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Registration : General Medical Council Registration No 2914543
Research MD Thesis :
The role of Helicobacter pylori in Gastroduodenal Disease with
Reference to Gastric Epithelial and Epidermal Growth Factor Kinetics
Awarded 1998 University of Manchester
Research Prizes 1991 North of England Gastroenterology Society – Winner
Twelve years of colonoscopic surveillance in ulcerative colitis.
DAF Lynch, AJ Lobo, GM Sobala, MF Dixon, ATR Axon. North of England Gastroenterology Society – Co-Author of Winning Paper
The detection of Helicobacter pylori in faeces by the polymerase chain
NP Mapstone, DAF Lynch, ATR Axon, MF Dixon, P Quirke. Postgraduate Day, The General Infirmary at Leeds Winner of First Prize for the Best Poster
Gastric juice epidermal growth factor in Helicobacter pylori associated
DAF Lynch, NP Mapstone, F Lewis, MF Dixon, P Quirke, ATR Axon. Blackburn Royal Infirmary Research Day Best Poster Prize – Co-Author of Winning Paper
J MacDowell, P Willis, S Lamonby, R Prescott, DAF Lynch Blackburn Royal Infirmary Research Day Best Oral Presentation - Co-Author of Winning Paper
Nurse Led Phone Clinic for Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
L Miller, S Caton, DAF Lynch Runner Up in 2006 British Society of Gastroenterology Spring Meeting Electronic Case Presentation].
An Unusual Endoscopic Duodenal Appearance. RP Willert, SM Weerasinghe, DAF Lynch. Presentations to National and International Meetings British Society of Gastroenterology ; 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2005 & 2006. European Society for Gastroenterology & Endoscopy; 1991, 1994, 2001, 2002 & 2005. American Gastroenterology Association ; 1992, 1993, 1994 & 1995. 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th & 10th Workshops on Gastroduodenal Pathology and Helicobacter pylori; 1990 – 1997.
Publications Papers
Lynch DAF, Porter C, Murphy L, Axon ATR. Evaluation of four commercial endoscope washing machines. Endoscopy 1992; 9 (24): 739 – 808. Lynch DAF, Lobo AJL, Sobala GM, Dixon MF, Axon ATR. Failure of colonoscopic survellance in ulcerative colitis. Gut 1993; 34(8) : 1075 – 80. Mapstone NP, Lynch DAF, Lewis FA, Axon ATR, Dixon MF, Quirke P. Identification of Helicobacter pylori in the mouths of patients with gastritis by the polymerase chain reaction. Journal of Clinical Pathology 1993; 46 : 540 – 543. Sobala GM, Schorah CJ, Shires S, Lynch DAF, Gallacher B, Dixon MF, Axon ATR. Effect of eradication of Helicobacter pylori on gastric juice ascorbic acid concentrations. Gut 1993; 34 (8) : 1038 – 41. Axon ATR, Lynch DAF. Helicobacter pylori, gastric physiology and cancer. European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology 1993; 5 (suppl 1) : S100 – S113. Lynch DAF, Clarke AMT, Jackson P, Dixon MF, Quirke P, Axon ATR. Comparison of labelling by bromodeoxyuridine, MIB-1 and Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen in gastric mucosal biopsies. Journal of Clinical Pathology 1994; 47 : 122 – 125. Lynch DAF, Parnell P, Porter C, Axon ATR. Patient and Staff Exposure to Gluaraldehyde from Keymed Auto-Disinfector Endoscope Washing Machine. Endoscopy 1994; 26 : 359 – 361. Lynch DAF, Sobala GM, Gallacher B, Dixon MF, Axon ATR. Effectiveness of a “five times daily” triple therapy anti-helicobacter regime. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 1994; 33 : 877 – 879. Moayyedi P, Lynch DAF. Pseudomonas and endoscopy. Endoscopy 1994;26(6):554-8 Lynch DAF, Thornton JR, Axon ATR, Acute fatty liver complicating coeliac disease. European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 1994; 6 : 745 – 747. Lynch DAF, Mapstone NP, Clarke AMT, Sobala GM, Jackson P, Morrison L, Dixon MF, Quirke P, Axon ATR. Cell proliferation in Helicobacter pylori associated gastritis and the effect of eradication therapy. Gut 1995; 36: 346 – 350. Lynch DAF, Mapstone NP, Clarke AMT, Jackson P, Dixon MF, Quirke P, Axon ATR. Cell proliferation in the gastric corpus in Helicobacter pylori associated gastritis and after gastric resection. Gut 1995; 36 : 351 – 353.
