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Rujukan Kami : PKP(S)124/16 JLD.5( 5 )
Tarikh : 13 Januari 2012

Semua Ketua Jabatan Persekutuan

Semua Ketua Badan Berkanun Persekutuan

Kontrak Pusat Secara Sistem Panel Bagi Membuat, Membekal Dan Menghantar
Kicap/Sos Cili/Sos Tomato/Sos Lada Hitam/Serbuk Kopi/Kordial/Jus Asam Susur
(Kordial Roselle) Kepada Semua Jabatan Persekutuan (Termasuk Sekolah Kategori
‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’) Dan Badan Berkanun Persekutuan Seluruh Sarawak

1.1 Dimaklumkan bahawa Perbendaharaan Malaysia Sarawak telah bersetuju untuk mengadakan Kontrak Pusat secara Sistem Panel bagi membuat, membekal dan menghantar kicap/sos cili/sos tomato/sos lada hitam/serbuk kopi/kordial/jus asam susur (kordial roselle) kepada semua Jabatan Persekutuan (termasuk Sekolah Kategori ‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’) dan Badan Berkanun Persekutuan Seluruh Sarawak. BUTIR-BUTIR KONTRAKTOR DAN NOMBOR KONTRAK
Butir-butir kontraktor adalah seperti di Lampiran A.

Tempoh kontrak ialah selama tiga (3) tahun berkuatkuasa mulai
1 Januari 2012 sehingga 31 Disember 2015
4.1 Harga di bawah kontrak ini tidak ditetapkan oleh Perbendaharaan Jabatan Pengguna hendaklah membuat perbandingan harga di antara kesemua kontraktor panel yang telah dilantik.

Spesifikasi untuk produk bagi kontrak ini adalah seperti di Lampiran B.
Pejabat ini akan sentiasa mengawasi mutu bekalan supaya menepati
penentuan-penentuan yang telah ditetapkan.

Tempoh penyerahan ialah dua (2) minggu dari tarikh pesanan rasmi dikeluarkan. Jabatan-Jabatan Kerajaan adalah dibenarkan untuk membuat pindaan kepada tempoh penyerahan ini kepada suatu tempoh yang lain tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat berikut:- 6.2.1 Persetujuan pindaan ini dibuat secara bertulis oleh Pegawai Kewangan Persekutuan Sarawak atau wakilnya dengan kontraktor. 6.2.2 Pindaan tersebut dimaklumkan kepada PMS sebelum barang- 6.2.3 Jabatan berkenaan bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya terhadap pesanan yang dibuat di bawah peruntukan ini. Barang-barang yang diserahkan oleh Kontraktor pada masa dan tarikh yang ditetapkan di dalam Borang Pesanan tidak boleh ditolak tanpa arahan secara bertulis daripada pegawai yang membuat pesanan. Jika penolakan dibuat secara ‘ad hoc’ tanpa memberitahu terlebih dahulu kepada kontraktor, tindakan boleh diambil terhadap pegawai berkenaan termasuk menanggung segala tuntutan gantirugi oleh kontraktor berhubung dengan perkara ini. Sebarang penangguhan atau pindaan kepada tarikh penyerahan hendaklah dibuat secara bertulis dan sesalinan notis tersebut dihantar kepada PMS dan Unit yang membuat pembayaran di Jabatan-Jabatan berkenaan. Sekiranya Jabatan pemesan telah mematuhi 9.1 dan 9.4 dan kontraktor gagal membuat bekalan dalam tempoh penyerahan kecuali bagi keperluan segera sahaja, Jabatan-Jabatan Kerajaan boleh membeli dari punca-punca lain. Perkara pembelian tersebut hendaklah dilaporkan dengan serta-merta kepada PMS dengan menyertakan sekali salinan Pesanan Tempatan dan inbois/bil yang terlibat. Sebarang pesanan yang tidak dilaksanakan oleh kontraktor mengikut tempoh penyerahan dan pembelian dari punca-punca lain telah dibuat, Jabatan pemesan hendaklah melaporkan dengan segera kepada PMS dengan menyatakan nombor kontrak, nombor pesanan tempatan, tarikh, kuantiti dan nilai pesanan berkenaan. Sekiranya pesanan tersebut telah diterima sila juga nyatakan tarikh penerimaannya.
Pesanan minima bagi tiap-tiap satu pesanan untuk satu destinasi tidak dihadkan. Walau bagaimanapun, pesanan hendaklah tidak terlalu sedikit yang boleh mendatangkan masalah dan merugikan kontraktor.
Semua Jabatan pemesan dikehendaki menghantar jadual anggaran serta jangkamasa keperluan bagi tahun berkenaan kepada kontraktor dengan segera untuk memudahkan/membolehkan kontraktor membuat perancangan pembekalan sebagaimana yang dikehendaki. Satu salinan jadual berkenaan hendaklah dipanjangkan kepada PMS. Sekiranya Jabatan pemesan tidak mematuhi arahan pada 9.1 dan 9.4, kontraktor berkenaan tidak boleh dipersalahkan jika berlaku lewat bekalan kelak.

