He encontrado que alguna farmacia puede tener existencias limitadas de ciertos medicamentos, mientras que otras pueden tener casi cualquier formato que se le ocurra y el habitual de dosis habitualidad apareció. En resumen, siempre se contiene el almacén de corroborar. Al mismo tiempo que el producto que más que gustaba ha resultado no estaba disponible en stock otro distinto por las Buenas costumbres también debe buscarse jefe no asн parezca. Por eso es importante disponer de un Plan B para actuar cuandod ello no ocurra. Ventaja de tomar un genérico en lugar de Asix Un genérico es más barato que el nombre de marca Uno de los mayores incentivos para someterse al Dónde comprar Lasix genérico en lugar de pagar la marca es que usted puede obtener un ahorrando importantes Lasix genérico. Por lo tanto, un Lasix genérico es en general mucho más barato que el homólogo de marca, así que una denominación genérica se hace posible para las personas que usan este medicamento con frecuencia. Un ejemplo: La compra de lurosemida en lugar de Lasix es una considerable ahorro para el presupuesto mensual de medicamentos.

Microsoft word - spec cover sheet - queen mary ps.rtf

KPRDSB - FDK Renovations GYPSUM BOARD Section 09 21 16Queen Mary PS ASSEMBLIES Page 1LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 PART 1 - GENERAL1.1 RELATED Section 01 74 21 - Construction/Demolition Section 09 22 16 - Non-structural MetalFraming.
Specification for Joint Compound and JointTape for Finishing Gypsum Board.
.2 for Application and Finishing of Gypsum Board.
.3 for Steel Drill Screws for the Application ofGypsum Panel Products or Metal Plaster Basesto Steel Studs From 0.033 in. (0.84 mm) to0.112 in. (2.84 mm) in Thickness.
.4 for Accessories for Gypsum Wallboard andGypsum Veneer Base.
.5 for Application of Gypsum Sheathing.
.6 Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB).1 Barrier, Polyethylene Sheet for Use inBuilding Construction.
.2 Bonding Drywall to Wood Framing and MetalStuds.
Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada (ULC).1 of Surface Burning Characteristics of BuildingMaterials and Assemblies.
Delivery and Acceptance Requirements: deliver packaging, labelled with manufacturer's nameand address.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations GYPSUM BOARD Section 09 21 16Queen Mary PS ASSEMBLIES Page 2LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 1.3 DELIVERY, Storage and Handling Requirements:(Cont'd) manufacturer's recommendations in clean, dry, assemblies from nicks, scratches, andblemishes.
.3 damage from construction operations.
.4 with wrapping. Do not use adhesive papers orsprayed coatings which bond when exposed tosunlight or weather.
.6 Maintain temperature 10 degrees C minimum, 21 degrees C maximum for 48 hours prior to andduring application of gypsum boards and jointtreatment, and for 48 hours minimum aftercompletion of joint treatment.
Apply board and joint treatment to dry, frostfree surfaces.
Ventilation: ventilate building spaces asrequired to remove excess moisture that wouldprevent drying of joint treatment materialimmediately after its application.
Standard board: to ASTM C 1396/C 1396Mregular, 15.9 mm thick and Type X, 15.9 mmthick, 1200 mm wide x maximum practicallength, ends square cut, edges bevelled.
Metal furring runners, hangers, tie wires,inserts, anchors.
Drywall furring channels: 0.5 mm corethickness galvanized steel channels for screwattachment of gypsum board.
Resilient drywall furring: 0.5 mm base steelthickness galvanized steel for resilientattachment of gypsum board.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations GYPSUM BOARD Section 09 21 16Queen Mary PS ASSEMBLIES Page 3LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 2.1 MATERIALS Casing beads, corner beads, control jointsand edge trim: to ASTM C 1047, zinc-coated byhot-dip process, 0.5 mm base thickness,perforated flanges, one piece length perlocation.
Sealants: in accordance with Section 07 92 00- Joint Sealants.
.1 Polyethylene: to CAN/CGSB-51.34, Type 2.
Insulating strip: rubberized, moistureresistant, 3 mm thick closed cell neoprenestrip, 12 mm wide, with self stickingpermanent adhesive on one face, lengths asrequired.
Joint compound: to ASTM C 475, asbestos-free.
Verification of Conditions: verify conditionsof substrates previously installed under otherSections or Contracts are acceptable forgypsum board assemblies installation inaccordance with manufacturer's writteninstructions.
.1 conditions immediately upon discovery.
.3 unacceptable conditions have been remedied.
Do application and finishing of gypsum boardto ASTM C 840 except where specifiedotherwise.
Do application of gypsum sheathing toASTM C 1280.
Erect hangers and runner channels forsuspended gypsum board ceilings to ASTM C 840except where specified otherwise.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations GYPSUM BOARD Section 09 21 16Queen Mary PS ASSEMBLIES Page 4LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 3.2 ERECTION additional ceiling suspension hangers within150 mm of each corner and at maximum 600 mmaround perimeter of fixture.
Install work level to tolerance of 1:1200.
Frame with furring channels, perimeter ofopenings for access panels, light fixtures,diffusers, and grilles.
Install 19 x 64 mm furring channels parallelto, and at exact locations of steel studpartition header track.
Furr for gypsum board faced verticalbulkheads within and at termination ofceilings.
Furr above suspended ceilings for gypsumboard fire and sound stops and to form plenumareas as indicated.
Install wall furring for gypsum board wallfinishes to ASTM C 840, except where specifiedotherwise.
Furr openings and around built-in equipment,cabinets, access panels, on four sides. Extendfurring into reveals. Check clearances withequipment suppliers.
Furr duct shafts, beams, columns, pipes andexposed services where indicated.
Apply gypsum board after bucks, anchors,blocking, sound attenuation, electrical andmechanical work have been approved.
Apply single layer gypsum board to metalfurring or framing using screw fasteners.
Maximum spacing of screws 300 mm on centre.
.1 prior to application of walls toASTM C 840.
.2 horizontally, providing sheet lengthsthat will minimize end joints.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations GYPSUM BOARD Section 09 21 16Queen Mary PS ASSEMBLIES Page 5LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 3.3 APPLICATION Apply single layer gypsum board to concrete and/or concrete block surfaces, whereindicated, using mechanical fasteners.
.1 Install ceiling boards in direction that willminimize number of end-butt joints. Staggerend joints at least 250 mm.
Install gypsum board on walls vertically toavoid end-butt joints in similar high walls,install boards horizontally with end jointsstaggered over studs, except where local codesor fire-rated assemblies require verticalapplication.
Install gypsum board with face side out.
Do not install damaged or damp boards.
