Common grounds for referencing NQFs and SQFs to the EQF September 6th- 7th, 2010, Ede, Netherlands No. 3 Referenceability of NQFs
Prepared by: Sigrid Nindl, Viktor Fleischer Workpackage description: (Please describe the objectives of the workpackage, the overall methodical approach envisaged for the implementation and the implementation steps foreseen at this point in time! Please use the WP description in the application form for reference.) As NQFs differ in terms of objectives and types of design, the starting points for referencing NQFs are different. Therefore it is necessary to find a transparent description of the way of referencing NQFs to the EQF as well as a clear common reference point for describing qualifications. These descriptions should also enable to exclude mislinkings of qualifications to EQF-descriptors. __A collection of available descriptions of NQFs will be made, delivering a first overview, structured according to an ad-hoc model of distinction according to objectives and structure. __A typology of NQFs (and, if already available, their references to the EQF) shall be developed, using the employability grid developed in WP2 as methodological instrument of comparison. __A SWOT analysis of NQFs will be carried out on that basis. This shall lead to suggestions, how descriptions of NQFs could be improved in order to make work process relationships transparent. Division of tasks and preliminary timeline: (Please outline which tasks need to be fulfilled in order to implement the WP, who will be in charge and who will contribute. Please provide also preliminary timeline! All elements of this section should be as detailed as useful and possible for the WP at this point in time.) __Deliverable 8: An overview of existing NQFs focussing their objectives and structures will be developed. __Deliverable 9: A typology of NQFs based on the employability grid will be made. __Deliverable 10: A compilation of SWOT analysis of NQFs will be made. Beyond that, recommendations how the selected NQFs could be enhanced and refined in order to make work processes transparent will be drafted within this deliverable. __Deliverable 11: Limitations regarding the work process orientation as referencing criterion will be debated. Therefore a critical discussion of the work process as referencing criterion highlighting the limitations of the work process and the threats that might occur by relying without critical reflection on this approach will take place. "This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein." Topics/questions to be discussed/ Decisions to take at the meeting: (Please add here questions and topics you want to discuss at the upcoming meeting! Also indicate what you want the partners to decide on during the meeting.) Discussion of the further course of action. Input requested for the meeting (by partners): (Please add here things you want the partners to prepare related to the WP for the kick-off meeting.) Discussion of the further course of action. Annexes: (Please add here, if applicable, relevant papers, presentations, etc. helpful for background reading regarding the WPwhen preparing for the meeting.) "This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."


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