Pesanan hendaklah dibuat terus kepada kontraktor dengan mencatatkan nombor kontrak, jenis barang dan kuantiti keperluan. Pesanan terakhir oleh Jabatan mestilah dibuat tidak lewat dari dua (2) minggu sebelum tarikh tamat kontrak. Keperluan yang terlalu banyak janganlah diminta melalui satu pesanan sahaja tetapi hendaklah dipecah-pecahkan kepada beberapa pesanan. Pesanan itu pula hendaklah dijarakkan tempohnya mengikut jangkamasa yang munasabah. Ini akan memudahkan kontraktor membuat bekalan dan seterusnya memudahkan Jabatan pemesan membuat bayaran bagi pesanan-pesanan berkenaan. 9.3 Bagi pihak pemesan di kawasan pedalaman, sekiranya keperluan pesanan kecil, adalah dinasihatkan supaya membuat satu pesanan untuk keperluan bagi tempoh tiga/empat bulan sekali supaya jumlah bekalan itu memadai dan senang untuk dilaksanakan oleh kontraktor. Jabatan pemesan adalah dikehendaki memberi alamat yang lengkap serta nama pegawai dan nombor telefon masing-masing kepada kontraktor supaya pembekalan dapat dijalankan dengan licin dan tepat pada tempat yang dikehendaki.

10.1 Semua barang yang dipesan akan dibungkus dengan sempurna bagi melindungi daripada kerosakan atau kehilangan. Jika terdapat apa-apa kerosakan atau kehilangan yang disebabkan oleh pembungkusan yang tidak sempurna, kontraktor hendaklah diminta mengganti dengan bekalan baru dalam tempoh empat belas (14) hari tanpa apa-apa tambahan kos

11.1 Jabatan pemesan hendaklah memeriksa bekalan yang diterima untuk mempastikan bahawa jenis dan jumlah barang yang dibekalkan itu adalah sama seperti yang dipesan. Jika didapati berkurangan, kontraktor hendaklah diminta segera mengganti jumlah yang kurang itu tanpa apa-apa tambahan kos. 11.2 Semua item yang dibekalkan mestilah berada di dalam keadaan baik dan memuaskan. Barang-barang yang didapati rosak atau buruk semasa penerimaannya hendaklah ditolak dan kontraktor diminta mengganti dengan bekalan baru tanpa apa-apa tambahan kos. Penolakan ini hendaklah dibuat serta-merta dan secara bertulis dan disalinkan kepada PMS.
12.1 Jika ada apa-apa keraguan tentang kualiti barang disebabkan kerosakan pembungkusan, Jabatan pemesan hendaklah meminta kontraktor menggantikan barang yang diragui kualitinya dengan bekalan baru tanpa apa-apa kos tambahan. Penolakan hendaklah dibuat secara bertulis dengan salinan kepada Pegawai Kewangan Persekutuan Sarawak, PMS pada hari penolakan itu dibuat. Kontraktor mestilah menggantikan barang-barang tersebut dalam tempoh dua (2) minggu dari tarikh pemberitahuan dikeluarkan. 13. TEMPOH
13.1 Jabatan pengguna hendaklah mengemukakan apa-apa aduan mengenai kontrak ini dengan serta merta dan tidak lewat daripada tiga (3) bulan
selepas tarikh tamat kontrak.
PMS tidak akan bertanggungjawab atas
apa-apa masalah yang berbangkit akibat dari kegagalan Jabatan
mematuhi arahan ini.

