List of Ph. D Awarded dated 01-01-2010 to 31-12-2010
Research Topic Guide name with Award Candidate
To analysis the Rheological behaviour of Dr. Sffiullah
On Higher Dimensional Cosmology with Dr. Anirudh Pradhan
decaying vacuum density : Expression for Ghazipur
Niraj Kumar Gupta Some investigations in different iable Dr. S.N. Ojha Ballia.
Omprakash Yadav Some problems on blood flow in Dr. Sffiullah
incompressible laminar flow past porous flat Jaunpur
Km. Narinder Kaur A study of stress waves in solids.
On momentum and heat transfers in Dr. N.l. Singh
Impact of Temperature Acclimatization of Dr.V.M.S.
Cocoon on Development Growth and Silk Srivastav
Studies of the Roll of Mental Ionson the
System in Metabolically Active Tissues of
Airbreathing Fresh Water Teleosts Hetropneustes Fossilis (BLOCH) and Claries Batrachus Clinn
Green on Survival Growth and General Body
Rhetoric and Reality : A study of the compus Dr. Prabhakar
Woman in the short fiction of shashi desh Dr. V.K. Singh
Major themes in the poetry of nissimezkiel.
The plays of girish karnad : A feminist study. Dr. I.P. Singh
Qust for belief in the poetry of T.S. Eliot.
The clash of cultures in the novels of Dr. P.K. Singh
Ancient History
1- Jh o`ts'k dqekj ikfyf=fiVd esa ukjh thou MkW0 Kku izHkk flag dkyst] 10 ih-;w-96&81343
2- Jherh lfork mRrj Hkkjr dk lkekftd vkfFkZd v/;;u MkW0 ohjsUnz cgknqj 22-01- ¼NBh bZ0iw0 ls 300bZ0 rd½ flag rsjgh dIrkuxat]vktex<+ 98&100435
3- Jh iqL;jkt Tkkrd lkfgR; esa izfrfofEor ckS) /keZ MWk0 lq’kek peksyh ih-;w- 98&23594 ds0,u0 Kkuiqj
4- Jh j.k fot; oS’.ko eqfrZ;ksa dk ,d v/;;u MkW0 ,e-ih- flag ¼vkjEHk ls 12oh 'krh bZ0rd½ jk’Vªh;egkfo0]teqgkWbZ 10 ih-;w- 92&301 izfrek oS'k {kf=;ksa ds lUnHkZ esa uS'kokM+k dk bfrgkl MkW- /khjsUnz flag]egUFk 23-03- jkekJ; nkl ih-th- 10 HkqM+dqM+k] 2000&106819
6- euh’k dqekj jko e/; xaxk ?kkVh esa d`f’k dk mn~Hko ,oa fodkl MkW- ,l-,u-flag ih-;w- 05&0132 ¼izkjEHk ls ysdj bZ0 lu~ rd½
7- Jh lanhi dqekj ok.k HkV~V ds xzUFkksa esa of.kZr lkekftd fLFkfr flag 06-07- ih-th- 10 ih-;w- 98&27493 fegjkWok]
8- Jh 'kSysUnz dqekj lw=ksa ,oa Le`fr;ksa esa of.kZr fgUnw laLdkjksa dk MWk0 ohjsUnz cgknj 12-07- leh{kkRed v/;;u¼mRrj oSfnd dky ls lw= flag] ih-;w- 04&0219 dky rd½ rsjghdIrkuxat] vktex<+
9- Jh vrqy dqekj iqjk.kksa esa of.kZr jktLo Lo:i MkW0 KkuizHkk flag Vh-Mh- dkyst]tkSuiqj 10 ih-;w- 96&79109
10- Jh vo/ks'k dqekj izkphu Hkkjr esa ea=h ifj’kn MkW0 ts- ih -;kno] 23-07- ih-;w- 91&5042 jkt cgknqj ih-th- 10 xqykyiqj]
11- ftrsUnz dqekj ;kKoYD; Le`fr esa vijk/k ,oa n.M MkW0 ,l-,u- flag ds-,u-Kkuiqj 98&100431 jfo'kadj iwoZ e/;dky esa 'osrkEcj lEiznk; dk fodkl MkW0 v:.k izrki 22-12- Jh ctjax nknj 2001&159618 vkJe cfy;k fjrq flag ikaTvty egkHkkO; dk nk”kZfud vuq”khyu MkW- fot; “kadj 08-01-10 ih-;w- 04@311 ik.Ms; dks;yl vktex<+ uhjt dqekj nwcs /keZ lw=ksa dh yksd n`f’V MkW0 gfj”oj nhf{kr 23-01-10 ih-;w- 04@117 flxjkeÅ dq- jpuk xqIrk egkdfo dkyhnkl ds d`fr;ksa esa lkSUn;Z MkW- jkepUnznso 19-02-10 ih-;w- 97@42059 ds-ch- ehjtkiqj