UNETHICAL PRACTICES OBSERVED AT YOUTH LIVESTOCK EXHIBITIONS BY OHIO SECONDARY AGRICULTURAL EDUCATORS James J. Connors, Assistant Professor Janice E. Dever, Extension Agent Abstract During the past decade, there have been numerous cases of youth who have been found to have engaged in unethical practices at livestock exhibitions in Ohio. The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency of unethical practices that were observed by secondary agriculture teachers at youth livestock exhibitions. The objectives for the study were to identify the unethical practices observed at youth livestock exhibitions, to rate the unethical practices according to the frequency of their occurrence, and to compare differences in the observed unethical practices by gender, agricultural education district and years of experience with youth livestock exhibitions. Results found that issues related to adult involvement were the most frequently observed unethical practices at youth livestock exhibitions. Introduction
Clenbuterol is a B-agonist drug that affects
lung and heart function and is banned for
(2002), the term ethics is defined as the
discipline dealing with what is good and bad
present in an animal’s system, the weight
and with moral duty and obligation; a set of
gain becomes muscle instead of fat, hence,
moral principles or values. Over the past
decade, youth livestock exhibitions around
increase in the number of unethical practices
test revealed that the grand champion and
being used by youth and adults alike, in
order to improve their chances of receiving
treated with thorazine, an oral tranquilizer
recognition for their animals and winning
(Baird & Woods, 1995). Goodwin (2001)
reported that an animal science graduate
was caught on videotape beating a lamb to
During the 1994 exhibition season, seven of
the top 10 steers, and the grand champion
lamb at the Ohio State Fair tested positive
Texas was also caught putting a water hose
for clenbuterol and/or vegetable oil. In 1995,
down the throat of his hog to fill the animal
vegetable oil was also discovered in the
reserve grand champion steer of the Clark
County Fair during butchering. The purpose
The situation has not improved in recent
of vegetable oil injected under the skin is to
Fairs, animals were disqualified for having
testicular tissue in their system, having
detectable until the animal is butchered.
illegal growth enhancers in their urine, and
Journal of Agricultural Education 20 Volume 46, Number 1, 2005 Connors & Dever Unethical Practices Observed…
having hair glued and painted on to simulate
as the only way to keep up with everyone
a straighter top line (Niquette, 2003; Wilson,
else. Also, successful cheating by college
Theoretical Framework
Unfortunately the same characteristics and
observed at youth livestock exhibitions by
perform unethical behavior is a problem that
has affected academic institutions, youth
Nestor (2000) studied unethical practices
sports competitions, and youth livestock
in livestock exhibitions observed by West
exhibitions. The motivations for people to
Virginia extension agents and high school
cheat on tests or competitive events are
agriculture teachers. Nestor’s research
complex and varied. In his comprehensive
revealed 58 practices that were considered to
analysis of cheating in academic institutions,
be unethical by the population of the study.
The researcher reported that the top three
practices identified by the study did not
researcher reported that, “Students with
lower grades are more likely both to report
actions. They included: 1) adults and youth
cheating on tests and to actually engage in
questioning the integrity of the livestock
the behavior, whereas students with higher
judge because he/she chose one breed over
achievement are less likely to do either” (p.
another, etc.; 2) parents or teachers getting
animals ready to show; and 3) talking about
reaches its peak among high school students
the other children and judges (Nestor, 2000,
with 84.5% having reported cheating while
The next six practices that the population
students are usually the same age as most
considered to be unethical included three
youth livestock exhibitors at local fairs and
that related to the mistreatment of animals
livestock shows. Baird (1980)(as cited in
and three that related to youth or adult
participation in extracurricular activities
included: the alteration of the hair, hooves or
skin by the use of paint, oils, powder, hair
dye coloring, etc., having animals drink a
(1987)(as cited in Cizek, 1999) researched
great deal of water to increase weight or
the relationship between family structure
withholding feed and water from animals to
and cheating by elementary school students
lower weight prior to weigh-in. The youth
students from biologically intact families
youth not knowing a lot about the animal
were less susceptible to peer pressure to
they were showing, paying extreme prices
for feeder pigs or calves to improve the
The prevalence of cheating and unethical
professionals groom animals prior to show.