Locate edge or end joints over supports.
Stagger vertical joints over different studson opposite sides of wall.
Erect accessories straight, plumb or level,rigid and at proper plane. Use full lengthpieces where practical. Make joints tight,accurately aligned and rigidly secured. Mitreand fit corners accurately, free from roughedges. Secure at 150 mm on centre.
Install casing beads around perimeter ofsuspended ceilings.
Install casing beads where gypsum board buttsagainst surfaces having no trim concealingjunction and where indicated. Seal joints withsealant.
Install insulating strips continuously atedges of gypsum board and casing beadsabutting metal window and exterior doorframes, to provide thermal break.
Construct control joints of two back-to-backcasing beads set in gypsum board facing andsupported independently on both sides ofjoint.
Provide continuous polyethylene dust barrierbehind and across control joints.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations GYPSUM BOARD Section 09 21 16Queen Mary PS ASSEMBLIES Page 6LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 3.4 INSTALLATION Locate control joints at changes in substrate construction at approximate 10 m spacing onlong corridor runs, and at approximate 15 mspacing on ceilings.
Install control joints straight and true.
Construct expansion joints as detailed, atbuilding expansion and construction joints.
Provide continuous dust barrier.
Install expansion joint straight and true.
Splice corners and intersections together andsecure to each member with 3 screws.
Install access doors to electrical andmechanical fixtures specified in respectivesections.
.1 Finish face panel joints and internal angleswith joint system consisting of jointcompound, joint tape and taping compoundinstalled according to manufacturer'sdirections and feathered out onto panel faces.
Gypsum Board Finish: finish gypsum boardwalls and ceilings to following levels inaccordance with AWCI Levels of Gypsum BoardFinish:.1 interior angles in joint compound andapply two separate coats of jointcompound over joints, angles, fastenerheads and accessories; surfaces smoothand free of tool marks and ridges.
Finish corner beads, control joints and trimas required with two coats of joint compoundand one coat of taping compound, feathered outonto panel faces.
Fill screw head depressions with joint andtaping compounds to bring flush with adjacentsurface of gypsum board so as to be invisibleafter surface finish is completed.
Sand lightly to remove burred edges and otherimperfections. Avoid sanding adjacent surfaceof board.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations GYPSUM BOARD Section 09 21 16Queen Mary PS ASSEMBLIES Page 7LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 3.4 INSTALLATION Completed installation to be smooth, level or plumb, free from waves and other defects andready for surface finish.
Mix joint compound slightly thinner than forjoint taping.
Apply thin coat to entire surface usingtrowel or drywall broad knife to fill surfacetexture differences, variations or tool marks.
Remove ridges by light sanding or wiping withdamp cloth.
Progress Cleaning: clean in accordance withSection 01 74 11 - Cleaning.
.1 surplus materials, rubbish, tools andequipment in accordance with Section 01 74 11- Cleaning.
Waste Management: separate waste materialsfor reuse and recycling in accordance withSection 01 74 21 - Construction/DemolitionWaste Management and Disposal.
.1 from site and dispose of materials atappropriate facility.
Protect installed products and componentsfrom damage during construction.
Repair damage to adjacent materials caused bygypsum board assemblies installation.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations Non-structural Section 09 22 16Queen Mary PS Metal Framing Page 1LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 PART 1 - GENERAL1.1 RELATED Section 01 74 21 - Construction/Demolition Section 08 11 00 - Metal Doors and Frames.
Section 08 14 16 - Flush Wood Doors.
Section 09 21 16 - Gypsum Board Assemblies.
American Society for Testing and MaterialsInternational, (ASTM).
.1 Nonstructural Steel Framing Members.
.2 Installation of Steel Framing Members toReceive Screw-Attached Gypsum Panel Products.
Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB).
.1 Environmental Choice Program (ECP).
.1 CCD-047a -98, Paints - Surface Coatings.
Construction/Demolition Waste Management AndDisposal.
Non-load bearing channel stud framing: toASTM C 645, 50 x 90 mm stud size, roll formedfrom 0.91 mm thickness hot dipped galvanizedsteel sheet, for screw attachment of gypsumboard. Knock-out service holes at 460 mmcentres.
Floor and ceiling tracks: to ASTM C 645, inwidths to suit stud sizes, 32 mm flangeheight.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations Non-structural Section 09 22 16Queen Mary PS Metal Framing Page 2LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 2.1 MATERIALS Metal channel stiffener: 19 x 64 mm size, 1.4 mm thick cold rolled steel, coated with rustinhibitive coating.
Insulating strip: rubberized, moistureresistant 3 mm thick foam strip, 12 mm wide,with self sticking adhesive on one face,lengths as required.
Align partition tracks at floor and ceilingand secure at 600 mm on centre maximum.
Install damp proof course under stud shoetracks of partitions on slabs on grade.
Place studs vertically at 400 mm on centreand not more than 50 mm from abutting walls,and at each side of openings and corners.
Position studs in tracks at floor and ceiling.
Cross brace steel studs as required to providerigid installation to manufacturer'sinstructions.
Erect metal studding to tolerance of 1:1000.
Attach studs to track at floor and undersideof roof/floor structure using screws.
Co-ordinate simultaneous erection of studswith installation of service lines. Whenerecting studs ensure web openings arealigned.
Co-ordinate erection of studs withinstallation of door/window frames and specialsupports or anchorage for work specified inother Sections.
Provide two studs extending from floor toceiling at each side of openings wider thanstud centres specified. Secure studs together,50 mm apart using column clips or otherapproved means of fastening placed alongsideframe anchor clips.
Erect track at head of door/window openingsand sills of sidelight/window openings toaccommodate intermediate studs. Secure trackto studs at each end, in accordance with KPRDSB - FDK Renovations Non-structural Section 09 22 16Queen Mary PS Metal Framing Page 3LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 3.1 ERECTION manufacturer's instructions. Installintermediate studs above and below openings insame manner and spacing as wall studs.
Frame openings and around built-in equipment,cabinets, access panels, on four sides. Extendframing into reveals. Check clearances withequipment suppliers.
Provide 40 mm stud or furring channel securedbetween studs for attachment of fixturesbehind lavatory basins, toilet and bathroomaccessories, and other fixtures including grabbars and towel rails, attached to steel studpartitions.
Install steel studs or furring channelbetween studs for attaching electrical andother boxes.
Extend partitions to ceiling height exceptwhere noted otherwise on drawings.
Maintain clearance under beams and structuralslabs to avoid transmission of structuralloads to studs. Use 50 mm leg ceiling tracks.
Use double track slip joint.
Install continuous insulating strips toisolate studs from uninsulated surfaces.
