He encontrado que alguna farmacia puede tener existencias limitadas de ciertos medicamentos, mientras que otras pueden tener casi cualquier formato que se le ocurra y el habitual de dosis habitualidad apareció. En resumen, siempre se contiene el almacén de corroborar. Al mismo tiempo que el producto que más que gustaba ha resultado no estaba disponible en stock otro distinto por las Buenas costumbres también debe buscarse jefe no asн parezca. Por eso es importante disponer de un Plan B para actuar cuandod ello no ocurra.
Ventaja de tomar un genérico en lugar de Asix
Un genérico es más barato que el nombre de marca
Uno de los mayores incentivos para someterse al Dónde comprar Lasix genérico en lugar de pagar la marca es que usted puede obtener un ahorrando importantes Lasix genérico. Por lo tanto, un Lasix genérico es en general mucho más barato que el homólogo de marca, así que una denominación genérica se hace posible para las personas que usan este medicamento con frecuencia. Un ejemplo: La compra de lurosemida en lugar de Lasix es una considerable ahorro para el presupuesto mensual de medicamentos.
There’s a huge gap between the claims made for “mood stabilising” drugs and the evidence for their safety and effectiveness. So why are we now dishing them out even to young children, asks psychiatrist David Healy, who helped uncover the suicide risks associated with modern antidepressants
keel as signs of an illness that requires
that anticonvulsants might stabilise moods by
treatment. While it does not mention any
a comparable “quenching” effect – in other
dancing late into the night. “Your doctor never sees you like this,” a
drugs, the website stresses the importance of
voice-over says. The screen cuts to a shrunken,
long-term medication. At the time the ad was
anticonvulsants might prevent an episode of
glum figure: “This is who your doctor sees.”
aired, Eli Lilly's drug olanzapine (Zyprexa) had mood disorder “kindling” future episodes.
Next we see the woman in active shopping
just been approved by the US Food and Drug
Although anticonvulsants had occasionally
mode. “That is why so many people with
Administration for treating periods of mania,
been used for treating bipolar disorders, there
and the company was running trials aimed at
was at the time little evidence of a preventive
depression and aren’t getting any better –
establishing olanzapine as a “mood stabiliser”. effect to support this analogy. Nevertheless,
because depression is only half the story.” We
Before 1995, the term “mood stabilisers”
the idea that some drugs might stabilise
see the woman again depressed, looking at bills had barely been heard of. So what exactly
moods appealed to doctors and their patients.
that have arrived in the post, then cut to her
are these drugs, and how effective and safe
It was also very attractive to pharmaceutical
energetically painting her apartment. “That
companies, which were starting to take an
fast-talking, energetic, quick-tempered, up-all-
interest in the market for bipolar drugs.
night you,” says the voice-over, “probably
manic-depressive illness were treated with
Bipolar disorders entered the Diagnostic
never shows up in the doctor’s office.”
antidepressants, and the manias with the
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
(DSM) in 1980. The criteria for bipolar I
television in 2002. It encouraged viewers to
doctors did not rush to take people off these
disorder (classic manic-depressive illness)
log onto bipolarawareness.com, which takes
drugs after episodes of illness, many patients
included an episode of hospitalisation for
you to a website called the Bipolar Help
remained on them for years. However, the
mania. Since then, mood disorders that do not
Center. Scroll down and you see the site
only agent thought to prevent episodes of
require hospitalisation have been described,
belongs to pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly. Here you will find a “mood disorder questionnaire”. In the TV ad, we see our
heroine filling in this questionnaire, and the ad encourages viewers to follow her example: of bipolar disorder in children. “Take the test you can take to your doctor, it
can change your life… Getting a correct diagnosis is the first step in treating bipolar disorder. Help your doctor to help you.”
such as bipolar II disorder, bipolar disorders
This ad markets bipolar disorder. It can be
permanent basis was lithium, a cheap trace
seen as a genuine attempt to alert people who
element, though it was not originally referred
cyclothymia. With the emergence of these so-
are unaware that they are suffering from one
called “community” disorders, estimates for
the prevalence of bipolar disorders have risen
psychiatric diseases: manic-depressive illness, stabilisers” were anticonvulsants, a group
from 0.1 per cent of the population to 5 per
in which people undergo periods of extreme
used for treating epilepsy. Epileptic fits can
cent or more. Along with this expansion in
emotional lows and periods of extreme highs
cause changes in the brain that make future
estimated prevalence – and in the market for
fits more likely – an effect called “kindling” –
drugs – have come new journals and a slew of
The ad can also be seen as an example of
bipolar societies and annual conferences,
disease mongering: selling a disease so you
anticonvulsants reduce or “quench” these
many heavily funded by drug companies.
