APPENDIX 1 PLANT SPECIES RECORDED AT THE STUDY SITE GOLDER ASSOCIATES Tetragonia rubusta var. psiloptera Duvalia caespitosa subsp. caespitose Amellus strigosus subsp. pseudoscabrdus GOLDER ASSOCIATES Crassula tetragona subsp. connivens Tylecodon wallichii subsp. wallichii GOLDER ASSOCIATES Aridaria noctiflora subsp. noctiflora GOLDER ASSOCIATES Hypodiscus striatus (Kunth) Mast. GOLDER ASSOCIATES APPENDIX 2 ARTHROPOD SPECIES FOR THE STUDY SITE GOLDER ASSOCIATES Superclass Suborder Family GOLDER ASSOCIATES Superclass Suborder Family GOLDER ASSOCIATES Superclass Suborder Family GOLDER ASSOCIATES APPENDIX 3 HERPETOFAUNA SPECIES FOR THE STUDY SITE GOLDER ASSOCIATES Probability of Scientific Name Common Name Endemism Occurrence GOLDER ASSOCIATES Probability of Scientific Name Common Name Endemism Occurrence Pedioplanis lineoocellata pulchella Probability of occurrence: L = Low, M = Medium, H = High, I = Identified Endemism: 0 =Not Endemic, 1 = Endemic to Southern Africa, 2 = Endemic to Region (South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland) GOLDER ASSOCIATES APPENDIX 4 AMPHIBIAN SPECIES FOR THE STUDY SITE GOLDER ASSOCIATES Revised Status Probability GOLDER ASSOCIATES Revised Status Probability GOLDER ASSOCIATES Revised Status Probability Species list for the region spanning South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. Endemic status: 0 indicates no endemism to southern Africa; 1 indicates endemism to southern Africa; 2 indicates endemism to the region (South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland). Two species whose status in the region is unclear, and which probably occur only marginally, are indicated as “marginal”. The relevant IUCN status categories are Critically Endangered (CR), Endangered (EN), Vulnerable (VU), Near Threatened (NT), Data Deficient (DD) and Least Concern (LC). All species without a category shown are Not Evaluated (NE). Probability of occurence: L = Low, M = Medium, H = High, R = Recorded GOLDER ASSOCIATES APPENDIX 5 POSSIBLE AVIFAUNAL SPECIES OCCURRING AT THE STUDY SITE GOLDER ASSOCIATES Common Name GOLDER ASSOCIATES Common Name GOLDER ASSOCIATES APPENDIX 6 MAMMAL SPECIES FOR THE STUDY SITE GOLDER ASSOCIATES Scientific Name Common Name Artidactyla/Perissodactyla/Proboscidea Hydracoidea
Rocky areas , mountain ranges to isolated r oc k
Rivers, marshes, dams, lakkes, and dr y str eam beds
Well watered areas , al ong rivers, around dams , es
Wide habitat tol eranc e; arid, savanna and well watered
Semi-desert to savanna woodland, hilly countr y to
Open areas suc h as vleis and open grassland around
Open, dr y habitats with some vegetation cover
Wide habitat tol eranc e but requires c over
Catholic but prefers scrub cover and open grassland and
Savanna species associated with moist grassland or
Wide habitat tol eranc e, pr efers open area and avoids
Open, arid, and lightl y vegetated countr y
GOLDER ASSOCIATES Scientific Name Common Name
Open areas suc h as grasslands and arid scrub
Roosts in caves , mine shafts and sometimes holes in
Open woodland and savanna habitats , roos ts in damp c
Variable but prefers savanna. Commonly enter houses
Open savanna; roosts in a variety of cavities;
Cosmopolitan, occurring in all vegetati on types
Sandy soils with some cover of grass, scrub or open
Varied i ncluding grasslands; widespread
Savanna with grass cover; widespread in drier west
Wide habitat tol eranc e but requires roc ky cliffs or tall
Stands of tall grasses (Hyparrhenia spp.) with bus hes
GOLDER ASSOCIATES Scientific Name Common Name Macroscelidea/Tubilidentata
Open woodland, scr ub and grasslands with termites
L = low, M = medium, H = high, I = Identified E = endangered, V = v ulnerable, NT = near threatened, LC = least conc ern, DD = data deficient GOLDER ASSOCIATES
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UNIVERSITATIS BABE S -BOLYAI Desktop Editing Office: 51ST B.P. Hasdeu, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Phone + 40 264-40.53.52 CUPRINS – CONTENT – SOMMAIRE – INHALT IGOR ST, The Analysis of Residual Income – The Empirical Evidence from Slovenia……………………………………….3 SMARANDA COSMELIANA GHIBUN SEBASTIAN DUMAÚL HUMBERTO SEVILLANO BLASMARIUSMONICA MARIA C