agricultural education professionals and
mixture of concerns with youth livestock
exhibitions. Nestor concluded that there
academic dishonesty outlined eight reasons
were unethical practices in West Virginia;
however, the practices with a high rate of
academic integrity. The authors identified
occurrence were the ones concerning adults
student morale and students’ future behavior
as two of the eight reasons. The authors
theorized that if students see other students
cheat, and succeed, they will abandon their
ethical behavior and come to view cheating
Journal of Agricultural Education 21 Volume 46, Number 1, 2005 Connors & Dever Unethical Practices Observed…
In research conducted at the San Antonio
Livestock Exhibition by Keith (1996), the
clenbuterol to his ten year old daughter’s
steer resulting in her being banned from the
The participants report that the negative
show for life and forfeiting the money is
effect of prestige is an increase in the
excessive adult involvement” (p. 1). He
concluded that parents and youth need to
revealed that the notoriety and prestige
work together, parents should provide more
help to younger exhibitors and they must
One parent stated, “Its like drugs once you
concerning the unethical fitting and showing
experience it you want more, at whatever
practices in junior livestock shows. The
cost, money, cheating, forgetting about the
population for the study consisted of the
Defining unethical practices or excessive
adult involvement is a difficult task. The
State Fair of Texas attempted to define this
Assistance rule (Cosner, 1995) which reads:
illegal drugs in preparing market animals for
show ring competition, approximately 47%
had either registered crossbred animals or
aware of falsification of data other than
parentage on registration certificates (p. 99).
assistance in the care, grooming, fitting
H animal projects as perceived by selected
participants, parents, and extension agents in
from any adult with the exception of the
Mississippi was completed by Baker (1991).
supervising CEA [Cooperative According to Baker (1991), 66.6% of the Extension Agent] or AST [Agricultural
stated that they had learned “a lot” about
extension agents stated they had learned
“quite a bit” while 31.1% stated that they
had learned “some” about treating animals
or show any youth project animal(s). properly (Baker, 1991). The findings of the (p. 1)
study show that 59.9% of the 4-H members,
extension agents stated that they had learned
regulations of many livestock exhibitions
“a lot” about the importance of rules (Baker,
Livestock Show’s (2004) rule on ownership
members rated as “not at all” a problem
(Baker, 1991). However, the parents, 27.3%,
Exhibitors must own their animals at the
emphasis on winning “a little” of the
study’s population was 196 FFA members
questionnaire utilized a case-study format
Journal of Agricultural Education 22 Volume 46, Number 1, 2005 Connors & Dever Unethical Practices Observed…
consisting of 20 case-study questions given
to a treatment group and a control group.
Goodwin’s video, The Line in the Sand as
overall mean of 3.84 on a 5-point Likert-
secondary agricultural educators in the state.
type scale, while the control group had an
Agricultural teachers were selected because
they have a close working relationship with
females had an overall mean of 3.76 while
both FFA and 4-H youth livestock exhibitors
males had an overall mean of 3.55, resulting
and regularly participate in youth livestock
in a significant difference between males
and females. Rus concluded that, “From the
season. The secondary agricultural educators
results, it should be understood that the
were identified through the 2002-2003 Ohio
education provided by agriculture instructors
positive impact” (p. 20). These results,
published in October 2002. The directory
was reviewed by teacher educators and state
agricultural education supervisors to delete
checked for validity or tested for reliability.
any secondary agricultural educators that
Rus (1997, p. 13) stated, “the validity of this
instrument was not determined and should
furthermore, reliability was not tested.”