dq-“osrk flag egkHkkjr dh lwfDr;ksa lkfgfR;d ,oa MkW- f”kf”kj mik/;k; 10-04-10 ih-;w-97@42149 lkaLd`frd vuq”khyu Ds-ch-ehjtiqj jfoUnz ukFk ;kno U;k; iz.kkyh esa foKkus”oj d`r ehrk{kjk ds MkW- eujkt ;kno 21-05-10 ih-;w91@55586 ;ksxnku dk ewY;kadu Rkk[kk “kkgxat vpZuk ekS;kZ vkpk;Z EkE;j fo”oukFk ds dkO;nks’k ,oa MkW- “kf”k fdj.k 28-05-10 xq.k lEcU/kh fl)kUr% ,d rqyukRed Hknksgh 2000@100971 lqys[kk ik.Ms; ckYehdh; jkek;.k esa ;q) dk.M% ,d MkW- fu:ik flag 28-05-10 ih-;w-97@71441 leh{kkRed v/;;u Vh-Mh- tkSuiqj fiz;k flag HkoHkwfr ds ukVdksa dk lkekftd vuq”khyu MkW- vfjoUnz feJ 18-06-10 ih-;w- 04@245 Ds-ch- ehjtiqj mes”k jk; Hkkl ds ukVd ,d ifj”khyu MkW- ekyk etwenkj 07-07-10 ih-;w-97@79002 bykgkckn 10 T;ksfrek flag dqUnekyk dk O;kdj.k “kkL=hvuq”khyu MkW- f”ko”kadj xqIrk 10-08-10 ih-;w-97@13334 Vh-Mh- dkyst tkSUkiqj chuk feJk Jleatjh ,oa J`axkjeatjh dh rqyukRed MkW- fu:ik flag 12-08-10 ih-;w-99@35294 ukV~;”kkL=h leh{kk Vh-Mh- dkyst fxjh”k pUnz ;kno HkrZ`gfjd`r “krd=; dk lkaLd`frd v/;;u MkW- cyokUk flag 13-10-10 ih-;w-06@2256 lknkr xkthiqj izfrHkk feJk vfHku; dh n`f’V ls Hkkl ds ukVdksa dk MkW- cStukFk ik.Ms; 18-09-10 ih-;w-98@101086 leh{kkRed v/;;u Ds-ch- ehjtiqj jhUkk feJk Fdjkrk tZuh;e ,oa f”k”kqiky c/ke~ MkW- fu:ik flag 18-09-10 ih-;w-2000@67021 egkdkO;ksa dk lkSUn;Z cks/k dh n`f’V ls Vh-Mh- rqyukRed v/;;u vpZuk flag laLd`r lkfgR; es leh{kkRd v/;;u MkW- gfj”oj nhf{kr 30-10-10 ih-;w-04@317 flxjkeÅ tkSuiqj js[kk jk; n;kuUn fnfXot;e~ egkdkO; leh{kkRed MkW- v:.k dqekj 25-11-10 ih-;w-96@83072 HkSjo rkykc okjk.klh lSU; foKku uke@ukekadu 'kks/k 'kh’kZd 'kks/kfunsZ'kd rFkk ekSf[kdh nf{k.k ,f”k;k esa v.kq”kkL= ,oa vkradokn ds MkW- vfuy dqekj 30-06-10 ih-;w-96@30610 izlkj dh izo`fRr;ka nhi f”k[kk Hkkjrh; lqj{kk ds ifjizs{; esa fgUnegklkxj MkW- ,u-ch- flag 24-12-10 ih-;w-05@330 MksHkh tkSuiqj euksfoKku uke@ukekadu la 'kks/k 'kh’kZd 'kks/kfunsZ'kd rFkk ekSf[kdh dkfyUnh flag ;”koUr 17-04-10 ih-;w-96@85042 dqekj flag ;ksxsUnzukFk pkScs MkW- lq”khyk jk;] ih-;w-97@20194 HkSjorkykc okjk.klh vUtw f=ikBh gkbZLdwy ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa esa lkekftd] vkfFkZd MkW- lq”khyk jk;] ih-;w98@24934 Lrj ,oa vko”;drk “khyxq.k ds lEcU/k HkSjorkykc ijksidkfjrk dk v/;;u okjk.klh jktfd”kksj ekS;Z vko”;drk izfrekuks ij lkekftd vkfFkZd MkW- jes”k pUnz ih-;w2000@59747 laoxZ ,oa ;kSu x`gfoKku uke@ukekadu la 'kks/k 'kh’kZd 'kks/kfunsZ'kd rFkk ekSf[kdh dsUnz cfork Tuin bykgkckn ds lnj rglhy ds dqN MkW- nhikpUn 11-12-10 izkFkfed fo|ky;ksa v/;;ujr cPpksa esa Kkuiqj ih-;w-96@83074 iks’kkgkj ;kstuk dk ,d v/;;u fiz;Ecnk jkt”khy Effect of maternal employment an physical, MkW- t;Jh f}osnh 24-12- ih-;w-93@41760
socio. Moral and emotional development of
