Using synergies – How active agents and cream
published in Kosmetische Praxis 2010 (3), 10-12
No doubt – the grey area between pharmaceutical and cosmetic skin care products is expanding. Dermaceuticals and dermocosmetics are keywords which demonstrate that the cosmetic product market is gaining grounds in the pharmaceutical field, not least because of legal claims for a proof of efficiency.
harmaceutical agents, on the other hand,
a gradual difference to transdermal pharma-
ceutical applications like e.g. the nicotine patch
P products by now. It seems, however, that or creams against rheumatism.
That is why high standards in terms of purity,
creams came to a standstill whereas otherwise,
physiological tolerance and degradability of the
innovative cosmetic cream bases have made
cosmetic ingredients are required. Furthermore,
their way into medical prescriptions in the
it has to be ensured that they will not cause
systemic effects. Many of the formulations are
not in compliance with today’s requirements if
used in combination with the above mentioned
equipment-based techniques. Hence, the cos-
Dermatology and cosmetics have identical ob-
metic industry it requested to completely elimi-
jectives: the healthy and physiologically intact
nate problem substances or provide warning
skin. The respective approach to achieve this
labels as for instance “Do no use during ultra-
goal, however, is subject to different legal
regulations. Pharmaceutical creams are li-
censed for medical therapy, cosmetic products
are allowed for the supportive prevention of skin
problems, which means for the care of the skin.
The connecting link between dermatological
In Germany, with a few exceptions only, phar-
therapy and preventive skin care are base
maceuticals are subject to strict regulations and
creams which are suitable for both applications.
hence only available on prescription and in
Typical pharmacological agents for the derma-
pharmacies. There is also a risk of side effects
tological therapy are for instance antibiotics,
involved. A detailed overview covering the un-
desired effects of such active agents on the
skin was published in Kosmetische Praxis 2009
aesthetics and vitamins. Typical cosmetic
agents are extracts, essential fatty acids, lipids
Also the substances used in cosmetics may
(emollients), moisturizers (NMF, gelling agents),
have immediate or long term side effects.
Among those, irritations and allergies are the
How important the formulation of base creams
easiest to diagnose, though (see Beauty Forum
is in this concept is shown by the fact that the
2008 (9), 114-116). In this context, some also
use of inappropriate cream bases will immedi-
hold the opinion that cosmetic ingredients, in
ately lead to relapses after the application has
contrast to pharmaceuticals, should not pene-
been stopped. The mineral oil containing DAC
trate into the deeper layers of the skin. Use and
base cream which is frequently prescribed may
mechanism of action of vitamins or essential
be stated as an example in this context.
oils already show that this idea is quite unre-
alistic, though. With the exception of high mo-
lecular or polymer substances that remain on
the skin, practically every substance will more
or less penetrate the skin. Even highly polar
substances are made available for the dermis
with the help of modern transport systems like
liposomes and nanodispersions. In addition to
that, techniques like peelings microdermabra-
sion, microneedling and ultrasound facilitate the
permeation of cosmetic products. There is only
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Using synergies – How active agents and cream bases interlink cosmetics and pharmacy page 2 of 3
This cream is rather inappropriate for the treat-
persistent irritations and infections due to exter-
ment of the neurodermitic or acne-prone skin
nal influences. This therapy is recommended
when mixed with corticoids or antibiotics for
Mineral oil containing products like vaseline and
paraffin oil, polyethylene glycols (PEG), emulsi-
fiers, preservatives like parabens and benzyl
alcohol as well as perfumes and silicones also
are frequent ingredients of pharmaceutical base
creams. Empirical data recorded by profes-
sional cosmeticians who have experienced the
problems with these ingredients for quite some
Adequate formulations may also have immedi-
time now, could be helpful in this context. As a
ate effects. A mixture of urea, nanodispersed
matter of fact, there has been a change of
evening primrose oil (contains gamma linolenic
thinking, not least because of the more frequent
acid) in an emulsifier free cream base is a quick
cooperation with professionals and experts from
and effective way to cure pruritus, inflamma-
the cosmetic field. This also explains the fact
tions and swellings after mosquito bites. Phar-
that innovative base creams developed by the
maceutical antihistamines, local anaesthetics
cosmetic industry, without emulsifiers, mineral
and inflammation inhibitors are not required in
oils, preservatives and perfumes are more and
more frequently used in the pharmaceutical
The direct combination of pharmaceutical-
practice. Studies show that they significantly
based therapy and corneotherapy is called
accelerate the recovery of the skin barrier and
“adjuvant” corneotherapy. “Enhanced” corneo-
frequently lead to a long-term improvement in
therapy means that the skin barrier is purpose-
fully opened with specific penetration- enhanc-
ing substances to improve the passage of ac-
Based on clinically significant results, the doyen
of the US-American dermatology, Professor
Albert M. Kligman, Ph.D., could show that the
On the other hand there is a whole variety of
use of appropriate cosmetic compounds for the
cosmetic active agents which originate from the
care of the problem skin could even replace the
pharmaceutical field. Some of them, as e.g.
