interventional cardiologist with
These analyses demonstrated an increased rate of stent
practical advice in light of this new information.
thrombosis with both sirolimus-eluting and paclitaxel-
It is not the purpose of this document to provide an
exhaustive review of the literature on DES and therisk of stent thrombosis; however a brief summary is
1 St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ
appropriate. While exact definitions have been variable
in different trials, late stent thrombosis generally refers
Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Oh
to stent thrombosis occurring at least 1 month follow-
Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, II
ing stent implantation, while very late stent thrombosis
refers to events occurring more than 12 months follow-
ing stent placement. Following bare metal stent im-
8 Evanston Northwestern Healthcare, Evanston, II9
plantation, stent thrombosis is rare after 2 weeks, and
dual antiplatelet therapy (aspirin and a thienopyridine)
Texas A&M School of Medicine, Temple, Tx
was typically prescribed for 3–6 weeks. In contrast,
*Correspondence to: John McB. Hodgson, MD, Chief, Academic
sporadic reports of late stent thrombosis in patients
Cardiology, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, 350 West
receiving DES have occurred over the past few years.
Thomas Road, Phoenix, AZ 85013. E-mail: [email protected]
These events often (but not always) occurred in the
Received 20 December 2006; Accepted 20 December 2006
setting of premature discontinuation of dual antiplatelettherapy. In March 2006, the BASKET-LATE trial was
reported, describing a significantly greater composite
Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com).
Path: J:/Production/CCD#/Vol00000/060460/3B2/C2CCD#060460
J_ID: Z7V Customer A_ID: 06-0418 Cadmus Art: CCI 21093 Date: 5-JANUARY-07
eluting stents between 1 and 4 years of follow-up,
TABLE I. Academic Research Consortium (ARC) Proposed
though the overall incidence of death and myocardial
Standard Definitions of Coronary Stent Thrombosis
infarction was similar between DES and bare metal
Although the process of re-examining data from the
Late: after 30 daysVery late: after 12 months
pivotal randomized trials of DES continues, there
appears to be a clear finding that DES are associated
with a higher rate of late stent thrombosis than bare
metal stents when used \on-label" (as tested in the
l Angiographic confirmation of stent thrombosis or occlusion
randomized approval trials). The magnitude of very late
stent thrombosis is not well defined, but is in the range of
l Pathologic confirmation of acute stent thrombosis
0.2% excess events per year after year 1 through year 4.
Real-world experiences suggest that \off-label" use of
l Target vessel infarction without angiographic confirmation of
drug-eluting stents in more complex lesions such as
stent thrombosis or other identified culprit lesion
bifurcation lesions and in patients with acute myocardial
infarction are associated with an even higher rate of early
and late stent thrombosis [5,6]. Moreover, whether the
Stent thrombosis may further be considered primary (occurring before
late thrombosis risk with DES continues indefinitely or
target lesion revascularization) or secondary (occurring after target
terminates after 4 years is unknown.
The presumed mechanism of late susceptibility to
stent thrombosis is delayed or incomplete re-endotheli-alization and possibly an inflammatory response to the
data within these trials were obtained in patients with
stent polymer [7], although other factors such as strut
less complex lesion subsets. It is estimated that up to
fractures and stent malapposition may contribute. The
60% of DES usage now occurs in \off-label" situa-
occurrence of stent thrombosis is associated in most
tions and lesions subsets not studied in the pivotal tri-
cases (some estimates up to 60–70%) with premature
als. Some of the combined analyses suggest that death
discontinuation of dual antiplatelet therapy (before the
and myocardial infarction may be increased in these
prescribed course of 3 months for Cypher and 6
more complex lesions subsets which now constitute the
months for Taxus stents), though some episodes have
majority of DES use. Late stent thrombosis is associ-
occurred long after the prescribed duration of antiplate-
ated with a high rate of myocardial infarction and mor-
let therapy has been completed. Some of these epi-
tality [1]. Restenosis after bare metal stenting is also
sodes (but not all) occurred in the setting of height-
not as benign as previously believed, presenting as an
ened platelet reactivity from a surgical procedure or
acute myocardial infarction in as many as 10% of
major illness requiring the thienopyridine discontinua-
patients [9]. A detailed summary of the current data
tion; the extent to which this contributed to the stent
was compiled for the recent FDA Circulatory Devices
It is important to understand when trying to interpret
these events that a uniform definition of late stent
thrombosis was not in place for the many trials
Faithful adherence to dual antiplatelet therapy (aspi-
included. Moreover, the pivotal Cypher and Taxus tri-
rin and a thienopyridine such as clopidogrel) is diffi-
als did not count secondary thrombotic events occur-
cult to accomplish. In one multicenter study of patients
ring after a target lesion revascularization. Thus, a new
with acute myocardial infarction treated with DES,
standard definition set for late stent thrombosis has
13.6% of patients discontinued dual anti-platelet ther-
been developed (Academic Research Consortium) and
apy by 30 days [11]. Patients who discontinued ther-
is being applied to further analyses [8] (Table
apy before 30 days had a higher rate of re-hospitaliza-
ever, even these criteria have been questioned for
tion and mortality when compared with those who
including \possible" events that may be unrelated to
continued therapy. Factors contributing to dual antipla-
the original DES implantation and therefore would
telet discontinuation included anemia or need for
overestimate the magnitude of the problem.
