ix in the treatment process, internet healthcare strategies, 04/05
Information prescriptions (Ix): Bringing Internet-based health content into the treatment process; patients to yo process; patients to y ur site Information therapy is a process in which clinicians Some Ix for information therapy
recommend specific Web content to their patients. Systems can
systems planners
be highly automated and used in conjunction with patient
portals, electronic medical records, personal health records, or
insurance company claims databases. Or they can be manual
and informal on the prescriber's end, where doctors simply
recommend specific URLs to their patients. With careful
available for professionals interested in information prescription (Ix) systems
coordination, any of them can bring more patients to a
For years, hospitals, medical groups, and other organizations
have used good health content to attract users to their Web
Information on presentations scheduled
sites, get them to remain longer, and encourage them to
for the 2005 Information Therapy Conference, to be held September 21-
consider using services relating to the content they've found.
But static content no longer distinguishes a provider site, since
virtually all have it. So organizations are seeking ways to
generate more interactivity through applications such as
personalized portals, personal health records, and systems that
• How personalization, based on patient-
Tools for patients
entered data, procedure codes, and demographics, can be integrated into
One way to make good use of health content is Web-based
• Consumer health information standards
information therapy. In essence, information "prescriptions"—
• Delivering Ix in "the biggest and
often abbreviated as Ix—attempt to use health content in the
Viewed one way, health content is always part of the treatment
Abstracts and slides of presentations
Patients who educate themselves about their conditions and
treatment options are likely to change the decision-making
paradigm. But information therapy is a process in which
Information on how to join the Ix
providers in some way recommend specific content—usually
Champions Online forum, a virtual
clinicians to site planners to IT experts,
Often this is done at the time the patient is first diagnosed, after
the doctor has spent what limited time is available explaining
"A primary benefit of information therapy is reinforcement," says
Joshua Seidman, executive director of the Center for
Information Therapy. "Studies have shown that patients forget
more than 50% of what the doctor tells them."
When patients go home with a prescription for Web content, the
chances that they will actually understand their condition are improved, Seidman asserts.
Copyright COR Health LLC. Reprinted by permission.
The information therapy movement grew out of a
health plan Web site for health content would
recognition that patient education is part of each
clinician's job, but is a task that few have the
time, not to mention the skills, to do well.
But the process of prescribing URLs/pages can
range from completely manual to completely
Most doctors try their best to inform patients
automated, and from being based on pre-set
about their conditions and the tests they will be
criteria to being more seat-of-the-pants and
taking, but many of their patients leave the office
informal. Which is not to say that any formal
with only a vague understanding of the situation.
implementation of information therapy precludes
the patient from exploring beyond the URLs or
"It's not rare for patients to be lost
In fact, in most cases, the prescription is
considered only a starting point for the patient,
and may or may not send the patient to the
provider organization's own site. But it almost
always improves the patient's satisfaction.
Can be proffered "as needed"
The second important attribute of information
therapy is that the information can be provided
Filling cost-containment cracks
at the point in time when it can be most helpful
believe the model can help fill the gap left open
This may be when the patient is first diagnosed
by the need to squeeze cost out of the American
with a condition, or it could be a year later when
reinforcement of a regimen might be deemed
They say there's a contradiction in a system
where briefer doctor visits leave many patients
Information therapy, as Kemper sees it, requires
in the dark while those same patients are being
giving the patient access to credible, evidence-
based information at every step in the treatment
process. Unlike the traditional model of patient
• The proliferation of new drugs has made
education, where patients diagnosed with a
specific condition may receive a stack of literature on the first day, Web-enabled Ix can be
• Shorter hospital stays require patients to do
transmitted continually as the situation changes.
more of their pre-surgery preparations and
their after-surgery recuperation at home.