Upon completion of installation, removesurplus materials, rubbish, tools andequipment barriers.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations CERAMIC TILING Section 09 30 13Queen Mary PS Page 1LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 PART 1 - GENERAL1.1 RELATED Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures.
Section 01 74 21 - Construction/DemolitionWaste Management and Disposal.
Section 01 78 00 - Closeout Submittals.
Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB).1 Barrier, Polyethylene Sheet for Use inBuilding Construction.
.2 Organic, for Installation of Ceramic WallTile.
.3 Canadian Standards Association (CSAInternational).1 Materials Compendium (Consists of A3001,A3002, A3003, A3004 and A3005).
Terrazzo Tile and Marble Association ofCanada (TTMAC).1 2006/2007, Tile Installation Manual.
.2 Provide submittals in accordance with Section Provide samples in accordance with Section01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures.
.1 including bullnose cap and base pieces atinternal and external corners of verticalsurfaces, each type, colour, and size.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations CERAMIC TILING Section 09 30 13Queen Mary PS Page 2LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 1.4 DELIVERY, Packing, shipping, handling and unloading: accordance with Section 01 61 00 - CommonProduct Requirements.
recycling in accordance with Section 01 74 21- Construction/Demolition Waste Management andDisposal.
Maintain air temperature and structural base temperature at ceramic tile installation areaabove 12 degrees C for 48 hours before,during, and 48 hours after, installation.
Do not install tiles at temperatures lessthan 12 degrees C or above 38 degrees C.
Do not apply epoxy mortar and grouts attemperatures below 15 degrees C or above 25degrees C.
accordance with Section 01 78 00 - CloseoutSubmittals.
.2 colour of tile required for project formaintenance use. Store where directed.
.3 Ceramic tile: to CAN/CGSB-75.1, Type 3, ClassMR, 150 x 150 mm size, square edges, glazedsurface, colour as selected by Consultant.
Matching bullnose square edge trim to suitapplication.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations CERAMIC TILING Section 09 30 13Queen Mary PS Page 3LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 2.2 BASE TILE Base: coved; type, size, colour and textureto match adjacent flooring material.
Conform to applicable requirements ofadjoining floor and wall tile.
Use slip resistant trim shapes for horizontalsurfaces of showers, overflow ledges, recessedsteps, shower curbs, drying area curbs, andstools.
Use trim shapes sizes conforming to size ofadjoining field wall tile, including existingspaces, unless specified otherwise.
Internal and External Corners: provide trimshapes as follows where indicated.
.1 provide integral coved vertical andhorizontal joint.
.2 provide bullnose vertical edge withintegral coved horizontal joint. Use asstop at bottom of openings havingbullnose return to wall.
.3 provide integral coved vertical jointwith bullnose top edge.
.4 provide bullnose vertical and horizontaljoint edge.
Sand: to ASTM C 144, passing 16 mesh.
Hydrated lime: to ASTM C 207, Type N.
Latex additive: formulated for use in cementmortar and thin set bond coat.
Water: potable and free of minerals andchemicals which are detrimental to mortar andgrout mixes.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations CERAMIC TILING Section 09 30 13Queen Mary PS Page 4LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 2.5 BOND COAT Dry set cement mortar: to ANSI A108.1.
Latex Cement mortar: to ANSI A108.1,two-component universal dry-set mortar.
Epoxy bond coat: non-toxic, non-flammable,non-hazardous during storage, mixing,application, and when cured. To produce shockand chemical resistant mortars having thefollowing physical characteristics:.1 resistant to urine, dilute acid, dilutealkali, sugar, brine and food waste products,petroleum distillates, oil and aromaticsolvents.
white sand passing a number 30 screen.
Commercial Cement Grout: to CTI A118.6.
Latex Cement Grout: to ANSI A108.1, fastcuring, high early strength, polymer-modified,stain resistant, sanded mix for floors,unsanded mix for walls and floors withpolished tiles commercial tile grout.
Metal lath: to ASTM C 847 galvanized finish,10 mm rib at 2.17 kg/m2.
Transition Strips: purpose made metalextrusion; stainless steel.
Reducer Strips: purpose made metal extrusion;stainless steel type; maximum slope of 1:2.
Sealant: in accordance with Section 07 92 00- Joint Sealants.
.1 KPRDSB - FDK Renovations CERAMIC TILING Section 09 30 13Queen Mary PS Page 5LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 2.8 MIXES parts hydrated lime to suit job conditions, 4parts sand, 1 part water, and latex additivewhere required. Adjust water volume dependingon water content of sand.
.2 mixed to creamy paste. Latex additive may beincluded.
.3 parts sand, 1 part water. Adjust water volumedepending on water content of sand. Latexadditive may be included.
.4 part cement, 1/5 to 1/2 parts hydrated lime tosuit job conditions, 4 parts sand and 1 partwater. Adjust water volume depending on watercontent of sand. Latex additive may beincluded.
.5 sand, minimum 1/10 part latex additive, 1 partwater including latex additive.
.6 Measure mortar ingredients by volume.
Dry set mortar: mix to manufacturer'sinstructions.
Mix bond and levelling coats, and grout tomanufacturer's instructions.
Adjust water volumes to suit water content ofsand.
manufactured specifically for resurfacing andleveling concrete floors. Products containinggypsum are not acceptable.
Have not less than the following physicalproperties:.1 KPRDSB - FDK Renovations CERAMIC TILING Section 09 30 13Queen Mary PS Page 6LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 2.9 PATCHING AND Capable of being applied in layers up to 50 mm thick, being brought to feather edge, and Ready for use in 48 hours after application.
Specifically designed for cleaning masonry and concrete and which will not prevent bondof subsequent tile setting materials includingpatching and leveling compounds andelastomeric waterproofing membrane and coat.
Materials containing acid or caustic materialare not acceptable.
written recommendations or specifications,including product technical bulletins,handling, storage and installationinstructions, and datasheets.
Do tile work in accordance with TTMAC TileInstallation Manual 2006/2007, "Ceramic Tile",except where specified otherwise.
Apply tile or backing coats to clean andsound surfaces.
Fit tile around corners, fitments, fixtures,drains and other built-in objects. Maintainuniform joint appearance. Cut edges smooth andeven. Do not split tiles.
Make joints between tile uniform andapproximately 1.5 mm wide, plumb, straight,true, even and flush with adjacent tile.
Ensure sheet layout not visible afterinstallation. Align patterns.
Lay out tiles so perimeter tiles are minimum1/2 size.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations CERAMIC TILING Section 09 30 13Queen Mary PS Page 7LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 3.2 WORKMANSHIP hollow-sounding units to obtain full bond.
