He encontrado que alguna farmacia puede tener existencias limitadas de ciertos medicamentos, mientras que otras pueden tener casi cualquier formato que se le ocurra y el habitual de dosis habitualidad apareció. En resumen, siempre se contiene el almacén de corroborar. Al mismo tiempo que el producto que más que gustaba ha resultado no estaba disponible en stock otro distinto por las Buenas costumbres también debe buscarse jefe no asн parezca. Por eso es importante disponer de un Plan B para actuar cuandod ello no ocurra.
Ventaja de tomar un genérico en lugar de Asix
Un genérico es más barato que el nombre de marca
Uno de los mayores incentivos para someterse al Dónde comprar Lasix genérico en lugar de pagar la marca es que usted puede obtener un ahorrando importantes Lasix genérico. Por lo tanto, un Lasix genérico es en general mucho más barato que el homólogo de marca, así que una denominación genérica se hace posible para las personas que usan este medicamento con frecuencia. Un ejemplo: La compra de lurosemida en lugar de Lasix es una considerable ahorro para el presupuesto mensual de medicamentos.
Letters in Applied Microbiology 2001, 33, 256±263
Co-composting of pharmaceutical wastes in soil
T.F. GuerinShell Engineering Pty Ltd, Granville, NSW, Australia
2001/139: received 9 May 2001, revised 28 June 2001 and 16 July 2001
T. F . GU ER IN . 2001. Aims: Soils at a commercial facility had become contaminated with the pharmaceutical
chemical residues, Probenecid and Methaqualone, and required remediation.
Methods and Results: Soil composting was investigated as an alternative to incineration for
treatment. In laboratory trials, a factorial experimental design was used to evaluate organic
matter amendment type and concentration, and incubation temperature. In pilot scale trials,
Probenecid was reduced from 5100 mg kg±1 to < 10 mg kg±1 within 20 weeks in mesophilic
treatments. An 8 tonne pilot scale treatment con®rmed that thermophilic composting was
effective under ®eld conditions. In the full-scale treatment, 180 tonnes of soil were composted.
Initial concentrations of the major contaminants in the full-scale compost treatment were
1160 mg kg±1 and 210 mg kg±1, for Probenecid and Methaqualone, respectively. Probenecid
concentration reached the target level of 100 mg kg±1 in 6 weeks, and removal of Methaqualone
to < 100 mg kg±1 was achieved after 14 weeks.
Conclusions: Co-composting was effective in reducing soil concentrations of Probenecid and
Methaqualone residues to acceptable values.
Signi®cance and Impact of the Study: Co-composting is a technology that has application
in the remediation of pharmaceutical contaminants in soil.
process conditions: matrix moisture content, pH, tem-
perature, oxygen supply and elemental ratios. The major
Composting has been used for many years for disposal of
difference between the two processes is in the ratio
agricultural, municipal and domestic wastes. However,
of biodegradable materials to soil matter. In bioremediation
composting has only relatively recently been investigated
of soil, the organics of concern occur typically in the range of
for treatment of soils contaminated with polycyclic aromatic
0á001 to 1á0% but in composting, organic matter concen-
hydrocarbons (PAHs) (Guerin 2000; Semple et al. 2001),
trations would be more typically in the range 20 to 80%
nitroaromatic explosives (Williams et al. 1992; Griest et al.
(Rhodes et al. 1994a,b). In some cases where the standard
1993; Emery and Faessler 1997; Tuomi et al. 1997) and
approaches to bioremediation are not effective, the higher
other hazardous wastes (Kamnikar 1992; Betts 1993; Bennet
rates of biodegradation activities and more diverse popula-
and Barriuso 1997; Cook et al. 1997; Lewandowski and
tions of micro-organisms found in compost (with therefore a
DeFilippi 1998; Semple et al. 2001). The type of organic
much wider range of metabolic capabilities), in combination
amendments used and the ratio of contaminated soil to
with physical and chemical effects, may be able to achieve
organic amendment are crucial parameters in making this
degradation of the contaminants (Rhodes et al. 1994a,b).
