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Open Letters.
Open Letters features the collected letters of:
Open Letters July 23, 2000 ~ Vol. I, No. 5
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Open Letters also exists as a daily web magazine, at www.openletters.net. For a free subscription to the daily reminder
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[email protected]. The contents of this magazine are all copyright 2000 by their authors and by Open Letters.
— fortune-cookie fortune received this week
by Open Letters subscriber Andy Jenkins. Table of Contents
A letter from the editor, on the editors. Waiting to Come Undone: The Boy on the Bus: Wild Throws: That's That: Open Letters July 23, 2000 ~ Vol. I, No. 5 Page 2 of 11A Letter from the Editor • Los Angeles, California • July 23, 2000
This is the first issue of Open Letters to be
maintains the Open Letters web site, and did
all the weird little drawings that appear on
theme, though, one that wouldn't necessarily
the site and in the weekly. This week he con-
be apparent to the naked eye: Each of this
tributes a letter to his younger brother, about
week's letters is written by one of the editors
The third letter comes from Joel Lovell, of
Open Letters is an experiment in many ways.
It's an attempt to define and refine a new
Saturday Night and Harper's Magazine; his let-
ter is about a fainting spell, but also manages
subscription is an attempt to solve the persist-
ent quandary of content distribution over the
Internet. And our organizational stru c t u re is
also somewhat experimental, for me at least:
Open Letters is an institution that is complete-
Toronto writer and radio host, who has been
ly unconstrained by geography. Though there
involved with Open Letters since he and I first
a re nine editors (and another dozen editorial
started talking about the idea last winter. His
advisers) spread across the continent, we
letter is about a moment when he gave up on
some of us have never met at all. Our com-
munications are all conducted over the phone
These letters are all from Open Letters editors,
and through the Internet and the postal serv-
but not all the editors of Open Letters are rep-
ice. We end up writing a lot of letters back
resented here by a letter. The other four edi-
tors are Cheryl Wagner, in New Orleans, who
interviewed the smoking aficionados in issue
It's got its problems, this method of editing a
magazine. We can all feel disconnected at
Sound Portraits, in New York City; Stephen
times, and water-cooler conversations are
harder to have than they'd be if we had a
Deirdre Dolan, in Los Angeles, who conduct-
water cooler. The editors are an imaginative
ed the interview with the most popular girl
and adaptable group, though, and so far, our
virtual office is working pretty well. It helps
that my fellow editors are, as you'll see from
This is the first week that we've tried con-
the letters that follow, a talented and insight-
necting the letters together around a com-
mon idea. Next week, we're going to try it
again, with a theme that's a little more explic-
it than this week's: we're presenting an entire
White, the former editor of The Stranger, a
week of letters on life at work. We have let-
Seattle alternative weekly, and the author of
ters on the way from a dishwasher, a substi-
a forthcoming book on "sluts," to be called
tute teacher, a skateboard-company execu-
Fast Girls, which will be published next year.
tive, a physicist, and other modern laborers;
She writes about her mother's "manic panic"
though as always, our line-up is subject to
summer, five years ago, and her fears that
her mother's mania might still be lurking.
The second is by Craig Taylor, an editor at
Saturday Night in Toronto, and the editor of
the zine Anonymous Juice. Craig designed and
Open Letters July 23, 2000 ~ Vol. I, No. 5 Page 3 of 11Waiting to Come Undone
A letter from Emily White, on a manic summer.
It is late afternoon and I have just emerged
My mom had a manic break with reality; it
from finishing a draft of The Book. Now I am
in limbo, coming down from the terrible and
exhilarating hard work of finishing. I fedexed
it this morning to my agent and my editor. I
verge of a religious epiphany. My parents
do not know if they will like it or hate it or if
live in the same house where I grew up with
they will say, Well, this has potential. Well,
my two sisters, a beautiful, sprawling man-
uh, this is different. All I know is I have been
sion on the hill, a place with too much histo-
wearing the same dirty dress for three days
ry in the basement. This manic party took
straight, and my cats have gone feral, wait-
ing for me to come out of my office and talk
younger sister Julia was there playing host-
ess, being a good girl, trying to figure out
Out in the light of the world, I look at myself
in the mirror and I look crazy. Maybe if I was
her middle-school job commingled. A few of
the guests she'd met hours earlier at the
myself in the mirror and see a Writer, worn
supermarket: An old busker playing guitar,
out from the creation of a masterpiece. But
what I see is a girl on the edge. And the edge
stumbled across a lady having some kind of
surrounds me and calls to me like a mother's
bad acid trip. The principal of her school was
there, as were old family friends who had no
It's the five-year anniversary of my mother's
called to invite them. Mom almost lost her
manic panic summer. That was the summer I
job after that. Heavy medication and tenure
turned twenty-nine, when she found herself
saved her from this fate, which surely would
in police custody in a fancy hotel in down-
town Portland, Oregon, the city where our
school librarian and is fantastically good at it.
