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Incontinence form.qxd
1. The following questionaire should only take about ten minutes to complete. 2. If you cannot answer a question, simply leave it blank. 3. DO NOT complete the gray-shaded areas.
NAME: ______________________________________________
What is your primary urinary complaint? ____________________________________________________________
How long has this been occurring? (days, months, years) ______________________________________________
sensation of still having urine in my bladder
How many times do you urinate during the day?_________during the night?_________
While you are urinating, the uring flow is:
When you get a strong desire to urinate, can you postpone it and not urinate?
When you get a strong urge, does the urine leak out before you reach the toilet?
Does urine leak out without you knowing it and you find yourself wet?
If the leaking of urine is a problem, what do you use to protect your clothing?
Do you use this protection during the day?
How many times do you change your pads each day?
Do you get repeated urinary tract infections?
Have you ever noticed any blood in your urine?
Urology Associates, P.C. • 535 Plandome Road • Manhasset, NY 11030
Phone: (516) 627-6188 • Fax: (516) 627-9397
Have you been evaluated by a urologist or urogynocologist for voiding dysfunction? . yes
Have you tried any of the following medications? . yes
Have you been prescribed any of the following antibiotics?
Have you been treated for vaginitis? . yes
Have you been treated for yeast infections? . yes
Have you been treated for any of the following sexually transmitted diseases? . yes
What form of contraception do you use if any?
Do you have an allergy to intravenous contrast (dye)?
Have you ever experienced loss of bowel control?
Do you menstruate (have menstrual periods)?
If yes, what is the date of your last period?_______________
How many pregnancies have you had?________
Do you experience the sensation of incomplete defecation?
Do you have a sensation of pressure in the region of the vagina?
Do you feel as though your uterus has “dropped”?
When was your last cervical pap test?________
Have you ever had to reduce a bulge down below to urinate or
Do you take hormone replacement?_________
What is the average frequency of intercourse?
Do you suffer from vaginal dryness?. yes
Is sexual intercourse ever painful?. yes
Do you feel you have lost interest in sex?. yes
Do you feel your partner has lost interest in sex? . yes
Do you have diffuculty achieving orgasm?. yes
Does your partner have difficulty maintaining erections for satisfactory intercourse? . yes
Is your partner currently being treated for erectile dysfunction? . yes
Urology Associates, P.C. • 535 Plandome Road • Manhasset, NY 11030
Phone: (516) 627-6188 • Fax: (516) 627-9397
Urology Associates, P.C. • 535 Plandome Road • Manhasset, NY 11030
Phone: (516) 627-6188 • Fax: (516) 627-9397
pure stress urinary incontinence 625.6
rectocele 618.0 vaginal vault prolapse 618.0
enterocele 618.6 uterine prolapse 618.4 after hysterectomy 618.5
Urology Associates, P.C. • 535 Plandome Road • Manhasset, NY 11030
Phone: (516) 627-6188 • Fax: (516) 627-9397
Übersicht der Medikamentengruppe zur Schmerztherapie Substanzvergleich WHO-Stufen I – III (auf Basis der Fachinformationen) erstellt durch die Arbeitsgruppe Schmerztherapie des FKQS e. V. Der Förderkreis Für die medizinische Qualitätssicherung werden in Schleswig-Holstein alle Kräfte gebündelt, um so auch weiterhin eine ausreichende medizinische Versorgung der Versicherte
Jennifer Teitelbaum Palmer M.D. 3355 Keswick Road ✦ Suite 100 Baltimore MD 21211PERSONAL INFORMATION - Please fill out this form as completely as you can. Please print your answers. Contact Information - Please give your home address. Please circle the appropriate letter letting me know if I can leave a full message (M), call-back number only (C), or no message (N). Emergency Contact - Pl