Make internal angles square, external anglesbullnosed.
Use bullnose edged tiles at termination ofwall tile panels, except where panel abutsprojecting surface or differing plane.
Install divider strips at junction of tileflooring and dissimilar materials.
Allow minimum 24 hours after installation oftiles, before grouting.
Clean installed tile surfaces afterinstallation and grouting cured.
Make control joints at 6 m in each directionwhere indicated. Make joint width same as tilejoints. fill control joints with sealant inaccordance with Section 07 92 00 - JointSealants. Keep building expansion joints freeof mortar and grout.
Prevent any traffic over completed floor fora period of 72 hours after completion.
Install in accordance with TTMAC detail.
Install in accordance with TTMAC detail.
Proceed in accordance with Section 01 74 11 -Cleaning.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations ACOUSTICAL PANEL Section 09 51 13Queen Mary PS CEILINGS Page 1LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 PART 1 - GENERAL1.1 SUMMARY units for direct application or forapplication and installation within asuspended ceiling.
Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures.
Demolition Waste Management and Disposal.
.5 Section 01 78 00 - Closeout Submittals.
Section 02 81 00 - Hazardous Materials.
American Society for Testing and MaterialsInternational (ASTM).1 Sound Absorption and Sound AbsorptionCoefficients by the Reverberation Room Method.2 Method for Luminous Reflectance Factor ofAcoustical Materials by Use ofIntegrating-Sphere Reflectometers.
Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB).1 Polyethylene Sheet, for Use in BuildingConstruction and Amendment No. 1 1988.
.2 Canadian Standards Association (CSAInternational).1 Health Canada/Workplace Hazardous MaterialsInformation System (WHMIS).1 KPRDSB - FDK Renovations ACOUSTICAL PANEL Section 09 51 13Queen Mary PS CEILINGS Page 2LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 1.2 REFERENCES Underwriter's Laboratories of Canada (ULC) Characteristics of Building Materials andAssemblies.
absorptive material from moisture damage.
Store extra materials required formaintenance, where directed by Consultant.
recycling in accordance with Section 01 74 21- Construction /Demolition Waste Managementand Disposal.
Permit wet work to dry before beginning to Maintain uniform minimum temperature of 15degrees C and humidity of 20-40% before andduring installation.
Store materials in work area 48 hours priorto installation.
Provide extra materials of acoustic units inaccordance with Section 01 78 00 - CloseoutSubmittals.
Provide acoustical units amounting to 2sealed cartons for each pattern and typerequired for project.
Ensure extra materials are from sameproduction run as installed materials.
Clearly identify each type of acoustic unit,including colour and texture.
Deliver to the School as directed byConsultant, upon completion of the work ofthis section.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations ACOUSTICAL PANEL Section 09 51 13Queen Mary PS CEILINGS Page 3LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 PART 2 - PRODUCTS2.1 MATERIALS Acoustic units for suspended ceiling system:to CAN/CGSB-92.1, ASTM E 1264.
.1 minimum 75% recycled content, Glass fibre withminimum 35% recycled content.
.4 in one hour floor/ceiling and roof/ceilingassembly, Certification Organizations DesignNos. I211 and R210.
Do not install acoustical panels and tilesuntil work above ceiling has been inspected byConsultant.
Install acoustical panels and tiles inceiling suspension system.
In fire rated ceiling systems, secure lay-inpanels by weight and protect over light andlight fixtures, diffusers, air return grillesand other appertunances according toCertification Organizations designrequirements.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations ACOUSTICAL PANEL Section 09 51 13Queen Mary PS CEILINGS Page 4LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 3.3 APPLICATION Install acoustical units parallel to buildinglines with edge unit not less than 50% of unitwidth with directional pattern running in samedirection.
Scribe acoustic units to fit adjacent work.
Butt joints tight, terminate edges withmoulding.
Co-ordinate ceiling work to accommodatecomponents of other sections, such as lightfixtures, diffusers, speakers, sprinklerheads, to be built into acoustical ceilingcomponents.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations ACOUSTICAL Sect 09 53 00.01Queen Mary PS SUSPENSION Page 1LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 PART 1 - GENERAL1.1 RELATED Section 09 51 13 - Acoustical Panel Ceilings.
American Society for Testing and MaterialsInternational (ASTM).1 for the Manufacture, Performance and Testingof Metal Suspension Systems for AcousticalTile and Lay-In Panel Ceilings.
.2 for Installation of Metal Ceiling SuspensionSystems for Acoustical Tile and Lay-In Panels.
Health Canada/Workplace Hazardous MaterialsInformation System (WHMIS).1 certified by a Canadian CertificationOrganization accredited by Standards Councilof Canada.
accordance with Section 01 61 00 - Common recycling in accordance with Section 01 74 21- Construction/Demolition Waste Management andDisposal.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations ACOUSTICAL Sect 09 53 00.01Queen Mary PS SUSPENSION Page 2LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 PART 2 - PRODUCTS2.1 MATERIALS Intermediate duty system to ASTM C 635.
Basic materials for suspension system:commercial quality cold rolled steel.
Fire-resistance rated suspension system:certified for use in one hour, CertificationOrganizations Design Nos. I211 and R210floor/ceiling assembly, Certified twodirectional exposed tee bar grid.
Exposed tee bar grid components: shop paintedsatin sheen white. Components die cut. Maintee with double web, rectangular bulb and 25mm rolled cap on exposed face. Cross tee withrectangular bulb; web extended to formpositive interlock with main tee webs; lowerflange extended and offset to provide flushintersection.
Hanger wire: galvanized soft annealed steelwire:.1 Carrying channels: 38 x 70 mm channel, of 0.5mm thick galvanized steel.
Accessories: splices, clips, wire ties,retainers and wall moulding flush, tocomplement suspension system components, asrecommended by system manufacturer.
written recommendations or specifications,including product technical bulletins,handling, storage and installationinstructions, and datasheets.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations ACOUSTICAL Sect 09 53 00.01Queen Mary PS SUSPENSION Page 3LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 3.2 INSTALLATION Installation: in accordance with ASTM C 636except where specified otherwise.
Install suspension system to manufacturer'sinstructions and Certification Organizationstested design requirements.
Do not erect ceiling suspension system untilwork above ceiling has been inspected byConsultant.
Secure hangers to overhead structure usingattachment methods acceptable to Consultant.
Install hangers spaced at maximum 1200 mmcentres and within 150 mm from ends of maintees.
Lay out centre line of ceiling both ways, toprovide balanced borders at room perimeterwith border units not less than 50% ofstandard unit width.
