He encontrado que alguna farmacia puede tener existencias limitadas de ciertos medicamentos, mientras que otras pueden tener casi cualquier formato que se le ocurra y el habitual de dosis habitualidad apareció. En resumen, siempre se contiene el almacén de corroborar. Al mismo tiempo que el producto que más que gustaba ha resultado no estaba disponible en stock otro distinto por las Buenas costumbres también debe buscarse jefe no asн parezca. Por eso es importante disponer de un Plan B para actuar cuandod ello no ocurra.
Ventaja de tomar un genérico en lugar de Asix
Un genérico es más barato que el nombre de marca
Uno de los mayores incentivos para someterse al Dónde comprar Lasix genérico en lugar de pagar la marca es que usted puede obtener un ahorrando importantes Lasix genérico. Por lo tanto, un Lasix genérico es en general mucho más barato que el homólogo de marca, así que una denominación genérica se hace posible para las personas que usan este medicamento con frecuencia. Un ejemplo: La compra de lurosemida en lugar de Lasix es una considerable ahorro para el presupuesto mensual de medicamentos.
Acti-plus concentrate
BIO-INDUSTRIES LTD2012 CLEANING THE ENVIRONMENT NATURALLY Email: [email protected] Web: www.bio.ie
Product name: BIOKILL PRO CAS number: 0005264553-1 Description: Permethrin water based micro emulsion UN-NO. 1993 (from the concentrate) IUPAC Name: 3-phenoxybenzyl (1RS, 3RS; 1RS, 3SR)-3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2- dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate) Product Type: A synthetic pyrethroid insecticide containing 0.25% w/w concentrates, with citrons isomer ratio 25:75 Application: Insecticide for flying insects & crawling insects. Dept Agriculture App NO1548 EINECS number: N/A Log number: N/A Product code: N/A Company name: Bio Industries Ltd, 66D Heather Road, Sandyford Business Park, Dublin 18, Ireland, Tel. (+353)12941025, Fax (+353)12941027, Emergency Tel: (+353)12941025 Main hazards: May cause transient irritation of the eyes, skin and mucous membranes. Very toxic to aquatic organisms. May cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment. Workplace exposure limit: This substance does not have a workplace exposure limit. PBT: This substance is not identified as a PBT substance. Directive 1999/45/EC: This product is classified according to EEC Directives and the UK CHIP Regulations SI 2002/.1689.ISBN 0—1104-2419.0.
Ingredients: Permethrin { 93% technical grade} (Xn, R22; N, R50, R53) Alkylaryl Sulphonate (Xi, R 36/38) Petroleum distillates (R10) Skin contact: Wash eyes with water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical advice immediately. Symptoms: Transient eye irritation may occur. Eye contact: Remove any contaminated clothing and shoes (and launder clothes before reuse). Wash off skin immediately with soap and plenty of water. Seek medical advice if irritation occurs/persist. Symptoms: Transient eye irritation may occur Ingestion: Not applicable Inhalation: Not applicable Extinguishing media: When mixed with flammable substances apply appropriate procedures: Water Spray, Foam, Carbon Dioxide, and Dry Powder BIO-INDUSTRIES LTD2012 CLEANING THE ENVIRONMENT NATURALLY Email: [email protected] Web: www.bio.ie Exposure hazards: Non Flammable Protection of fire-fighters: Wear protective clothing to prevent contact with skin and eyes. Personal precautions: No specific precautions. Environmental precautions: Clean-up procedures: Spillage’s should be contained by and covered with sand, earth or similar absorbent. Handling requirements: Ensure there is sufficient ventilation of the area. Smoking is forbidden. Use non-sparking tools. Storage conditions: Keep in original container-tightly closed. Do not expose to temperatures exceeding 60 degrees Centigrade. Store under cool dry and well ventilated conditions room. Keep out of reach of children. Keep away from food, drink and animal feeding stuffs. Suitable packaging: Plastic or stainless steel containers. Shelf life: More than 2 years at temperatures not exceeding 35 degrees centigrade (see individual concentrate container for expiry date)
Hazardous ingredients: CAS No: see individual chemical components Respiratory protection: None Hand protection: gloves are required, PVC, Rubber or Latex. Eye protection: Protective glasses should be worn when handling the concentrated product. Skin protection: Protective equipment or clothing is not normally necessary.