"You have to develop information that is right for
• And the increased emphasis on lifestyle
the person who is receiving it at the time they
changes means that more healthcare activity
are receiving it," says Kemper. In some cases,
takes place at non-healthcare facilities such
this involves predictive modeling: knowing when
patients need specific information, and the kinds
of information they need at every stage of their
How Web-enabled Ix differs from general
condition from diagnosis to acute treatment to
health content
Information therapy is a broad term that can
Seidman also cites a number of Web-enabled
encompass many different types of projects, and
information therapy projects in which the health
differs from general Web content in a number of
content sent to patients is triggered by events.
Most of these systems are activated by an
electronic health record or an insurance
Is provider prescribed
company claims system when a patient receives
First, the specific information or URL is
prescribed by a provider. Simply suggesting that a patient visit the hospital, medical group, or
Copyright COR Health LLC. Reprinted by permission.
Can be demographically tailored
Similar applications are being piloted by
And just as a provider may recommend some
therapies based partly on demographics—such
as asking selected older patients to start taking
Content provision based on the electronic medical record or DM
recommendations in an information therapy
program can also be demographically based. "If
a 60-year-old man is about to get a physical, you
Larger healthcare organizations, especially
want to supply him with different health content
those that have specialized in creating internal
than you'd give a 30-year-old woman," Seidman
health content, are in the forefront of the
provider-based information therapy movement.
Automated content provision based on
For example, The Cleveland Clinic is working to
diagnostic codes, claims
connect content it has created with entries in the
organization's electronic medical record system.
In a manual system, the doctor would suggest
Web content based on either a checklist or
Healthcare information in general is a key
simply the physician's knowledge of credible
ingredient of the relationship The Cleveland
Clinic develops with its patients, says CEO
information. However, Seidman says, many
organizations are considering or beginning to
The Clinic licenses Web-based health content to
messages to patients based on diagnostic code.
other organizations, but in providing content to
its own patients, Harris says, "We know
In terms of the technology required to allow for
this model, Healthwise's Kemper, for one, isn't
prescriptive in the information we provide."
looking for new technology but "piggybacking"
That is, when Clinic patients view their electronic
medical records online and see test results, they
On a basic level, piggybacking can be used with
can also click on links that direct them to
an electronic prescribing system. Whenever the
detailed information explaining those results.
clinician fills out a prescription using the system,
the application prints out drug information
"This gives them information at the very time
content or specifies Web links for the patient.
they are motivated to read it, and are capable of
This, however, is already being done by most
doing something with the information," Harris
A more advanced version, one that hospitals
But importantly, he adds, the system isn't limited
could consider implementing, would be to
to providing information therapy during acute
piggyback the information therapy program on
interventions, when a patient is diagnosed with a
the electronic medical record. Whenever an
condition. It can also be used on an ongoing
order or procedure code is entered, it triggers a
basis to keep patients healthy—to recommend
process of sending the patient to content on the
flu shots or summertime exercise options, for
hospital's Web site. So the code for the
colonoscopy will initially trigger information, via a
secure Web site, on what a colonoscopy is.
Or it can be used to dole out content in easy-to-
digest doses over the course of weeks, months,
Later, as the date for the procedure gets closer,
or even years as a patient learns to live with a
it can send reminders on how to prepare for the
procedure the night before, and the day of the
For those patients who have chronic diseases
that are challenging to manage, Harris says, The
Privacy experts say HIPAA rules preclude
Cleveland Clinic is moving to online disease
sending information based on a diagnostic code
to a patient's e-mail account. So generally e-mail
is used only to let the patients know that a
Currently, The Clinic is conducting surveys on
message is waiting for them at a secure Web
how best to influence behavior and improve
Copyright COR Health LLC. Reprinted by permission.