iygh okjk.klh dz-la uke@ukekadu la 'kks/k 'kh’kZd 'kks/k funsZ'kd ekSf[kdh rFkk dsUnz 01 Hkhe flag ;kno Ekgknsoh oekZ dh i=dkfjrk vkSj ukjh tkxj.k MkW- fl;kjke flag 12-12-06 ih-;w-93@20429 ;kno lerk ih-th- dkyst lknkr xkthiqj 02 dq- J)k gtkjh izlkn f}osnh ds miU;klksa dk MkW- Jherh ljkst 15-02-10 ih-;w-@2000 “kSyhijd v/;;u 03 jfoUnz flag ;kno fujkyk ds dFkk lkfgR; esa thou&la?k’kZ vkSj MkW- udNsn jk; 12-03-10 ih-;w-99@101935 ukjh eqfDr psruk 04 vkdka{kk flag y{eh dkUr oekZ % O;fDRkRo vkSj d`frRo MkW- Jherh “;kek 15-03-10 ih-;w-98@24923 05 jkds”k flag dchj vkSj fujkyk ds dkO; dk lkekftd MkW- eku/kkrk jk; 18-02-10 ih-;w-04@127 n”kZu ¼,d rqyukRed v/;;u½ 06 johUnz izrki ;kno vKs; ds mikU;kl laosnuk lajpuk MkW- vkyexhj 19-02-10 ih-;w-98@44514 07 dq- jE;k fo”o foUnw lkfgfR;d i=dkfjrk ds {ks= esa nLrkost dk MkW- v|k izlkn 09-04-10 ih-;w-04@0075 08 eaxy izlkn ;kno izsepUn dh dgkfu;ksa es a;qxoks/k MkW- udNsn jk; 10-05-10 ih-;w-05@032 09 Jherh fouhrk flag mRrj Nk;koknh dfork vkSj vkpk;Z tkudh MkW- lquhy fodze 10-05-10 ih-;w-98@25082 cYyHk “kkL=h 10 jktfd”kksj MkW- gfjoa”k jk; cPPku dh lkSUn;Z vuqHkwfr MkW- vkyexhj vyh 21-05-10 ih-;w-88@53465 11 eqDrs”ojh frokjh fgUnh iz;ksxoknh dfork esa vUpfyd RkRo MkW- g`n; ukjk;.k 21-05-10 ih-;w-89@5071 “kkL=h 12 osnizdk”k feJ rqylh lkfgR; esa lhrk rRo MkW- lHkkifr feJ 28-05-10 ih-;w-02@178 bykgkckn 13 Jherh “osrk flag L=h foe”kZ dk ifjizs{; vkSj eS=s;h iq’ik ds MkW- lfPpnkUkUn 05-06-10 ih-;w-92@7079 14 Jherh vpZuk flag fgUnh mikU;klksa esa ns”k foHkktu dh =klnh MkW- x;k flag 12-06-10 ih-;w-88@66860 15 twgh vLFkkuk okjk.klh ds ledkyhu uoxhrdkj % laosnuk MkW- nsosUnz 19-07-10 ih-;w-94@12556 vkSj f”kYi 16 jatuk JhokLro jk’Vª dfo eSFkyh”kj.k xqIRk ds dkO; esa ukjh MkW- “khyk flag 22-09-10 ih-;w-95@30329 17 jktsUnz izlkn ;kno ledkyhu fgUnh dgkuh esa of.kZr lkekftd MkW- Jherh xkhrk 14-06-10 ih-;w-01@160490 ;Fkkfi lu~ 1990 ds ckn 18 fdj.k gtfjdk ukxkZtqu ds dkO; esa ekuo ewY; vkyexhj 09-08-10 ih-;w-06@478 19 bUnwerh nwcs fgUnh lkfgR; esa vk/kqfudrk cks/k vkSj MkW- MkW- gfjlsod 27-08-10 ih-;w-05@196 f”koizlkn flag dk dO; lkfgR; 20 vo/k fogkjh flag Hkkjrh; ,dkO;oknh fpUru vkSj dchj nkl gfjlsod 27-08-10 ih-;w-88@73753 21 fu”kk jk; t;”kadj izlkn ds dFkk lkfgR; esa thou MkW- ujsUnz izlkn jk; 08-10-10 ih-;w-05@171 ewY;ksa dk vuq”khyu tulapkj ,oa i=dkfjrk uke@ukekadu la 'kks/k 'kh’kZd funsZ'kd ekSf[kdh rFkk dsUnz 01- n;kuUn mik/;k; ^^efgyk jktuhfrd l”kfDrdj.k esa tu MkW- vfuy dqekj ih-;w-95@3404 ek/;eksa dh Hkwfedk ¼okjk.klh e.My ds jk; vafdr ftyksa ds lEcU/k esa½ ohj cgknqj flag iwokZUpy fo”ofo|ky; tkSUkiqj Education Name of Research Name of Supervisor Date of Viva-Voce /Enrolment No. bUnzef.k izlkn lkekU; ,oa vkjf{kr 13-03-2010 oxZ ds Nk=ksa dh cqf)] PU-2000/20602 O;fDrRo ,oa 'kSff{kd miyfC/k dk rqyukRed v/;;u
Population Education in Relation to their Sex, Personality
jktsUnz dqekj ckS) dkyhu f’k{kk 17-09-2010
B. N. K. V. P. G. College, Akbarpur, iz.kkyh dh vk/kqfud PU- ifjizs{; esa izklafxdrkA 1990/14925 . vk’kk ;kno vkt+ex<+ tuin ds 13-03-2010 xzkeh.k rFkk uxjh; PU- ek/;fed 2000/20602 fo|ky;ksa ds v/;kidksa esa ewY; mUuew[krk ,oa ekufld LokLF; ds Lokxzkgh O;ogkj ds lEcU/k esa ,d v/;;uA
Plant Pathology Name of Research Name of Supervisor Date of Viva-Voce /Enrolment No.
