JPP 2005, 57: 1–6ß 2005 The AuthorsReceived September 23, 2004Accepted February 2, 2005
Nelumbinis Semen reverses a decrease in hippocampal
5-HT release induced by chronic mild stress in rats
Moonkyu Kang, Kwang-Ho Pyun, Choon-Gon Jang, Hyuntaek Kim,
Depression is associated with a dysfunctional serotonin system. Recently, several lines of evidence
have suggested that a very important evoking factor in depression may be a serotonin deficit in the
hippocampus. This study assessed the antidepression effects of Nelumbinis Semen (NS) through
increasing serotonin concentrations under normal conditions and reversing a decrease in serotonin
Purimed R&D Institute,Kyunghee University, Hoeki-
concentrations in rat hippocampus with depression-like symptoms induced by chronic mild stress
(CMS). Using an in-vivo microdialysis technique, the serotonin-enhancing effect of NS on rat hippo-
campus was investigated and its effects compared with those of two well-known antidepressants,
Hypericum perforatum (St John’s wort) and fluoxetine (Prozac). Rats were divided into five groups:
saline-treated normal, without CMS; saline-pretreated control; NS-, St John’s wort- and fluoxetine-
treated rats under CMS for 8 weeks or no stress treatment. NS and fluoxetine significantly increased
serotonin in normal conditions and reversed a CMS-induced decrease in serotonin release in the
The Catholic University of Korea,Seoul 137-701, Korea
hippocampus (P < 0.05 compared with normal group or control group under CMS). These results
suggest that NS increases the serotonin levels normally decreased in depression, resulting in an
enhancement of central serotonergic transmission and possible therapeutic action in depression. It
is suggested that NS may present an antidepressant effect through enhancement of serotonin.
College of Pharmacy,Sungkyunkwan University,Suwon 440-746, Korea
Department of Psychology,Korea University, Seoul 136-701,
Pathologies of the central nervous system (CNS) are generally associated with changes
in the concentrations of neurotransmitters in specific brain regions (Crespi et al 2004).
Assessment of neurotransmitter levels is important, therefore, in evaluating the effi-cacy of new pharmacological treatments. There is considerable clinical evidence that
serotonin-containing pathways in the CNS play a significant role in the pathological
development of major depression (van der Stelt et al 2004). Chronic stress is thought
to impair the hippocampus, leading to a deficiency of serotonin in the hippocampus
and the outbreak of depression (Penalva et al 2002; Dremencov et al 2003; Malberg &Duman 2003). In line with this notion, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
are a current mainstay for the treatment of major depression (van der Stelt et al 2004).
The main action of antidepressants is to increase the amounts of such neurotransmit-
ters in the synaptic space. SSRIs are highly effective and produce milder side effects
than do tricyclic antidepressants (Khawaja et al 2004).
Seoul 130-701, Korea. or I. Shim,
Nelumbinis Semen has been widely used in Korean traditional medicine as a remedy
for insomnia, anxiety and women’s depression following the menopause. We recently
found this herbal medicine to have an antidepressant effect on rats under a forced
swim-induced depression-like symptom (Kang 2005) as well as a chronic mild stress
(CMS)-induced depression-like symptom (Jang et al 2004). There has been no direct
indication, however, of an antidepressant effect through measurement of extracellular
serotonin release by treatments with Nelumbinis Semen. This study assessed the direct
increasing effect of Nelumbinis Semen on hippocampal serotonin release under normal
and CMS conditions in rats using an in-vivo microdialysis technique coupled with
Ministry of Health & Welfare,Korea (02-PJI-PG11-VN01-SV04-
HPLC. The results were then compared with the two well-known antidepressants
Hypericum perforatum (St John’s wort) and fluoxetine (Prozac).
collector. Three baseline samples were collected beforetreatments. Dialysate samples were collected every20 min for 2 h following all injections. Samples (injection
volume, 20 L) were assayed for serotonin using an HPLC
system equipped with an electrochemical detector (ESA
Korea), weighing 220–250 g at the start of the experiment,
Coulochem II- 5200B). Separation of serotonin was per-
were used. Rats were kept on a 12-h light–dark cycle in
formed on an LC-8-DB 3-m column (150 Â 4.6 mm;
individual home cages with food and water freely available.
Supecol, Bellefonte, PA). The mobile phase (0.05 M mono-
All experiments were approved by the KHU Institutional
basic sodium phosphate, 0.1 N sodium acetic acetate, 1%
Animal Care and Use Committee abided by International
methanol, pH 4.4 with H3PO4) was pumped at a flow rate
Animal Care and Use Committee regulation.
of 1.0 mL minÀ1. Serotonin content in the variousdialysates was expressed as a percentage of baselinerelease measured as the mean of the final 3 samples.
