Garrett Law Office, P.C. TARDIVE DYSKINESIA QUESTIONNAIRE THIS QUESTIONNAIRE IS FOR INFORMATION PUR POSES SO WE CAN LEARN ABOUT YOU AND YOUR CLAIM. IT IS IMPORTANT IT BE COMPLETED EVEN IF RESPONSES ARE BASED UPON ESTIMATES, APPROXIMATE AMOUNTS, OR APPROXIMATE DATES IN TIME TO THE BE ST OF YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION. This Questionnaire is for evaluative purposes to determine whether to undertake your representation in a potential legal matter. The Information you provide to us is for the purpose of seeking legal representation and is confidential and privileged. Completing this Questionnaire shall not create an Attorney-Client rela tionship which can only be established after all potential conflicts of interest can be developed, after careful consideration of the relevant facts that may pertain to your claim or claims, and a written fee agreement is entered into between us setting forth, among ot her things, the scope of our representation. All claims arising under state or federal law have deadlines, are time sensitive and will be forever barred or lost if not brought within a specified period of time after these events occurred or should have been discovered. Unless, and until, representation is offered to you by way of a written fee agreement formally undertaking your representation in this matter, we shall not be responsible should your putative claim not be brought in a timely manner, or is forever barred or lost, as a result of the applicable statutes of limitation relating to your claim. The evaluation of your claim and any tentative conclusions about any claim should not be construed or be relied upon as an opinion or determination as to the viability or non viability of any such claim. USER INFORMATION Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________ State:__________ ZIP: Home Phone: Work Phone: Email Address: EMERGENCY CONTACT / NEXT OF KIN (if different from above) Relationship to User: Address: Home Phone: Work Phone: Have questions? Call us at 888-GARRETT (888-427-7388) You may fax this completed form to us at 800-256-9400 Garrett Law Office, P.C. TARDIVE DYSKINESIA QUESTIONNAIRE MEDICAL COVERAGE Medicaid: Yes _____ Medicare: Yes_____ Private Insurance: Yes_____ No_____ If yes: Group / ID Number: Address: WHAT INSURANCE COVERAGE, IF ANY, PAID FOR TREATMENT OF YOUR SYMPTOMS OR ISSUES RELATED TO TARDIVE DYSKINESIA?
DRUG USAGE Has user taken (circle all that apply):
Abilify® (aripiprazole) Prolixin®/Modecate (fluphenazine) Thorazine® (chlorpromazine) Piportil (pipotiazine) Clozaril® (clozapine) Trilafon (perphenazine) Haldol® (haloperidol) Orap® (pimozide) Seroquel® (quetiapine) Stelazine® (trifluoperazine) Risperdal® (risperidone) Mellaril (thioridazine) Serentil® (mesoridazine) Navane® (thiothixine) Zyprexa® (olanzapine)
Have questions? Call us at 888-GARRETT (888-427-7388) You may fax this completed form to us at 800-256-9400 Garrett Law Office, P.C. TARDIVE DYSKINESIA QUESTIONNAIRE Dates of Use of Medication indicated above (IMPORTANT) Complete separately for each drug taken Name of Drug: ___________ Date first Prescription filled: Date last Prescription filled: Brand Name/Generic?: Dates of Brand name use: Dates of Generic name use: Physician who provided Rx or samples Name of Drug: ___________ Date first Prescription filled: Date last Prescription filled: Brand Name/Generic?: Dates of Brand name use: Dates of Generic name use: Physician who provided Rx or samples Name of Drug: ___________ Date first Prescription filled: Date last Prescription filled: Brand Name/Generic?: Have questions? Call us at 888-GARRETT (888-427-7388) You may fax this completed form to us at 800-256-9400 Garrett Law Office, P.C. TARDIVE DYSKINESIA QUESTIONNAIRE Dates of Brand name use: Dates of Generic name use: Physician who provided Rx or samples HAS USER EXPERIENCED (circle applicable injury): Face Symptoms
Tongue thrusting Lip smacking Vertical or horizontal chewing movement in the jaw Eyebrow distortion Frowning Eye blinking Trunk Symptoms
Hip rocking Swaying of the trunk Irregular diaphragm contractions Head nodding Rocking the upper torso Shoulder shrugging Extremities Symptoms
Piano playing movements in the fingers Rotatory and flexion movements of the wrists Stamping movements of the legs OTHER ADVERSE EVENTS SUFFERED BY USER: DATE OF ADVERSE EVENT(S): Have questions? Call us at 888-GARRETT (888-427-7388) You may fax this completed form to us at 800-256-9400 Garrett Law Office, P.C. TARDIVE DYSKINESIA QUESTIONNAIRE Did adverse event occur while taking any Drug(s) indicated above? Yes: No: Which drug? _______________________________________ If not, how soon after taking drug did event occur?
USER’S CURRENT CONDITION Please describe User’s present condition, including complaints attributed to the adverse event: Does User suffer from any other significant illnesses or conditions? If so, describe: Has any healthcare professional told user that any Drug(s) indicated above caused or may have caused TARDIVE DYSKINESIA? Yes: If so, provide the name, address, phone number of that person and the date of each conversation: What treatment has user had for TARDIVE DYSKINESIA? Is user still undergoing treatment? Have questions? Call us at 888-GARRETT (888-427-7388) You may fax this completed form to us at 800-256-9400 Garrett Law Office, P.C. TARDIVE DYSKINESIA QUESTIONNAIRE Who is your primary care physician/provider: Address: Dates Seen: Provide a list of full names, complete addresses and dates of every healthcare provider who treated you for your TARDIVE DYSKINESIA (s): Address: Dates Seen: Address: Dates Seen: Address: Dates Seen: Provide a list of names, addresses and dates of all pharmacies used by you: Address: Dates Seen: Address: Dates Seen: Address: Dates Seen: Address: Dates Seen: Have questions? Call us at 888-GARRETT (888-427-7388) You may fax this completed form to us at 800-256-9400 Garrett Law Office, P.C. TARDIVE DYSKINESIA QUESTIONNAIRE Name: Address: Dates Seen: LITIGATION INFORMATION Are you currently represented by an attorney for claims related to an injury? Yes __ No____ If so, who is your attorney, and what type of claim is it?
Have you notified the Drug(s) manufacturer of your injuries? Yes ____ No ____ Additional Notes- please provide any additional information you feel is important to your TARDIVEW DYSKINESIA use:
Have questions? Call us at 888-GARRETT (888-427-7388) You may fax this completed form to us at 800-256-9400
Deze puzzel is typisch een telg uit een grote spellenfamilie. De leDen van Deze familiehebben een specifieke geometrische trek gemeen: een kubus maken van onregelmatigemaar zeer uitgesproken componenten Die bestaan uit kleinere kubusjes. • Vermenigvuldiging van een eenheid De kubus De Kubus is een groot blok van 3 x 3 x 3 blok-jes. U maakt hem van zeven holle stukken diebestaan uit
SisSLE Questionnaire: SLE Proband Data This questionnaire is designed to provide a brief demographic background. Al the information you provide wil be kept confidential. Your participation is greatly appreciated. Name: Home Phone: ___________________ Cel Phone: _______________ Email: __________________ Date of Birth: ____________________ State/Country of Birth: Preferred mailing addr