can sell treatments for it. It encourages people changes. In the 1980s, Robert Post of the US
In the industry’s hands, the growth of
to view any variations from an even emotional National Institute of Mental Health suggested
awareness of “mood stabilisation” has been
38 | NewScientist | 15 April 2006
sensational. It started in 1995, the year the FDA be applied to some antipsychotic drugs as well antipsychotics as a long-term treatment for granted Abbott Laboratories a licence to use
as to anticonvulsants like sodium valproate.
bipolar disorder, and scant evidence of their
(Depakote) to treat periods of mania. In the
antipsychotics had sought a licence for using
onwards, Eli Lilly, Janssen and AstraZeneca,
US, approval allows companies to advertise
these drugs as a “maintenance” treatment.
the makers of the antipsychotics olanzapine,
drugs for the licensed purpose, and in its ads
What’s more, academic review articles make it risperidone (Risperdal) and quetiapine
for doctors Abbott described valproate as a
clear that there is still no consensus among
(Seroquel) respectively, marched in on this
“mood stabiliser” – a label that may have
psychiatrists on what a “mood stabiliser” is.
new territory and began the process of getting
encouraged many to think it could do more
There has always been a rationale to using
approval for using these drugs not just to treat
antipsychotics to treat the periods of mania
mania but as long-term “mood stabilisers”.
By 2001, this term featured in the titles or
that people with bipolar disorder go through.
The result of these trends is that people
abstracts of more than 100 scientific papers a
with a bipolar disorder are now routinely
year (see Graph, page 40), and it has started to
prescribed a cocktail of expensive drugs on
15 April 2006 | NewScientist | 39
a permanent basis. Drug companies, often
stem in part from difficulties in conducting
with the enthusiastic support of psychiatrists, trials that last more than a few weeks for have managed to firmly establish the idea
conditions as complex as manic-depressive
illness. However, the existing evidence of
preventive medication, not merely treatment
benefit for one agent (lithium) and possible
for episodes of mania or depression.
benefit for one more (olanzapine) must be
For instance, Eli Lilly’s Bipolar Help Center
weighed against the dangers. The potential
website states: “Staying on medication over
toxicity of lithium is well known, and a
the long haul is critical. Without it, symptoms
consistent body of evidence shows that people
will reappear and the illness will get worse.”
undergoing regular, long-term treatment with
Similarly, information available from Janssen, antipsychotics have an increased risk of death. the maker of Risperdal, states: “Medicines are
antipsychotics do not show up in the relatively
bipolar disorders. Studies over the past twenty short-term trials aimed at demonstrating years have shown beyond the shadow of doubt treatment effects in psychiatry. There is also that people who receive the appropriate drugs evidence from trials of antipsychotics for are better off in the long term than those who
schizophrenia that there are significantly
There is, however, much less evidence than active drug than those on placebo.
many might think to support these claims. In
being pulled into the manic-depressive net,
demonstrated in clinical trials translate
there is almost none at all, as drug trials have
into therapeutic efficacy. In north Wales a
patients given an active drug. No suicides and
century ago, patients with bipolar I disorder
person-years of exposure) occurred in 418
patients on placebo. Based on these figures, I
lithium for bipolar I disorder, no randomised
improvements in services and treatment with calculate that suicidal acts are 2.2 times as
controlled trials show that patients with
the very latest drugs, bipolar I patients are
likely in those taking “mood stabilisers”
bipolar disorders who receive drugs do better
admitted four times as often (History of
in the long term than those who receive no
Psychiatry, vol 16, p 423). This is not ordinarily
If the efficacy of “mood stabilisers” is
medicine. Eli Lilly’s olanzapine was approved
what happens when treatments “work”, but
by the FDA for the long-term treatment of
quite often is what happens when treatments
include an increased risk of suicide, we should
bipolar I disorder in January 2004 on the basis have side effects.
surely be very cautious about expanding their
of a randomised, placebo-controlled trial. But
use. Yet in the US there is now a surge of
this trial essentially lasted only a year, and
diagnoses of bipolar disorder in children
Fearsome toll
most apparent relapses occurred just after
despite the facts that these children do not
patients stopped taking olanzapine, which
Those selling bipolar disorder stress the
meet the usual criteria for bipolar I disorder
suggests that they were in fact suffering
disorder’s fearsome toll in terms of suicides.
and that until recently the general wisdom
withdrawal symptoms. Even in the case of
was that it was very rare for manic-depressive
lithium, there is some dispute over what has
antidepressants in triggering suicide has been illness to start in the pre-teen years.