Rats were randomly divided into two groups, one exposedto a variety of chronic mild stressors (CMS group) and the
other an unstressed normal group (control group). CMS
After 2 h of baseline data had been collected, rats received
procedures, similar to those we have previously reported,
either 100, 400 or 1000 mg kgÀ1 of NS, 500 mg kgÀ1 of St
were employed for this study (Kim et al 2003). Briefly,
John’s wort, 10 mg kgÀ1 of fluoxetine, or the saline vehicle
CMS rats were subjected for eight weeks to a weekly
under normal or stress conditions. Each drug was dis-
regimen of stressors, including two periods of water and
solved in isotonic sodium chloride (0.9%) and adminis-
food deprivation (20 h), one period of either water (14 h)
tered orally (Nelumbinis Semen and St John’s wort) or
or food deprivation (2 h), two periods (7 h and 17 h) of 45
intraperitoneally (fluoxetine) to rats for 1 day before
cage tilt, one period in a soiled cage (100 mL of water in
assessment of serotonin or for 8 weeks CMS before
sawdust bedding per individual cage), two periods (3 h
and 5 h) of white noise (85 dB), three periods (9 h) ofstroboscope light (300 flashes/min) and one period (17 h)of group housing (5 rats per cage). Normal rats were
housed in a separate room and received a daily oraladministration of 0.9% saline, but did not receive any
At the end of the experiment, rats were perfused transcar-
stress, (Normal group (C), n ¼ 10). Stressed groups
dially, under deep pentobarbital anaesthesia, with normal
received a daily oral administration of 0.9% saline
saline followed by a 10% formalin solution. The brains
(Stress control group (S), n ¼ 8), NS 100 mg kgÀ1 (n ¼ 6),
were removed from the skulls and stored in 10% formalin
NS 400 mg kgÀ1 (n ¼ 7), NS 1000 mg kgÀ1 (n ¼ 6) or St
for at least 2 weeks, after which 50-m cryostat sections
John’s wort (500 mg kgÀ1, n ¼ 7) or intraperitoneal fluox-
were cut through the sites of the microdialysis probes and
etine (10 mg kgÀ1, n ¼ 6) during the stress treatment.
subsequently stained with cresyl violet to identify the loca-tion of the probe.
Surgery, microdialysis and analytical procedure
At least one week before the start of the experiment,rats were anaesthetized with sodium pentobarbital
Data were statistically analysed by one-way analysis of
(50 mg kgÀ1, i.p.) and, using aseptic techniques, guide
variance. Differences among the groups were further ana-
cannulae (CMA/Microdialysis, Solna, Sweden) aimed to
terminate in the hippocampus (AP ¼ 1.8, DV ¼ 5.7,L ¼ 4.8 from bregma) were stereotaxically implanted andattached to the skull using skull screws and dental cement
as previously described by Paxinos & Watson (1986). After the last day of the CMS schedule, all rats were left
Effect of Nelumbinis Semen on extracellular
without any treatment for at least 24 h. On the following
serotonin release in the hippocampus under
day, a 3-mm vertical dialysis probe (CMA12, CMA/
Microdialysis) connected via a dual liquid swivel to asyringe
Figures 1A and 1B compare the effect, on rat hippocam-
inserted into the guide cannula and perfused at a
pal serotonin concentration, of normal, NS, St John’s
constant rate of 1.0 L minÀ1 with artificial cerebrospinal
wort and fluoxetine without CMS. The mean values of
fluid (ACSF; composition in mM: 145 NaCl, 2.7 KCl,
dialysate serotonin in the hippocampus at 20 min after
1.2 CaCl2, 1.0 MgCl2 and 2.0 Na2HPO4, pH 7.4). Rats
drug injections were 19.5 Æ 2.9, 20.1 Æ 2.2, 23.3 Æ 1.8,
were then placed in the cage and the outlet tubing
23.6 Æ 1.9, 21.8 Æ 1.9 and 28.3 Æ 4.1 pg/20 L for the nor-
connected to a microfraction collector (CMA142, CMA/
mal control (C), NS 100, NS 400, NS 1000, St John’s
Microdialysis). The dialysate was collected during 20-min
wort (JWE) and fluoxetine (F)-treated groups, respec-
sampling intervals in plastic microvials on the fraction
tively. Oral administration of 400 and 1000 mg kgÀ1 of
Nelumbinis Semen reverses stress-induced decrease in rat hippocampal 5-HT release
Effect of Nelumbinis Semen on extracellular serotonin
Effects of Nelumbinis Semen on extracellular serotonin con-
concentrations in the hippocampus at the peak, 20 min (A), and
centrations in the hippocampus at the peak, 20 min (A), and time course
time course of its changes (B), after drug injections, as measured by
of its changes (B), after drug injections, as measured by microdialysis in
microdialysis in rats under normal conditions. Each bar represents
rats under chronic mild stress (CMS) conditions. Each bar represents the
the mean value Æ s.e.m. from ten rats per group for the six treatment
mean value Æ s.e.m. from 6–10 rats per group for the seven treatment
groups: saline-treated normal group without any drug treatment (C),
groups: saline-treated normal group without any treatment (C), saline-
Nelumbinis Semen treatment group (NS1 (100 mg kgÀ1 p.o.), NS2
treated stress group under CMS (S), Nelumbinis Semen treatment group
(400 mg kgÀ1 p.o.), NS3 (1000 mg kgÀ1 p.o.)), St John’s wort treat-
under CMS (NS1 (100 mg kgÀ1 p.o.), NS2 (400 mg kgÀ1 p.o.), NS3
ment group (JWE) and fluoxetine treatment group (F). *P < 0.05,
(1000 mg kgÀ1 p.o.)), St John’s wort treatment group under CMS
**P < 0.01, compared with normal control group (C) based on one-
(JWE), and fluoxetine treatment group under CMS (F). *P < 0.05
way analysis of variance followed by post-hoc LSD test.