The limited number of studies related to
agricultural educators who had at least two
years of teaching experience, taught in either
the agriscience or production agriculture
needed to determine if the situation has
The respondents were also asked to limit
improved with the increased awareness on
their reflections to the five year period
the part of youth and adults involved with
was selected because it was three years after
Purpose and Objectives
public and after educational programs were
initiated to address the unethical problems in
controlled by conducting a census of all
during youth livestock exhibitions in Ohio.
secondary agriculture teachers who met the
The following were the objectives of the
qualifications. The resulting population of
secondary agriculture teachers consisted of
included 45 practices addressing unethical
practices that may have been observed by
the secondary agricultural educators in the
state. The instrument employed a five point
Likert-type scale (1 = no opportunity to
observed, 4 = occasionally observed, 5 =
regularly observed) to collect data. The
Journal of Agricultural Education 23 Volume 46, Number 1, 2005 Connors & Dever Unethical Practices Observed…
respondents were also asked four additional
questions regarding educational programs
experience. The early group had a mean age
and the problem of unethical behavior as a
of 38.00, while the late group had a mean
age of 44.35. The means for the years of
experience was 15.60 years for the early
educators with experience in youth livestock
group and 21.43 for the late group. This
exhibitions, examined the questionnaire for
difference may have been due to the method
content and face validity. Twenty secondary
traditional mailing. Younger teachers, with
professionals from the state of West Virginia
less years of experience tended to respond
completed the pilot test for reliability.
earlier to the web-based instrument, while
Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of internal
consistency reliability for the 45 Likert-type
respond later to the traditional mailing.
educators had no differences in how they
responded to the questions. Therefore, the
results can be generalized to the target
mailings. A list of the email addresses for
the agricultural teachers in the state was
Department of Education, 2002). Nineteen
teachers responded to the questionnaire for a
secondary agricultural educators did not
have a valid email address or Internet access
and, therefore, received the questionnaire
via traditional mailing. An email cover letter
was sent to 227 agriculture teachers with
Respondents had a mean age of 40.7 years
email addresses in January 2003. A link to
the questionnaire located at the Zoomerang
letter. Two- weeks after the first email
observed the practice of “paying extreme
cover letter the non-respondents received a
prices, above market value, for high quality
second email cover letter with a link to the
replacement questionnaire via traditional
secondary agricultural educators who had
“parents or teachers preparing animals for
show rather than youth.” “Pulling a lamb’s
head in the air to the point that its feet leave
the ground (for bracing purposes),” was
rated third with 42.8% (71) of secondary
“Research has shown that late respondents
agricultural educators observing this practice
are often similar to non-respondents” (Miller
frequently observed practice, “the grooming
respondents were the secondary agricultural
of show animals by professionals rather than
educators who responded to the web-based
youth” was observed regularly by 32.7% of
survey and the first traditional hard copy
responded to the questionnaire. “Adults and
responded to the second traditional hard
livestock judge because he/she chose one
breed over another, etc.” was the fifth
practice regularly observed by the secondary
practices on the questionnaire. However,
agricultural educators (29.5%, n=49). In the
differences were found between the early
top five regularly observed practices, one
Journal of Agricultural Education 24 Volume 46, Number 1, 2005 Connors & Dever Unethical Practices Observed…
dealt with the treatment of an animal while
Final reliability coefficients for the six
the other four involved humans and their
results for the altering subgroup should be
Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of internal
consistency reliability. The means of the six
ownership/identification, illegal drugs,
physical alteration including physical abuse,
and professional fitters. Following this
five subgroups. As Table 1 shows, the top
the questionnaire were categorized into six
ethics are related to people and their actions
animals, animal health, animal management,
ethics and fraudulent practices. The six
livestock practices. The last two subgroups
related to more overt practices of altering
subgroup was deleted due to low reliability.