technique cost-competitive with other disposal and treat-
Examples of bioremediation processes, including compo-
The principles and concepts of bioremediation of con-
Composting is an engineered process in which organic
taminated soils are similar in many respects to composting.
waste materials are degraded by micro-organisms, in the
Both aim to maximize microbial activities through control of
presence of air, to produce inorganic products (carbon
dioxide, water, various salts) and stabilized organic matter,
i.e. compost. Many different composting system designs
have been used (Huang 1993). Mixed compost piles or
Correspondence to: Dr T.F. Guerin, Shell Engineering Pty Ltd, NSW State
Of®ce, PO Box 26, Granville 2142 NSW, Australia
windrows (long narrow piles) are mechanically turned to
(e-mail: [email protected]).
provide aeration. Static piles, on the other hand, may be
ã 2001 The Society for Applied Microbiology
Table 1 Bioremediation technologies for contaminated soil and
The US Army has been evaluating composting treatments
for soils contaminated with explosives such as TNT for
some years. Bench and ®eld studies showed the technical
capability of the technique in reducing explosive concen-
trations to acceptable levels. They identi®ed two process
parameters crucial to making this approach cost-competitive
with incineration as a disposal route. These were the type
of organic amendments used, and the ratio of contaminated
soil to organic amendment (Griest et al. 1993; Emery and
In the current study, soil contaminated with the pharma-
ceutical compounds Probenecid and Methaqualone was
composted in an effort to treat these residues so that the soil
*No longer recognized as an industry best practice.
could be re-used for landscaping purposes. The pharma-
ceutical residues were expected to be relatively non-toxic but
built over ventilation pipes. More highly engineered reactor
are, by their nature, biologically-active compounds (Israili
vessels provide means for greater process control and
et al. 1972; Fernandez Gomez et al. 1984); they are described
environmental controls (e.g. for odour management) (Huang
in Table 2. While the metabolism of these compounds is
1993). The high loading of biodegradable organic matter in
well understood, their fate in the environment has not been
composting processes normally results in the temperature of
compost heaps gradually rising as microbial decomposition
The principal objective of the study was to apply
proceeds, releasing heat. Typically, composting materials are
composting technology to soil contaminated with pharma-
poor thermal conductors and as a result, the compost pile is
ceutical wastes to reduce its phytotoxicity and allow its
usually self-insulating. Temperatures may reach 55±60°C.
re-use. The composting of pharmaceutical wastes is
This heat is crucial to the usefulness of composting in
discussed, presenting the results of laboratory-, pilot- and
decontaminating sewage sludge, which contains pathogenic
micro-organisms. The higher temperatures also increase the
rates of both biological and chemical reactions in the
Recent developments for the treatment of some industrial
organic wastes have included the use of more moderate
Expansion of facilities at a pharmaceutical manufacturing
(mesophilic) temperature processes (Guerin 1999a). Typic-
facility in south-eastern Australia required the excavation
ally, contaminated or waste materials are mixed with organic
of an area previously used as land®ll. Out of date, waste or
matter, mineral nutrients and a bulking agent, and the
`off-spec' product was previously land®lled on the site.
composting process allowed to proceed. With lower organic
Other materials, including some laboratory wastes, were
matter content, and appropriate process management,
also placed in the land®ll. A portion of the excavated soil
mesophilic temperatures are maintained. In well managed
was found to be contaminated with pharmaceutical
compost systems, a succession of complex and active
process wastes and these residues included Probenecid
microbial populations occurs. These can include bacteria,
(4-[(dipropylamino) sulphonyl] benzoic acid) and Metha-
actinomycetes, fungi and higher organisms such as protozoa.
