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Gamal Abd El-Khalek El-Azab
Associate Prof. Clinical Pharmacy and Hospital Pharmacy Dept. Prof. Ass. , clinical pharmacy Dept, King Saudi Univ. school of Prof. Ass. , clinical pharmacy Dept, King Saudi Univ. school of pharmacy Saudi Arabia. Professor visitor of clinical pharmacy Dept. School of Pharmacy and medical sciences , Amman University, Amman , Jordan. (Combined program with Tanta Univ. Hospital for implementation clinical pharmacy program at Amman Univ.) Ass professor of clinical pharmacy, faculty of pharmacy, Tanta Univ. Tanta. Egypt. A post-doctor fellowship candidate, course training in hospital Lecturer, Dept. Of Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Senior Researcher, Fellowship award to Japan in fulfillment of Assistant lecturer, Dept. Of Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Demonstrator, Dept. Of Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, EDUCATION
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Tanta. Bachelor (very good M.Sc. in Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ph. D. In Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Tanta combined program with Hiroshima, Hiroshima , Japan. MEMBERSHIPS OF SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEES
1. Giving lectures for pharmacists in the continuing pharmaceutical education program. 2. Serving as the main researcher in the clinical study, in the bioavailability, and bioequivalence unite in the pharmaceutical services center, faculty of pharmacy, 3. Participation in most of the research projects concerned with clinical , bioavailability and formulation studies as scientific cooperation between drug companies and faculty of 4. Participation as a member in the organizing committee of Tanta Meeting, faculty of Pharmacy, University of Tanta, Annually in May (1995-1998). 5. Participation as a project supervisor and a member in the Judging Committee of third Conference of Egyptian Pharmaceutical Federation (EPSF III) Pharmaceutical Society 98, 6. Establishing a clinical pharmacy program for teaching and application at school of pharmacy Ain shams Univ. , school of pharmacy , clinical pharmacy Dept. 7. Establishing also clinical pharmacy program for school of pharmacy, 6 October Univ. , 8. Establishing a Pharmacokinetics laboratory and therapeutic drug monitoring services for Methotrexate , Cyclosporin , Vancomycin , Amikacin and other drugs , King Saudi Univ. 9. Sharing in clinical rotation as an extension of the clinical pharmacy services at different Dept. ( PICU , NICU , CCU , SICU , and others ) King Khalid Univ. Hospital , Saudi 10. Clinical Pharmacokinetic advisor and consultant (dose adjustment, and intervention) covering all the hospital wards, King Khalid Univ. hospital tell now Saudi Arabia. CONFRENCES AND SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS
1. Fourth International Meeting On Japanese Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Sciences,29-31 March , 2. Assuit University 1st Pharmaceutical Sciences Conference, Faculty Of Pharmacy ,4-5 March 1998 3. Third Conference Of Egyptian Pharmaceutical Students Federation (EPSE III) Pharmaceutical Scientific Society, Faculty of Pharmacy 6th October University, 22-24 October, 1998, Cairo-Egypt. 4. XXVI Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The Egyptian Pharmaceutical Society, 8-10 5. Tanta Meeting, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Tanta, Annually in May (1994-1997), Tanta- PUBLICATIONS
Thesis Supervision
1. Hoda A. Salem, “Estrogen Replacement Therapy in Recurrent Postmenopausal Lower
Urinary Tract Infections” Master Thesis in Clinical Pharmacy (1994), Faculty of Pharmacy, Tanta University. 2. Hod A. Attalla “Acetylation And Oxidation Phenotypes in Patient with Breast cancer”
Master Thesis in Clinical Pharmacy (1996), Faculty of Pharmacy, Tanta university. 3. Tarek M. Moustafa, “Immunological Study And Free Radicals In Children With
Various Presentation Of Rheumatic Fever During Activity And Quescence”, Master thesis in Clinial Pharmacy (1997), Faculty of Pharmacy, Tanta University. 4. Nada F.A. El-Nidany. “Comparative Clinical Study On The Effect Of Some Topical
Formulation For The Treatment Of Vetiligo”, Master thesis In Clinical Pharmacy,
(1997), Faculty of Pharmacy, Tanta University.