surgery, but importantly also included many socioeco-
It is important to re-emphasize that while very late
nomic factors (such as education level, cost for
stent thrombosis rates are higher with DES, overall
prescriptions, understanding of instructions, and mis-
death and myocardial infarction rates have been similar
information from healthcare professionals). A large
to those of bare metal stents in the pivotal randomized
single center registry has also found and increase in
trials up to 4 years after implantation [4]. However,
adverse events in patients with DES who were no lon-
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions DOI 10.1002/ccd. Published on behalf of The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI).
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J_ID: Z7V Customer A_ID: 06-0418 Cadmus Art: CCI 21093 Date: 5-JANUARY-07
ger taking clopidogrel after either 6 or 12 months
Finally, consideration must be given to the patient’s
(includes both premature and scheduled cessation of
ability to comply with long-term dual antiplatelet ther-
therapy) when compared with a matched group of
apy. Social, medical, and financial barriers to proper
patients receiving bare metal stents [12].
adherence must be considered before a DES is selected
As many as 50% of patients are either low- or non-res-
for implantation, and in particular, the likelihood of
ponders to clopidogrel and/or aspirin when assessed in
future bleeding risk or need for surgical/invasive pro-
vitro [13,14]. Testing is now available for both
cedures should be carefully assessed. DES implantation
clopidogrel and aspirin responsiveness, but is not widely
should be avoided if there is any doubt that the patient
utilized. The extent that platelet hyporesponsiveness con-
can comply with prolonged dual antiplatelet therapy.
tributes to stent thrombosis is undetermined.
It is important to realize that the clinical and lesion
The issues surrounding discontinuation of dual antipla-
specific factors predicting an increased risk of early
telet therapy are being actively addressed in a forthcom-
and late stent thrombosis have not been fully eluci-
ing AHA Science Advisory related to the premature dis-
dated. Nonetheless, table two lists patient and lesion
continuation of dual antiplatelet therapy in patients with
characteristics that currently have been associated with
DES (expected publication in early 2007).
an increased risk of thrombosis after DES implanta-tion. These factors should be reviewed when selectingstent type in an individual patient. After careful con-
sideration of all factors, some high-risk patients may
Proper patient selection for percutaneous coronary
be best considered for surgical revascularization. Inter-
intervention (PCI) must take into account three issues.
ventionalists are encouraged to involve patients, when-
First, objective evidence of cardiac symptoms, ische-
ever possible, in these discussions and to explain the
mia or otherwise generally acceptable indications for
benefits and risks of any proposed treatment.
revascularization must be present in accordance withpublished guidelines for the performance PCI. These
guidelines should serve as the basis for the selection ofpatients for any revascularization [15]. In patients
DES are mechanically similar (if not identical) to
without pre-intervention documentation of inducible or
their bare metal counterparts. Multiple studies have
active ischemia, it is reasonable to measure fractional
outlined the risk factors for restenosis and sub-acute
flow reserve before intervention to confirm the pres-
stent thrombosis in bare metal stents. In nearly every
ence of a flow-limiting stenosis appropriate for treat-
study, stent expansion was found to be an independent
ment. In short lesions located in the proximal third of
risk factor for restenosis. Intravascular ultrasound eas-
the three major epicardial arteries, intravascular ultra-
ily identifies stent under expansion, yet remains infre-
sound-determined lesion lumen area of less than 4
quently used (approximately 7% of cases in the United
mm2 may also indicate a lesion with a high likelihood
States). The recently reported STLLR trial documented
of producing inducible ischemia [16].
