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Oral versus Vaginal Misoprostol for Termination …. Zanco J. Med. Sci., Vol. 14, (Special issue 3), 2010 Oral versus Vaginal Misoprostol for Termination of Second Trimester Missed Abortion Dr. kajal abdulkareem salem* Dr. ghada saadullah al-sakkal** ABSTRACT Background and Objectives: Misoprostol is a synthetic analogue of prostaglandin E1. It became an important drug in obstetric practice because of its uterotonic and cervical ripening effects. This study was done to compare the effectiveness of it in oral versus vaginal route for termination of second trimester missed abortion. Methods: From 1st of October 2008 to the end of June 2009 at maternity teaching hospital in Erbil, a clinical comparative study was done on 90 patients who had second trimester missed abortion, They were randomly assigned to receive either oral misoprostol tablets (45 patients) in dose of 200 microgram every 4 hours or vaginal misoprostol tablets (45 patients) in dose of 200 microgram every 4 hours. The patients were followed for 48 hours. Results: The mean induction to abortion interval was significantly shorter for vaginal group (9.98±4.56hours versus 13.30±6.24hours, P=0.005). More patients in vaginal group aborted within 24 hours (95.6% versus 82.22%, P-value=0.045) .The vaginal group required less number of doses than the oral group (2.09±0.90 versus 2.84±1.24, P=0.001). Gastrointestinal side effects of misoprostol were significantly more in the oral group.
Conclusions: Misoprostol was effective drug for termination of second trimester abortion. Vaginal misoprostol resulted in shorter induction to abortion interval, less doses required and fewer side effects than oral misoprostol. Key words: Misoprostol, missed abortion, uterine hyper stimulation. INTRODUCTION:
of termination of pregnancy in the second trimester. 6 Different doses, routes and
Second trimester miscarriage occurs regimens of misoprostol for medical between 13 and 24 weeks of gestation and
complicates approximately 1% o f trimester have been studied with the aim to pregnancies 1. Missed abortion is defined
as a gestational sac containing dead administration for effective termination i.e. embryo or fetus before 24 weeks of acceptable success rate, short induction – gestation without clinical symptom of termination interval and minimum side expulsion 2,3. Various management effects 7- 9 . Misoprostol has the protocols have been used for second advantages of being cheap, widely trimester pregnancy termination, these available, stable at room temperature and includes: surgical technique (dilatation and
as intra-amniotic prostaglandin F2alpha sublingually ,rectaly and vaginally 10. instillation, prostaglandin E2 vaginal The aims of the study were:
suppositories, Prostaglandin E1 and high
dose oxytocin. 4,5. The introduction of equivalent doses of oral misoprostol versus
Prostaglandin analogues in the late 1970
vaginal misoprostol in terms of the time
*D.G.O. Maternity Teaching Hospital ** C.A.B.O.G. Lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynecological Department. College of Medicine, HMU
Oral versus Vaginal Misoprostol for Termination …. Zanco J. Med. Sci., Vol. 14, (Special issue 3), 2010
each tablet contains 200mc) 200microgram
3. To compare the number of doses Second group was arranged to receive required for each route.
4. To determine the severity of side effects
microgram (one tablet) vaginally every 4
hours up to 5 doses per day, if there was
5. To compare the rate of satisfaction of
next day. The misoprostol tablet was placed in the
posterior fornix of the vagina; the tablet was moistened with few drops of normal
saline as lubricant at the time of insertion.
comparative study from first October, 2008
At time of placement of subsequent doses,
Teaching Hospitals in Erbil city / Kurdistan
removed before next tablet was inserted.