The types and numbers of individual strains, and the
none or Methaqualone hydrochloride (Fig. 1). A quantity
dynamics of the microbial succession, are dependent on the
of ®llers and binders (e.g. lactose) was also present.
nature of the organic materials used, moisture content, pH,
Solvents such as xylene, aniline, dichlorobenzene,
temperature, oxygen supply and elemental ratios. The
fatty acids and fatty acid esters, including volatile fatty
micro-organisms tend to be nutritionally and metabolically
acids, were also detected at low concentrations in some
diverse. This is because of the wide range of microsites
within the compost with very different physicochemical
parameters. The activity of these populations leads to inter-
active effects where, for example, the product of one meta-
bolic pathway can act as a substrate and lead into a second
The contaminated soil was a silty clay. It contained a large
pathway, thereby allowing a more complete degradation of
amount of pharmaceutical contaminants present in forms
the organic compounds in the compost (Huang 1993).
ranging from extremely large lumps through small nodules
ã 2001 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 33, 256±263
Benacen; Benemid; Benemide; Benn; Probalan;
Quaalude; Mandrax; Parest; Sopor; Melsedin
Probecid; Proben; Probenid; Robenecid; Uricocid
Used as a uricosuric agent in the treatment of gout.
Hypnotic, sedative; was commonly abused as a
Because of its inhibitory effects on renal tubule
transport processes, probenecid is also used as a
therapeutic adjunct to enhance blood levels of
In 14 day tests with rats, doses of 3200 mg kg)1
A serum concentration higher than 8 mg l)1 is life
Sample selection and preparationThe excavated material was extremely heterogeneous. Sam-
ples were collected for the laboratory study after the material
was removed from the waste bins and placed in a single large
pile in the warehouse building. These 21 samples were sieved
to remove large `non-soil' items such as broken glass, plastic
etc., and thoroughly mixed to prepare a soil composite which
was then split into portions for the experimental treatments.
This initial composite was found to contain 8400 mg kg±1
Probenecid and 75 mg kg±1 Methaqualone, with lower con-
centrations of various organic acids.
Laboratory feasibility studyWhile the metabolism of these compounds is well under-
stood in mammals (Israili et al. 1972; Fernandez Gomez
et al. 1984), their fate in the environment has not been
Fig. 1 Chemical structures of the speciality chemicals treated by
previously investigated. Hence, an appropriate treatment of
the soil was seen to be desirable before disposal. A feasibility
study was therefore undertaken to determine whether soil
composting could degrade concentrations of the pharma-
of white chalky material to powder form. The soil also
ceutical residues. Treatments were carried out to simulate
contained waste materials including bottles, glass and
either a mesophilic process (incubation at 25°C) (Treat-
plastic, tablets, pipettes, rubber teats and bungs, and other
ments 1, 2, 5 and 6) or a moderately thermophilic process
assorted waste. All of these gross contaminants were
(48°C). Soil was mixed with either horse manure (HM) or
removed prior to treatment. Physical properties of the soil
partially composted plant material (PM) at 30% by weight
suggested that some pre-processing operation would be
of the total ®nal wet weight. In addition, two controls were
required to break up large soil and residue aggregates, as
run, one unamended soil and one poisoned with mercuric
well as to distribute the contaminants for effective compo-
chloride (HgCl2) to eliminate microbiological activity. The
sting. It was evident at the time of the soil excavation that an
mercuric chloride was added to the soil mixture at a rate of
organic amendment would need to be selected to provide
1 g to 100 g soil (1% w/w basis). These were incubated at
some bulking to the soil and to improve its structural
25°C and mixed weekly as per the treatments. Two controls
included one unamended soil and one soil poisoned.
ã 2001 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 33, 256±263
of the composting soil was collected and recycled back into
the process. Odours and potential movement of spores and
Following presentation of these preliminary results to the
particulate matter from the composting was contained since
appropriate regulatory body, an interim criterion for a
the process was conducted in an enclosed warehouse. All
pilot scale treatment was established at 100 mg kg±1 for
mixing of the soil was conducted using a bobcat with a
Probenecid. A pilot-scale treatment was carried out to
enable assessment of the following design requirements for
· the physical processing requirements of the contaminated
Chemical analysis. The pharmaceutical residues were
· materials handling and compost mixing, volumes and
analysed by gas chromatography following extraction by
dichloromethane:acetone (3 : 1) (1 g 100 ml±1). For com-
· the suitability of the available local raw materials for
pounds identi®ed by GC-MS, the sample concentration of
the corresponding GC-FID peak areas was reported as
· the effectiveness and rate of composting, i.e. the time
mg kg±1 dry matter. Probenecid and Methaqualone concen-
required to reduce contaminant levels to target concen-
trations were measured by GC-MS. Total petroleum
hydrocarbons were measured by USEPA method EO-82.