family has lived fore v e r, the city which haunts
us and reclaims us. Before the cops got to her
These days, five years after the fact, Claire
and I still give Julia extra credit points for
changing the locks on the house, staying up
actually being there for this surreal party.
all night listening to Sting full blast, kicking
my Dad out so he had to go live temporarily
lines, Julia saw the worst and lived to tell the
on an empty Christmas tree farm; moving into
tale. Claire was in Japan, Dad was out among
hotels and flooding the bathrooms over and
the Christmas trees, and I was up in Seattle
over; calling me in the middle of the night
working a high-pressure job, behaving like a
and chastising me for being a selfish little fem-
Success. Julia was in limbo, between jobs and
boyfriends, and so she was sucked directly
into the storm of my mom's mental illness. It
husband, "Do you think I'm crazy?" and he
her life at that moment. She didn't have any-
replied, in an attempt to lighten things up,
"Well, Jean, you listen to Sting, right?" This
bit of music-snob humor was lost on her, but
She has never quite recovered from that head
trip. She still gets spooked. She still thinks
defused the situation, one of his many gifts.
when the chips are down, when everyone is
Open Letters July 23, 2000 ~ Vol. I, No. 5 Page 4 of 11Waiting to Come Undone, by Emily White, continued
at their worst, she is going to get stuck play-
my own head, my eyes seemed to be sinking
ing hostess, holding the whole meaningless
into my face. This strange and re g re t t a b l e
too much like my mother ever really to come
into my own. To know what storms will hap-
we were trying to poison her; this was after
pen in my brain. To predict the weather and
months of not eating or sleeping, her face
p re p a re for it. I spend a lot of time feeling like
like a mask, a thin smooth crust over her
flooded hotel room to talk to the cops about
Periodically I hope my mother will talk to
what to do. I handed her a glass of water and
me about what happened, address the dark-
ness that opened up in our family, ask to be
These days, she has her old face back, and I
forgiven. But five years after the fact I have
am not particularly afraid of her or for her,
pretty much realized that this will never hap-
and we never talk about it. But sometimes
pen; it cannot happen. From here on out, it is
the summer itself, the pale Pacific Northwest,
a matter of keeping our heads above the poi-
people having barbecues and acting too too
happy, these things can bring it all back.
into the house, Lithium brought things "back
to normal," my mother switched from Prozac
Since that time I have learned a lot about
to Zoloft and whiskey to beer, and now she is
"balanced." As a family we are supposed to
er's attack: too many prescription drugs, a
be over it. We convene at the coast and crack
quack psychiatrist, lots of whiskey, and an
millions of jokes. Mom gets mad if we watch
anger which might run in the blood of the
family, which might be part of our tribe.
whiskey, or look slightly alarmed if she starts
inviting people over for no reason. "Don't
Like my sister Julia I get spooked; maybe
treat me like I'm crazy!" she says. Okay, we
t h e re is something inside me, too, waiting to
come undone. While I was trying to finish the
book, I drank too much and smoked joints as
if they were cigarettes. I marched around the
house and terrorized my husband; it was like
a long, drawn-out PMS. I was so far inside
Open Letters July 23, 2000 ~ Vol. I, No. 5 Page 5 of 11The Boy on the Bus
A letter from Craig Taylor, on an Eminem encounter
Hello, Scott, you wily old man, with your
high-lighted hair and your little digital files. I
pulling a Tipper Gore and getting scared of
finally received those audio clips, after about
an entire genre, but I am feeling a little wary.