Lynch DAF, Sobala GM Gledhill A, Jackson P, Crabtree JE, Dixon MF Axon ATR. Lymphocytic gastritis and associated small bowel disease: a diffuse lymphocytic gastroenteropahy? Journal of Clinical Pathology 1995; 48: 939 - 45 Hardo PG, Tugnait A, Hassan F, Lynch DAF, West AP, Mapstone NP, Quirke P, Chalmers DM, Kowolik, Axon ATR. Helicobacter pylori infection and dental care. Gut 1995; 37 : 44 - 6 Waring AJ, Drake IM, Schorah CJ, White KLM, Lynch DAF, Axon ATR, Dixon MF. Ascorbic acid and total vitamin C concentrations in plasma, gastric juice and gastrointestinal mucosa: the effects of gastritis and oral supplementation. Gut 1996; 38 : 171 – 176 Lynch DAF, Axon ATR. Gastric epithelial cell kinetics: a review. European Journal Gastroenterology & Hepatology 1995, 7 (suppl) : S17 – 23. Axon ATR, O’Morain CA, Bardhan KD, Crowe JP, Beattie AD, Thompson RPH, Smith PM, Hollanders FD, Baron JH, Lynch DAF, Dixon MF, Tompkins DS, Birrell H, Gillon KRW. Randomised double blind controlled study of gastric ulcer recurrence after treatment for eradication of Helicobacter pylori infection. BMJ 1997; 7314 : 565 – 8. Moayyedi P, O’Mahony S, Jackson P, Lynch DAF, Dixon MF, Axon ATR. The small intestine in lymphocytic and collagenous colitis: mucosal morphology, permeability and secretory immunity to gliadin. J. Clin. Path. 1997 ; 50 : 527 – 9. Lynch DAF, Mapstone NP, Lewis F, Pentith J, Axon ATR, Dixon MF, Quirke P. Serum and gastric luminal epidermal growth factor in Helicobacter pylori associated gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. Helicobacter 1996;1(4):219-26. DAF Lynch, NP Mapstone, AMT Clarke, P Jackson, P Moayyedi, MF Dixon, P Quirke, ATR Axon. Correlation between epithethelial cell proliferation and histological grading in gastric mucosa. J Clin Path 1999;52(5):367-71 P Willis, DAF Lynch, R Prescott, S Lamonby. Cell proliferation in the post-surgical stomach, dietary salt, and the effect of H pylori eradication. J Clin Path 1999;52(9): 665-9. JE MacDowall, P Willis, R Prescott, S Lamonby, DAF Lynch. Cell proliferation in Type C gastritis affecting the intact stomach. J Clin Path 2000;53(10):784-7. C Meaden, M Joshi, S Hollis, A Higham, D Lynch. A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing the Accuracy of General Diagnostic Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Performed by Nurse or Medical Endoscopists. Endoscopy 2006;6(38);553-2.
Book Chapters Morris AI, Lynch DAF, (1990). Automated Cleaning Machines – A Review. In : British Society of Gastroenterology Endoscopy Committee (eds) Basic Endoscopy Theory Course Book. Letters Mapstone NP, Lynch DAF, Lewis FA, Axon ATR, Tompkins DS, Dixon MF, Quirke P, PCR identification of Helicobacter pylori in faeces from gastritis patients. Lancet 1993; 341: 447. Axon ATR, Lynch DAF. Colonoscopic surveillance in ulcerative colitis. Gut 1994; 35: 429 – 430. Axon ATR, Lynch DAF. Surveillance for Ulcerative Colitis Does Not Work and Cannot Work. Gastroenterology 1994; 106: 1129 – 30. Lynch DAF, Axon ATR. Patient and Staff Exposure to Glutaraldehyde from KeyMed AutoDisinfector. Endoscopy 1994 (in press). Axon ATR, Lynch DAF. Utility of surveillance colonoscopy in ulcerative colitis. Gut 1994; 35 : 863. Published Abstracts Lynch DAF, Sobala BM, Lobo AJ, Dixon MF, Axon ATR. Importance of mild dysplasia in surveillance of ulcerative colitis. Gut 1991; 32: A556. Lynch DAF, Lobo AJ, Sobala GM, Dixon MF, Axon ATR. Twelve years of surveillance colonoscopy in ulcerative colitis. Gut 1991; 32: A578. Lynch DAF, Porter C, Murphy L, Axon ATR. A critical evaluation of four commercial automatic endoscope washing machines. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1991; 3: Suppl 1. Lobo AJ, Thornton JR, Lynch DAF, Axon ATR. Piperacillin-resistant bacteria in patients undergoing ERCP. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1991; 3: Suppl 1. Mapstone NP, Lynch DAF, Lewis FA, Axon ATR, Dixon MF, Quirke P. Detection of Helicobacter pylori in clinical specimens by the polymerase chain reaction. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol; 1991: 3: Suppl 1. Mapstone NP, Lynch DAF, Lewis FA, Axon ATR, Dixon MF, Quirke P. The polymerase chain reaction in the diagnosis of Helicobacter infection. Ital J Gastro 1991; 23 (9) Suppl 2.