Ensure suspension system is co-ordinated withlocation of related components.
Install wall moulding to provide correctceiling height.
Completed suspension system to supportsuper-imposed loads, such as lightingfixtures, diffusers, grilles and speakers.
Support at light fixtures and diffusers withadditional ceiling suspension hangers within150 mm of each corner and at maximum 600 mmaround perimeter of fixture.
Interlock cross member to main runner toprovide rigid assembly.
Frame at openings for light fixtures, airdiffusers, speakers and at changes in ceilingheights.
Finished ceiling system to be square withadjoining walls and level within 1:1000.
Supply and install "Z" shaped metal trim pieces at each side of expansion joint. Designto accommodate plus or minus 25 mm movementand maintain visual closure. Finish metalcomponents to match adjacent exposed metal KPRDSB - FDK Renovations ACOUSTICAL Sect 09 53 00.01Queen Mary PS SUSPENSION Page 4LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 3.2 INSTALLATION trim. Provide backing plates behind buttjoints.
Proceed in accordance with Section 01 74 11 -Cleaning.
Touch up scratches, abrasions, voids andother defects in painted surfaces.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations RESILIENT TILE Section 09 65 19Queen Mary PS FLOORING Page 1LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 PART 1 - GENERAL1.1 RELATED Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures.
Section 01 74 21 - Construction/DemolitionWaste Management and Disposal.
Section 01 78 00 - Closeout Submittals.
American Society for Testing and MaterialsInternational (ASTM).1 Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB).1 Health Canada/Workplace Hazardous MaterialsInformation System (WHMIS).1 Provide submittals in accordance with Section Provide product data in accordance withSection 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures.
Provide samples in accordance with Section01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures.
.1 flooring for incorporation into manualspecified in Section 01 78 00 - CloseoutSubmittals.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations RESILIENT TILE Section 09 65 19Queen Mary PS FLOORING Page 2LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 1.4 DELIVERY, accordance with Section 01 61 00 - Common recycling in accordance with Section 01 74 21- Construction/Demolition Waste Management andDisposal.
Maintain air temperature and structural base temperature at flooring installation areaabove 20 degrees C for 48 hours before, duringand for 48 hours after installation.
resilient tile flooring, base and adhesive inaccordance with Section 01 78 00 - CloseoutSubmittals.
.2 type flooring material required for thisproject for maintenance use.
.3 Vinyl composition tile: to ASTM F 1066,Composition 1 - non asbestos Class 2 - throughpattern tile, 3 mm, 300 x 300 mm size, instandard colour selected by Consultant.
.1 Armstrong or equivalent by Flextile, Amtico orMannington Inc.
Resilient base: to rubber, coved, minimum1200 mm length and 100 mm high x 3 mm thick,of black colour.
Primers and adhesives: recommended byflooring manufacturer for specific material on KPRDSB - FDK Renovations RESILIENT TILE Section 09 65 19Queen Mary PS FLOORING Page 3LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 2.1 MATERIALS applicable substrate, above, at or belowgrade.
.1 Sub-floor filler and leveller: as recommendedby flooring manufacturer for use with theirproduct.
Metal edge strips: aluminum extruded, smooth,mill finish with lip to extend under floorfinish, shoulder flush with top of adjacentfloor finish.
Sealer: to CAN/CGSB-25.20, Type 2-waterbased, type recommended by flooringmanufacturer, but to be done by the SchoolBoard Staff.
.1 Wax: to CAN/CGSB-25.21, type recommended byflooring manufacturer, but to be done by theSchool Board Staff.
written recommendations or specifications,including product technical bulletins,handling, storage and installationinstructions, and datasheets.
Ensure concrete floors are dry, by using testmethods recommended by tile manufacturer.
Remove or treat old adhesives to preventresidual, old flooring adhesives from bleeding KPRDSB - FDK Renovations RESILIENT TILE Section 09 65 19Queen Mary PS FLOORING Page 4LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 3.3 SUB-FLOOR through to new flooring and/or interfering Clean floor and apply filler; trowel andfloat to leave smooth, flat hard surface.
Prohibit traffic until filler cured and dry.
Remove sub-floor ridges and bumps. Fill lowspots, cracks, joints, holes and other defectswith sub-floor filler.
Prime and/or Seal concrete to flooringmanufacturer's printed instructions.
Provide high ventilation rate, with maximum outside air, during installation, and for 48to 72 hours after installation. If possible,vent directly to outside. Do not letcontaminated air recirculate through districtor whole building air distribution system.
Maintain extra ventilation for at least onemonth following building occupation.
Apply adhesive uniformly using recommendedtrowel in accordance with flooringmanufacturer's instructions. Do not spreadmore adhesive than can be covered by flooringbefore initial set takes place.
Lay flooring with joints parallel to buildinglines to produce symmetrical tile pattern.
Border tiles minimum half tile width.
Install flooring to square grid pattern withjoints aligned with pattern grain parallel forunits and parallel to length of room.
Cut tile and fit neatly around fixed objects.
Terminate flooring at centerline of door inopenings where adjacent floor finish or colouris dissimilar.
Install metal edge strips at unprotected orexposed edges where flooring terminates.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations RESILIENT TILE Section 09 65 19Queen Mary PS FLOORING Page 5LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 3.5 BASE minimum. Base joints at maximum lengthavailable or at internal or premouldedcorners.
Clean substrate and prime with one coat ofadhesive.
Install straight and level to variation of1:1000.
Scribe and fit to door frames and otherobstructions. Use premoulded end pieces atflush door frames.
Cope internal corners. Use formed straightbase material for external corners of otherangles, minimum 300 mm each leg.
Proceed in accordance with Section 01 74 11 -Cleaning.
Protect new floors from time of final set ofadhesive until final inspection.
Prohibit traffic on floor for 48 hours afterinstallation.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations PORTLAND CEMENT Section 09 66 13Queen Mary PS TERRAZZO FLOORING Page 1LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 PART 1 - GENERAL1.1 RELATED Section 01 74 21 - Construction/Demolition American Society for Testing and MaterialsInternational (ASTM).1 Method for Abrasion Resistance of StoneSubject to Foot Traffic.
.2 Method for Tensile Properties of OrganicCoatings.
Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB).1 Barrier, Polyethylene Sheet for Use inBuilding Construction.
.2 Canadian Standards Association (CSAInternational).1 and Methods of Concrete Construction/Methodsof Test for Concrete.
.2 Materials Compendium (Consists of A3001,A3002, A3003, A3004 and A3005).
.3 Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement.
Health Canada/Workplace Hazardous MaterialsInformation System (WHMIS).1 Terrazzo, Tile and Marble Association ofCanada (TTMAC).1 Study on Terrazzo (Portland Cement).