geographic miss as an additional risk for adverse out-
Second, it must be emphasized that the patients
comes following drug-eluting stent implantation [17].
included in the major randomized trials of DES had
The importance of complete lesion coverage with DES
relatively lower risk lesions and clinical characteristics.
has been emphasized since their initial approval; how-
This was appropriate for these initial trials, but extrap-
ever in the STLLR study, 66.5% of implantations were
olation of DES use (and results) to lesion subtypes or
associated with geographic miss. Those with geo-
patient groups outside those studied in the randomized
graphic miss had a significantly higher incidence of
trials must be done cautiously. Proper patient selection
myocardial infarction during follow-up. Thus, despite a
now should involve an assessment of the balance
belief that angiographic-guided implantation of DES is
between restenosis risk and thrombosis risk (and the
satisfactory, the STLLR trial suggests that alternative
consequences of restenosis and thrombosis). Many fac-
methods to ensure appropriate lesion coverage might
tors, such as diabetes, long lesions, small vessels,
improve outcomes. In this regard, the use of intravas-
chronic kidney disease and lesions in saphenous vein
cular ultrasound to document appropriate longitudinal
grafts, have been identified that portend a higher risk
lesion coverage and adequate stent expansion (>80%
of restenosis and may shift the benefit:risk ratio in
of the reference lumen area) is reasonable and may
favor of DES. These subgroups may also have a higher
improve early and late results of DES implantation,
risk of very late thrombosis. It is important for the cli-
although randomized studies have not been performed.
nician to consider the risk:benefit ratio for each indi-
Coronary calcium markedly impairs the ability to
vidual patient. This medical decision-making process
expand stents. Similar issues may arise in ostial loca-
should be carefully documented in the medical record.
tions. Although non randomized studies examining the
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions DOI 10.1002/ccd.
Published on behalf of The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI).
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J_ID: Z7V Customer A_ID: 06-0418 Cadmus Art: CCI 21093 Date: 5-JANUARY-07
use of direct stenting without predilation suggest that
TABLE II. Patient and Lesion Features Associated with
this technique is safe and effective in selected lesions,
Increased Risk of Drug-Eluting Stent Thrombosis
careful lesion preparation may be important in more
complex lesions to ensure stent delivery and complete
expansion. This may include balloon predilation, or
l Acute coronary syndrome/myocardial infarction
occasionally cutting balloon atherotomy, or plaque
debulking using rotational atherectomy. Preliminary di-
lation of the stenosis before stent placement is a possi-
ble safeguard against the unexpected inability to fully
expand a stent within a fibrotic or calcific lesion. Pre-
intervention ultrasound imaging and a careful fluoro-
l Small stent diameter and/or severe under expansion
scopic review for calcium before stenting can be use-
ful. Under expansion of any stent due to failure oflesion preparation should be avoided.
While DES offer important benefits in terms of re-
Patients with previously implanted DES who are
stenosis, clinically acceptable target lesion revasculari-
currently taking dual antiplatelet therapy present a sig-
zation results can be obtained with bare-metal stents in
nificant management challenge to the interventional
many low risk lesion or patient groups [18]. Thus, the
cardiologist or primary care provider when a situation
option of bare metal stent implantation should be care-
arises that requires cessation or interruption of anti-pla-
fully considered on a case by case basis.
telet therapy (for example, when elective or urgent sur-gery is required). There are no existing studies thatexamine alternative management strategies. Each practi-tioner must therefore rely on personal knowledge of the
individual patient, the specific reason(s) for anti-platelet
therapy discontinuation and other relevant factors in mak-
At the FDA Circulatory Devices Advisory Board
ing the recommendation for how to manage the situation.