14.1 Pembayaran terhadap bil-bil yang dikemukakan oleh kontraktor hendaklah dibuat mengikut tatacara yang ditetapkan oleh Akauntan Negara Malaysia. 14.2 Pembayaran hendaklah dibuat terus kepada kontraktor. 14.3 Bagi pesanan yang telah disempurnakan oleh kontraktor dengan memuaskan, bil mengenainya hendaklah dijelaskan dalam tempoh empat belas (14) hari dari tarikh bil itu diterima. 14.4 Walau apapun peraturan atau tatacara penerimaan barang-barang yang diamalkan oleh sesuatu Jabatan, pengesahan penerimaan barang-barang mestilah dibuat dengan segera pada hari bekalan disempurnakan untuk membolehkan kontraktor mengemukakan bil pembayaran dengan seberapa segera. Jabatan tidak perlu menunggu laporan ujian Jabatan Penguji untuk membuat bayaran.
Jabatan dan Badan Berkanun dan Agensi-Agensi yang berkenaan di bawah kelolaan masing-masing hendaklah menggunakan kontrak ini sahaja dan tidak dibenarkan membeli dari punca lain tanpa kebenaran Pegawai Kewangan Persekutuan Sarawak, PMS. 15.2 Penentuan dalam kontrak ini adalah penentuan gunasama pelbagai Jabatan. Sekiranya penentuan itu tidak sesuai dengan keperluan Jabatan pengguna, sila kemukakan penentuan yang diperlukan, dengan menyatakan perbezaan dari penentuan kontrak ini serta justifikasi mengapa perbezaan itu perlu. 15.3 PMS seterusnya akan menimbangkan pengecualian daripada menggunakan Kontrak Pusat dan perolehan melalui tatacara lain.
16.1 Jika terdapat kemusykilan mengenai kontrak ini, pihak Jabatan Pengguna dinasihatkan menghubungi PMS seperti di alamat di atas atau melalui nombor telefon 082-421333 :- Sekian, terima kasih.

“Sentiasa Mesra, Teliti dan Cepat”

