He encontrado que alguna farmacia puede tener existencias limitadas de ciertos medicamentos, mientras que otras pueden tener casi cualquier formato que se le ocurra y el habitual de dosis habitualidad apareció. En resumen, siempre se contiene el almacén de corroborar. Al mismo tiempo que el producto que más que gustaba ha resultado no estaba disponible en stock otro distinto por las Buenas costumbres también debe buscarse jefe no asн parezca. Por eso es importante disponer de un Plan B para actuar cuandod ello no ocurra. Ventaja de tomar un genérico en lugar de Asix Un genérico es más barato que el nombre de marca Uno de los mayores incentivos para someterse al Dónde comprar Lasix genérico en lugar de pagar la marca es que usted puede obtener un ahorrando importantes Lasix genérico. Por lo tanto, un Lasix genérico es en general mucho más barato que el homólogo de marca, así que una denominación genérica se hace posible para las personas que usan este medicamento con frecuencia. Un ejemplo: La compra de lurosemida en lugar de Lasix es una considerable ahorro para el presupuesto mensual de medicamentos.

C:\documents and settings\pc\es

Teqc (pronouced "tek") is a simple yet powerful and unified approach tosolving many pre-processing problems with GPS, GLONASS, and SBAS data: translation: binary data reading/translation of native binary formats(optional RINEX file creation for OBS, NAV, and/or MET files or optionalcreation of BINEX) editing and cut/splice: metadata extraction; editing, and/or correction ofRINEX header metadata; or BINEX metadata records; as well ascutting/splicing of RINEX files or BINEX quality check: quality checking of GPS and/or GLONASS data (native binary,BINEX, or RINEX OBS; with or without ephemerides) These three main functions (from which teqc gets its name: translation,editing, and quality check) can be performed altogether, in pairs, orseparately. Translators (with varying limitations) are included in the currentdevelopment for: Trimble DAT, MES, ION, EPH download fileset Trimble RT17 RS-232 real-time stream format (aka "binary cyclic print mode")Trimble 4700, R7, 5700, NetRS BINEX Trimble TSIP format (very limited) Javad JPS format *1 Topcon TPS format *1 Ashtech "Version 3" B/E/S/D download fileset Ashtech MBEN/PBEN and DBEN RS-232 real-time stream format Ashtech Z-12 CGRS R-file format Ashtech micro-Z BINEX Ashtech micro-Z CGRS U-file format AOA ConanBinary AOA TurboBinary Leica System 500 and 1200 MDB binary format Leica System 500 and 1200 LB2 binary format Leica MC1000/SR9600 LB2 binary format Leica DS fileset format Navcom binary format u-blox UBX format Canadian Marconi binary Rockwell Zodiac binary Motorola Oncore binary (limited: no phase) Texas Instruments TI-4100 GESAR & BEPP/CORE formats Texas Instruments TI-4100 ROM format JPL Soc format IGS RTigs format ARGO .dat and .orb format *1 If a set of TPS/JPS messages to be used is other than the default one orif the adopted order of messages in the default set of messages is changedin some way, make sure that the updated set of messages maintains the "epochsynchronization", i.e., the messages [~~] and [RD] precede the messagescontaining code, carrier phase and other types of measurements collected atthe current epoch. Should the user violate this condition, he or she may notbe able to correctly process corresponding raw data files with teqc or withTopcon's Pinnacle™ and other TPS post-processing software. Teqc is designed to handle mixed satellite constellations, such as GPS,GLONASS, and SBAS; it is 100% non-interactive — to aid in using it withautomatically executed scripts — with a command line interface. Usage: teqc [opts] file1 [file2 [.]] or: teqc [opts] < stdin where [opts]: -id or +id dump program id to stderr -help or +help dump the entire on-line help to stderr +relax allow relaxed requirements on RINEX header fields -relax strict requirements on RINEX header fields (default) +reformat allow reading of misformatted RINEX data fields -reformat strict requirements on RINEX data fields (default) +err name write stderr directly to file "name" ++err name append stderr directly to file "name" +out name write stdout directly to file "name" ++out name append stdout directly to file "name" -config name read file(s) "name" as configuration file(s) +config dump all set parameters as a configuration to stdout ++config dump all known parameters as a superset configurationto stdout ++igs dump all IGS receiver/antenna/dome designations tostdout ++sym dump all ASCII QC plot symbols to stdout -max_rx_ch[annels] # set maximum # of receiver channels based on receivertype (default for AOA = 12, Ashtech = 12, Trimble= 12, TI-4100 = 4) -max_rx_SVs # set maximum # of SVs trackable (per OBS epoch) basedon receiver type (default for AOA = 12, Ashtech = 12, Trimble= 12, TI-4100 = 4) -n_GPS # set maximum expected GPS SV PRN to 0 < # < 256(default = 32) -n_GLONASS # set maximum expected GLONASS SV # to 0 < # < 256(default = 24) -n_gssp # set maximum expected GSSP SV # to 0 < # < 256(default = 51) -n_Transit # set maximum expected Transit SV # to 0 < # < 256(default = 6) +ch use all channels (default) -ch# don't use channel # +NaN_obs use all OBS data (default) -NaN_obs# don't use SV w/ NaN data in list +G use all GPS SVs (default) -G# don't use GPS SV PRN # +R use all GLONASS SVs (default) -R# don't use GLONASS SV slot # +S use all GSSP SVs (default) -S# don't use GSSP SV slot # +T use all Transit SVs (default) -T# don't use Transit SV # -st[art_window] str set start time to str ==[[[[[[YY]YY]MM]DD]hh]mm]ss[.sssss] +dX # delta X time of # from start time; X == Y, M, d, h,m, s for year,.,second -dX # delta X time of # from end time; X == Y, M, d, h, m,s for year,.,second -e[nd_window] str set end time to str ==[[[[[[YY]YY]MM]DD]hh]mm]ss[.sssss] -hole name read file "name" to establish list of window holes -delim# change delimiter to # for seperating file names(default = ,) +obs[file(s)] name output any OBS records in binary input to file "name" +nav[file(s)] name output any NAV records in binary input to file "name" +met[file(s)] name output any MET records in input to file "name" +dump_i[on] dump all ionosphere model parameters to stderr -dump_i[on] don't dump ionosphere model parameters to stderr(default) +dump_u[tc] dump all UTC model parameters to stderr -dump_u[tc] don't dump UTC model parameters to stderr (default) +dump_u[tc] dump parsing and other diagnostics to stderr -dump_u[tc] don't dump parsing and other diagnostics to stderr(default) -aoa code input is from AOA (JPL) receiver, record type "code": code = cb for ConanBinary survey data fromTurboRogue or TurboStar rxs code = tb for TurboBinary survey data fromTurboRogue or TurboStar rxs code = tbY for TurboBinary survey data fromBenchmark ACT rx ("Y-codeless") -ash[tech] code input is from Ashtech receiver, record type "code": code = d for download B* survey data code = s for streamed RS-232 data code = r for streamed R-file format data code = u for streamed U-file format data -cmc code input is from Canadian Marconi (CMC) receiver, recordtype "code": code = b for CMC binary -lei[ca] code input is from Leica receiver, record type "code": code = ds for Leica DS format code = lb2 for Leica LB2 format code = mdb for Leica MDB format -mot[orola] code input is from Motorola receiver, record type "code": code = oncore for Oncore binary -rock[well] code input is from Rockwell receiver, record