CMAC200manualEN.qxd 18.9.2002 13:05 Page 1
making the recording in relatively quiet environment,
If experienced, you can optimally set it even for
the sensitivity of the input amplifier is too high, it can-
several devices. Test the optimal level for the dif-
not be set and in case of controlling portable device
ferent types of environment and sound (speech,
such as camcorder, the unwanted noise, caused by the
music of different volume) with connected head-
movement of the fingers while controlling the device,
phone for the use of CMAC200. After gaining
can be recorded. This can be removed, to a certain
some experience, you won't even have to use the
extent, by using the directional microphone; however,
headphones for the less demanding recordings. Just
the manual regulation of the level would certainly be a
remember the REC LEVEL settings for different
cases. For more exacting recordings where the vol-
ume of the sounds changes significantly but slowly
connect the headphones and you can fluently regu-
Connect the cable from the external microphone or
late it. Automatic regulation of the recording level
another source of signal to the input connector of the
is not fully disabled and with advantage it retains
CMAC200. It is also possible to use the microphones
ability to suppress the signals of the highest levels.
which require to be powered by the cable from the
These sounds, usually lasting shortly (e.g. drum
device, because the current goes through the
strokes, shots etc.), will be decreased by the auto-
CMAC200. Connect the CMAC200's output cable into
matic regulation to the size, which won't cause over
the microphone input on the device. CMAC200 can be
exciting of the circuit of the signal path or the
used the same way for the audio inputs of the tape
medium itself. By REC LEVELLEVEL potentiome-
recorders, MiniDisc recorders, VCRs, which have only
ter settings we actually set the lower limit when the
the automatic regulation of the recording level.
automatic regulation of the recording level for the
CMAC200 is powered by 3V lithium battery, which
connected AV device starts working. Further
is accessible after opening the cover of the box. If the
improvement of quality of the recording is achiev-
device is used in standard way and is being switched
able by using the directional microphone.
off while not in use, its lifetime is about one year. The
control LED indicates proximate state of the batteries
device by enclosed self-adhesive Velcro strip so it
doesn't obstruct the device's controls.
Connect the headphones, to check the level setting,
For camcorders, MiniDisc recorders etc. with
into the camcorder's or other device's headphone out-
only the automatic regulation of the audio
protected as a useful model # UV 10748 at
put. While the CMAC200 is turned off, the AV device
the patent office, Prague filed on 22.1.2001
can be used the regular way with just the automatic
Necessary for musical programs recording
regulation of the recording level. After turning the
CMAC200 on, the automatic regulation is disabled to
such level, which is set by the potentiometer REC
Disables the automatic regulation of the audio
LEVEL on CMAC200. Set this potentiometer to the
recording level without interfering with the
lowest level (maximum suppression of the automation -
the position most on the left - counterclockwise). THRESHOLD CUT. potentiometer should be set to
Enables fluent adjustments of the audio level
approx. middle of its path. Should unwanted sound
Significantly reduces the noise, undesirable
appear in the reproduction, screeching, or intermodula-
tion whistles set it more to the right (clockwise), possi-
bly try different position. Verify this for the whole path
Read these Instructions for Use before using your device!
of the REC LEVEL potentiometer. Optimal THRESHOLD,
setting, which you will make with the small screwdriv-
er, doesn't have to be changed for the specific device.
CMAC200manualEN.qxd 18.9.2002 13:05 Page 2
Principle of operation, advantages and disadvan-
enables you to manually, fluently set the recording
tages of automatic regulation of AV devices.
level from the connected external microphone - more
The automatic regulation of the recording level of
audio channel is built in the AV devices to provide the
significantly suppresses noise and undesirable sounds
easiest operation. When the signal level is increased the
automatics decreases the amplification of input circuit
removes dynamic leaps, created by automatic regulation
and the signal level is decreased to intensity, which is
of the audio recording level and its reaction to volume
suitable for other processing by device's circuits.
device is intended for manual regulation of
The automatic control of the recording level has also
at the automatic regulation maintains only the impor-
audio input for Audio/Video devices' micro-
an array of disadvantages, which don't compensate the
tant feature of the highest sound level reduction
easy operation, and that is even at the most perfect
the easiest possible connection - just plug in the quality
automatic regulation with the most optimal dynamic
gold plated stereo connectors JACK 3,5 between the
and timing characteristics. The automatic regulation of
described device is to disable the automatic
external microphone and camcorder or any other
the recording level primarily decreases the dynamics of
regulation of the audio recording level at AV
the recording, which means that it balances the level of
devices with microphone input without inter-
own power supply with 3V lithium battery, attaching to
the acoustic signal and by that the weaker tones are at
fering with the device and by the ancillary
the audio recording reproduction replayed with almost
patented principle, SMT technology, small dimensions
same volume as the originally higher-level tones. The
adjust the signal level, which is induced to
reproduction of such audio recording sounds very
the AV device input, according to the specif-
unnatural. That is related to another inapt quality, the
ic situation needs. Among the AV devices,
so called "breathing" or "swinging" of the audio record-
ing. By that we mean swing of the level in the time of
(goes through to power the el. microphone)
automatics reaction and the change of amplification of
devices for recording the audio or the audio
the input amplifier, which makes the reproduction dis-
and video such as tape recorders, MiniDisc
turbing. The next unwanted demonstration of the auto-
matic regulation of the recording level is that, while
(microphone input for dubbing only) and so
on. These devices, even the ones at the high-
er price levels, are usually equipped only
with automatic regulation of the audio input
does not always meet the requirements and
does not satisfy demanding users, especially
Degradation of organic pollutants by bacteria and its potential application in bioremediation W. W. Zhang*, Z. L. Niu*, K. Yin*, P. Liu*, L. X. Chen* * Key Laboratory of Coastal Zone Environmental Processes, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Coastal Zone Environmental Processes; Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Science
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