(Triticum aestivum L.) with Special Emphasis on Alternaria blight.
Genetics & Plant Breeding
Ajay Kumar Yadav Dr. Ganesh Prasad (Rtd)
Study of Stability 30.12.2010 Parmeters, Genetic PU-2006106 Variability and Path Coeffeciend Analysis in Chickpea (Cicer artinum L.) LVMh vkWQ LVsfcfyVh isjkehVlZ] osfj,fcfyVh ,.M ikWFk dks,Qsf’k,UV vukfyfll bu fpdih ¼lhlj vVhZue ,y-½ Agronomy ('kL; foKku)
and Sulphur on Growth, Yield and Quality of Lentil (Lens Culinaris M.)
Finance & Control
Faculty Building, V.B.S.Purvanchal of Telecom Industries in PU-2006/001 University, Jaunpur.
Name of Research Name of Supervisor Date of Viva-Voce /Enrolment No. jkts'k dqekj iVsy Gyanpur. fnus'k pUn ;kno
Systems of the Type 1993/40040 Li2O : B2O3 : P2O5 & Li3BO3 : x Li3 PO4
';keth flag
Naked Singularities in PU-198/425 Gravitational Collalpse fQ+ftdy izkslsl QkWj usdsV flaxqykfjVht+ bu xzSfoVs’kuy dkysIlA eksgEen bejku bQsDV vkWQ esuh ckWMh bUVjSD’ku vkWu nk dksgsflo izkWiVhZt+ vkWQ vYdyh gsthM~l f'k'kqiky flag
Boundaries ekWMy ,ukfyfll vkWQ lWe vuqyj vkWfIVdy osoxkbZM~l ukWu&ljdqyj vkmUMjht+ ¼e/;dkyhu bfrgkl½ uke@ukekadu la 'kks/k 'kh’kZd 'kks/k funsZ'kd rFkk ekSf[kdh frfFk Jherh izHkk flag lqYrku bYrqrfel ds dky esa MkW-Jherh ek;korh] 29-03-2010 ih-;w-91@28674 Hkkjr dk jktuSfrd]vkfFkZd ,oa Hk.Mkkjh]deykk lkekftd thou¼1211bZ0 1236bZ0½ du;k ih0th0 dkyst] fetkZiqj
Jh dqekj JhokLro Muslim Politics of u.p.(1906-1947 xksiky 14-12-2010 ih-;w-04@4152 ds-ch-ih-th- dkyst ehjtkiqj dq- fnO;k xqIrk eqfLye lRrk dh LFkkiuk ds iwoZ MkW- /keZthr falag 24-12-10 ih-;w-03@0122 mRrj Hkkjr dh /kkfeZd voLFkk ds-oh- dkyst ehjtkiqj vo/k ds uokcksa vkSj ckn’kkgksa ds MkW- vkbZ-,p- valkjh 18-12-10 ih-;w-05@2211 v/khu lkekftd ,oa LkkaLd`frd Bykgkckn thou ¼1722&1856½ f'k{kk ladk; uke@ukekadu la 'kks/k 'kh’kZd 'kks/kfunsZ'kd ekSf[kdh Jherh e`nqyk feJk lkekU; ,oa fof'k’V fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds MkW0 e;k'kadj flag 16-01-10 ih-;w- 01&538 'kSf{kd vfHkizsj.kk Le`fr ,oa v/;;u gfM+;k ih-th-dkyst vknrdk mudh 'kSf{kd miyfC/k ij gfM+;k bykgkokn iM+us okys izHkkr dk v/;;u Jh osn Hkk’dj jfoUnzukFk VSxksj ds izd`froknh f'k{kk MkW0 fnokdj flag jktk 16-01-10 n'kZu dk lekykspukRed v/;;u ih-;w- 88&52776 egkfo|ky; flxjkeÅ Jherh'kjn egkRek xkW/kh ,oa Vh-ih- uu ds MkW0 e;k'kadj flag 12-03-10 JhokLrok nk'kZfud ,oa 'kSf{kd fopkjksa dk gfM+;k ih-th-dkyst ih-;w -05&015 rqyukRed v/;;u gfM+;k bykgkokn f'kokuUn e`x;k&dzhM+k ijEijk dk vk/kqfud MkW0 06-02-09 'kkjhfjd f'k{kk esa mikns;rk dk flagVh0Mh0 ih-;w- 05&0090 Jh lq/khj dqekj mRrj izns'k d ek/;fed Lrj ds MkW0fnokdj flag 20-03-10 fodykax fo|ky;ksa esa v/;;ujr jktk ih-;w 88&9254 n`f’Vghu ,oa ewd of/kj Nk=ksa dh egkfo|ky; flaxjkeÅ O;olkf;d :fp ,oa vfHko`fRr dk tkSuiqj rqyukRed v/;;u Jh ';ke fogkjh f'k{kk ds {ks= esa jktk jkeeksgu MkW0 vt; dqekj flag 09-04-10 jk; ;ksxnku