compared with C group; or #P < 0.05 compared with S group basedon one-way analysis of variance followed by post-hoc LSD test.
NS significantly increased the concentration of normal
seen in Figures 1A and 1B. These results suggest that NS
serotonin (P < 0.05 for normal controls (100 Æ 15%,
has a significant antidepressant effect by causing an
n ¼ 10) vs NS 400 (119 Æ 5.9%, 19% increase compared
increase in serotonin concentration even in the normal
with normal controls, n ¼ 10) and for normal control vs
NS 1000 (121 Æ 8.2%, 21% increase compared with nor-mal controls, n ¼ 10)). A similarly significant increase was
Effect of Nelumbinis Semen on extracellular
seen in the fluoxetine-treated group, although St John’s
serotonin release in the hippocampus under CMS
wort treatment did not significantly increase the concen-tration of normal serotonin (P < 0.05 for normal controls
Figures 2A and 2B compare the effect, on changes of
(100 Æ 15%, n ¼ 10) vs fluoxetine (145 Æ 14.6%, 45%
increase compared with normal controls, n ¼ 10) and for
hippocampus, of saline-pretreated normal without CMS
normal controls vs St John’s wort (112 Æ 8.5%, 12%
(C) and stress control without drug treatment (S), NS,
increase compared with normal controls, n ¼ 10)), as
St John’s wort (JWE) and fluoxetine (F) under CMS for
8 weeks. As seen in Figure 2A, the mean values of dialy-
In a recent study, we found that Nelumbinis Semen
sate 5-HT in the hippocampus at 20 min after drug injec-
(NS) had a distinct antidepressant effect in that it reduced
tions were 20.0 Æ 3.4, 13.7 Æ 1.9, 14.3 Æ 1.6, 14.9 Æ 2.0,
the immobility time of rats in the forced swim (Kang et al
16.3 Æ 1.4, 14.7 Æ 2.1 and 16.7 Æ 2.6 pg/20 l for the nor-
2005), reversing decreases of sucrose intake and serotonin
mal, stress control, NS 100, NS 400, NS 1000, St John’s
(5-HT)1A receptor binding in hippocampus (5-HT1A
wort, and fluoxetine-treated groups, respectively. The
hetero-receptors) induced by CMS (Jang et al 2004). It is
basal serotonin levels in the stress group were lower than
known that NS contains various alkaloids (Table 1)
in the saline-pretreated normal group, and this effect was
(Zelenski 1977; Wang et al 1991). Of these components,
statistically significant in either group (P < 0.05 for sal-
anonaine, asimilobine, isoquercitrin, hyperoside, lirinidine
ine-pretreated control (68.5 Æ 14.2%, n ¼ 8) vs normal
and nornuciferine have been most widely recognized as
control (100.0 Æ 17.0%, n ¼ 10)) as shown in Figure 2A.
having antidepressant effects, as evaluated by neurotrans-
Oral administration of 1000 mg kgÀ1 NS significantly
mitter reuptake inhibition and the forced swimming test
reversed the decrease in serotonin concentration induced
(Shoji et al 1987; Protais et al 1995; Hasrat et al 1997;
(68.5 Æ 14.2%, n ¼ 8) vs NS 1000 (81.4 Æ 8.9%, n ¼ 6)).
