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全美第三大學名藥廠創辦人趙宇天博士演講 講題:華生宇天─生技藥物創業成功談
時 間:二OO九年六月十六日 (星期二)
下午 2:00~5:00
地 點:政治大學商學院六樓元大講堂 (台北市文山區指南路二段六十四號)

3:00~3:45 Q & A
3:45~4:00 Tea Break
4:00~5:00 Round Table Discussion with Students

Allen Chao, Ph.D.
Dr. Allen Chao is Chairman and Managing Partner, Newport Healthcare Advisors,
LLC. He is also the Founder and former Chairman/CEO of Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
(“WPI”, NYSE), and has been Chief Executive Officer of the Company since August 1985
to September 2007.
Dr. Chao graduated from the School of Pharmacy, Taipei Medical University in
1967 and received a Ph.D. in industrial and physical pharmacy from Purdue University in
1973. In May of 2000, he received the degree of Doctor of Science from Purdue University
in recognition of his leadership and vision for the marketing and production of
pharmaceutical products for human healthcare.
During the last 24 years, Dr. Chao has lead Watson’s growth through internal
R&D, licensing and acquisitions of pharmaceutical products/technologies, as well as
mergers and acquisition activities, and has had strong business development, strategic
planning and execution, as well as financial investment and operational management
experience in the pharmaceutical industry. He has led the planning and establishment of
Watson Asia operations in API, Product Development and Manufacturing. Today, Watson
has three distinct operating divisions: brand pharmaceuticals in Urology and Nephrology,
the 4th largest retail drug distribution company. Watson is the 3rd largest supplier of
generic pharmaceutical products in the U.S. It employs close to 6,000 employees
worldwide. Watson’s 2007 annual revenue was approximately $2.5 billion with EBITDA
over $500 million.
On a personal side, Dr. Chao has contributed to the establishment of the Chao
Family Comprehensive Cancer Center and the H.H. Chao Comprehensive Digestive
Disease Center at the University of California, Irvine Medical Center, Irvine, California
In 2005, the Allen Chao Center for Industrial Pharmacy, located in the Purdue
Research Park in Indiana, has been established to provide leadership in pharmaceutical
education, development and manufacturing. This first-ever, innovative learning program
combines educational training with commercial-ready manufacturing experience.

West Virginia University, School of Pharmacy 碩士(1970)
Purdeu University, Industrial and Physical Pharmacy 博士(1973)
University 2000 年五月,頒與趙宇天博士 Degree of Doctor of Science
Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 創始人
Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 董事長(until 2008)
Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Chief Executive Office (August 1985---September 2007)
Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 2007 年營收額 US$2.5billion,全公司員工六千人,為全美第三
大學名藥廠,第四大藥品零售配銷公司 1.Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center and the H.H. Chao Comprehensive Digestive
Disease Center at the University of California, Irvine Medical Center
2. Allen Chao Center for Industrial Pharmacy located in the Purdue Research Park in Indiana
3. 台北醫學院醫學大樓
Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a leading specialty pharmaceutical company that develops, manufactures, markets and distributes brand and generic pharmaceutical products. With one of the broadest product offerings in the United States and a track record of service excellence, Watson has earned a solid reputation as a reliable and low-cost provider of quality pharmaceutical products. We've built a powerful engine - With $2.5 billion in revenue, an impressive global supply chain and a tradition of successfully navigating through a constantly changing environment, Watson continues to invest for the future while opportunistically building on its leading position as a top-tier specialty pharmaceutical company with a valuable portfolio of excellent products. We have a deep and diverse product portfolio - Watson brings competitive advantages to market that have helped us achieve leadership as the fifth largest pharmaceutical company in the United States today, based on total prescriptions dispensed. Opportunistic, relevant and profitable, we are resolved to conduct our business in a manner that creates lasting value and makes a positive impact on people everywhere. At the heart of our business is a fervent commitment to service. Driven to make a contribution to people in need, we strive to build lasting relationships and conduct our business with integrity. Today we are working at every level to maintain our tradition of strong customer service and sales support, while seeking ways to create new value for our customers and our company. Our global R&D organization is dedicated, focused and agile. Leveraging our expertise in drug delivery technology and product development, Watson's steadily expanding internal R&D program fuels future growth by taking promising product candidates through clinical studies. With a robust Brand product pipeline and more than 60 Generics pending approval with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the road ahead looks promising. This is a time for making bold moves. The execution of Watson's long-term strategic plan and operational activities are solidly underway. We continue to evolve our business and adapt our strategy. Guided by the principles we were founded upon, we will achieve industry leadership by continuing to build a highly competitive global organization, brining a broad portfolio of excellent medicines to market and seeking bold new ways to create value for our shareholders. Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc., headquartered in Corona, California, is a leading specialty pharmaceutical company that develops, manufactures, markets and distributes brand and generic pharmaceutical products. With one of the broadest product offerings in the U.S. generics industry and a track record of service excellence, Watson has earned a solid reputation as a reliable and low-cost provider of quality pharmaceutical products. 311 Bonnie Circle Corona, California 92880 951.493.5300 Watson files periodic reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission that contain additional information about the company. Copies are available through the Financial Reports section of our site. With funding from friends and family, colleagues Allen Chao, Ph.D. and David Hsia, Ph.D.,
begin a small drug development enterprise. In tribute to his mother, whose maiden name was
Hwa, Dr. Chao names the new pharmaceutical company after her. With a small concession to the
English language, "Hwa's son" becomes Watson.
Watson starts with two employees
Establishes an initial product development and analytical laboratory with six employees (including both founders) into leased space in Libertyville, Illinois. Located at 1585 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Unit #2, the retail complex storefront still exists, though today it is subdivided into a drapery company and an educational resources organization. Receives first product approvals: Indomethacin Capsules in October; Furosemide Tablets in November. Less than two years later, the first internally developed generic oral contraceptive is approved. Necon® 1/35 (as it is known today) is the first generic bioequivalent oral contraceptive product ever approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Announces initial public offering (IPO) of shares of common stock at $12.00/share; $6.00/share (post-split). The successful IPO puts Watson on Nasdaq, ticker symbol: WATS. Watson common stock moves to the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), trading under the ticker symbol WPI. On the trading floor with Allen Chao, Ph.D., are Watson Board Members Michael Fedida and Michel Feldman (background) and NYSE President and COO William Johnston (right). Dr. Allen Chao retired as Watson’s President and Chief Executive Officer, remaining active with the company as its Chairman of the Board. Paul Bisaro was named as Dr. Chao’s successor. Paul previously served as President and Chief Operating Officer of Barr Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Paul assumes the helm of a company approaching $2.5 billion in revenues and the challenge of taking Watson to its next level of achievement.


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