Mapstone NP, Lynch DAF, Lewis FA, Axon ATR, Dixon Mf, Quirke P. The role of PCR in the detection of H. pylori. Ital J Gastro 1991; 23 (9) Suppl 2. Sobala GM, Lynch DAF, Dixon MF, Tompkins D, Axon ATR. Poor eradication rate with a one week triple therapy regime utilising ampicillin. Ital J Gastro 1991; 23 (9) suppl 2: 114. Lobo AJ, Lynch DAF, Thornton JR, Hawkey PM Lintott DJ, Axon ATR. High prevalence of coliform bacteria resistant to piperacillin in patients undergoing therapeutic ERCP. Gastroenterology 1992; A320. Lynch DAF, Sobala GM, Gallacher B, Dixon MF, Axon ATR. Effectiveness of a five times daily triple therapy regime for eradicating Helicobacter pylori. Irish J Med 1992; 161 suppl 10: T16. Sobala GM, Lynch DAF, Gallacher B, Dixon MF, Axon ATR. Eradication of H pylori prevents duodenal ulcer recurrence. Irish J Med 1992; 161: Suppl 10: T6. Lynch DAF, Sobala GM, Gledhill A, Jackson P, Crabtree JE, Foster PN, Dixon MF, Axon ATR. An investigation into the aetiology of lymphocytic gastritis: Helicobacter pylori or coeliac disease? Irish J Med 1992; 161: Suppl 10: P22. Lynch DAF, Mapstone NP, Lewis FA, Hassan F, Dixon MF, Quirke P, Axon ATR. Gastric juice epidermal growth factor in active and healed H pylori associated duodenal ulcer disease. Irish J Med 1992; 161: suppl 10: IM 39. MapstoneNP, Lynch DAF, Lewis FA, Axon ATR, Dixon MF, Quirke P. The detection of H pylori in faeces by the polymerase chain reaction. Irish J Med 1992; 161: suppl 10: PL2. Lynch DAF, Lobo AJ, Sobala GM, Dixon MF, Axon ATR. Failure of colonoscopic surveillance in ulcerative colitis. Gastroenterology 1992, 102; 4 (2) : A373. Lynch DAF, Clarke AMT, Jackson P, Drake IM, Dixon MF, Quirke P, Axon ATR. Lack of correlation between PCNA and Bromodeoxyuridine in gastric biopsies. Gut 1992 (suppl); 33 (2) : F260. Hardo PG, Hassan F, Lynch DAF, Mapstone NP, Tugnait A, West AP, Axon ATR, Chalmers DM, Kowolik MJ. H pylori and dental care. Gut 1993 (2uppl); 34 (4) : F277. Sobala GM, Schorah CJ, Shires S, Lynch DAF, Gallacher B, Dixon MF, Axon ATR. Increase in gastric juice ascorbic acid concentrations after eradication of Helicobacter pylori. Gut 1992 (Suppl); 33 (2) : F237. Waring AJ, Schorah CJ, Sobala GM, Lynch DAF. Relationships between plasma, gastric tissue and gastric juice ascorbic acid levels in subjects with and without gastritis. Proc Nutr Soc 1993; 52: 61A. Lynch DAF, Clarke AMT, Jackson P, Dixon MF, Quirke P, Axon ATR. Cell proliferation in H pylori associated gastritis and the effect of eradication therapy. Gut 1993 (Suppl); 34 (1) : W12. Lynch DAF, Mapstone NP, Lewis F, Dixon MF, Quirke P, Axon ATR. Correlation between cell proliferation in H pylori associated gastritis and histological scoring using the Sidney System. Gut 1993 (suppl); 34(4) : F197. Lynch DAF, Mapstone NP, Lewis F, Dixon MF, Quirke P, Axon ATR. Gastric juice epidermal growth factor in Helicobacter pylori associated duodenal ulceration. Gastroenterology 1993; 104(4) : A139. Lynch DAF, Mapstone NP, Clarke AMT, Jackson P, Dixon MF, Quirke P, Axon ATR. Cell proliferation in the gastric corpus in Helicobacter pylori associated gastritis and the post- surgical stomach. Gut 1994 (Suppl); 35(2) : T133. Lynch DAF, Mapstone NP, Lewis F, Pentith J, Dixon MF, Quirke P, Axon ATR. Gastric juice epidermal growth factor in Helicobacter pylori associated gastritis and duodenal ulcer disease. Gut 1994 (Suppl); 35(2) : T132. Lynch DAF, Mapstone NP, Clarke AMT, Sobala GM, Jackson P, Morrison