pharmaceutical active agents. He founded the
preservatives, may cause side effects as shown
corneotherapy which, just like the base creams
described above, aims primarily at the recovery of the barrier function and hence actively avoids
used against skin irritations and dry skin (like urea)
consistency agent (licensed up to 1 %) in
benzalkonium chlori- antibacterial and preservative
effects in eye products and throat drops)
sodium carbomer: thickening agent (consis-
tency agent), ingredient of ultrasound gels
skin moistening, skin smoothing, stimulating cell proliferation, anti-itching, antibacterial effect
wound healing, immune stimula- used in skin care products for the treatment tion
of couperosis, rosacea and perioral dermati-tis
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essential fatty acids: anti-inflammatory effect, neuro-
dry skin, barrier disorders, anti-inflammatory
prevention of bad and hyperactive skin in
stimulation of microcirculation; astringent
mild astringent: ingredient of tonics, lotions
wrinkle smoothing, forms elastic moisture
local anaesthetic (polidocanol) in emulsifier for creams and cleansing products cases of neurodermatitis, der-
(cf. annotation of the Federal Institute for
Risk Assessment – BfR- dated 15-10-2003:
antimicrobial and keratolytic activity, peeling
(ß-hydroxy acid). Up to max. 2 % are al-
lowed in skin care creams and 3 % in sham-poos.
skin whitening, not licensed in the EU, how-
preservative (allowed up to 0.3 %) in tooth-
pastes, deodorants and cleansing products
moisturizer, soothing of irritations, powder
banned from cosmetic products. Vitamin-A-
palmitate is allowed (will transform into vita-
min-A-acid in the skin). Used for collagen formation and recovery of the atrophic skin, treatment of acne, cornification disorders.
Of course, identical substances have identical effects, no matter whether they are used in cosmetics or pharmaceutical creams. The only difference is, that the cosmetic market is not allowed to use the terms healing or soothing of diseases. The prevailing public understanding may decide in specific cases whether the ap-plication falls under the pharmaceutical guide-lines or the cosmetic decree. Sometimes the dosage in cosmetic products is higher than in pharmaceutical formulations (e.g. D-pan-thenol). On the other hand, the cosmetic in-dustry also successfully uses fractions of the required active agent concentrations only and combines it with a potent carrier system like liposomes or nanodispersions. Both the bio-logically degradable carrier systems are only rarely used in the pharmaceutical sector be-cause of their complicated and costly stan-dardization procedures. In isolated cases also precursor substances of banned active agents are used in cosmetic formulations. An example in this context is vitamin-A-palmitate which is metabolized in the skin into vitamin-A-acid (see table). Dr. Hans Lautenschläger
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1-¿Qué es la influenza porcina? La influenza porcina es una enfermedad respiratoria aguda altamente contagiosa que ocurre en los cerdos, y que es causada por uno de los varios virus de influenza tipo A que circulan en estos animales. Este tipo de virus tiende a causar alta morbilidad en los cerdos pero baja mortalidad (1 a 4%). El virus se trasmite entre los cerdos a través de aerosol
LIVRO DE RESUMOS DO XXIII SEMINÁRIO DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA DA UFPA - 2012: ISSN 2176-1213. EFEITOS DA FLUOXETINA (PROZAC) NA ESQUIVA INIBITÓRIA DO DANIO RERIO Raissa Cruz dos Santos (Bolsista PIBIC/CNPq) – Curso de psicologia, Núcleo de teoria e pesquisa do comportamento, Laboratório de Amauri Gouveia Jr . (Orientador)