· the heat generation characteristics of the compost, and
Moisture content was determined by drying at 105°C
requirements for temperature control, including effect of
overnight. Organic matter content was determined by ashing
(550°C, 4±5 h). Volatile organics were analysed by GC-MS
· odour and leachate control requirements.
using USEPA method 8260B. All results are reported on a
The composting operations were conducted within a large
warehouse, which had a concrete ¯oor with a useable area of
Microbiology. Microbiological populations were deter-
the ¯oor slab, including those areas taken up by the stockpile
mined in the pilot-scale trial only and were conducted using
of soil, of approximately 400 m2. Approximately 8 tonnes of
plate count methods. Speci®cally, total mesophilic, hetero-
the contaminated soil were removed from the stockpile. This
trophic organisms were determined on Tryptone Soy Agar
was mixed with approximately 30% by weight of organic
(TSA) (Oxoid) (Guerin 1999b) at 28°C. Mesophilic popu-
material (commercially-available mulch consisting of
lations were incubated at 28°C and thermophilic populations
chipped wood waste and leaf, horse manure and site grass
by incubation of the same plates at 60°C. Fungi were
clippings) to form a composting mixture. The chosen
enumerated using Rose Bengal Chloramphenical Agar.
composition re¯ected the requirements to provide suf®cient
Presumptive coliforms were enumerated using MacConkey
organic material to promote composting, to break up the clay
Agar for total coliforms. These were monitored because the
soil, but with an acceptable volume of low bulk density
proposed end-use would require site workers to handle the
organic material which would be needed for the large-scale
compost which included manure. Pseudomonads were
operation. The pharmaceutical contaminants were present as
enumerated on Psuedomonas Selective Media. The micro-
agglomerates, some extremely large, and ®ne powder. Pre-
biological methods are described in Dindal (1991).
processing was required to break up large soil and residue
aggregates, and to distribute the contaminants for effective
Temperature. All temperature measurements in the pilot-
composting. Ventilated piles were constructed, which were
and full-scale processes were measured using ®eld monitoring
subjected to a regular mixing (weekly). All mixing of the soil
probes (Model DT 50 by DataTaker, Sydney, Australia).
was conducted using a bobcat with a 0á25 m3 bucket.
Temperature measurements in the laboratory-scale treat-
ments were measured using a mercury thermometer.
Full-scale treatmentThis was commenced after reporting of the effectiveness
of the pilot-scale process and was conducted in a large,
enclosed warehouse at the facility. Approximately 110 m3
(180 tonnes) of the contaminated soil was mixed with
Initial samples from the microcosms contained between
approximately 30% by weight of commercially-available leaf
3500 mg kg±1 and 7700 mg kg±1 Probenecid on a dry soil
mulch and horse manure to form the composting mixture.
basis (with a mean of 5100 mg kg±1). Signi®cant decreases
The volume of the pile when freshly mixed was 280 m3
in Probenecid concentration were noted after 19 weeks,
(15 m ´ 11 m ´ 1á7 m high). Any drainage from irrigation
with four treatments containing no detectable Probenecid
ã 2001 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 33, 256±263
Table 3 Probenecid degradation in soil in
* Variation in the analyses ranged from 8 to 15%.
PM = plant material (green tree waste).
(Table 3). The most effective treatments were those main-
degradable material was decomposed. The soil rapidly
tained at 25°C. Probenecid removal in the thermophilic
changed from a light grey±brown clay containing obvious
treatments ranged from 75 to 100%. Over the ranges tested,
white powdery residues, to a dark, organic appearance soon
no signi®cant effects were seen from either the type or the
concentration of organic amendments. No decrease was
Probenecid concentrations were reduced to below the
observed in the poisoned control, but the unamended
target concentration (100 mg kg±1) in a period of 2±3 weeks.