L, Dixon MF, Quirke P, Axon ATR. Cell proliferation in Helicobacter pylori associated gastritis and the long term effect of eradication therapy. Gut 1994 (Suppl); 35(2) : W14. Lynch DAF, Mapstone NP, Lewis F, Pentith J, Dixon MF, Quirke P, Axon ATR. Gastric juice epidermal growth factor in active and healed Helicobacter pylori associated gastric ulceration. Gut 1994; 35 (Suppl 4) 1470. Lynch DAF, Lewis F, Pentith J, Dixon MF, Quirke P, Axon ATR. Serum epidermal growth factor in Helicobacter pylori associated duodenal ulcer disease. Gut 1994;35: (Suppl 4) 1471. Lynch DAF, Sobala GM, Gledhill A, Jackson P, Crabtree J, Dixon MF, Axon ATR. Lymphocytic gastritis and associated small bowel disease: a diffuse small bowel enteropathy? Gut 1994; 35 (Suppl 4) 1175. Axon ATR, O’Morain CA, Bardhan KD, Crowe JP, Lynch DAF, Dixon MF, Tompkins DS, Peacock RA, Gillon KRW. Gastric ulcer recurrence following treatment with omeprazole and amoxycillin or omeprazole alone: a multicentre study in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. Gut 1995; 36 (Suppl 1) : A22. Lynch DAF, Busby P, Postill A, Porter C, McConnell K, Clarke D, Hampshire M, Axon ATR. A safe, effective, automatic endoscope disinfection system. Endoscopy 1995;27: S17. Willis P, Lynch DAF, Prescott R, Lamonby S. Cell proliferation in the post-surgical stomach, dietary salt and the effect of H pylori eradication. Gastroenterology 1997;112(4):A680 & Gut 1997;(Suppl 1)41:A48 Shaikh N, Newsom DA, Lynch DAF. Low Molecular Weight Heparin (LMWH) in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Gut 1999;44 (Suppl 1):T140. Miller L, Caton S, Lynch DAF. Cost to patients attending inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) clinic in response to proposed nurse led phone clinic. Gut 1999;44 (Suppl 1):A93 MacDowell J, Willis P, Prescott R, Lamonby S, Lynch DAF. Cell proliferation in biliary gastritis affecting the intact stomach. Gut 1999;44 (Suppl 1):A79.
Matthews P, Miller L, Lynch DAF. Comparison of Subjective Global Assessment with other methods of nutritional assessment; BAPEN 1999; Meaden C, Lynch DAF. A Case Control Study of Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen (N2O/O2) and Benzodiazepine/Opiate in Lower GI endoscopy. Gut 2002;50(S):A98. L Miller, D Lynch, P Carr, E Barnes, A Ferguson, G Banait, P Dey. Determination of safety of drinking before gastroscopy. Gut 2006 [abstract]: in press. An Unusual Endoscopic Duodenal Appearance. RP Willert, SM Weerasinghe, DAF Lynch. Gut 2006;55(suppl II);A31:111.
Chairman Specialist Training Sub-Committee G(I)M & Gastroenterology North West Deanery 2001 – 2008 Regional Specialist Advisor JCHMT 2001 – 2008 Undergraduate Tutor Blackburn Royal Infirmary 1995 – 2008 Director of Medical Undergraduate Education, ELHT 2008 - Honorary Clinical Lecturer in Medicine, University of Manchester 1995 – Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Salford 2006 - Invited Lecturer University of Central Lancashire Member of Final Year Curriculum Committee, Manchester Medical School Final Year Undergraduate Examiner, Manchester Medical School Member of Education Committee at Blackburn Royal Infirmary Member of Post-Graduate Centre Development Committee Secretary LAGS (Lancashire Gastroenterologists Society) 1999 – 2008 Medical Adviser to NACC (Ribble Valley) Founder member of East Lancashire Coeliac Society Member of the British Society of Gastroenterology
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