State: Liquid Colour: Milky Emulsion Odour: Characteristic Oxidising: Not determined Solubility in water: N/A Boiling point/range °C: Less then 100°C/0.1mmhg (approx.) Melting point/range °C: N/A Flammability limits % lower: Not determined Upper: Not determined Flash point °C: Less then 78°C Vapour pressure: Not determined Relative density: Not determined Density: 0.998-1.000g/ml BIO-INDUSTRIES LTD2012 CLEANING THE ENVIRONMENT NATURALLY Email: [email protected] Web: www.bio.ie Hazardous reactions: Avoid strong oxidisers, acids and alkalise Hazardous decomposition products: Combustion or thermal decomposition will evolve toxic and irritant vapours, including oxides of carbon and hydrogen chloride. Heat stability: Do not expose to temperatures exceeding 60 degrees Centigrade. Preferential isomer crystallization may occur below 35 degrees Centigrade
Oral LD (Male & Female rat): less than 5000mg/kg Dermal LD (Male & Female rat): less than 2000 mg/kg Inhalation LC50 (rat) 4hr: less than 3942 mg/m3 Irritancy Potential: substance is not an eye or skin irritant in primary test Possible Product Symptôme: Transient skin irritation, Transient eye irritation
Skin contact: Wash with water and consult a physician if irritation develops Eye contact: Flush with water Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting Inhalation: No significant effect. See other health hazard information This information is based either on test data, extrapolation from tests on similar materials, review of component data, or a combination of these sources.
Do not contaminate ponds, ditches, waterways or ground with the product or used containers. Do not allow to enter drains and sewers. BIO KILL PRO is not persistent in the environment. It is destroyed by soil micro-organisms and does not leave residues in thye environment or build up in food chains. Very toxic to fish and other aquatic life. BIO KILL PRO LC50 (acetone, 96 hr) from BIO KIL PRO not measurable. Rainbow Trout 0.019 mg/I Bluegill Sunfish 0.032 mg/I Daphnia (EC50, 48 hr) 0.002 mg/I Disposal operations: No special precautions, domestic sewer. Disposal of packaging: Packaging should be disposed of in accordance with regional and/or national regulations. NB: The user’s attention is drawn to the possible existence of regional or national regulations regarding disposal.
UN no: No special packaging or labelling requirements BIO-INDUSTRIES LTD2012 CLEANING THE ENVIRONMENT NATURALLY Email: [email protected] Web: www.bio.ie Packing group: No special packaging or labelling requirements Shipping name: No special packaging or labelling requirements Labelling: No special packaging or labelling requirements ADR Class: No special packaging or labelling requirements Classification code: No special packaging or labelling requirements Hazard ID no: No special packaging or labelling requirements
UN no: No special packaging or labelling requirements Packing group: No special packaging or labelling requirements Labelling: No special packaging or labelling requirements Class: No special packaging or labelling requirements EmS: No special packaging or labelling requirements Labelling: No special packaging or labelling requirements
UN no: No special packaging or labelling requirements Packing group: No special packaging or labelling requirements Labelling: No special packaging or labelling requirements Class: No special packaging or labelling requirements Packing instructions: No special packaging or labelling requirements
Hazards symbols: Risk phrases: Safety phrases:
S26 – In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and
S37/39 – Wear suitable gloves and eye/face protection
Note: Ozone depleting chemicals: No ozone depleting chemicals are present or used in manufacture. EINECS: All ingredients listed or exempt TSCA: All ingredients listed or exempt MITI: Not determined DSL: All ingredients listed or exempt AICS: All ingredients listed or exempt (1) According to 93/18/EEC as adapted for the 3rd time to technical progress commission directive 88/379/EEC.
BIO-INDUSTRIES LTD2012 CLEANING THE ENVIRONMENT NATURALLY Email: [email protected] Web: www.bio.ie Other information: This product safety data sheet was prepared in compliance with European directive 91/155 as amended by Directive 2001/58 and on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relative to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances and preparations. It is the responsibility of persons in receipt of the product safety data sheet to ensure that the information contained herein is properly read and understood by all people who may use, handle, and dispose of or in any way come in contact with the product. If the recipient subsequently produces a formulation containing the product it is the recipient’s sole responsibility to ensure the transfer of all relevant information from Product safety data sheet to their own Product safety data sheet in compliance European directive 91/155 as amended by Directive 2001/58 All information and instruction provide in this safety data sheet (SDS) are based on the current state scientific and technical knowledge at the date indicated on the present SDS. Bio-Industries shall not be held responsible for any defect in the product covered by this SDS should the existence of such defect not be detectable considering the current state of scientific and technical knowledge Legal disclaimer: N/A
POPOLARE VITA - “Popolare Vita Elisir ed. maggio 2008” Codice prodotto: T400I011 Rete: BPV-SGSP (cod. 8408) Index ramo III – Capitale differito a premio unico con controassicurazione speciale e cedola annuale. In caso di vita: • A scadenza: premio versato al netto della spesa di • Ad ogni ricorrenza annuale: cedole fisse o variabili In caso di morte: Premio
Protokoll Sitzung des Forums der Vielfalt in Elmshorn mit Wahl des Vorstandes am 6. August 2013, 18:00 Uhr im Kollegiumssaal/Rathaus (Dieses Protokoll ist zu finden unter www.elmshorn.de / Freizeit & Soziales / Migration & Integration / Forum für Vielfalt / Aktuelles) Vorsitz: Maximino Canete Afonso (Vorsitzender) Stellvertreterin: Gülderen Soylu Beisitzerin: L