control also showed a substantial reduction in Probenecid
The initial compost microbial populations after amend-
concentration (78%). This probably re¯ected the biostimu-
ment of the soil were 109 g±1 compost, i.e. about 10 times
lation effect of mineral nutrients, moisture, mixing/aeration,
higher than for the contaminated soil. The microbial
and the presence of `compostable' organics in the wastes
numbers increased over the ®rst 3 weeks of treatment, then
added to the land®ll, such as sugar-based binders and ®llers,
steadily declined as the compost `matured'. Characteriza-
used in pharmaceutical formulations. Various organic acids,
tion of signi®cant sub-populations of organisms (pseudo-
mainly fatty acids, sterols, hydrocarbons and cineole (a sub-
monads, coliforms, yeasts and fungi, and thermophiles)
stituted aromatic compound found in eucalyptus oils), were
showed that except for pseudomonads, these constituted
also detected (data not shown). These were derived from the
2% or less of the total mesophilic heterotrophic population
organic matter added to the soil, or from the biomass
(Table 4). The number of yeasts and fungi increased, and
produced during the composting process. Over the course of
pseudomonads decreased slightly. A substantial decrease
the treatments the concentrations of these decreased. The
was measured in the number of coliforms (from more than
most effective treatments were those maintained at 25°C.
107 to 105 g±1). These changes are a response to the
changing conditions of substrate availability, temperature,
pH and other parameters in the compost as it matures.
There were no detectable thermophilic organisms in the
A pilot-scale treatment was carried out to assess: soil
soil compost mix. Addition of organic matter (OM) raised
processing requirements prior to compost blending; mate-
the numbers of each type, especially the thermophiles and
rials handling, bulking and space requirements; the suit-
coliforms. This most likely re¯ects the biologically-active
ability of the available local organic materials; the rate of
state of the organic materials as delivered to the site. The
contaminant removal in a large-scale operation; and the heat
manure in particular was warm and steaming as a result of
generation characteristics of the compost.
its natural composting process, and the leaf mulch showed
In the pilot study, initial concentrations of the major
evidence of high temperatures in the centre of the
contaminant (Probenecid) in the compost, directly after
stockpile. No signi®cant effects were apparent on degra-
blending operations, was measured at 1200 mg kg±1. The
dation rate or ef®ciency from the type or the concentration
temperature of the compost piles rose rapidly after mixing
of organic amendment used, over the range tested. The
(with a 0.25 m3 bucket excavator) and peaked at 57°C after
rate of Probenecid degradation was signi®cantly enhanced
30 h. The temperature then declined slowly as the bio-
ã 2001 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 33, 256±263
Table 4 Selected microbial populations in
Micro-organisms g)1 compost (dry weight basis)
à Rose-Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar (Oxoid).
§ Pseudomonas Selective Isolation Agar.
± MacConkey Agar (Oxoid). The media listed in foot notes 1±5 are described elsewhere
Presumptive coliforms in the soil-OM mixture were two
microbial numbers increased over the ®rst 3 weeks of
orders of magnitude greater than those populations in the
treatment, then steadily declined as the compost matured.
soil unamended with organic matter. These higher popula-
Characterization of signi®cant sub-populations of organisms
tions (2á3 ´ 107 colony-forming units (cfu) or cfu g±1
(thermophiles, yeasts and fungi, pseudomonads and coli-
soil-OM mixture) decreased to numbers lower than those
forms) showed that addition of organic matter raised the
measured in the unamended soil (i.e. to 1á1 ´ 105 cfu g±1)
numbers of each type, especially the thermophiles and
after 4 days of composting. These results showed that any
coliforms (Table 4). This increase most likely re¯ects the
presumptive coliforms present in the compost soil mixture
origin and biologically-active state of the organic materials as
would be signi®cantly reduced in the full-scale process.
delivered to the site. During soil composting, the thermo-
The composting treatment resulted in changes to the
philic population declined slightly and was never more than
physical appearance of the soil, so that no wastes or residues
3% of the total mesophilic population. A substantial
were visible. No objectionable odours were generated from
decrease was measured in the number of coliforms (from
the process, or were noticeable in the treated soil. Moisture
more than 107 g±1 to about 105 g±1) (Table 4).
additions were managed so that leachate was minimized.