One study, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson
Some of the initial resistance to the project came
Foundation, will try to determine the best means
from doctors who already had their favorite sites
and time to apply prescriptive information in
for each of those conditions. But Kienzle says
that eventually many physicians "Saw the
benefits of the one-stop shopping they could get
High-technology not essential on the prescriber's end The challenge of measuring compliance
To a certain extent, the concept of information
and outcomes
therapy has been linked to technology-based
models. But it doesn't necessarily have to be a
Speaking from his own experience using the
technology-based project on the physician's end.
prescription pad approach, Kienzle recalls that
at first he was diligent about checking off the
In fact, low-technology solutions may fit in with
appropriate URL for the patient's condition, but
physician workflows more easily, since many of
then eventually moved to simply giving the
those workflows are paper-based. And a model
patient the URL of MedlinePlus' home page, still
that doesn't depend on technology can be
using the prescription pad or another piece of
technological solutions are being developed.
Michael G. Kienzle, MD, a professor of medicine
at the University of Iowa's Carver College of
Medicine, points to a successful low-technology
information therapy pilot project he was involved
One primary goal of the project, which was co-
sponsored by the National Library of Medicine
and the American College of Physicians, was to
get internal medicine doctors directly involved in
educating their patients using Web resources.
(See Kienzle's presentation, "Take this
they get a better idea of the large number of
information and call me in the morning," from the
resources available on the site. They may then
go back to the site on their own, to find other
information for themselves or for others.
"Research conducted by various groups
On the downside, the researchers who designed
confirmed that patients may use the Web to get
the study had hoped to use increased visits to
information, but that they prefer to get the
the specific URLs on the prescription pad
information from their own doctor. This project
checklist as a measure of success. Since so
attempted to make that happen," says Kienzle.
many doctors decided to send their patients to
the MedlinePlus home page, those data were
To create a simple model that could be used by
the largest number of doctors, the pilot "Used
what for all doctors and patients is a common
For this and other reasons, Kienzle says, "We
token: the prescription pad," Kienzle explains.
struggled with figuring out how we determine the
impact of the pilot project." In his own practice,
Kienzle believes the study was successful in
he began to question patients informally, and
recruiting doctors, who included about 150
says he received positive comments. But that's
internists in Iowa and 300 in Georgia, because
the program followed the normal workflow for
While some data were collected, most related to
how doctors used the system, not the effect on
The doctors were supplied with prescription
patient health. For now, doctors may just have to
take it as a matter of faith that providing Web
MedlinePlus. Each URL provided information on
content is at least somewhat beneficial to some
a common condition, such as hypertension or
patients. But since the pilot project added very
diabetes. Doctors could write in a URL on a line
little work and no technology cost, a positive
Copyright COR Health LLC. Reprinted by permission.
cost-benefit ratio should be easy to achieve with
Still, information therapy boosters believe the
model has the power to change the course of
Says Kienzle, "The actual clinical impact of the
information for patients is very difficult to
Says Kemper, "From the provider's perspective,
determine, and was beyond the scope of our
the patient is more likely to have complied with
project. So many factors affect the health of a
the requirements of the procedure or of the
patient on a daily basis, it's hard to tease out the
regimen. From the patient's point of view, they
effect of a single relatively modest intervention
Patients may nod obediently when the doctor
"Most of the rationale for doing it is derived from
necessarily mean they understand, Kemper
education and chronic illness management and
adds. With the information therapy model, they
are more likely to really understand the situation
intense educational programs and interventions.
at hand. "And that has to affect the patient's
"It's a little bit of a leap of faith to go from these
studies to a less intense and more informal
program like information prescriptions, but that's
the basis for the belief that they might help
patients stay healthy through access to better
For more information about Healthwise, the Center for Information Therapy, and the 2005 Information Therapy Conference, go to: .
Copyright COR Health LLC. Reprinted by permission.
EFEKTIVITAS TERAPI PENYAKIT KULIT (AKNE PAPULOPUSTULOSA) DI RSUP Dr. SARDJITO YOGYAKARTA PADA TAHUN 2005 INTISARI Jerawat ( acne ) merupakan kondisi abnormal kulit dengan pembengkakan folikel sebaseous yang umumnya sering timbul di wajah, namun dapat pula timbul didada, punggung, atau lengan atas, akibat gangguan produksi kelenjar minyak berlebih yang menyebabkan penyumbata
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