an hour of pacing around the attic watching
The other day there was a kid on the bus that
the whole thing to crash. But yes, they all
I take to work. When I got on, he was squat-
ting down low inside his Ecko pants – the
which is what I was most worried about. The
kind with the white reflective strips down
only time I'm ever going to hear his album is
the side. His headphones were like yours:
on my computer. There's no way I can actual-
those sleek, well-designed flashes of purple
ly walk into an HMV and buy it without feel-
plastic, bent around the back of his head. To
me that song where he's killing his ex-wife. I
Yankees hat. Not a black cap like the ones the
can't get past that. I'll listen, but I won't listen
clean-living pros wear, but light blue, identi-
cal to the real Slim Shady's. He was on the
bus with a friend he liked well enough to let
I feel like I've crossed some sort of Eminem
her stand near his squat. ("Shut up, bitch"
t h reshold, though. When the first album was
was the first thing I heard him say to her,
and at that point it was so outrageously mis-
except for the posters on the walls of con-
placed that I laughed to myself). One of his
s t ruction sites downtown. I heard the "Hi My
hands was holding onto the chrome bus pole
Name Is" single at Cora's Pizza over on
while the other was busy pulling and push-
Spadina once while I was ordering, but that
ing on the crotch of his pants in that loose-
was it. Now I'm talking about him all the
limbed, bored style that someone's always
time – to Sean and Bill, and even to J., who
using in the background of hip-hop videos.
admitted she didn't know too much about the
lence in Cypress Hill albums. I'm not holding
was all over the map. Lots of dark skin, dark
it against her, but those guys were mild pot-
heads with a couple bad samples, cartoony
like Hammer. Any violence there was inci-
dental. There's something diff e rent about Em.
untucked, and wet hair. We were all on our
Did you read that little blurb about him by
way to Don Mills, over the viaduct and out
Ben Greenman in the New Yorker? He said
that Eminem's raps retain "a certain charm in
part because of his indisputable poetic abili-
All of a sudden, as we're passing over the
ties and in part because his horrific imagina-
Don Valley bridge, the crouching kid said,
tions seems so patently fictional." Which is
loudly, "People always trying to fuck me
fine to say if you're Ben Greenman, but I
around," ostensibly to the girl beside him.
don't think all of Eminem's fan base agrees
But he was staring at me while he said it,
that it's fiction. Not to say that I'm scared of
and then at the man next to me, and then the
everyone who listens to the disc. Greenman
man next to him. "Motherfuckers always try-
ing to fuck me around." Someone turned the
about the white kid who doesn't give a fuck,
who isn't aware of Slim Shady's poetic meter
move. He lifted his face toward the two older
or his place in a canon that goes back, way
black men who were sitting in the back seat. Open Letters July 23, 2000 ~ Vol. I, No. 5 Page 6 of 11The Boy on the Bus, by Craig Taylor, continued
I didn't know whether he was singing along
buzz cuts, and were dressed in golf shirts,
to his walkman or if it was just a fitting lyric
and were staring at their hands. "A nigga like
for the situation. I was probably the only one
me can't get any respect," he called out.
"Ain't nobody giving it up." There was an
Eminem – maybe not, who can say? – but it
absolute silence in the bus. I could hear the
didn't matter. The words were his, and what-
hydraulics of the wheels, and then the light
ever fictional context they might have had on
"ting" of someone pulling the Next Stop cord,
the album had been dropped. "I'll fucking
kill you," he continued. "You don't. Want to
fuck with Shady. Cause Shady. Will fucking
kill you. And you, nigga." The man with the
Torontonian, to do what everyone else does
in a situation like this: keep reading the free
newspaper in my hands. I tried to catch a
I read in Spin where Eminem described his
reaction from my fellow riders, especially
triple-threat persona. Eminem is the rapper,
was engrossed in his Sheridan College text-
Slim Shady is the attitude that he assumes.
It's an attitude that could just as easily be
grafted on to boys in identical blue Yankees
"What are you talking about?" said the girl
standing beside Eminem. She was dressed in
a light blue pull-over that matched the colour
The boy and his girl spotted a McDonald's
of his cap. And here's where it got truly scary
for me. He acknowledged her in a way, nod-
pulled out of his squat, hitched his pants up,
ding his head as if to say, "Shut the fuck up,"
and said to her, "Ring the fucking ringer." She
and then put his two fingers together to form
did. And when the bus stopped at the inter-
a gun, which he pointed at each of the pas-
section and the doors swung open, the two
sengers in the back. First at me, then at the
down the entire row. He started singing and
moving to his song. It was a strange, menac-
ing squat dance. "You don't. Want to fuck.
With Shady. Cause Shady. Will fuckin' kill
Open Letters July 23, 2000 ~ Vol. I, No. 5 Page 7 of 11Wild Throws
A letter from Joel Lovell, on a fainting spell.
I fainted on the subway again. I was stand-
Eventually I felt well enough to stand up,
ing there holding onto the pole and looking
and I came home. I stopped to get a Coke at
down at a mother and her son. He was star-
the place on the corner – the Carriage House
ing at himself in the scratched window, try-
Sports Lounge – a bad-smelling bar, full of
ing out a bunch of smiles and frowns all the
local drunks and home on Saturday nights to
way from 96th Street to 23rd Street, while she
"Brooklyn's best karaoke." There are six TV
sets, and for big games they pull down this
huge screen behind the pool table. (I thought
The Post was lying on the seat next to him.