type "code": code = z for Zodiac format -tr[imble] code input is from Trimble receiver, record type "code": code = d for download *.dat survey data code = s for streamed RS-232 data -ti code input is from Texas Instruments receiver, record type"code": code = gesar for TI-4100 GESAR & BEPP/CORE formatsurvey data code = rom for TI-4100 TI-ROM format survey data -argo input is ARGO format +P[codes] expect and use P-codes (default) -P[codes] don't expect P-codes +L2 expect and use L2-carrier data (default) -L2 don't expect L2-carrier data +L1_2 keep L1 cycle data if L1 is squared (default) -L1_2 turn off +L2_2 keep L2 cycle data if L2 is squared (default) -L2_2 turn off +CA_L1 use phase value in C/A code block as L1 -CA_L1 use phase value in P1 code block as L1 (default) +msec_phs_adj include adjustment to phase values at rx ms resets -msec_phs_adj turn off (default) +leap[_seconds] subtract current leap seconds from GLONASSpseudoranges (default) -leap[_seconds] turn off +rds reverse Doppler sign -rds turn off (default) +smooth[ing] include smoothing correction to Ashtech pseudoranges -smooth[ing] turn off (default) +Ashtech_qd include all "questionable" data when translating -Ashtech_qd exclude all "questionable" data (default) +Ashtech_B_file_adjust Ashtech B-file is corrupted -Ashtech_B_file_adjust normal Ashtech B-file (default) +Ashtech_old_clk_reset use old Ashtech clock reset scheme -Ashtech_old_clk_reset turn off (default) +lb2_fe ignore Leica LB2 records until 0xfe record is read -lb2_fe use all records (default) +geod_p data from Trimble Geodesist-P receiver -geod_p not from Geodesist-P (default) +TBnr use 0x68 TurboBinary data (normal-rate observable record) (default) -TBnr turn off +TBLC use LC (0xde) TurboBinary data -TBLC turn off (default) +TB1s use 1-sec (0x1a) TurboBinary data) -TB1s turn off (default) +TBhr use high-rate (0xdb, 0xdc) TurboBinary data -TBhr turn off (default) +TBfe_ff recognize header/trailer records (0xff, 0xfe)TurboBinary records (default) -TBfe_ff ignore 0xff, 0xfe records +TB_ca_fix apply CA offset fix to 0x68 TurboBinary records(before ~1 Dec 92) -TB_ca_fix turn off (default) +v[erify] verify conformance to RINEX Version 2 standard -v[erify] stream out RINEX Version 2 standard or other (such asqc output) (default) -week # initially set GPS week to # (for certain binary inputdata streams) (default = best guess) +warn[ings] dump any warnings to stderr (default) -warn[ings] turn off +meta[data] produce UNAVCO archive raw metadata table -meta[data] turn off (default) +mds show short metadata summary -mds turn off (default) +mdf show probable format -mdf turn off (default) +phc output all RINEX post-header comments (default) -phc suppress RINEX post-header comments -base[year] # change epoch base year to # A.D. (default = 1980) -O.{opt} arg(s) override any existing OBS header {opt} with arg(s): -O.sum[mary] s for OBS file(s) and input is not stdin, putsummary at beginning of output (two passes) -O.sum[mary] e for OBS file(s), put summary at end of output(requires only one pass) -O.an "str" set OBS antenna number to "str" -O.at "str" set OBS antenna type to "str" -O.px[WGS84xyz,m] x y z set OBS antenna WGS 84 position to x y z (inmeters) -O.pg[eo,ddm] lat lon el set OBS antenna WGS 84 position to lat lonelevation (degrees degrees meters) -O.pe[hEN,m] h E N set OBS antenna position eccentricities to h EN (in meters) -O.mov[ing] 1 force OBS antenna position to be in kinematic(roving) state initially -O.ag[ency] "str" set OBS operating agency to "str" +O.c[omment] "str" append OBS comment "str" -O.dec[imate] # modulo decimation of OBS epochs to # time units # = 30s results in epochs nominally at00 and 30 seconds -O.def_wf i j set