Table 1 Ratings of unethical practices by subgroups
Note: 1 = no opportunity to observe, 2 = never observed, 3 = rarely observed, 4 = occasionally observed, 5 = regularly observed
four of the six subgroups, animal health,
animal management, adult involvement, and
Journal of Agricultural Education 25 Volume 46, Number 1, 2005 Connors & Dever Unethical Practices Observed…
Table 2 Rating of unethical practices subgroups by male and female respondents
Note: 1 = no opportunity to observe, 2 = never observed, 3 = rarely observed, 4 = occasionally observed, 5 = regularly observed
years, 21-30 years, and 31 years or more.
experience had the lowest means scores in
animals subgroups. District five secondary
five of the six subgroups: adult involvement,
agricultural educators had the lowest mean
ethics, animal management, animal health,
scores in the adult involvement, ethics,
and fraudulent practices. Respondents with
10 years or less had the highest mean scores
fraudulent practices subgroups. The third
demographic question concerned the years
of experience of the respondents. The years
practices. Table 3 contains the data for years
were categorized into 10 years or less, 11-20
Journal of Agricultural Education 26 Volume 46, Number 1, 2005 Connors & Dever Unethical Practices Observed…
Table 3 Rating of unethical practices groups by years of teaching experience
Note: 1 = no opportunity to observe, 2 = never observed, 3 = rarely observed, 4 = occasionally observed, 5 = regularly observedConclusions and Recommendations
(98.8%) stated the youth they worked with
involvement and not unethical treatment of
had participated in an educational program
animals. These findings support those of
(e.g. Quality Assurance, guest speakers,
Nestor (2000). The following five practices
video tapes). Ninety-seven percent of the
were ranked in the top ten in both this study
reported that they had participated, while
five respondents had not participated in any
1. “Paying extreme prices, above market
2. “Parents or teachers preparing animals
programs had no effect on the incidences of
educators choose “getting better,” while
5. “Withholding feed from an animal to
unethical behavior problem was “staying the
Journal of Agricultural Education 27 Volume 46, Number 1, 2005 Connors & Dever Unethical Practices Observed…
Based on the results of this study, it can
related to animal health, management, and
be concluded that adults and youth involved
altering, while females are more sensitive to
ethical issues and fraudulent practices.
willing to pay extremely high prices when
Agriculture teachers from different areas
purchasing animals to raise for showing,
of the state observed unethical practices
have professionals or experienced adults
practices at youth livestock exhibitions may
question the integrity of the judge if their
be in direct proportion to the amount of
livestock produced and exhibited in an area.
that the adult involvement practices were
observed more frequently than practices in
livestock shows may result in individuals
resorting to unethical practices in order to
subgroups, adult involvement and ethics are
related to people and their actions/behaviors.
Years of experience with youth livestock
Within the top ten practices, four practices
exhibitions affected how often agriculture
were considered adult involvement, and two
teachers observed unethical practices. The
practices each related to ethics, animal
experience level and knowledge of unethical
While participants in youth livestock shows
are willing to go to extreme measures to
between the groups. Because the issue of
win, it seems that they are less willing to
alter animals or resort to deceptive practice.
Therefore, the most prevalent problem in
teachers who have been teaching for less
exhibitions is with adult involvement from
the purchase of the animal to the preparation
of the animal for the show ring. This result
positive impact on the problem of unethical
has been a recognized problem for several
behavior at youth livestock exhibitions. The
years. Goodwin (1995) identified it as a
agriculture teachers indicated that both
problem when he stated, “Adults are where
the problems with the [junior livestock]
participated in, and benefited from, these
program arise” (p. 1). This finding is also
research conducted by Rus (1997) where he
concluded, “…the education provided by
cheated as youth were likely to cheat in their
Extension is having a positive impact” (p.