rFkk orZeku ifjizs{k esa gfj'pUnz egkfo|ky; ih-;w- 05&039 mldh izklafxdrk okjk.klh Jh vk'kh’k dqekj tkSuiqj tuin ds ek/;fed MkW0 jke lsod flag 22-05-10 fo|ky;ksa iz/kkukpk;ksZ ih-;w- 97&522 iz'kklfud leL;kvksa dk v/;;u egkfo|ky; flxjkeÅ] Jh jes'k dqekj MkW0 vkj-ih- f=ikBh 29-06-10 vkj-,l-ds-Mh- tkSuiqj ih-;w-88&64083 Jh fot; ogknqj Lokeh foosdkuUn ,oa dky ekDl MkW0 fnokdj flag 20-07-10 ds 'kSf{kd fopkjksa dk rqyukRed jktk ih-;w- 89&45123 flxjkeÅ Jh v:.k dqekj MkW0 oh- ds- jk; 11-08-10 p.Ms'oj vktex<+ ih-;w-88&66298
Jh uohu dqekj orZeku 'kSf{kd lUnHkZ esa egkRek MkW0vkj-ih- f=ikBh 20-09-10 xkW/kh rFkk jfoUnz ukFk VSxksj ds vkj-,l-ds-Mh- tkSuiqj ih-;w-06&210 fopkjksa dk rqyukRed v/;;u ek/;fed ,oa Lukrd Lrj ds MkW 23-09-10 dq'kokgk Nk=& Nk=kvksa esa fookg ngst ,oa gfM+;k bykgkokn ih-;w-05&021 tula[;k f'k{kk ds izfr vfHko`fRr dk leh{kkRed v/;;u Jh iz'kkUr 'kqDyk Twfu;j gkbZ Ldwy esa v/;;ujr MkW chuk flag gfM+;k 27-11-10 ih-;w-06&856 n`f’Vokf/kr ,oa lkekU; ckydksa ds bykgkokn lek;kstu ,oa O;fDrRo dk mudh 'kSf{kd miyfC/k ls lEcU/k dk rqyukRed v/;u Jh Hkqous'oj 'kekZ MkW0 vk-ih- f=ikBh 02-12-10 ih-;w-03&29218 vkj-,l-ds-Mh- tkSuiqj Jherh Mkyh lsBh MkW0 ujsUnz flag 08-12-10 ih-;w-04&009 gfM+;k bykgkokn Jh lUr fot; foRriksf’kr LofoRriksf’kr MkW0,l-,l- 09-12-10 ih-;w-92&16493 egkfo|ky;ksa ds Nk=ksa ds v/;;u p.Ms'oj vktex+<+ vknrksa lek;kstu {kerk rFkk 'kSf{kd miyfC/k dk rqyukRed v/;;u vkjk/kuk izrkix<+ tuin ds ek/;fed Lrj ds MkW0 17-12-10 foKku rFkk dyk oxZ ds fofHkUu flxjkeÅ tkSuiqj ih-;w-2000&0221 O;fDRo 'khy xq.kksa okyh Nk=kvksa ds 'kSf{kd miyfC/k dk rqyukRed ¼lekt 'kkL=½ uke@ukekadu la 'kks/k 'kh’kZd 'kks/k funsZ'kd rFkk ekSf[kdh frfFk e/kq frokjh dkyhu m|kksx esa efgyk Jfedksa MkW- t;'kadj feJ ds- 09-01-10 ih-;w-2005@0058 dh fLFkfr lUr jfonkl uxj Hknksgh ,u- Kkuiqj ij ,d lekt es oSKkfud v/;;u uhrw flag efgykvksa esa Mk0 ,-,l-,u- flag 11-01-10 ih-;w-97@50652 vk/kqfudhdj.k ,d lekt oSKkfud ih-th- dkyst xkthiqj gfjyky ;kno /keZ ds izfr xzkeh.k fgUnw efgykvksa MkW- T;ksfr feJk 11-01-10 ih-;w- 98@39902 dk vfHkRrkRed mUes’k ¼vktex< txriqj ih-th- dkyst tuin ds uxj fudV ,oa uxj ls txriqj okjk.klh nwj ds xkoksa ij vk/kkfjr ,d lekt”kkL=h; v/;;u½ Hkkouk feJk ,oa MkW- ch-ch- yky 11-01-10 ih-;w05@0044 efgykvksa dh cnyrh izfLFkfr gf.M;k ih-th- dkyst ¼egjktxat tuin ij vk/kkfjr ,d gf.M;k bykgkckn lekt”kkL=h; v/;;u½ dq- laxhrk flag fgUnw efgykvksa dh izfLFkfr vkSj MkW- vfuy izrki flag ih-;w- 97@2244 Hkwfedk dk cnyrk ifjn`'; tkSUkiqj Vh-Mh- dkyst tkSUkiqj uxj ds fofHkUu okMksZa dh efgykvksa dk lekt”kkL=h; v/;;u xzkeh.k fodkl ds vk;ke ,oa MkW- ts-,u- >k ck/kk;sa ¼pUnkSyh tuin ds nks xzkeksa lerk ih-th- dkyst ih-;w-05@312 ij vk/kkfjr ,d lekt”kkL=h; lknkr xkthiqj v/;;u½ vkdka{kk oekZ y?kq m|ksxksa esa dk;Z dj jgs cky MkW- ,-ds- >k ih-;w06@455 Jfedksa dk lekt”kkL=h; v/;;u Ds-,u-jktdh; ¼fcgkj ds njHkaxk