Stabililty of omeprazole in syrspend sf alka (reconstituted)
Stability of Omeprazole in SyrSpend SF Alka (Reconstituted) Paul A. Whaley, BS ABSTRACT Mark A. Voudrie II, MS, PMP omeprazole is used in the treatment of dyspepsia, peptic ulcer dis- Bridget Sorenson, CAPM ease, gastroesophageal reflux disease, laryngopharyngeal reflux, and zollinger–ellison syndrome. omeprazole is marketed by Astrazeneca under a number of names, most notably Prilosec and losec, as well as INTRODUCTION being available from a number of generic manufacturers. omeprazole is available in both tablet and capsule form, with varying strengths of each. The need for other administration options for those patients who can-
used in the treatment of dyspepsia, peptic
not take tablets or capsules has led compounding pharmacies to seek other alternatives. one possible alternative is the use of a suspending
ryngeal reflux (LPR), and Zollinger–Ellison
agent to create an oral solution or suspension. In the past, this has been
syndrome.1 It is used to treat a wide range
accomplished using a sodium bicarbonate solution as the vehicle. How-
of the patient population, including both
ever, sodium bicarbonate/omeprazole combination imparts a bitter and
infant and geriatric patients. These two
unpleasant taste. SyrSpend SF Alka (reconstituted) is a vehicle for mak-
groups in particular may experience dif-ficulty in swallowing whole capsules or
ing a suspension which has a pleasant taste, thus increasing palpability
tablets. In the past, sodium bicarbonate
and compliance. The objective of this study was to determine the stabil- ity of omeprazole in SyrSpend SF Alka (for reconstitution). The studied
an oral solution. Sodium bicarbonate does
sample was compounded into a 2-mg/ml suspension and stored in a
little to mask the bitter taste of omeprazole.
low-actinic plastic prescription bottle at temperatures between 2oC and 8oC. Six samples were assayed at each time point out to 92 days by a
a sweetener masks the bitter taste and increases the palpability of omeprazole.
stability-indicating high-performance liquid chromatography method. The method was validated for its specificity through forced degradation
considering the treatment of infants, as the
studies. The shelf life of this product is at least 92 days, based on data collected when refrigerated and protected from light.
compliance. Some compounding vehicles contain alcohol and sorbitol. SyrSpend SF
Alka (for reconstitution) (Fagron [formerly
water was supplied by filtering deionized
Gallipot], St. Paul, Minnesota) is a sorbi-
MATERIALS AND METHODS water from a Millipore Elix through a Milli-
tol- and alcohol-free alkaline suspending
Chemical Reagents
pore Simplicity (Billerica, Massachusetts).
agent which could serve as an appropriate
from Gallipot (Lot 0906145D12; St. Paul,
Equipment and Chromatographic
Minnesota). High-performance liquid chro-
The objective of this study was to exam-
matographic (HPLC)-grade acetonitrile (Lot
ine the stability of omeprazole when pre-
Two different types of HPLCs were used.
pared in an oral suspension using SyrSpend
Michigan), 85% phosphoric acid ACS-grade
The first, used for validation and the stabil-
SF Alka (for reconstitution). The suspen-
ity study, was a Perkin Elmer 200-Series
sion was stored in a low-actinic plastic
prescription bottle at a concentration of
(Lot 107148; Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh,
a quaternary gradient solvent delivery sys-
2 mg/mL under United States Pharmaco-peia (USP) refrigerated (2oC to 8oC) storage
tahydrate (Lot B0131737; Acros Organics,
conditions. Stability was assessed by per-
Geel, Belgium), and octanesulfonic acid (Lot
with a Peltier tray, 200-mcL sample loop,
cent recovery studies performed at varying
souri) were used in the study. HPLC-grade
tem, used for forced degradation studies, was a Varian Prostar (Palo Alto, California) equipped with a tertiary gradient solvent
The authors are affiliated with Dynalabs, LLC, St. Louis, Missouri.
delivery system, a photodiode array detec-
164 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding
tor (PDA), and an 84-vial programmable autosampler with a 100-mcL sample loop,
fIgUre. plot of omeprazole concentration in syrspend sf alka (reconstituted).