Saya yang menurut perintah,
Pegawai Kewangan Persekutuan Sarawak
Perbendaharaan Malaysia Sarawak.
Lampiran A
Nama/Alamat Kontraktor/No.
Alamat/No. Akaun Bank
Telefon/Faks & Nombor Kontrak
Lampiran B
Chilli sauce shall be prepared from a mixture of chilli paste or chilli solids derived from clean and wholesome ripened cillies, fresh and/or dried, sugar, vinegar and edible salt (sodium chloride). It may contain finely ground, clean and wholesome garlic, ginger, onion and other suitable spices or their extracts. It may also contain ripened tomatoes, ripened papaya (or the solids of these fruits), ripened pumpkin and ripened pineapple. REQUIREMENTS
The fresh cillies used for the manufacture of chilli sauce shall conform to the Malaysia Standard *MS 894. It shall contain not less than 20.0%, w/w (minimum) of the chilli content. Other raw materials used for the manufacture of chilli sauce shall conform to the appropriate Malaysia Standard. 2.4 The chilli sauce shall be the pasteurized product made from ingredients as in Clause 2.1, with or without the ingredients as in Clause 2.2. It may contain permitted thickener mentioned as follows (in small quantities): It shall not contain any preservative other than bensoic acid or its edible salts or sulphur dioxide. 2.8 The chilli sauce shall be free from insects and other foreign The chilli sauce shall be red in colour characteristic of the product and have a uniform consistency. 2.10 The taste shall be characteristic of chilli sauce. 2.11 The product shall comply with the requirements specified in Table 1. Table 1. Requirements for red chilli sauce Total soluble solid, °Brix (20°C), min. Bensoic acid or its edible salts, ppm, max Mould count (Howard), % max. of total fields 3.1 The product shall be prosessed and packed under hygienic conditions in premises licensed in accordance with the Public Health Legislations currently enforces in Malaysia. PACKAGING AND LABELLING
4.1 The product shall be packed in clean glass containers. The Each container shall be marked legibly and indelibly or a label shall be attached to the container, with the following information: 4.2.1 name and brand of the product; 4.2.2 name and address of the manufacturer and/or packer or the owner of the rights of manufacturer or packing or the agent of any of them; 4.2.4 list of ingredients in descending order of proportions used in the product, as per labelling requirements stipulated in the current Malaysian Food Regulation; 4.2.5 code number or marking device indicating date, month and 4.2.7 benzoic acid or its edible salts/sulphur dioxide declaration, if LEGAL REQUIREMENT
The product shall in all other aspects comply with the requirements of the legislations currently enforce in Malaysia. SPECIFICATION FOR TOMATO SAUCE