OBS default wavelength factors to i and j -O.mod_wf i j n {SV1 SV2 . SVn} set OBS modified wavelength factorsto i and j of n SVs -O.e[nd] Y M D h m s set OBS end time (last epoch) to Y M D h m s -O.int[erval,sec] # set OBS observation interval to # ( > 0.)seconds -O.leap # set OBS leap seconds to # -O.mn "str" set OBS monument number to "str" -O.mo[nument] "str" set OBS monument name to "str" -O.o[perator] "str" set OBS operator name to "str" -O.rename_obs "str" rename OBS observables to "str" "str" = L1L2C1P2 renames 4 observablesto be L1 L2 C1 P2, and in that order -O.obs[_types] "str" change OBS observables to "str" "str" = L1L2C1P2 sets 4 observables tobe L1 L2 C1 P2, and in that order -O.rn "str" set OBS receiver number to "str" -O.rt "str" set OBS receiver type to "str" -O.rv "str" set OBS receiver version to "str" -O.r[un_by] "str" set OBS run by to "str" -O.s[ystem] # set OBS satellite system to # (= G, R, S, T, orM) -O.sl[ant] s d dh set OBS antenna position eccentricities todh+sqrt(s^2 - (d/2)^2) 0 0 (in meters) -O.st[art] Y M D h m s set OBS start time (first epoch) to Y M D h m s -N.{opt} arg(s) override any existing NAV header {opt} with arg(s): -N.a[lpha] a0 a1 a2 a3 set NAV ionosphere alpha parameters to a0 a1 a2a3 -N.b[eta] b0 b1 b2 b3 set NAV ionosphere beta parameters to b0 b1 b2b3 +N.c[omment] "str" append NAV comment "str" -N.corr yr mon day sec set NAV correction to system time to yr monday sec -N.dec[imate] # modulo decimation of NAV ToE epochs to # timeunits # = 12h results in ToE epochs at 00 and12 hours -N.leap # set NAV leap seconds to # -N.r[un_by] "str" set NAV run by to "str" -N.s[ystem] # set NAV satellite system to # (= G, R, T, or M) -N.UTC A0 A1 t w set NAV UTC time model to A0 A1 t w -M.{opt} arg(s) override any existing MET header {opt} with arg(s): +M.c[omment] "str" append MET comment "str" -M.dec[imate] # modulo decimation of MET epochs to # time units # = 15m results in epochs at 00, 15,30, and 45 minutes -M.int[erval,sec] # set MET observation interval to # ( > 0.)seconds -M.mn "str" set MET monument number to "str" -M.mo[nument] "str" set MET monument name to "str" +M.mod[el/type/acc] "obs" "model" "type" accuracy set "obs" MET sensormod/type/acc to "model" "type" accuracy "obs" = HR, PR, TD, or ZW -M.rename_obs "str" rename MET observables to "str" "str" = TD+HR+PR renames 3 observablesto be TD HR PR, and in that order -M.obs[_types] "str" change MET observables to "str" "str" = TD+HR+PR sets 3 observables tobe TD HR PR, and in that order +M.pos[ition] "obs" x y z h set "obs" MET sensor XYZ/H to x y z h "obs" = HR, PR, TD, or ZW -M.r[un_by] "str" set MET run by to "str" -qc turn off quality check (default) +qc quality checking (w/ following options): +ap turn average position on -ap turn off (default) +eep turn every epoch position (silent) on -eep turn off (default) +eepx turn every epoch position (xyz cartesian)on -eepx turn off (default) +eepg turn every epoch position (geographical) on -eepg turn off (default) +cl[ock_slips] turn clock n-msec slip detection on (default) -cl[ock_slips] turn off -code_sigmas # set maximum tolerace for code rejection to #(default = 2.0) +data[indicators] turn data indicators on qc ASCII plot on(default) -data[indicators] turn off -eps[ilon] # set machine epsilon to # (default =1.387779e-17) +hor[izon] when possible, show SV information down to horizon (default) -hor[izon] turn off +ion compute L2-ionospheric observable (default) -ion turn off +iod compute L2-ionospheric derivative (default) -iod turn off +tec compute TEC observable -tec turn off (default) -ion_bins # use # elevation bins between horizon and zenithfor ionospheric observable (default = 18) -ion_jump[cm] # set maximum