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations PORTLAND CEMENT Section 09 66 13Queen Mary PS TERRAZZO FLOORING Page 2LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 1.3 ACTION AND TTMAC publication for terrazzo work forincorporation into manual specified in Section01 78 00 - Closeout Submittals.
tile work. Company must be registered asmembers in good standing with Terrazzo, Tileand Marble Association of Canada. If requestedby, Consultant submit listing of at leastthree previously completed projects of similarsize and scope.
Deliver, store, handle and protect materials in accordance with Section 01 61 00 - Common Product Requirements, supplemented asfollows:.
.1 protected from freezing, staining and damage,away from heavy traffic areas.
.3 wrapping and containers until used.
.5 recycling in accordance with Section 01 74 21- Construction/Demolition Waste Management andDisposal.
Safety: comply with requirements of Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)regarding use, handling, storage, and disposalof materials.
installation. Run system 24 hours per dayduring installation; provide continuousventilation for 7 days after completion ofinstallation.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations PORTLAND CEMENT Section 09 66 13Queen Mary PS TERRAZZO FLOORING Page 3LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 1.6 ENVIRONMENTAL with Section 01 51 00 - Temporary Utilities.
base temperature at terrazzo installation areaabove 12 degrees C for 24 hours prior to,during, and for 24 hours followinginstallation.
Epoxy bonding agent: two components, epoxyresin and epoxy hardener conforming tofollowing performance properties after cureschedule of 28 days at 25 degrees C.
.1 passes bending over 12 mm mandrel, withoutcracking.
.4 Elongation: ASTM D 2370, minimum 10%.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations PORTLAND CEMENT Section 09 66 13Queen Mary PS TERRAZZO FLOORING Page 4LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 2.1 MATERIALS failure at minimum coverage, test concretespecimen minimum compressive strength 20 MPa.
.6 Divider strips: 3 mm thick zinc with depth of32 mm.
Accessories: base caps and base dividerstrips, separator strips, purpose made and ofsame material to match divider strips.
Reinforcing steel: billet steel, grade 300deformed bars.
Welded steel wire fabric: to 50 x 50 x 1.6 x1.6 mm wire, galvanized, in flat sheets only.
Slip sheet: polyethylene sheet toCAN/CGSB-51.34, Type 2, 0.05 mm thick.
Non-slip aggregate: aluminum oxide of sizeand colour to match marble chips.
Non-slip material for inserts: fine aluminumoxide and cement epoxy mixture of size andcolours to match marble chips.
Curing compound: to manufacturers standard.
Cleaning compound: to TTMAC standard 1001.
Finishing compound: to TTMAC standard 3001.
.1 Slurry coat: cement and water mixed to creamypaste.
Underbed: 1 part cement to 4 parts sand byvolume.
Terrazzo topping: 100 kg chips to 40 kgcement, mixed dry, using 25% No. 1 and 75% No.
2 chips of colours to match existing.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations PORTLAND CEMENT Section 09 66 13Queen Mary PS TERRAZZO FLOORING Page 5LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 PART 3 - EXECUTION3.1 MANUFACTURER'S written recommendations or specifications,including product technical bulletins,handling, storage and installationinstructions, and datasheets.
Do terrazzo work in accordance with TTMAC/CSCArchitectural Specification Study on Terrazzo(Portland Cement) except where specifiedotherwise.
Examine area to receive terrazzo for defectsin existing work which may affect properexecution of terrazzo work.
Ensure tolerances of concrete slab work donot deviate from tolerance set for finishedterrazzo floor.
Terrazzo contractor to start work only whenall defects are corrected.
Install terrazzo after concrete slabs havecured 28 days.
Install divider strips true and level todetailed pattern.
Install covers at building expansion joints.
Install control joints above control jointsin subfloor.
Slope finished terrazzo floors to drains.
Produce terrazzo finished surfaces to matchexisting.
minimum terrazzo topping bonded to concretebase slab.
.2 Bonded terrazzo: to TTMAC detail No. 1.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations PORTLAND CEMENT Section 09 66 13Queen Mary PS TERRAZZO FLOORING Page 6LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 3.4 INSTALLATION Proceed in accordance with Section 01 74 11 -Cleaning.
Clean, seal and finish terrazzo surfaces toTTMAC recommendations.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations INTERIOR PAINTING Section 09 91 23Queen Mary PS Page 1LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 PART 1 - GENERAL1.1 SUMMARY applied paint finishes to new interiorsurfaces, including site painting of shopprimed surfaces.
.2 all painting called for or implied by thedrawings and/or specifications and includesbut is not limited to drywall, concrete blockwalls, metal doors and frames, glazing rebatesand stops, remove switch plates and allremovable covers prior to painting, reinstallcovers, trim, etc. after paint is thoroughlydry.
Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures.
Demolition Waste Management and Disposal.
.5 Section 01 78 00 - Closeout Submittals.
Section 02 81 01 - Hazardous Materials.
Volatile Organic Compound Content of ConsumerProducts, Method 24 - 1995, (for SurfaceCoatings).
Health Canada / Workplace Hazardous MaterialsInformation System (WHMIS).1 Edition, Systems and Specifications Manual.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations INTERIOR PAINTING Section 09 91 23Queen Mary PS Page 2LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 1.3 QUALITY satisfactory experience. Provide list of lastthree comparable jobs including, job name andlocation, specifying authority, and projectmanager.
.2 have "Tradesman Qualification Certificate ofProficiency" engaged in painting work.
.3 supervision of qualified trades person inaccordance with trade regulations.
safety in accordance with Section 01 35 29.06- Health and Safety Requirements.
Submit work schedule for various stages ofpainting to Consultant for review. Submitschedule minimum of 48 hours in advance ofproposed operations.
Obtain written authorization from Consultantfor changes in work schedule.
Schedule painting operations to preventdisruption of occupants.
finish schedule to the Consultant forapproval. Schedule shall list materials to beprovided, surface to be painted, room name andnumber, material name and manufacturer'scolour chip sample.
indicate where colour availability isrestricted.
.2 data for incorporation into manual specifiedin Section 01 78 00 - Closeout Submittalsinclude following: KPRDSB - FDK Renovations INTERIOR PAINTING Section 09 91 23Queen Mary PS Page 3LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 1.5 ACTION AND production run as products installed. Packageproducts with protective covering and identifywith descriptive labels. Comply with Section01 78 00 - Closeout Submittals.
.2 of each type and colour of primer, stain andfinish coating. Identify colour and paint typein relation to established colour schedule andfinish system.