5. Haiam M. E. El-Serafy, “Clinical Study Of The Hypoglycemic Response To
Sulfonylurea In Diabetic Patients With Aspirin As Adjuvant Therapy”, Master Thesis In Clinical Pharmacy (1997), Faculty of Pharmacy, Tanta University. 6. Sahar K.T. Hegazy, “Clinical And Biochemical Study On The Role Of Free Radicals
AND Antioxidants In Male Infertility”, Ph.D. thesis in Clinical Pharmacy (1997), Faculty of Pharmacy, Tanta University. 7. Sahar M.E. Haggar, “Clinical And Biochemical Study On The Role Of Free Radicals
And Antioxidants On Diabetic Patients With Neuropathy”, Ph. D. Thesis in Clinical Pharmacy (1997), Faculty of Pharmacy, Tanta University. 8. Mohamed F. El-Shater, “Clinical And Biochemical Study on the Role of Free Radicals
and Antioxidants in Parkinson’s Disease”, MD. Thesis in Neurology (1997), Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University”. 9. Islam T. Hussin, “Comparative Clinical Study On The Effect Of Angiotensin
Converting Enzyme Inhibitors And Antioxidants On The Patient With Diabetic Nephropathy”, Master thesis in Clinical Pharmacy (1999), Faculty of Pharmacy, Tanta University. 10. Amira M. Hadhod, “Parentral Nutrition And Critically III Patients” Master thesis in
Clinical Pharmacy ,(1999), Faculty of Pharmacy, Ein Shams University. 11. Azza A. Mans “Comparative Study Between The Effect Of Angiotensin II
Antioxidants In Diabetic Nephropathy” Master thesis in Clinical Pharmacy (1999), Faculty of Pharmacy, Ein Shams University. 12. Osama A. Mohamed “Comparative Clinical Study Between The Effect Of Different
Anti Reflux Drug In Asthmatics With Gasteroesophageal Reflux” Master thesis in Clinical Pharmacy, (1999), Faculty of Pharmacy, Ein Shams University. 13. Reem Almotary "Evaluation of the efficacy and safty of clopidogrel (plavix) as
adjuvant therapy with aspirinin Saudi pediatric cardiac patients. 14. Mohamed B.duhim "Population pharmacokinetic of cyclosporine. research master
15. Suliman El-Chrier "Non-conventional amphotericim B usage avaluation in Saudi
hospitals. Research master project. KSU. , (2001). 16. Foad A. Aldash Janabi "Insulin prescribing practices in Saudi Arabia .research master
1. G. EL_Azab , M.K. Youssef , Y. Higashi ,T. Murakami , and N. Yata ,”Acetaminophen
Plasma Level After Oral Administration In Liver Cirrhotic Patients Suffering From
Schistosomal Infection
”. International Journal Of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
vol. 34,NO7-1996(299-303).
2. EL_Azab.G.(Ph.D.) Abu-Farrag,M.(MD);,and Morad ,M.(M.D.), “Arginine -Nitric Oxide
Pathway In Children With Conginital Heart Disease With Left To Right Shunts”. The
Gaz. Egypt. Paed. Vol.45 No.4 Oct,1997.
3. EL_Azab GA (Ph.D.) EL-Esawy NM (MD) , Abdel-Razik AM(MD),Zoair AM(MD)effect
of Inhaled Furosemide And Oral Erythromycin On Bronchial Hyperresponsiveness In
Asthmatic Children
”,Tanta Medical Journal vol.25,No.1,June 30 ,1997.
4. Gamal A. ElAzab ,Tamer A. Felfella , and Mohamed A. Nasra .,”Estrogen Replacement
therapy in recurrent postmenopausal lower urinary tract infection .” ,Assuit university 1st
pharmaceutical sciences conference ,conference Abstract ,Assuit -Egypt,1998 p.97 .
5. G.A. EL_Azab,” N.M. EL-Esawy ,A.M. Abd EL-Raziek ,A.M. Zoair , ” the effect of inhaled
indomethacin and lysine acetylsalicylate on exercise - induced bronchoconstriction in
children with asthma
”Az.J. pharm.sci. ,vol. 21 June ,1998, p.86-97.
6. Medhat A. Fouda ,Omer Y. Mady ,and Gamal A. EL_Azab ,”Stabilization and Control of
Aspirin Release Via Solid Dispersion Systems” , mans. J. pharm. Sci. ,vol 14 ,no.1 ,pp. 36-
70 ,1998 .
7. G.A. EL_Azab M. Kantoush ,M. Abu_Farrag , M. Rowisha , .”Inflammatory Cytokines
And Nitric Oxide In Children With Sepsis And Septic Shock ”,Egypt. J. Biomed. Sci. vol
2 , October , 1998,pp. 145-166 .
8. Gamal A. EL_Azab, Mohsen A. Hedaya ,Atef A. Awad,Mohamed M. Sharaf,and Moustafa
k. Youssef.”Effect Of Dexamethasone And Terfenadine On Plasma Profile Of
Praziquantel In Patients With Schistosomiasis
”,XXVI Conference of Pharmaceutical
Sciences ,Cairo Meridian Hotel (8-10 December) ,Conference Abstract ,Cairo-Egypt ,1998
,p.119 .
Teaching many courses for undergraduate students:
Clinical Pharmacy, first and second semester courses fourth year Pharmacy Medical Terminology, second semester, first year Pharmacy Professional Pharmacy and Drug, Interactions, first and second semester courses, Applied Therapeutics, first semester course, fourth year Pharmacy. Pharmacokinetics, second semester course, second year Pharmacy. Health care Administration, Second semester course, fourth year pharmacy. Elective Courses (Hospital Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacy), fourth year Pharmacy. Teaching Courses for graduate students:
Advanced Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics RESEARCH INTEREST
1. Fellowship award to Japan in fulfillment of Ph. D. degree (channel system program), Sept. 1990 - 2. Course Training Program in Hospital Pharmacy at Japan International Medical Technology Foundation, August-Dec. 1994, organized by the Japan International Cooperation Program of the government of Japan.


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Dottorato in Ingegneria Industriale Elenco Pubblicazioni Dottorandi - anno 2011 • Frau A. , Baratti R., Alvarez J., “Composition estimation of a six-component distillation column with temperature measurements”, in Advanced Control of Chemical Processes, Vol. 7, (Eds. E. Engell and Y. Arkun), (ISBN: 978-3-902661-54-8) (doi: 10.3182/20090712-4-TR-2008.00068), p. 447-452. • S. Car

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