ftys ds fo”ks’k egkfo|ky; lUnHkZ esa½ vkdka{kk frokjh ifjokj ds vUnj ikfjokfjd vUrj MkW- fujadkj izlkn 24-06-10 ih-;w-98@91577 oS;fDrd lEcU/k ds cnyrs Lo:i JhokLro lekt”kkL=h; fo'ys’k.k Mh-,-oh- vktex<+ vktex< uxj ds fo'ks’k lUnHkZ esa½ nqxkZorh flag tuLka[;k fu;a=.k ,oa ifjokj ,oa MkW- ts-ih- ik.Ms; ih-;w-97@79735 ifjokj dY;k.k dk;Zdzeksa ds izfr ekYkVkjh vktex<+ xzkeh.k efgykvksa dk n`f’Vdks.k ,d lekt”kkL=h; v/;;u /kuUt; frokjh eÅ tuin ds xzkeh.k ifjokjksa eas MkW- ds-Mh- ikBd ih-;w-94@52901 lelkekf;d ,d Mh-lh-,l-ds-ih-th- lekt”kkL=h; fo”ys’k.k dkyst eÅ fd”ukukFk ik.Ms; xzkeh.k iVHkwfe esa LokLF; laLd`fr MkW- deyLo:i ih-;w-01@159200 ds ifjorZu”khy vk;ke ¼vk/kqfud ,oa Mh-,-oh- vktex<+ ns”kt fpfdRlk i)fr ds lUnHkZ esa ehjtkiqj tuin ds tekyiqj fodkl[k.M ds vuqlwfpr tkfr ij vk/kkfjr ,d lekt oSKkfud dqlqe ;kno xzkeh.k efgykvksa dh LokLF; MkW- flag 28-08-10 ih-;w-97@19029 tkx:drk ¼vktex<+ e.My ds ekyVkjh vktex<+ xzkeh.k vapyksa ij vk/kkfjr ,d lektoSKkfud v/;;u½ xzkeh.k leqnk; esa lkekftd MkW- fgjsUnz izrki flag Lrjh;dj.k ds cnyrs izfreku¼Hknksgh Kkuiqj Hknksgh ih-;w-98@34369 uxj ds fudVLFk ,oa nwjLFk xkaoksa dk rqyukRed lekt”kkL=h; v/;;u lqUnjiqj xka/kh dVjk ,oa cudV xkaoksa dk v/;;u½ dq- “kdqUryk vfookfgr f”kf{kr MkW- vksadkj yky ;qofr;ksa@efgykvksa dh vkdka{kkvksa ,e-,e-Vh-Mh- cfy;k ih-;w-95@33466 dk lekt”kkL=h; v/;;u ¼tuin cfy;k ds lUnHkZ esa½ mn; ukjk;.k jk; Lkekftd vknZ”k “kwU;rk ,oa vijk/k MkW- ykyrk izlkn ih-;w-06@6066 fo”ks’k :i ls iwohZ mRrj izns”k ds nknj vkJe cfy;k tuinksa esa c<rs vijkf/kd ?kVukvksa dk lekt”kkL=h; v/;;u jkts”k dqekj xzkeh.k usr`Ro esa vuqlwfpr tkfr;ksa MkW- fouksn falag dh lgHkkfxrk ¼tkSuiqj tuin ds c;kylh tykyiqj ih-;w-97@2463 /kekZiqj fodkl [k.M ds vuqlwfpr tkSuiqj tkfr;ksa ij lekt”kkL=h; v/;;u½ foHkk flag tutkfr leqnk; dh lkekftd MkW- lqjsUnz flag ih-;w-88@68568 ifjfLFkfrdh; leL;k;ksa dk lekt gf.M;k bykgkckn oSKkfud v/;;u ¼tuin lksuHknz ds nqf) fodkl [k.M ij vk/kkfjr½ jes'k cgknqj Fkkik xzke lkekftd fodkl esa m|ksxksa MkW- vkj-,u- f=ikBh ih-;w-2000@16456 dh Hkwfedk ¼tkSuiqj lgdkjh fey ds Vh-Mh- dkyst tkSUkiqj lehiorhZ 3 xkaoksa ij vk/kkfjr lektoSKkfud v/;;u½ loZthr ekS;Z m|ksx esa vuqlwfpr tkfr Jfedksa MkW- ,e-tg:y vkye ih-;w-2000@67801 dh lkekftd fLFkfr ¼mRrj izns”k ds f”kcyh dkyst vktex<+ iwokZUpy esa vktex<+] eÅ rFkk cfy;k tuin ds phuh m|ksx esa dk;Zjr vuqlwfpr tkfr Jfedks ds thou ij vk/kkfjr½ n;kuUn ;kno cfy;k tuin ds ckyJfedksa ds MkW- jkeujs”k ;kno ih-;w-97@92513 lkekftd vkfFkZd ifjizs{; dk ,e-,e-Vh-Mh- lkekt”kkL=h; v/;;u vkS|ksfxd Jfed ifjokjksa ij MkW- lh-ih- nhf{kr ih-;w-93@39935 vk/kqfudhdj.k dk izHkko ¼vkS|ksfxd ih-th- dkyst xkthiqj izfr’Bku fg.Mkydks ij vk/kkfjr lekt”kkL=h; v/;;u½ xtkyk fln~nhdh NksVk xEgfj;k ds tutkfr;ksa ds MkW- larks’k flag ih-;w-97@981 lkekftd thou ij vkS|ksfxddj.k ,e-,e-Vh- dk izHkko ¼,d lekt”kkL=h; cfy;k