It has been established that depressed patients have a
A similar reversal by NS is presented in the fluoxetine
dysfunctional serotonin system (Leitch et al 2003). Such a
treatment but not in the St John’s wort treatment
dysfunction is thought to cause loss in postsynaptic sig-
(P < 0.05 for saline-pretreated control (68.5 Æ 14.2%,
nalling mechanisms and a stress-induced impairment in
n ¼ 8) vs fluoxetine (83.5 Æ 15.5%, 15.5% increase com-
the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, a major
pared with saline-pretreated control, n ¼ 6); P > 0.05 for
receptive site of stress. This results in impairment of the
saline-pretreated control (68.5 Æ 14.2%, n ¼ 8) vs St
hippocampus and its very well developed serotonergic
John’s wort (73.5 Æ 14.1%, 5% increase compared with
nerve system, the most sensitive area for impairment of
saline-pretreated control, n ¼ 7)) at the peak, relative to
the HPA axis (Dremencov et al 2003). The hippocampus
baseline, as seen in Figures 2A and 2B. These results
also controls many of the brain functions that, when
suggest that NS has a significant antidepressant effect by
altered, disturb patients. These include regulation of neu-
increasing serotonin concentration under CMS, similar to
roendocrine and autonomic functions, mood and cogni-
tion difficulties, adverse responses to stressful stimuli, andothers. Hippocampal functions are highly regulated byserotonergic systems (Hjorth et al 2000). The hippocam-
pus is thus suggested to play a critical role in depressivedisorders. It should be noted that fluoxetine, as a potent
Major depression is a severe disorder that involves distur-
SSRI, significantly increased the concentrations of normal
bances of autonomic, cognitive, endocrine and emotional
serotonin, but St John’s wort treatment did not. These
functions. Depressive disorders affect a large population
results suggest that fluoxetine increases serotonin release
(an estimated 9–10% of adults) in the United States
and, in turn, produces an antidepressant effect, whereas
(Regier et al 1993). Because of its severity, a quick and
St John’s wort may produce antidepressant effects
effective treatment of the illness is often required. Exposure to chronic stress is thought to precipitate orexacerbate depression, and several studies suggest thatrepeated, weak stressors are effective methods of inducing
depression-like symptoms in an animal model. Such animal
models reflect symptoms of depression in man commonly
attributed to weak, consistent and chronic stress in modern
society. The model of chronic mild stress (CMS) developed
by Willner and colleagues is one of the most widely accepted
animal models of depression, characterized by a high degree
of validity and reliability (Katz 1981; Willner 1991).
In a typical experiment involving the Willner model,
rats (Willner et al 1987) or mice (Monleon et al 1995) are
consistently exposed to various mild stressors, such as
overnight illumination, food or water deprivation, cage
tilt and change of cage mate. This procedure induces
anhedonia. Furthermore, it decreases consumption and
preference for palatable weak (1–2%) sucrose solution,
which is concrete behaviour of anhedonia present in the
animals under CMS. Treatment with most antidepressants
causes the consumption of sucrose solution to return to
normal (Muscat et al 1992). The CMS model was chosenfor this study because the ease with which a depression-
This table was referred from
Nelumbinis Semen reverses stress-induced decrease in rat hippocampal 5-HT release
through other neurotransmitter systems such as dopamine
of central nervous system (CNS) neuromediators. Lasers Surg.
or noradrenaline, which are as critical as serotonin in
depression (Butterweck et al 1997). This suggestion is
Dremencov, E., Gur, E., Lerer, B., Newman, M. E. (2003) Effects
strengthened by the fact that St John’s wort preferentially
of chronic antidepressants and electroconvulsive shock onserotonergic neurotransmission in the rat hippocampus. Prog.
increased extracellular dopamine release in the rat brain
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G., Vlietinck, A. J. (1997) Isoquinoline derivatives isolated from
nin release (Linthorst et al 1994, 1997; Merali et al 1997;
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1992; Li et al 2003). Extending the arguments above, the
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Kang, M. S. D., Oh, J. W., Cho, C., Lee, H. J., Yoon, D. W.,
the known neurotransmitter reuptake inhibitor anonaine
Lee, S. M., Yun, J. H., Choi, H., Park, S., Shin, M., Hong, M.,
(Hasrat et al 1997). These results support the development
Bae, H. (2005) The anti-depressant effect of Nelumbinis Semen
of a novel antidepressant based on the pharmacological
on rats under chronic mild stress inducing depression-like
action of NS. The molecular mechanism underlying the
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BioTE HRT/BHRT MetaAnalysis Introduction Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is used to treat menopausal symptoms in women. Most women who take HRT for menopausal reasons are given an estrogen/progesterone combination, except those who have had a hysterectomy, as they do not need progesterone. HRT has shown to improve muscle function, lower mortality in younger postmenopausal women and prote
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