The following article is reprinted from the website of The Canine Semen Bank of
Columbus with the permission of Dr. Mark McCloskey and Dr. Erik Weisgerber.
Most female dogs cycle twice a year with
lives for 5 to 7 days. However, with fresh
an average interval being 5 to 11 months
chilled and frozen semen the timing of the
between cycles. Breed variations do exist, breeding is much more critical- because
dog breeds such as the Basenji, that only
cycle once a year. Variation also exists
between the length of the “heat cycle”,
2 to 3 days) and the male’s sperm (lives
all the way up to 3 weeks in length! The
heat (proestrus) to the actual mating period determining an exact ovulation date
(estrus) is 9 to 11 days. To make matters
more confusing, some dogs have “silent
heats” meaning little or no obvious signs of range based on interpreting the fading
heat such as swelling or bleeding are ever of dots in a test kit. While these are
heats” exists where dogs go into a heat
quantitative test- meaning it measures the
cycle but stop short without ovulating then exact progesterone level and gives us a
go into a fertile heat period weeks later. A number.
female’s fertile period can be different from
heat cycle to heat cycle. Meaning that just Basically, progesterone is a hormone
11th day the last heat doesn’t necessarily
mean she will be “ready” on the 11th day
usually read less than 1.0 ng/ml. The first
significant, sustained rise in progesterone
usually coincides with the “LH Surge”. The
is released by the pituitary gland in the
breeding (type of semen) to be performed brain. This is important because ovulation
occurs about 48 hours after the LH surge.
The progesterone value at the time of the
LH surge is usually about 2-3 ng/ml. The
progesterone will rise to about 5-8 ng/ml
at the time of ovulation. Canine eggs are
Progesterone levels should be maintained
not ready to be fertilized at the time of
above 2 ng/ml to support pregnancy. If a
ovulation and take about 2 days to mature. bitch is confirmed pregnant by ultrasound
Once mature, the eggs remain fertile for 2 but cannot maintain a pregnancy, a
to 3 days and then begin to deteriorate. At progesterone test should be performed.
the time of insemination, the progesterone Literature states that progesterone should
can be in the teens and into the 20’s (ng/
be supplemented if it falls below 5 ng/ml.
ml). Progesterone stays elevated for about Supplementation can be performed either
by a progesterone in oil injection at 2mg/kg
progesterone is helpful between day 3 and (Regumate) at 0.088mg/kg (0.2cc/10
pounds daily). The oil can be measured in
cytology shows about 50% cornified cells. blood tests but the oral form cannot. Stop
After interpreting the baseline number, we all supplementation 3 days prior to due
then test every 48 hours to best pinpoint
drop as the result of other problems (fetal
ovulation. Some females will “hover”
death etc) and it is often difficult to realize
if the progesterone drop was the primary
days because of stress or just their own
ovulatory pattern. It is important to see the Any supplementation of progesterone
progesterone level peak “5” ng/ml to feel
should be discussed with your veterinarian
luteal insufficiency in a bitch. J Am Vet Med
LH tests are helpful, but need to be run
daily and can get very expensive. The “old
way” of doing vaginal cytology is based
LH surge- usually around “5-8” ng/ml
The vaginal cytology is still helpful but not •
accurate enough for frozen or fresh chilled •
surge is day 0) or 63 days from ovulation.
performed if the progesterone is less than
FAKULTETI EKONOMIK SYLLABUS STATISTIKA PER EKONOMIKS DHE BIZNES Niveli i kursit: Bachelor Lloji i kursit: Obligative Viti i studimeve Viti I Semestri: Semestri II Kodi dhe shifra e lëndës: FE002 Koha/lokacioni: Ligjëratat: Ushtrimet: 2 orë në javë Mësimdhënësit e kursit: 4. MSc. Artane Rizvanolli, PhD kand. 1. Përshkrimi i lëndës Kj
A J U N T A M E N T D ’ E M P E R A D O R ( V a l è n c i a )Plaç a de l’Aj untament, 1 – C.P. 46135 - Telèfon 96 144 35 85 – Fax 96 144 48 52 – C.I.F. P4611900D____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACTA DE LA SESIÓN EXTRAORDINARIA CELEBRADA POR EL AYUNTAMIENTO PLENO EL 27 DE ENERO DE 2005 (01/05) LUGAR: Sa