The pilot-scale composting resulted in the soil changing
All soil-processing and composting operations were
from a light grey±brown clay, containing obvious white
conducted within a large warehouse building. Approxi-
powdery residues, to a dark organic appearance soon after
mately 5 m3 (8 tonnes) of the contaminated soil were mixed
the composting commenced, so that no wastes or residues
with 16 m3 of organic material (commercially-available
were visible. No objectionable odours were generated from
mulch consisting of chipped wood waste and leaf, horse
the process or were noticeable in the treated soil. Moisture
additions were managed so that leachate generation was
The compost pile temperatures rose rapidly after mixing
minimized, and the ®nal product was found to be suitable
to peak at 57°C after 30 h. The temperatures then declined
slowly as the biodegradable material was decomposed. The
piles were regularly mixed to provide aeration using mobile
The initial concentrations of Probenecid and Metha-
The entire remaining volume of contaminated soil was
qualone directly after the blending operations were
treated in a similar manner to the pilot-scale treatment. This
1200 mg kg±1 and 60 mg kg±1, respectively. Probenecid
was commenced after reporting of the effectiveness of the
concentrations were reduced to below the target level
(100 mg kg±1) in 2±3 weeks, and to < 10 mg kg±1 after
Initial concentrations of the major contaminants (Pro-
5 weeks. Methaqualone concentrations declined at a slower
benecid and Methaqualone) in the compost directly after
rate, reaching < 10 mg kg±1 at the completion of the pilot
blending operations were measured at 1160 ppm and
210 ppm, respectively. The target concentrations for the
After amendment of the soil with organic matter, the total
principal contaminant (Probenecid) were achieved after
microbial populations were 109 g±1 compost, i.e. approxi-
6 weeks of treatment. Extension of the composting treat-
mately 10 times higher than for the contaminated soil. The
ment was required to reduce the concentrations of the
ã 2001 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 33, 256±263
Fig. 2 Pharmaceutical residues in full scale soil compost. (h), Probenecid; (j), Methaqualone; ( ), organic acids and terpenes; ( ), hydrocarbons
secondary contaminant (Methaqualone), found to be present
subsequently been used for landscaping purposes across
in the compost, to regulatory requirements. Results of the
analysis of replicate samples are presented in Fig. 2.
Methaqualone had not previously been measured, while
testing soil or compost, at concentrations above 65 ppm, and
had not been considered to be a major contaminant prior to
Stuart Rhodes (Rio Tinto Technical Services, Sydney,
the start of the full-scale works. Removal of Methaqualone
Australia) for technical support and project management,
to below target concentrations (100 mg kg±1) and ®nal clean-
Philip Peck (formerly Minenco, Sydney) for technical
up validation of the soil was achieved after 20 weeks. The
support and project management, and John Leeder
compost was allowed to mature further, without processing,
(Leeder Consulting, Melbourne) for analytical support.
until 30 weeks, at which time the average Methaqualone
The work reported in this study are the opinions of the
concentration had fallen to 23 mg kg±1. Temperatures
author and do not necessarily re¯ect those of Shell
reached 60°C in the full-scale treatment windrows.
As far as is known, no other studies conducting a similar
composting process on these or related pharmaceuticals
have been reported in the literature. Other co-composting
studies reporting the composting of other organic
Bennet, P. and Barriuso, E. (1997) Fate of 14C-ring labelled 2,4-D,
contaminants have, however, shown similar heating pro®les
2,4-dichlorophenol and 4-chlorophenol during straw composting.
Biology and Fertility of Soils 25, 53±59.
The project reported here provides an example of the
Betts, W.B. (1993) Bioremediation ± an alternative treatment for oil
successful application of soil composting as a bioremedi-
pollution. Genetic Engineer and Biotechnologist 13, 49±59.
ation technique. The process has particular application
Cook, B.C., Bloom, P.R. and Halbach, T.R. (1997) Fate of a
where conventional land treatment processes are limited
polyacrylate polymer during composting of simulated solid waste.