and 250-mcL syringe. The Perkin Elmer HPLC was operated and data was collected using Perkin Elmer Totalchrom chroma-tography software, while the Varian HPLC used Galaxie chromatography software. The mobile phase for the HPLC method was buffer (50 mM phosphate), acetoni-trile, and Octanesulfonic acid (700 mL:300 mL:4.0999 g). The mobile phase’s pH was adjusted to 7.00 with 85% phosphoric acid and was delivered at 1.0 mL/min. Chro-matographic separation was achieved using a 150 × 4.6 mm Phenomenex (Tor-rence, California) Gemini C18 column with 5-mcm particle packing. The mobile phase was used as solvent in diluting the standard and assay preparations to 80 mcg/mL. The assay was monitored at 301 nm following a 10-mcL injection. Note: Dashed lines represent upper and lower limits of Omeprazole specification.Validation of Forced-degradation Studies to Determine Stability- indicating Characteristics of
was added to the prescription bottle con-
table 1. stability of omeprazole the High-performance Liquid
taining the omeprazole powder. The bottle
in reconstituted syrspend sf alka Chromatographic Method refrigerated (2oc to 8oc) for 90 days.
formly dispersed. The flask was stored at
USP-controlled refrigerated temperature
elapsed time % recovery
assayed to determine the specificity of the
(2oC to 8oC) for the stability study.
product produced during storage of an oral
Stability Study
suspension. Omeprazole was diluted to 80
mcg/mL in a solution of acid (0.1M HCl),
in addition to exposure to ultraviolet light
each stressor varied due to the relative
for stability. The sample was packaged in
stability of omeprazole to each individual
a low-actinic plastic prescription bottles
labeled and the resolution (USP) was
digitally controlled laboratory refrigera-
determined between the degradant and the
sidered full separation. Purity calculations
initial (T=0), 9 days (T=9), 14 days (T=14),
T=0 was set as the initial concentration
zole peak using the controlled unstressed
percent recovery assay. The stability of
shows the data in terms of concentration
Preparation of Omeprazole
and that the concentration of the suspen-
the percent recovery with respect to T=0
Suspension Samples
(90%<[omeprazole]<110%) throughout the
adding 1 mL of suspension with a volumet-
to a plastic prescription bottle. SyrSpend
stability indicating by forcibly degrading
The average and standard deviation of all
mL water per 6.43 g of SyrSpend SF Alka.
replicate injections at each time point was
used to calculate the percent recovery.
Omeprazole was stable to light, with slight
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding
Vol. 16 No. 2 | March/April 2012 165 table 2. summary of the validation parameters for the high-performance liquid chromatographic method Used in the stability study of omeprazole in syrspend sf alka
heat. The degradants present in the acid
(reconstituted). validation parameter
able resolution. Additionally, validation
parameters listed in Table 2 show that all
system suitability results met acceptance
Gallipot SyrSpend SF Alka (Reconstituted) Omeprazole Suspension The initial potency of the omeprazole TA B L E 2 . Summary of the Validation Parameters for the High-Performance liquid Chromatographic Method Used in the Stability Study of Omeprazole in SyrSpend SF Alka (Reconstituted).
script. This concentration was 102.4% of
the compounding target of 2 mg/mL. The T=0 result was set as the baseline for all
other time points tested. The assay results
showed an overall downward trend to a low
point of 1.8635 mg/mL at T=92. Every rep-
licate chromatogram for every time point
was clear of degradant peaks and had the same chromatographic profile. CONCLUSION
SF Alka (reconstituted) for 92 days when stored under refrigerated (2oC to 8oC)
conditions. The sample was still within specification at day 92. However, the overall trend is that of decreasing con-centration during the course of the study. The beyond-use-date should be set to 60 days. The findings of this study show that SyrSpend SF Alka (reconstituted) is an acceptable suspending vehicle for prepar-ing individual compounded omeprazole formulations. This formulation has the added advantage of helping to mask the bitter taste while remaining alcohol and sorbitol free. The formulations would be viable alternatives to commercially avail-able capsules when that dosage form is found to be inappropriate. REFERENCE 1. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Address correspondence to Paul Whaley, BS, Omeprazole. [National Center for Bio-
Method Development Chemist, Dynalabs, LLC, 2327 Chouteau Avenue, St. Louis, MO Accessed January 16, 2012. 166 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding
Daniel Lecler (MCF) Extrait du Laboratoire d'Etudes Romanes- Université Paris 8 Daniel Lecler (MCF) Date de mise en ligne : jeudi 6 décembre 2012 Laboratoire d'Etudes Romanes- Université Paris 8 Daniel Lecler (MCF) Daniel Lecler (MCF) Maître de conférences d'espagnol à l'Université de Paris 13, 99 avenue Jean-Baptiste Clément 93430 Villetaneuse(Département d'espagnol, U.F.
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