Si está buscando comprar medicamentos en línea en España, es importante elegir una farmacia en línea de confianza y segura para garantizar que los medicamentos que reciba sean auténticos y de alta calidad. En, ofrecemos una amplia selección de medicamentos, incluido Cialis para la disfunción eréctil (DE), y trabajamos con farmacias acreditadas para garantizar la calidad y la autenticidad de nuestros productos.
Visite nuestro sitio web en para obtener más información sobre nuestros productos y servicios. Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente está disponible para ayudarlo en todo momento y garantizar una experiencia de compra en línea segura y satisfactoria.
DrenchSmart is a faecal egg count reduction test that Getting started assesses drench efficacy on your property. It’s suitable for sheep and goats.
Getting started is easy. Just phone 0800 332 725 or email [email protected] for no obligation advice on
Why do I need it?
how DrenchSmart can help you make every drench count.
DrenchSmart provides a property drench status report so
that you can make informed drench selection decisions.
Once you get started, you will soon be making informed
Making the best decisions can delay the onset of drench
decisions and applying the right course of action.
resistance, reduce your costs by eliminating unnecessary
drenching, and increase your profitability because you can
DrenchSmart gives you foolproof testing with
select only the drenches that are effective.
uncompromised results when you need them. So you can get on with the business of farming.
DrenchSmart can test the following drench actives for efficacy on your property: • Benzimidazoles
Call now 0800 332 725 or
• Combination (BZ and Lev) • Abamectin
[email protected] (A minumum of four drenches must be chosen with a maximum of seven. All assessments will have a control group).FECPAK International 570 Hillside Road
Fax: +64 3 456 3849 E-mail: [email protected]
How can I use DrenchSmart? Take the first step – it couldn’t be easier Step 6: You receive your DrenchSmart Report containing: Step 1: Contact us to organise a DrenchSmart Assessment
• Actual data - individual FEC count results and parasite species results will be included.
• Removing the guesswork by knowing which drenches work
Step 2: We sign the DrenchSmart agreement with you
that ensures the confidentiality of your information.
• Recommendations - FECPAK interpretation of the results will be produced.
• Increasing performance and profitability within your
Step 3: We will carry out a faecal egg count (FEC) test
from your mob. This will be validated through our
• Parasite Species Identification - where possible
FECPAK laboratory to ensure that the FECs are high
resistant parasite species will be identified.
• Ensuring longevity of drenches on your property by
enough to start the DrenchSmart Assessment. FECs
• Details of the DrenchSmart Protocols that
must be a minimum of 500 eggs per gram (epg),
although it is recommended to be 700-800 epg.
• The development of effective quarantine protocols
DrenchSmart Assessments are only carried
out by certified contractors through FECPAK International. “DrenchSmart is a moment in time assessment of the drench status of your property”Contact FECPAK direct to arrange a DrenchSmart Assessment on your property today on 0800 332 725. Step 4: First sample collection
You need to supply 12 animals per drench group and the weigh equipment. We will do the rest to collect the samples and set up the assessment with a certified contractor. Step 5: Final sample collection
10 days later your certified contractor will come back to take the final samples. All samples are then couriered to our laboratory for processing.
Law Makers Lab Technicians & Section 28 of the MDA 1971 I recently dealt with a case concerning compounds derived from cathinone, which although used as plant food, were also marketed on the internet as ‘legal highs’. The defence raised Section 28 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and also questioned whether the compounds in question were actually controlled substances. My research led me
“Principles of Long-run Incremental Cost Model for the Jamaican Telecommunications Market” Digicel Submission: In Response to the OUR Consultation Document “Principles of Long-run Incremental Cost Model for the Jamaican Telecommunications Market” 2. LRIC COSTING BASED ON TOP-DOWN APPROACH .8 2.1. LONG-RUN AND FORWARD LOOKING COSTS .8 2.2. NETWORK TOPOLOGY.9 2.3. RELEVANT INCREMENT .9 2