meeting on December 7th and 8th, 2006 the panel rec-
Unlike available recommendations for alternative anti-
ommended the continuation of dual antiplatelet therapy
coagulant \bridging" strategies when warfarin therapy
for 12 months after implantation of drug-eluting stents,
must be temporarily discontinued, there are no existing
based, in large part, on the ACC/AHA/SCAI Class I
data or recommendations for the practitioner to minimize
indication already in existence for PCI in patients who
risk of stent thrombosis when anti-platelet therapy must
are not at high-risk for bleeding [15]. We support that
be stopped. Consequently, there has been and continues
recommendation. We also recommend operators seri-
to be no definitive standard of care for the management
ously consider the Class IIb indication that patients in
of these patients under these circumstances. Discussion
whom stent thrombosis may be catastrophic or lethal,
of the risk and benefit with the surgeon or other practi-
platelet aggregation studies may be considered and the
tioner should be undertaken to determine if the procedure
dose of clopidogrel increased to 150 mg per day if
could be performed with reasonable safety without dis-
less than 50% inhibition of platelet aggregation is
continuation of antiplatelet agents. In the patient consid-
demonstrated [15], although the clinical utility of these
ered at high risk for stent thrombosis involving a large
practices is not established. Furthermore, pre-interven-
area of myocardium, short acting intravenous glycopro-
tion testing of the responsiveness of a patient to anti-
tein IIb/IIIa inhibitors have been empirically suggested
platelet agents may be considered for higher thrombo-
prior to and after surgery for platelet inhibition during the
sis-risk patients or lesion subsets as discussed in the
period when the patient is \unprotected" between clopi-
dogrel discontinuation to re-initiation. The safety and ef-
evidence-based medicine presently exists to guide al-
ficacy of this practice has not been formally studied, how-
ternative drug management or device selection in
ever. Similarly, there are no data to support \bridging"
patients in whom a point of care test demonstrates pla-
telet hyporesponsiveness to aspirin and/or clopidogrel.
There is no evidence to suggest that patients who
have received a DES and have completed and discon-
tinued their course of dual antiplatelet therapy withoutincident should restart a theinopyridine. These patients
Since the issue of late DES thrombosis has been
should remain on aspirin indefinitely for secondary
publicized, several solicitations for potential class
action suits against the stent manufacturers have been
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions DOI 10.1002/ccd. Published on behalf of The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI).
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J_ID: Z7V Customer A_ID: 06-0418 Cadmus Art: CCI 21093 Date: 5-JANUARY-07
advertised. It is our opinion that there are no grounds
participation by the interventional community. The
for valid legal action against physicians or stent manu-
HORIZONS-AMI trial is randomizing 3,000 patients
facturers related to the implantation of DES and late
with acute myocardial infarction to DES vs. bare metal
thrombosis. The suspicion that patients with DES may
stents. The E-Select Registry and INSIGHT random-
be at increased risk for very late thrombosis was only
ized trial will be a 30,000 patient global registry incor-
very recently described. There was no pre-existing data
porating a United States randomized trial of standard
to suggest the occurrence of late stent thrombosis.
vs. long duration clopidogrel. The PROTECT random-
DES were carefully studied in well-performed random-
ized trial will be an 8,000 patient global randomized
trial of the Endeavor vs. the Cypher stent with a pri-
approved by the FDA. When any suggestion of issues
mary endpoint of stent thrombosis. Finally, the STENT
with these devices has arisen, prompt alerts were
Thrombosis study will enroll at least 10,000 consecu-
issued to the medical community. The FDA (twice in
tive patients receiving DES in whom aspirin and clopi-
2003, again in early 2006) and the American College
dogrel responsiveness will be assessed at baseline and
of Cardiology (March 16, 2006) have both issued pub-
throughout a 2–5 year follow-up for stent thrombosis.
lic health alerts emphasizing the need for strict antipla-
In addition, at the recent FDA Advisory Board
telet therapy adherence and proper implantation tech-
meeting, questions were raised about the appropriate-
nique. In fact, the American College of Cardiology
ness of multivessel stenting, especially in comparison
clearly recommended \patients taking PlavixTM for any
with coronary artery bypass surgery. This question is
reason should consult with their cardiologist or other
also under rigorous investigation. The FREEDOM trial
health care provider before stopping this medication."
is randomizing 2,400 patients with diabetes mellitus
In addition, the AHA issued a press release \Stopping
and multivessel disease to DES implantation vs. bypass
medication too soon after receiving a drug-eluting stent
surgery. The SYNTAX trial is randomizing 1,700
raises the risk of death" in June, 2006.