Raptors/Knicks series. This one Caribbean
loudly – "All-on Use-ton, you suck dick" –
and when they finally won the series this
again about something I needed to tell Kate,
group of drunken Knicks fans lifted him off
something I knew she wouldn't want to hear,
the ground by his belt and rushed him head-
first out the door. After about five minutes he
came back in smiling and conceding that per-
haps the Knicks were the better team this
year, and then he bought the guys a round of
I know it wasn't having to face up to some-
drinks, and they all laughed their heads off
thing that made me faint (I'd played basket-
ball and was dehydrated and hadn't really
eaten all day) but it felt like that. Like maybe
So I walked in there on the fainting night,
as soon as it had a little psychic pressure put
on an awful bender, smiled crazily at me and
lurched forward on his stool and said, "She's
This guy with incredibly hairy wrists, like
there on a bench for almost an hour. At one
point I pulled out a dollar and asked a kid if
Free (formerly Lloyd Free, the ex-76ers guard
who never saw a shot he didn't like). "And
stand at the top of the stairs. I explained to
next time I see him," Jimmy said, "I'll tell
him that I'd just fainted, and that if I stood
him, 'Listen, you'll always be Lloyd to me.
up I thought I'd faint again. He took my dol-
Lloyd Free, not World B.'" Then he smiled at
lar and walked up the stairs and then bolted,
his rhyme, put his hand on my shoulder, and
and for a while after that I sunk into some
said, "There's someone here you gotta meet."
real self-pity. I knew if I could just get a bot-
tle of water or a Coke or, even better, a V-8
woman in a pantsuit was sitting by herself
instead I just sat there with my head on the
wooden armrest, listening to the trains com-
fake courtliness in front of her and said,
"This.is Barbara." I shook her hand and said
telling passengers to step back from the edge.
it was nice to meet her, and when she made
Open Letters July 23, 2000 ~ Vol. I, No. 5 Page 8 of 11Wild Throws, by Joel Lovell, continued
it clear she didn't want to be bothered I went
"If you're ever putting together a football
After the last clip, I put my empty glass on
team, you want her on your front line,"
Jimmy whispered to me. "You know what I
about Knoblauch; what, in his opinion, was
mean?" I nodded and tried to watch the
behind all those terrible throws. "How the
Knicks and hoped he'd go away. "I mean,
hell should I know?" Jimmy said. "Do I look
seriously, you want her on your team." And
then he started cackling and said, "You
ballplayer and he's throwing like a girl." But
then the guys next to him talked about how
among the best leadoff hitters in baseball,
and while it was true that Jimmy's sister
"I mean, she could dress with the guys, you
base, who can say what's going on in a guy's
something he's done his entire life, some-
thing he could do in his sleep? "Like one of
us suddenly being afraid to come in here and
"You following me here? She could dress
order a drink," Jimmy said, and then he
with the guys, because she is a guy." He
sighed. "You can't help but feel for the guy."
stepped back from the table to make sure I
was really taking it in. "Years she comes in
here and she's Bob, and then one day she's
Barbara. And that's that. Just tells us it's what
already asleep, and I sat on the couch and
she wants to do and we should understand."
debated between waking her up and talking
He held his hands unsteadily out in front of
to her tonight or waiting until morning. The
him, the way you do when you're walking in
first time I fainted in New York was when I'd
just moved into this apartment. Kate was still
around my face. "And you know what we
in Michigan, and I was living here alone,
with no furniture except the futon. She called
else can you do? People gotta be happy. This
one morning, and I jumped up and ran into
the kitchen to answer the phone, and sec-
might just wake up and say fuck it and ask
I remember lying on our kitchen floor, before
So this night, the fainting night, Barbara was
I'd completely come to, and looking at the
down the bar, drinking something clear and
receiver a few feet away. I could hear Kate
tonic and smoking Carltons. She was talking
asking over and over what happened, but I
and laughing with a huge guy sitting next to
couldn't put it together that her voice was
coming from the phone. It was just nice to
for a while, because I couldn't help it. She
hear her and think that she was lying on the
had clogs on and tremendously thick calves,
floor, too. Our apartment looked gigantic
but her hair was perfect, and she'd painted
from down there; the floorboards were end-
less and gleaming. And I remember thinking,
Knoblauch's face appeared on the screen. You
couldn't hear the TV over the jukebox, but
Open Letters July 23, 2000 ~ Vol. I, No. 5 Page 9 of 11That’s That
A letter from Ian Brown, on a moment of clarity
I write to you from the point of view of the
prise party for his wife's birthday, against her
depressed but clear-eyed, from the not-so-
wishes, and in so doing drives her into the
distinctive but at least plain, unvarnished,
arms of his best friend. For a year the man
had believed it was a pretty good story, even
suddenly understood that his various addic-
though he had never submitted it for publi-
cation (he feared having work he liked reject-
against his self-hatred. The kind of man who
ed). But that April afternoon when he looked
at his work, something new happened.