region /North of Iraq. Among patients who
All patients were followed in the ward every
attended the Hospital, one hundred and ten
four hours with observation of pulse rate,
cases of second trimester missed abortion
Exclusion criteria:-
2. History of previous 2 or more Caesarean
additional misoprostol dose was repeated if
abortion is immenant (patient had at least
opening). The induction considered to be
started when the patient received the first
4. Known hypersensitivity to misoprostol.
dose of misoprostol and abortion defined
6. Patients with abnormal results of (incomplete abortion) although in some
cases placenta delivered at the same time
7. Patients with cervical changes (dilated
ultrasonographic examination was done to
All patients were cases of second trimester
(fetus and placenta) had been successfully
missed abortion with gestational age of (13
removed to establish that the abortion was
-24) weeks .They were diagnosed by complete. Any retained products of the ultrasound and were admitted to hospital
placenta (not delivered spontaneously one
All patients had detailed history with full
removed by soft sponging. In this study,
failure of induction is considered if the
investigations were done for all including
The patients were randomized in two
in hospital for eight hours, and advised for
groups (45 patients for each): First group was arranged to receive oral
protocol of Misoprostol (misotac) (Sigma
(SPSS version 17) was used for data entry
pharmaceutical Industries, SAE, Egypt, and analysis. Chi square test of
Oral versus Vaginal Misoprostol for Termination …. Zanco J. Med. Sci., Vol. 14, (Special issue 3), 2010
frequencies. T-test was used to associate
the difference between 2 means of abortion ,Within the vaginal group 73.33% variables. Contingency Coefficient used for
nominal variable. P-value of less than 0.05
was considered statistically significant
(P=0.049) which is statistically significant, as shown in (Table 3). Regarding the mean
The mean maternal age for the oral group
for termination of pregnancy ,we found that
vaginal group required significantly less
the vaginal group (29.0 ± 5.90 years), with
no statistical significant difference between
them (p value 0.970).The mean gestational
age(in weeks) according to last menstrual
statistically significant, Regarding the
period and gestational age according to the
frequency of side effects after misoprostol
new ultrasound assessment in the oral administration, orally treated group group were(17.95±2.64and 16.57±2.34 reported more gastrointestinal side effects respectively) compared with
than vaginally treated group, as shown in
(18.42±2.72and16.64±2.28 respectively) (Table 4). Other for vaginal group with no statistical reported side effects show no statistical significant difference between them (p difference between the two groups as value 0.41and 0.89 respectively). abdominal pain requiring analgesia, fever, Regarding the mean induction to abortion
interval (in hours) in the vaginal group was
significantly less than in the oral group
(9.98±4.56hours versus 13.30±6.24hours,
group showed complete satisfaction to the
P=0.005), as shown in (Table 1). treatment compared with 15 women Regarding the number of successful (33.3%) women in the vaginal misoprostol abortions within 24 hours after the initial
group, with highly statistical significant
drug administration was higher in the difference (p value=0.0001 ). While 9 vaginal group(95.6% versus 82.22%,P-
value=0.045) which is statistically were not satisfied to the treatment significant .However, all abortions compared with 30 women (66.7 %) they happened within 48 hours after the initial
Table 1: Comparison in mean induction to abortion interval, in oral and vaginal groups Vaginal group Parameter Oral group N=45 P – Value
P value of less than 0.05 is of statistical significance
Oral versus Vaginal Misoprostol for Termination …. Zanco J. Med. Sci., Vol. 14, (Special issue 3), 2010 Table 2: Comparison of successful abortion within 24 Hours, in oral and vaginal groups Oral group N=45 Vaginal group (No. and %) P – Value (No. and %)
P value of less than 0.05 is of statistical significance Table 3: Comparison of type of abortion, in oral and vaginal groups Type of Abortion Oral group (No. Vaginal group P – Value (No. and %)
P value of less than 0.05 is of statistical significance
Table 4: The frequency of side effects, in oral and vaginal groups Oral Method Vaginal Method Side effect P – Value
Fever(temp ≥38C) 2(4.44%) 4(8.89%) 6(6.67%)
P value of less than 0.05 is of statistical significance
prostaglandins .Being highly active organic
The development of safe and effective chemical compounds; they not only affect technique for second trimester missed myometrial contractility, but also accelerate abortion and intrauterine fetal death physiological ripening of the cervix 11 There termination become a major clinical was no significant difference between both challenge. Different management protocols
are continuously revised to achieve mean gestational age. This result was in improved success rate and reduced agreement with a study done by Gilbert discomfort for the patients. The practice of
and Reid, 2001 12, because these factors
do not affect the route of administration.
Oral versus Vaginal Misoprostol for Termination …. Zanco J. Med. Sci., Vol. 14, (Special issue 3), 2010
Regarding the mean induction to abortion
interval, it was slightly shorter in our study
than a study done by Fadalla et al, 2004
(13). This is may be due to the dosage we
(2005) 18. In the current study, we noticed
that the satisfaction rate was more in the
oral group. As there is less invasiveness,
induction to abortion interval and hospital
self administration, and may result in the
stay were slightly shorter for the oral group
same effects as vaginal approach. On the
than vaginal group 9, because Feldman et
preferred vaginal application if they need
misoprostol, he added vaginal tablet with
the oral group; therefore it is difficult to
accept the higher incidence of nausea and
those patients thought the drug near the
uterus, the better it works. Our finding
disagrees with Dickinson and Evans, 2003
studied the effect of misoprostol on the
results, in which they found similar route
uterine contractility following different
routes of administration (Oral, vaginal and
sublingual), they found that the first effect
observed was an increase in uterine tone
which occur significantly in a shorter time
1-Misoprostol alone is very effective agent
for termination of second trimester missed
(10.7 min) than after vaginal (19.4 min).
Regular uterine contraction developed in all
2-Vaginal administration of misoprostol is
subjects following sublingual and vaginal
more effective than oral administration in
increase in uterine activity was significantly
higher after two hours and thereafter for
3-Oral preparation of misoprostol can be
sublingual and vaginal treatment than oral
used vaginally, by this way the effect of
misoprostol 14. This may explain the more
agreement with the study of Dickinson and
2008 16. Our finding disagree with study
1-Further studies are required to asses the
done by Saha et al,2006, because they
misoprostol ;therefore it is difficult to
2-Trials needed to optimize the dose and
vaginal route 17. In regarding to frequency
of maternal misoprostol side effects as in
3-Since oral preparations do not dissolve
with Dickinson and Evans, 2003 results 15.
Regarding the side effects of misoprostol,
Bebbington et al ,(2002) found that there
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MC Vol.17-No.4-2011 ( 75-78 ) Shaikh A. S. et al HYDATID CYST SPLEEN OUR EXPERIENCE SAIMA ATHAR SHAIKH, ABSTRACT SHAHID HUSSAIN SOOMRO, AKLEEMA ABRO, Objective: To determine the management out come of hydatid cyst spleen. BUSHRA SHAIKH Subject & Methods: Study Design: Case series Setting: Department of Surgery, Chandka Medical College Hospital Larkana Study perio