L2-ionospheric change to be # cm(default = 1.000e+35) -iod_jump[cm/min] # set maximum L2-ionospheric time-rate of changeto be # cm/minute (default = 400.0) -gap_mn[min] # set minimum gap allowed # minutes (default =10.0) -gap_mx[min] # set maximum gap allowed w/o NAV info to #minutes (default = 90.0) -glonass_n str str = GLONASS SV and frequency number file +l[ong_report] write a long report file segment (default) -l[ong_report] don't write a long report file segment +lli turn Loss-of-Lock indicator on (default) -lli turn off +ma turn multipath moving average on (default) -ma turn off +mask when possible, show SV information down toelevation mask -mask turn off (default) -min_L1 # set minimum allowable L1 S/N RINEX code to 0 <=# <= 9 (default = 0) -min_L2 # set minimum allowable L2 S/N RINEX code to 0 <=# <= 9 (default = 0) -min_SVs # set minimum allowable SVs w/ 2 codes (per OBSepoch) to # for position attempt (default = 5) +mp compute L1 and L2 multipath observables(default) -mp turn off -mp1_rms[cm] # set expected MP1 rms to # cm (default = 50.00) -mp2_rms[cm] # set expected MP2 rms to # cm (default = 65.00) -mp_bins # use # elevation bins between horizon and zenithfor mulitpath (default = 18) +mp_raw show raw multipath (no slip removal) -mp_raw show multipath (if being done) w/ slip removal(default) -mp_sigmas # set minimum sigma threshold for mp slips to #sigmas (default = 4.0) -mp_win # set multipath moving average window to # (<65536) points (default = 50) -mp_CA_AS[%rms] # set % increase of multipath rms to # if CA orAS present (default = 100.0) -msec_tol[msec] # set millisecond clock slip tolerance to # msec(default = 1.00e-02) -nav[file(s)] name input NAV file(s) "name" for ephemeris data (toperform position calculations) -p[ortrait][#[u]] qc ASCII plot plot in "portrait" mode; binlength in # units u (default u == m[inutes]) -path_dt[min] # set sampling of SV cubic spline fit to #minutes (default = 10) +pl compute L1 and L2 pseudorange-phase observables -pl turn off (default) +plot write plot file(s) (default) -plot don't write plot file(s) +pos[ition] find antenna position and terminate teqc ASAP -pos[ition] run teqc normally (default) -pos_conv[m] # set position convergence to # ( > 0) meters(default = 1.000000e+00 m) -pos_jump[m] # set position jump detection to # ( > 0) meters (default = 1.000000e+05 m) +rep[ort] write a report file (default) -rep[ort] don't write any report file +reset find antenna position and reset OBS file(default) -reset only one pass of each OBS file allowed (defaultif using stdin) -root str supply filename root for ancillary files as str +rs compute rise and set times of each SV w/ NAVinfo (default) -rs don't compute rise and set times +s[hort_report] write a short report file segment (default) -s[hort_report] don't write a short report file segment -set_comp[arison,deg] # set elevation comparison to # degrees (default= 25.00) -set_hor[izon,deg] # set elevation horizon to # degrees (default =0.00) -set_mask[deg] # set elevation mask to # degrees (default =10.00) +sn[ratio] compute S/N observables (default) -sn[ratio] turn off -sn_bins # use # elevation bins between horizon and zenithfor S/N (default = 18) +ssv give individual SUM lines for each SV -ssv turn off (default) +sym[bol_codes] dump symbol codes and hierarchy for shortreport ASCII time plot -sym[bol_codes] don't dump symbol codes and hierarchy (default) -w[idth] # set time width of qc ASCII plot to 0 < # < 256(default = 72) +Y[-code] Y-code receiver expected -Y[-code] P-code receiver expected (possible tracking ofP-codes w/ A/S on) (default)

Source: http://rap.uca.es/web_RAP/documentacion/Manual_TEQC.pdf

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