patients with triple vessel or unprotected left main dis-
The standard of care has been 3–6 months of clopi-
ease to DES implantation vs. bypass surgery. Until
dogrel following DES implantation (dependent on the
such time as these trials produce clear data for further
type of stent implanted) as approved by the FDA and
recommendations we advise the practicing interven-
recommended in the directions for use included with
tionalist to thoughtfully document the indications for
each stent. The FDA, physician investigators, and
intervention and the medical decision making process
industry representatives around the world have been
by which the specific revascularization strategy was
carefully evaluating and considering the new concern
about very late DES thrombosis. Recommendations arebeing communicated to physicians objectively and
The practitioner is advised to carefully discuss the
In light of the observed small increased incidence of
risks and benefits of the selected stent (or surgical)
very late thrombosis seen after DES implantation we
procedure, why it is believed superior to other revascu-
larization options, and clearly document this thoughtprocess in an accepted consent form. Patient education
1. Prior to any stent implantation, patients should meet
regarding the importance of uninterrupted dual antipla-
criteria for PCI according to published guidelines.
telet therapy is also critical. As with all therapies in
2. The decision to implant a DES vs. an alternative re-
medicine, the best protection against legal action
vascularization strategy (including bare metal stents
should complications arise is close communication
or surgical revascularization) must be made on an
between the physician and patient, with careful docu-
individual patient basis after consideration of the
mentation of the decision process in the medical re-
relative risks and benefits of each therapy.
cord. This is especially important when considering
3. Careful evaluation of the patient with respect to
compliance and the risks of long-term dual antipla-telet therapy must be performed prior to implantinga DES.
4. Careful attention must be paid to stent implantation
The safety of DES is of concern to everyone, physi-
technique. The use of intravascular ultrasound,
cian, manufacturer and patient alike. To better address
screening for calcification, and careful lesion prepa-
ongoing, and several others will begin recruitment
5. Following DES implantation, dual antiplatelet ther-
soon. We applaud this approach and encourage active
apy should be prescribed for no less than 3 months
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions DOI 10.1002/ccd.
Published on behalf of The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI).
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J_ID: Z7V Customer A_ID: 06-0418 Cadmus Art: CCI 21093 Date: 5-JANUARY-07
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11. Spertus JA, Kettelkamp R, Vance C, Decker C, Jones PG,
marily bleeding and cost) and the potential risks of
Rumsfeld JS, Messenger JC, Khanal S, Peterson ED, Bach RG,
late stent thrombosis. This decision must be individ-
Krumholz HM, Cohen DJ. Prevalence, predictors, and outcomes
ualized. There are no tested \bridging" strategies.
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12. Eisenstein EL, Anstrom KJ, Kong DF, Shaw LK, Tuttle RH,
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Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions DOI 10.1002/ccd. Published on behalf of The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI).
Path: J:/Production/CCD#/Vol00000/060460/3B2/C2CCD#060460
J_ID: Z7V Customer A_ID: 06-0418 Cadmus Art: CCI 21093 Date: 5-JANUARY-07
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions DOI 10.1002/ccd.
Published on behalf of The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI).
Path: J:/Production/CCD#/Vol00000/060460/3B2/C2CCD#060460
EXCEL DUAL FASTRACK (DUAL PURPOSE - INSECTICIDE/FUNGICIDE) Treatment of wood by brush or course spray. An aqueous solution containing 2.50%w/w Permethrin, 2.815%w/w Propiconazole and 2.815%w/w 3-lodo-2-propynyl-butyl carbamate. Classified as IRRITANT under the Chemicals (Hazard Identification and Packaging) regulations 1996. Clear straw/amber coloured liquid with a mild odour. Dilute 1
List of Ph. D Awarded dated 01-01-2010 to 31-12-2010 Research Topic Guide name with Award Candidate To analysis the Rheological behaviour of Dr. Sffiullah On Higher Dimensional Cosmology with Dr. Anirudh Pradhan decaying vacuum density : Expression for Ghazipur Niraj Kumar Gupta Some investigations in different iable Dr. S.N. Ojha Ballia. Omprakash Yadav Some problems on blo