All of the foods in the 2 groups below can be responsible for excessive uric acid production. Even though some do not contain purines, they can still cause the body to naturally produce uric acid.
Alcohol, anchovies, asparagus, cauliflower, mushrooms, consommé, herring, meat gravies, broth, bouillon, mussels, sardines, red meats, organ meats, processed meats (hot dogs, lunch meats, etc.), fried foods, roasted nuts, any
food cooked in oil (heated oil destroys vitamin E), rich foods (cakes, sugar products, white flour products), dark greens vegetables, dried fruits, fish, caffeine, beans, lentils, eggs, oatmeal, peas, poultry, yeast products,
acetaminophen (Paracetamol), and low doses of aspirin. While under a Gout Attack all of the above foods should be completely avoided as well as the following
Extremely Acid Forming Foods - with a pH of 5.0 to 5.5 Artificial sweeteners and sugars Carbonated soft drinks & fizzy drinks,
Cigarettes, Flour (white wheat), Goat, Lamb, Pastries & cakes from white flour, Pork, Sugar, Beer, Deer, Chocolate, Coffee, Custard with white sugar, Jams, Jellies, Liquor, Pasta, Rabbit, Semolina, Table salt refined & iodized, Tea black,
Turkey, Breads White / Wheat, White rice, vinegar. With your order we send a full diet sheet with recipes of the foods you can eat
whilst under attack as well information for ongoing maintenance. Acidic verses alkaline foods & their effect on uric acid elimination & gout. For optimum health of everyone, one should strive for a 70% Alkaline to a 30% Acidic balance in each meal. This ratio is very important to someone who sufferers with Gout. ALSO. Urine at pH 7.0 is neutral and elimination of uric acid decreases by approximately 50% at pH 6.5. The diet we send you with your order is Alkaline and Purine free. The more alkaline your urine (pH) is, the more uric acid (nitrogen based) is expelled. Here is a list of the ph of various foods which will help you to plan your ongoing diet and hopefully help with what can only be described as a very confusing aspect of Gout control. Extremely Alkaline Forming Foods - pH 8.5 to 9.0:
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Dr. med. Dr. troph. Jörg Ferber Z entrum für Dr. med. Jürgen Möller N ieren- und Fachärzte für Innere Medizin, Nephrologie H ochdruckerkrankungen Hypertensiologen DHL Dialyse Leverkusen Hypertonus - Bluthochdruck Der Hypertonus (Bluthochdruck) betrifft ca. 15-20% aller Erwachsenen mit Häufung im höheren Lebensalter. Von einem normalen Blutruck spricht man von