.3 with Consultant requirements for delivery andstorage of extra materials.
Packing, Shipping, Handling and Unloading: in accordance with Section 01 61 00 - CommonProduct Requirements and manufacturer'swritten instructions.
Remove damaged, opened and rejected materialsfrom site.
ventilated area with temperature range 7degrees C to 30 degrees C.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations INTERIOR PAINTING Section 09 91 23Queen Mary PS Page 4LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 1.7 DELIVERY, Store temperature sensitive products above Keep areas used for storage, cleaning andpreparation clean and orderly. Aftercompletion of operations, return areas toclean condition.
Remove paint materials from storage only inquantities required for same day use.
fire extinguisher adjacent to storage area.
.2 containers and materials subject tospontaneous combustion in ULC approved, sealedcontainers and remove from site on a dailybasis.
.3 flammable and combustible materials inaccordance with National Fire Code of Canadarequirements.
recycling in accordance with Section01 74 21 -Construction/Demolition Waste Management andDisposal.
ambient air and substrate temperatures above10 degrees C for 24 hours before, during andafter paint application until paint has curedsufficiently.
.2 days after completion of application of paint.
.3 system with Consultant and ensure itsoperation during and after application ofpaint as required.
.4 heating equipment where permanent facilitiesare not available or supplemental ventilatingand heating equipment if ventilation andheating from existing system is inadequate tomeet minimum requirements.
.5 KPRDSB - FDK Renovations INTERIOR PAINTING Section 09 91 23Queen Mary PS Page 5LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 1.8 SITE CONDITIONS Temperature, Humidity and Substrate Moisture temperatures are below 10 degrees C.
.2 degrees C unless paint is specificallyformulated for application at hightemperatures.
.3 temperatures are not expected to fallwithin MPI or paint manufacturer'sprescribed limits.
.4 or when the dew point is more than 3degrees C variance between theair/surface temperature. Paint should notbe applied if the dew point is less than3 degrees C below the ambient or surfacetemperature. Use sling psychrometer toestablish the relative humidity beforebeginning paint work.
.5 before paint has thoroughly cured or whenit is foggy, misty, raining or snowing atsite.
.6 specified limits during drying or curingprocess, until newly applied coating canitself withstand 'normal' adverseenvironmental factors.
moisture content of the substrate is below: electronic Moisture Meter. Test concretefloors for moisture using "cover patch test".
.4 surfaces for alkalinity as required.
is no longer being generated by relatedconstruction operations or when wind orventilation conditions are such that airborneparticles will not affect quality of finishedsurface.
.2 surfaces and to surfaces within moisturelimits.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations INTERIOR PAINTING Section 09 91 23Queen Mary PS Page 6LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 1.8 SITE CONDITIONS Additional interior application requirements:.1 location of installation can be satisfactorilymaintained within manufacturer'srecommendations.
.2 during silent hours only. Schedule operationsto approval of Consultant such that paintedsurfaces will have dried and curedsufficiently before occupants are affected.
All work guaranteed for one year afteracceptance by School Board.
All priming, sealing and painting materialshall be manufactured by Benjamin Moore &Company Ltd.
Paint colour to be specified on site byOwner.
New Concrete Block Primed with: Super
Metal and Glazed Surfaces Primed with:
Fresh Start All-Purpose 100% Acrylic Primer(K023).
.3 Classrooms & all other areas not
specified herein: Eco-spec WB Semi-Gloss
Finish (K376).
Interior Trim: Eco-Spec WB Semi-Gloss
Millwork: Eco-Spec WB Semi-Gloss finish
Exterior Doors & Trim: Impervo Alkyd
Ceilings: Moore Latex Ceiling Paint
Natural Wood: Stays Clear Acrylic
Hallways: Eco-Spec WB Semi-Gloss Finish
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations INTERIOR PAINTING Section 09 91 23Queen Mary PS Page 7LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 2.1 MATERIALS Lockers: D.T.M. Acrylic Semi-Gloss
Washrooms & Toilet Partitions: D.T.M.
Gymnasiums & Change Rooms: Eco-Spec WB
Cafeterias: Eco-Spec WB Semi-Gloss
Colour schedule will be based upon selectionof two base colours and three accent colours.
No more than five colours will be selected forentire project and no more than three colourswill be selected in each area.
Selection of colours from manufacturers fullrange of colours.
Where specific products are available inrestricted range of colours, selection basedon limited range.
Second coat in three coat system to be tintedslightly lighter colour than top coat to showvisible difference between coats.
Perform colour tinting operations prior to Mix paste, powder or catalyzed paint mixes inaccordance with manufacturer's writteninstructions.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations INTERIOR PAINTING Section 09 91 23Queen Mary PS Page 8LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 2.3 MIXING AND Use and add thinner in accordance with paint manufacturer's recommendations. Do not use kerosene or similar organic solvents to thinwater-based paints.
Thin paint for spraying in accordance withpaint manufacturer's instructions.
Re-mix paint in containers prior to andduring application to ensure break-up oflumps, complete dispersion of settled pigment,and colour and gloss uniformity.
written recommendations or specifications,including product technical bulletins,handling, storage and installationinstructions, and data sheet.
Perform preparation and operations forinterior painting in accordance with MPIArchitectural Painting Specifications Manualexcept where specified otherwise.
Apply paint materials in accordance withpaint manufacturer's written applicationinstructions.
Investigate existing substrates for problemsrelated to proper and complete preparation ofsurfaces to be painted. Report to Consultantdamages, defects, unsatisfactory orunfavourable conditions before proceeding withwork.
Conduct moisture testing of surfaces to bepainted using properly calibrated electronicmoisture meter, except test concrete floorsfor moisture using simple "cover patch test".
Do not proceed with work until conditions fallwithin acceptable range as recommended bymanufacturer.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations INTERIOR PAINTING Section 09 91 23Queen Mary PS Page 9LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 3.3 EXAMINATION Stucco, plaster and gypsum board: 12%.
adjacent structures from paint spatters,markings and other damage by suitablenon-staining covers or masking. If damaged,clean and restore surfaces as directed byConsultant.
.2 attached such as Fire Labels on doors andframes.
.3 occupants and general public in and about thebuilding.
fixtures, surface hardware on doors, bathaccessories and other surface mountedequipment, fittings and fastenings prior toundertaking painting operations. Identify andstore items in secure location andre-installed after painting is completed.
.2 equipment as necessary to carry out paintingoperations. Replace as painting operationsprogress.
.3 Place "WET PAINT" signs in occupied areas as painting operations progress. Signsto approval of Consultant.