v/;;u½ jes”k pUnz izcU/ku esa Jfedksa dh lgHkkfxrk MkW- ih-,e- ;kno ih-;w-90@42861 ¼okjk.klh egkuxj esa fLFkr Mhty txriqj ih-th- dkyst jsy batu dkj[kkuk ij vk/kkfjr ,d txriqj okjk.klh oSKkfud v/;;u½ ehle vCckl iapk;rhjkt ,oa efgykvksa dk MkW- ,e- tg:y vkye ih-;w-96@81148 l”kDrhdj.k vktex<+ tuin ij f”kcyh ih-th- dkyst vk/kkfjr ,d lekt”kkL=h; v/;;u vktex<+ iznhi dqekj xqIrk nfyr ;qok oxZ esa lkekftd MkW- larks’k dqekj flUgk 23-12-10 ih-;w-98@100070 jktuSfrd tkx:drk ¼cfy;k tuin ,e-,e-Vh-Mh- ds gjhiqj ,oa cjoka xzke iapk;rksa ij cfy;k vk/kkfjr ,d lekt”kkL=h; v/;;u½ jlk;u foKku Research Topic Guide name with A w a r d a t e Candidate
derived from 2, Furoyl and 2 Thenoyl Hydra-Zines
Micro determination of some pharmaceuticals in basic medium.
Antimalarials by using CU(III) solution as the Iodometric-Titrant.
mRrj izns’k esa xzke iapk;rksa ds 16-01-10 usar`Ro esa vuqlwfpr tkfr;ksa dh PU-93/40817 lgHkkfxrk ¼Hknksgh tuin esa Mh/k fodkl [k.M dh xzke iapk;rksa ij vk/kkfjr ½ iapk;rh jkT; O;oLFkk vkSj 20-02-10 fodkl ¼{ks= iapk;r xkthiqj PU-05/219 tuin ds fo’ks"k lUnHkZ esa½ MWk Hkhe jko vEcsMdj ds jktuhfrd fopkjksa dk ,d Hkkjrh; jktuhfr esa bfUnjk xWk/kh dh Hkwfedk iapk;rh jkT; O;oLFkk esa efgyk 28-05-2010 xzke iz/kkuks dh Hkwfedk ¼xkthiqj Pu95/23277 tuin ds lknkr fodkl [k.M ds lUnHkZ esa ,d jktuhfrd v/;;u½ ’khr ;q) ds ckn Hkkjrh; fons’k 05-06-2010 uhfr ¼,d vkykspukRed egkRek xka/kh ,ao dky ekDlZ ds 14-06-2010 fopkjks dk rqyukRed v/;;u mRrj izns’k dh iapk;rksa jkt O;oLFkk es iapk;r dh Hkwfedk ¼nsofj;k tuin ds fo’ks"k lUnHkZ efgyk iz/kkuks dh dk;Z laLÑfr 12-07-2010 ,ao xzkeh.k fodkl esa Hkwfedk ¼nsofj;k lnj fodkl [k.M ds fo’ks"k lUnHkZ esa½s iapk;rh jkt O;oLFkk es {ks= iapk;r dh Hkwfedk ¼ {ks= iapk;r iobZ vktex<½ dk fo’ks"k v/;;u Hkkjr esa jk"Vzh; ,dhdj.k leL;ak, ,oa lek/kku mRrj izns’k es iqfyl iz’kklu dh Hkwfesdk% ¼foU/;kpy e.My ds fo’ks"k lUnHkZ esa½s
Dr. Pankaj Kr. Singh H C Hkkjrh; lektoknh fpUru esa ifMr tokgjyky ugs# dk
Devakar Nath pandey Dr. Akheleshwar Shukla
DsUnz &jkT; lEcU/k ds vkyksd esa vkikr micU/k% ,d fo’ys"k.kkRed v/;;u ’khr ;q)ksRrj fo’o esa xqV fujis{k vkUnksyu dh izklafxdrk Pu/06 /221 % ,d v/;;u
Impact of Sludge in Saline Usar 20-02-2010
Rhizoplane Region of Some Crop Plants in the District of Jaunpur
Different Municipal Drains in PU-98/7744
Contamination during Oyster PU-1994/47178
Algae of Polluted Habitats of PU-97/3455
Effect of NPK on the yield and 11-12-2010
Nutritional status of an PU99/101417 important
Name of Research Date of viva- Supervisor /Enrolment
Kumar Dr. V.B.Singh Cytologi Cytotaxonomy of 09-01-10
Dr. Madhu singh Ram charittar manas ke 12-02-10
Dr. GS Rathor Foreign direct investment 03-04-10 PU
Dr.Grima singh Jo.k fodaykx cPpks ds ‘’Sf{kd 10-04-140 iquoZlu dh vko;’drkvksa ,ao PU rnuq#i lqfo/kkvksa dk v/;;u ¼mRrj izns’k ds lUnHkZ esa ½a