20). The problem of unethical behavior at
youth livestock exhibitions does seem to be
influence youth exhibitors to do the same.
getting better. Quality assurance programs,
seemed to observe unethical practices at
unethical practices and rules, and penalties
for unethical practices were reasons for the
unethical practices related to animal health,
animal management, adult involvement, and
indicated that questionable practices were
between the years of 1998 and 2002. Adult
results of Nestor’s study (2000) where
involvement is the area of most concern that
females rated such practices as talking about
judges, illegal ownership issues and paying
high prices for animals, higher than males.
ethics discussions. The unethical practices
that have given youth livestock exhibitions a
and therefore aware, of unethical practices
negative image in the past are the practices
Journal of Agricultural Education 28 Volume 46, Number 1, 2005 Connors & Dever Unethical Practices Observed…
that rarely occur. It was more common for
youth livestock exhibition officials, and
agriculture teachers to have observed the
animals; parents, teachers, or professionals
preparing the animal rather than youth; and
educators should teach an ethics unit for
livestock judges Unfortunately, these are
agricultural students every year to ensure
the questionable practices that many people
unethical practices. In discussing the judge’s
responsibility with identifying ethical abuses
Perry (1995, p. 2) stated, “Although judges
Educational programs should be required for
parents, agricultural educators, extension
agents, judges, and exhibition firmly enforce the ones that we can superintendents and not just for youth
situation of anybody involved to enforce the
livestock exhibitions (Perry, 1995) when he
is currently required for youth exhibitors,
I believe that education is one of the key
professional who would conduct it in every
county in the state to ensure correct and
management and animal health topics were
parent and leader or advisor involved in
taught. All youth livestock exhibitions at all
levels: county, regional, state, and national,
need to have the same set of rules and strict
other states and on the national level with
secondary agricultural educators, extension
agents, parents, livestock show officials,
parents, agricultural educators, extension
judges and youth exhibitors. A follow-up
agents, and show fitters with youth livestock
study should be completed in five years to
with other efforts, are reducing the incidence
avoided. One parent that should have been
better educated about ethics was quoted as
determine if the concerns about unethical
saying, “I only wanted to give her an equal
practices at youth livestock exhibitions vary
playing ground” (Tyson, 1995, p. 2) after his
daughter’s grand champion steer at the State
positive for clenbuterol. Steinberg (1987) (as
cited in Cizek, 1999) reported that students
Baird, D., & Woods, J. (1995, August
from biologically intact families were less
26). Steers eyed in probes. The Columbus
susceptible to peer pressure to cheat. If
youth exhibitors were required to attend
/guardian they may learn more and be less
exhibiting 4-H animal projects as perceived
likely to participate in unethical behavior
extension agents in Mississippi. Dissertation Abstracts International, 52(07), 2376A.
Journal of Agricultural Education 29 Volume 46, Number 1, 2005 Connors & Dever Unethical Practices Observed…
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JAMES J. CONNORS is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Human and Community Resource Development at The Ohio State University, 216 Agricultural Administration Building, Columbus, OH 43210-1067. E-mail: [email protected]. JANICE E. DEVER is an Extension Agent for WVU Pendleton County, 200 Confederate Road, P.O. Box 96, Franklin, WV 26807-0096. E-mail: [email protected].
Journal of Agricultural Education 31 Volume 46, Number 1, 2005
Satzung der Stadt Bad Orb zur Sicherung von Gebieten mit Fremdenverkehrsfunktion Der I. Nachtrag vom 21. Juni 1995 ist in dieser Fassung eingearbeitet. Aufgrund der § 5 und 51 der Hessischen Gemeindeordnung (HGO) vom 25.03.1952 (GVBl. S 11) in der Fassung vom 01.04.1981 (GVBl. I S. 66), zuletzt geändert durch Gesetz vom 21.12.1988 (GVbl. I S. 419) und des § 22 des Baugesetzbuches vom 08.12.19
Andrea’s Help Sheet on Preparing Solutions There are several types of stock solutions made in the research lab: Percent (%) solutions, Molar (M) solutions, X solutions, and mg/ml solutions. First are instructions on how to make % solutions. First, know the definition of a % solution: 1% = 1g/100ml That’s the basic formula, and it is logical because “per cent” means “per hundred