Journal of Environmental Quality 26, 618±625.
by the properties of the soil, or the complexity or
Dindal, D.L. (1991) Soil Biology Guide. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
behaviour of contaminants. Laboratory- and pilot-scale
Emery, D.D. and Faessler, P.C. (1997) First production-level
trials provided useful information on the suitability of
bioremediation of explosives-contaminated soil in the United States.
quantities of organic amendments to apply to the full-scale
Annals of NY Academy of Science 829, 326±340.
treatment process. The composting process removed the
Fernandez Gomez, P., Lopez-Rivadulla Lamas, M., Bermejo
contaminants to the agreed end-points. The compost has
Barrera, A. and Concheiro Carro, L. (1984) Pharmacokinetic study
ã 2001 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 33, 256±263
of a toxic dose of methaqualone administered intravenously to
Lewandowski, G. and DeFilippi, L.J. (1998) Biological treatment of
rabbits. Archives of Farmacological Toxicology 10, 21±24.
hazardous wastes. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Griest, W.H., Stewart, A.J., Tyndall, R.L. et al. (1993) Chemical and
Rhodes, S.H., Guerin, T.F. and Peck, P. (1994a) Composting for the
toxicological testing of composted explosives-contaminated soil.
bioremediation of contaminated soil. In Solid Waste in the Paci®c
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 12, 1105±1116.
Common Issues ± Common Solutions, p. 11, Dunedin, 6th Annual
Guerin, T.F. (1999a) A comparison of mesophilic composting and
Conference of the Waste Management Institute New Zealand.
unamended land treatment for the bioremediation of aged PAH
Rhodes, S.H., Guerin, T.F. and Peck, P.C. (1994b) Bioremediation: its
residues in soil. Remediation 9, 59±78.
basis, applications, and limitations Ð an overview. In Environmental
Guerin, T.F. (1999b) Bioremediation of phenols and polycyclic
Branch Technical Meeting of the Australian Geomechanics Society.
aromatic hydrocarbons in creosote contaminated soil using ex-situ
pp. 11. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Geomechanics Society.
land treatment. Journal of Hazardous Materials 65, 305±315.
Semple, K.T., Reid, B.R., Fermor, T.R. (2001) Impact of composting
Guerin, T.F. (2000) The differential removal of aged polycyclic
strategies on the treatment of soils contaminated with organic
aromatic hydrocarbons from soil during bioremediation. Environ-
pollutants. Environmental Pollution 112, 269±283.
mental Science and Pollution Research 7, 19±26.
Tuomi, E., Coover, M.P. and Stroo, H.F. (1997) Bioremediation using
Huang, R.T. (1993) Practical Handbook of Compost Engineering. Boca
composting or anaerobic treatment for ordnance-contaminated soils.
Annals of NY Academy of Science 829, 160±178.
Israili, Z.H., Percel, J.M., Cunningham, R.F. et al. (1972) Metabolites
Williams, R.T., Ziegenfuss, P.S. and Sisk, W.E. (1992) Composting
of probenecid. Chemical, physical, and pharmacological studies.
of explosives and propellant contaminated soil under thermophilic and
Journal of Medical Chemistry 15, 709±713.
mesophilic conditions. Journal of Industrial Microbiology 9, 137±144.
Kamnikar, B. (1992) Bioremediation of contaminated soil. Pollution
ã 2001 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 33, 256±263
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PLASMAPHERESIS IN HEMATOLOGY PLASMAPHERESIS INDICATIONS CONTRAINDICATIONS CRITERIA OF EFFICIENCY IN PARAPROTEINEMIC HEMOBLASTOSIS Paraproteinemic hemoblastosis is a group of diseases characterized by monoclonal proliferation of immunoglobulins, to which, first of all, belong hyperparaproteinemia; hyperviscose syndrome (with a level of monoclonal protein Ig G or Ig A o
NAPI KITEKINTÉS Legutóbbi, 2010.02.02. indexzárások (*egy kereskedési nappal később) S&P 500 NASDAQ C. NYMEX C. Oil NIKKEI 225* NYMEX Gold MAKROGAZDASÁG Az üzleti várakozások mérsékelten javultak januárban: az Ecostat nagyvállalati Top-100 konjunktúraindex értéke egy hónap alatt több mint 3 százalékponttal 71,8 százalékra, a kis- és középv