This trend is exemplified by the book The
It is true that this lack of evidence may
diagnosis: if the doctor had only realised the
Bipolar Child by Demitri and Janice Papolos.
patient was bipolar, the argument goes, they
Published in 2000, it sold 70,000 hardback
copies in six months in the US. As the Star-
antidepressant. Because of this suicide risk,
Telegram newspaper in Fort Worth, Texas,
most psychiatrists would find it difficult not
reported in July 2000, The Bipolar Child made
to prescribe drugs for any person with bipolar all the difference to a local girl, Heather Norris, disorder. Yet as real as this risk is, the best
then aged 2. Heather had been diagnosed with
available evidence shows that medication
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
making her worse. After reading The Bipolar Child, her mother challenged her doctor to
change the diagnosis – and the medication.
controlled, double-blind, randomised trials of
The book’s authors have senior positions in
“mood stabilisers” for the prevention of
a charity called the Juvenile Bipolar Research
manic-depressive episodes submitted to the
board between 1997 and 2003 (The American
company Novartis. The charity’s FAQ on what
Journal of Psychiatry, vol 162, p 799). They
it calls “early onset” bipolar disorder states:
compared the suicide risk in patients on
various drugs with those on placebo. Two
intense moods for weeks or months at a time,
but children appear to experience such rapid
person-years of drug exposure) and eight
suicide attempts (1969 per 100,000 person-
40 | NewScientist | 15 April 2006
If we consider adults alone for a moment,
there is already potential for creating an
children were solely for research purposes,
“epidemic” of bipolar disorder because people there might be little problem. However, drugs
are being diagnosed based on criteria that
such as olanzapine and risperidone are now
depend upon subjective judgements rather
being given to preschoolers in the US.
than any objective criterion of disability, such
Some research on the subject is adding fuel
as hospitalisation or being off work for a
to the fire. What might once have been thought
month. With children, the risk is even greater
of as sober institutions, such as Massachusetts
because diagnosis is based mainly on the
General Hospital in Boston, have run trials of
reports of parents, with little scope in most
olanzapine and risperidone on children with
clinical practice for critical scrutiny of the social an average age of 4. The hospital recruited forces influencing parenting. For instance, in
participants by running TV ads stating that
an age in which both parents often have to
difficult and aggressive behaviour in children
work long hours and childcare centres reject
aged 4 and up can stem from bipolar disorder.
“difficult” children, medication may be the
The ad does more than recruit children with a
easiest way to deal with behavioural problems. clear disorder: it suggests that everyday
Experts who appear willing to go so far as
behavioural difficulties may be better seen in
to accept the possibility that the first signs of
terms of a disorder. Given that bipolar disorder
in children is all but unrecognised outside the
proportion of these children will not meet the conventional criteria for bipolar I disorder.
It is all but impossible for a short-term trial
of sedative agents for treating any sort of state that involves periods of overactivity not to show some rating-scale changes that can be regarded as beneficial. This research thus appears predestined to validate the diagnosis and thus increase the pressure for treatment.
diagnosed with bipolar disorder, the original rationale for mood stabilisation was greatly weakened by the results of the largest ever randomised trial of immediate versus deferred anticonvulsant therapy for people who had experienced a single seizure. The trial found that although immediate anti-epileptic drug treatment reduces the occurrence of seizures in the next one to two years, such treatment does not affect long-term remission in individuals with single or infrequent seizures. Yet the entire concept of “mood stabilisation” was based on an analogy with epilepsy, not on any demonstrations of long-term benefit of any particular drug.
The use of “mood stabilisers” as a long-
term maintenance treatment for bipolar disorders is based more on wishful thinking than on a solid theoretical or empirical basis. There is good evidence that these drugs threaten the health and lives of adults taking them – who knows what lies in store for the growing number of young children given these complex agents? Only the health of drug companies’ profit margins appears assured. ●
David Healy is a psychiatrist at the North Wales Department of Psychological Medicine, Cardiff University, UK. This is an edited version of an essay in PLoS Medicine, one of a series of articles on disease mongering available at http://collections. plos.org/diseasemongering-2006.php
15 April 2006 | NewScientist | 41
TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA ASSOCIATION FACE PAIN SURVEY SECTION I: CONTACT INFORMATION First Name: SECTION II: PRESENT DIAGNOSIS (Some people have more than one disorder. Check any that you’ve had and indicate if you are pain free now). SECTION III: FAMILY AND PERSONAL HISTORY Has anyone in your family had any of the following conditions? (If no, please skip to your medical h
Het gebruik van elk geneesmiddel moet worden beperkt tot medische indicaties. Alle verboden stoffen zullen worden beschouwd als “specifieke stoffen” behalve stoffen in de groepen S1, S2, S4.4 en S6.a, en de Verboden Methoden M1, M2 en M3. I. Stoffen en methoden die te allen tijde zijn verboden (zowel binnen wedstrijdverband als buiten wedstrijdverband) Verboden stoffen II. Stoffen en method