Decisions of Consumers in PU-06/upc-India :A Case study of 1721
inhepotecae and anthocerotae PU 97/809 of east Sikkim
vkradokn % vkUrfjd lqj{kk 10.05.2010 dks pqukSrh” dk’ehj ds fo’ks’k PU-98/7172 lUnHkZ esa ¼1990 ls vc rd½
Dr. Jahnavi Singh Phytochemical Study of 11-06-2010 U.P.College, Varanasi
motivations for malls (with 04-10-2010 speci;al reference to U.P.)
of catle bufaloes in rural 05-10-2010 areas of Sultanpur district of UP
analysis of milk production PU02/upc-2120 at selected Dairy Herds in A08-10-2010 Eastern region of Uttar Pradesh.
Dr.V.B.Singh Spectroscopy and structure 23-08-10
Lkjdkjh ,ao xsSj ljdkjh lsokfuo`Rr deZpkfj;ks ds eukslekftd thou dk lekt’kkL=h; v/;;u ¼okjk.klh egkuxj dss fo’ks’k lUnHkZ esa ”½
Invesstment in Infrastructure and social Sectors)
constitution of higher secondary students in relation to their demographic and educational Variables
jk"Vh; ikB;Øe ljapuk ds 10-12-2010 lUnHkZ ”esa lh-ch-,l-bZ- ,o ;w- ih- cksZM ds mPprj ek/;fed Lrj dh bfrgkl ikBiqLrdks dk v/;;u ” okjk.klh tuin esa Ñf"k 23-12- lk[k ds l`tu ,oa xzkeh.k fodkl esa cSad dk ;ksxnku ¼gjgqvk Cykd ds fo’ks"k lanHkZ esa½ gfjtu efgykvksa dh izfLFkfr ,ao Hkwfedk ij f’k{kk d izHkko&,d lekt’kkL=h; v/;;u 'kkfUr lk/ku ds :i esa % 24 -12-2010 /keZ 'kkL=ksa esa j{kk O;oLFkk ¼euq ds fo’ks”k lUnHkZ esa½ Hkkjr dh lqj{kk esa fgUn 24-12-2010 egklkxj dh Hkwfedk
Dr. Munavvar Anjum Urdu Nasr Ke Irtiqa Mein Aligrh Tahreek
D.C.S.K.P.G.College, Ka Hissa-Ek Mutala.
Business Management Name of Supervisor Date of Viva-Voce Research /Enrolment No.
Study of Motivational Behaviour, Role 31.05.2010
x.ks’k flag
Stress and Copingh Strategies Amongst PU-2006/2478
LVMh vkWQ eksfVos’kuy fcgsfo;j] jksy LVªsl ,.M dkWfiax LVsªVstht+ ,eaxLV ulsZt+ bu , dkjiksjsV gkfLiVyA
Management in Ancient Indian Literature: PU-
A Study with Special Reference to Indian 1988/68545
Vedanta. ,fyesUV vkWQ g~;weu fjlklZ esusteUV bu ,fUl,UV bf.M;u fyVªsjspj % , LVMh fo/k Lis’ky fjQzsUl Vw bf.M;u osnkUr
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BRIEF REPORTS 3. Vuilleumier P, Ghika-Schmid F, Bogousslavsky J, Assal G, Regli F:Received Jan. 23, 2001; revisions received May 1, May 25, and JunePersistent recurrence of hypomania and prosopoaffective ag-29, 2001; accepted Aug. 11, 2001. From the Department of Psychiatrynosia in a patient with right thalamic infarct. Neuropsychiatryand Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University School of
Associate Professor of Counselling Psychology The student is strongly advised to acquire and read the course texts prior to the beginning of the course for the greatest chance of academic success in this course. These texts are available from the Providence Bookstore. A biblical and theological reflection on, and examination of common issues and concerns normally associated with the need for p