Clean and prepare surfaces in accordance withMPI Architectural Painting SpecificationManual requirements. Refer to MPI Manual inregard to specific requirements and asfollows:.1 debris by vacuuming, wiping with dry, cleancloths or compressed air.
.2 detergent and bleach where applicable andclean warm water using a stiff bristle brushto remove dirt, oil and other surfacecontaminants.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations INTERIOR PAINTING Section 09 91 23Queen Mary PS Page 10LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 3.4 PREPARATION until foreign matter is flushed from surface.
.4 painting, water-based cleaners should be usedin place of organic solvents.
.6 removed with water once dried. Minimize use ofmineral spirits or organic solvents to cleanup water-based paints.
Prevent contamination of cleaned surfaces bysalts, acids, alkalis, other corrosivechemicals, grease, oil and solvents beforeprime coat is applied and between applicationsof remaining coats. Apply primer, paint, orpretreatment as soon as possible aftercleaning and before deterioration occurs.
Where possible, prime non-exposed surfaces ofnew wood surfaces before installation. Usesame primers as specified for exposedsurfaces.
.1 knots, pitch, sap and resinous areas.
.2 Sand and dust between coats as required toprovide adequate adhesion for next coat and toremove defects visible from a distance up to1000 mm.
Clean metal surfaces to be painted byremoving rust, loose mill scale, welding slag,dirt, oil, grease and other foreign substancesin accordance with MPI requirements. Removetraces of blast products from surfaces,pockets and corners to be painted by brushingwith clean brushes, blowing with clean drycompressed air or vacuum cleaning.
Touch up of shop primers with primer asspecified.
Do not apply paint until prepared surfaceshave been accepted by Consultant.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations INTERIOR PAINTING Section 09 91 23Queen Mary PS Page 11LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 3.5 APPLICATION Method of application to be as approved byConsultant. Apply paint by brush and/orroller. Conform to manufacturer's applicationinstructions unless specified otherwise.
and/or roller type suitable for application.
.2 accessible to brush using spray, daubersand/or sheepskins. Paint surfaces and cornersnot accessible to roller using brush, daubersor sheepskins.
.4 over-lap marks. Rolled surfaces free of rollertracking and heavy stipple.
.5 Use dipping, sheepskins or daubers only whenno other method is practical in places ofdifficult access.
Apply coats of paint continuous film ofuniform thickness. Repaint thin spots or bareareas before next coat of paint is applied.
Allow surfaces to dry and properly cure aftercleaning and between subsequent coats forminimum time period as recommended bymanufacturer.
Sand and dust between coats to remove visibledefects.
Finish surfaces both above and below sightlines as specified for surrounding surfaces,including such surfaces as tops of interiorcupboards and cabinets and projecting ledges.
Finish inside of cupboards and cabinets asspecified for outside surfaces.
Finish closets and alcoves as specified foradjoining rooms.
Finish top, bottom, edges and cutouts ofdoors after fitting as specified for doorsurfaces.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations INTERIOR PAINTING Section 09 91 23Queen Mary PS Page 12LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 3.6 INSTALLATION Finishes and number of coats (2) are intendedto cover surfaces completely. If they do not,apply further coats until complete coverage isachieved as required at no additional cost tocontract.
New concrete block, apply one coat blockfiller, at the minimum rate of 80 sq.ft. pergallon (1.63 m2 per litre) or as required byblock texture to completely fill block.
Pinholes will not be accepted.
Apply primer sealer coat by brush or rollermethod.
Permit paint to dry and harden beforeapplying succeeding coats.
Apply final coat on smooth surface by rolleror brush.
Finish work to have uniform sheen, colour andtexture, free from brush or roller marks,sags, runs or other defects.
During the progress of the job do not allowthe accumulation of empty containers or excessitems except in area specifically set asidefor said purpose.
Paint finished area exposed conduits, piping, hangers, ductwork and other mechanical and electrical equipment with colour and finish tomatch adjacent surfaces, except as indicated.
Boiler room, mechanical and electrical rooms:paint exposed conduits, piping, hangers,ductwork and other mechanical and electricalequipment.
Other unfinished areas: leave exposedconduits, piping, hangers, ductwork and othermechanical and electrical equipment inoriginal finish and touch up scratches andmarks.
Touch up scratches and marks on factorypainted finishes and equipment with paint assupplied by manufacturer of equipment.
KPRDSB - FDK Renovations INTERIOR PAINTING Section 09 91 23Queen Mary PS Page 13LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 3.7 Paint inside of ductwork where visible behind grilles, registers and diffusers with primerand one coat of matt black paint.
Paint disconnect switches for fire alarmsystem and exit light systems in red enamel.
Paint both sides and edges of backboards fortelephone and electrical equipment beforeinstallation. Leave equipment in originalfinish except for touch-up as required, andpaint conduits, mounting accessories and otherunfinished items.
Do not paint interior transformers andsubstation equipment.
Paint exposed conduits, pipes, hangers andother mechanical and electrical itemsoccurring in finished areas. colour to matchadjacent surfaces except where otherwiserequired for identification.
Paint exposed pipes as per piping colouringcode:.1 Domestic Hot Water - Ford Blue - 819.
Domestic cold Water - Visa Green - 441.
Hot Water Heating Return - Sand - 176.
Glycol Return Lines - Safety Black - 80.
Condensed Water - Boiler Blue - 826.
Chilled Water Supply - Mauve - 1371.
All colours are Benjamin Moore Metal & KPRDSB - FDK Renovations INTERIOR PAINTING Section 09 91 23Queen Mary PS Page 14LTA File No. 1209 May 2012 3.8 SITE TOLERANCES Walls: no defects visible from a distance of1000 mm at 90 degrees to surface.
Ceilings: no defects visible from floor at 45degrees to surface when viewed using finallighting source.
Final coat to exhibit uniformity of colourand uniformity of sheen across full surfacearea.
Field inspection of painting operations to be Advise Consultant when surfaces and appliedcoating is ready for inspection. Do notproceed with subsequent coats until previouscoat has been approved.
Cooperate with inspection firm and provideaccess to areas of work.
Clean and re-install hardware items removedbefore undertaken painting operations.
Remove protective coverings and warning signsas soon as practical after operations cease.
Remove paint splashings on exposed surfacesthat were not painted. Remove smears andspatter immediately as operations progress,using compatible solvent.
Protect freshly completed surfaces from paintdroppings and dust to approval of Consultant.
Avoid scuffing newly applied paint.
Restore areas used for storage, cleaning,mixing and handling of paint to cleancondition as approved by Consultant.

Source: http://www.dalren.ca/assets/project/Queen%20Mary%20P.S.%20Boiler%20Replacement/Div0900.pdf


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