and possibly even fathers mainly to escape
He looked at the story, and then he thought:
the anxiety of being his own flawed self, a
gee, where's my drink? For the first time ever
being he despises and can never please. The
sort of man who gets up in the morning and
abouts of the drink than he did about the
makes breakfast and feeds his kids – having
story. Others had said it better. He was bored
worked until one the night before on some
asinine charity essay he has said he will
write (and which is bloated, swollen with the
bad water of self-indulgence, and which he
Surprising as it sounds, this was a new expe-
hates, but will not change, because he isn't
rience for him. Before, no matter how much
he hated what he wrote, he always felt there
enough, which is only cause for more self-
was a point in carrying on as a writer.
hatred, as anything he wrote would be) –
Though he had always talked the loser talk,
only to find that by ten he is longing for
walked the loser walk, tugged the self-depre-
drugs. This is the kind of man we’re talking
cating loser forelock – which he now, thanks
about, okay? Not a creep, not even really an
to (gack) therapy, understood was simply a
asshole (there's a difference), but not your
form of psychological pre-planning, a way
out of his mistakes, a habit to pre-empt any
He'd like cocaine, preferably, or speed, but
himself more than he did on his own – this,
grass would do. Anything to take his con-
this new sense of quietude and resignation,
sciousness away, anything to relieve his self-
loathing. He knows it is self-defeating. Still.
He wants drugs. He doesn't get drugs, and
This very morning, for instance, he reread
yet another story he had written not long
before, and an unfamiliar and frosty certainty
That's all we need to say about the self-
of judgment descended upon him. It was as
hatred and the drugs, thank Jesus in his cra-
if he was looking at someone else's words,
dle. Because it doesn't matter anymore.
Because, you see, something has happened.
connection to what he was reading, though it
was nothing less than the child of his own
The crack appeared, to be honest, quite some
time ago. It was an afternoon in April. The
cared in the past, but he didn't care now. The
man was hung over, and instead of doing his
writing was perfectly okay; perfectly service-
job, which entailed convincing people to do
able; it did the job. It was not shite. It did
something they didn't want to do, he reread
not, however, reverberate with the sound of
a short story he had written a year earlier.
music in the distant hills, as Chandler once
The story was about a man who stages a sur-
put it; it did not hold his interest, stylistically,
Open Letters July 23, 2000 ~ Vol. I, No. 5 Page 10 of 11That's That, by Ian Brown, continued
contextually, for what it said or for how he
out on the rocks, the sun on his upper arms,
on the outside of his upper arms, where the
And yet none of this troubled him. He sim-
shoulder rounded; this had always been one
ply thought: well: where's my drink? That's
of his favorite sensations, the hot sun on his
that. It's done. The Word is gone and done
arms, and now he could enjoy it, instead of
with me. Whatever Tongue I had to speak it
saving it for – what? Not for some story any
has fallen from my Head. (This was the way
more, that was for sure. He did not feel the
his mind spoke to him, always in a cadence
need to write this down. Even when the sun
that aped the Biblical.) Nor – and this was
the strange thing, the new thing, the for-the-
first-time fantastic thing, the cataclysmically
way, he thought: nothing. She was gone, had
original development in his thinking – nor,
lifted off and left him alone, to himself, to be
calm, to simply be. She was no longer neces-
sary to his peace of mind. Neither was the
Not only the ability to speak in the tongue
storage of the details. All that mattered now
had left him; so had the desire. And now that
the desire was gone, a lovely peace spread
while, a few thoughts about the sensation.
being as he had never known before. Skiing,
He sat very still. He no longer had to do any-
for instance, but not thinking about skiing,
with the bright snow up in the black branch-
es of the fir trees, and the sun on the snow in
But here's my question to you. How long do
the trees, and no sound except the hiss of his
skis through the light snow. Or swimming in
truly cold water, the kind that you think
Open Letters July 23, 2000 ~ Vol. I, No. 5 Page 11 of 11
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