Tomato sauce is a product prepared from a mixture of tomato puree of tomato paste or tomato solids derived from clean and wholesome, ripened tomato fruits, sugar, vinegar of acetic acid, edible salt (sodium chloride), onions, garlic and other spices. It shall contain not less than 6.0% by weight of tomato soluble solids. It shall not contain any preservative other than benzoic acid or its edible salts or sulphur dioxide. It may contain permitted colouring substance and permitted flavouring substance. The following thickeners may be added, in small quantities, during manufacture: REQUIREMENTS
The tomato sauce shall be the heat-treated product made from the ingredients as in 1.3 above Sugar used shall conform to the requirements in MS82, ‘Specification for white refined sugar for industrial use’. The tomato sauce shall be strained to exclude seeds, skins, stems and other coarse and hard substances and shall be free from foreign substances. The tomato sauce shall be red in colour, characteristics of the product and has a smooth and uniform texture. The taste shall be characteristic of tomato ketchup. The product shall comply with the requirements prescribed in table 1. Acidity, % w/w expressed as acetic acid, min. Benzoic acid or its edible salts, ppm, max Howard mould count, % of total field examined, The product shall be prepared understrict hygienic conditions in accordance with good manufacturing practices and to relevant public health requirements currently enforced. PACKING AND LABELLING
4.1 The product shall be packed in clean glass containers. The 4.2 Each container shall be suitably labelled with the following 4.2.2 Name and address of the manufacturer and/or packer; 4.2.4 List of ingredients in descending order of proportions used by 4.2.5 Code number indicating date of manufacture; 4.2.7 Benzoic acid or its edible salts/sulphur dioxide declaration, if LEGAL REQUIREMENTS
The product shall in all other aspects comply with the requirements of the legislations currently enforced in the country. *MS1120, ‘Methods of sampling and test for sauces’. SPESIFICATION SARAWAK BLACK PEPPER SAUCE
Sarawak Black Pepper Sauce shall be prepared from a mixture of ground black pepper derived from clean and wholesome ripened black pepper, dried, sugar, vinegar and edible salt (sodium chloride). If may contain finely ground, clean and wholesome garlic, ginger, onion and other suitable spices or their extracts. REQUIREMENTS
Property Result
Mould count (Howard), % max. of total fields 2.2 Sarawak Black Pepper Sauce contain permitted preservative, permitted colouring substance, permitted flavouring substance and permitted food conditioner. The Sarawak Black Pepper Sauce processed and packed under hygienic conditions in premises licensed in accordance with the Public Health Legislations. PACKAGING AND LABELLING
4.1 The product shall be packed in clean glass containers. The 4.2 Each container shall be suitably labelled with the following information: 4.2.1 Name and brand of the product; 4.2.2 Name and address of the manufacturer and/or packer; 4.2.4 List of ingredients in descending order of proportions used by 4.2.5 Code number indicating date of manufacture; 4.2.7 Benzoic acid or its edible salts/sulphur dioxide declaration, if LEGAL REQUIREMENTS
The product shall in all other aspects comply with the requirements of the legislations currently enforced in the country. *MS1120, ‘Methods of sampling and test for sauces’. SPECIFICATION FOR DARK SOYA SAUCE
Soya sauce is a product prepared from a basic mixture of extracts from the fermentation products of soya bean and/or defatted soya bean and flour (wheat, rice, maize and tapioca), edible salt (sodium chloride) and/or sweetening substance (such as sucrose, dextrose and liquid glucose). REQUIREMENTS
The soya sauce shall be the pasteurized product made from the ingredients specified in 1.1. above. Raw materials used for the manufacture of soya sauce shall conform to the appropriate Malaysian Standards. 2.3 Soya sauce shall not contain any non-nutritive sweetening It shall not contain any added colouring substance except caramel. It shall not contain hydrolysed vegetable protein. It shall not contain any preservative except benzoic acid or sodium benzoate and sulphur dioxide or sulphites at a level permitted by the current Malaysian Food Regulations. It shall not contain any other additives not otherwise specified. It shall be free from any foreign matter. The aroma and taste shall be characteristic of soya sauce. 2.10 Soya sauce shall comply with the requirements in Table 1. The Sarawak Black Pepper Sauce processed and packed under hygienic conditions in premises licensed in accordance with the Public Health Legislations. PACKAGING AND LABELLING
4.1 The product shall be packed in clean glass containers. The 4.1 Each container shall be suitably labelled with the following information: 4.1.1 Name and brand of the product; 4.1.2 Name and address of the manufacturer and/or packer; 4.1.4 List of ingredients in descending order of proportions used by 4.1.5 Code number indicating date of manufacture; 4.1.7 Benzoic acid or its edible salts/sulphur dioxide declaration, if 4.2 Each container may, by arrangement with the Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia be marked with the Certification Mark of SIRIM, provided that the product conforms to the requirements of this Malaysian Standard. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS
5.1 The product shall in all other aspects comply with the requirements of the legislations currently enforced in the country. *MS1120, ‘Methods of sampling and test for sauces’. SPECIFICATION FOR CORDIALS
Fruit Cordial
Fruit cordial shall be a non-alcoholic and non-carbonated beverage. It is prepared from fruit juices concentrates (with or without pulp) or comminuted fruit, permitted sweeteners, portable water with or without the addition of the following ingredients: 1.1.1 Permitted food colours 1.1.2 Permitted 1.1.4 Natural flavouring substances and/or nature identical The fruit juice content of cordial shall not be less than 25% weight/volume. Flavoured Cordial
Flavoured syrup/cordial shall be a non-alcoholic and non-carbonated beverage. It is prepared from extract of vegetables or other plant substances/essential oils, permitted sweeterners and portable water with or without the addition of the following ingredients:- Container
Container shall be made of glass or plastic or plastic or any other suitable material that may be approved from time to time. It shall be tightly sealed with a metallic or plastic cap. INGREDIENTS
Flavouring agents
Comminuted fruit and fruit juices shall be prepared from matured and properly washed fruits and fit for human comsumption. They may either be freshly prepared or concentrated and preserved either by pasteurisation and/or the addition of permitted chemical preservatives. 2.1.2 Essential oils and vegetable extracts Essetial oils and vegetable extracts shall be compounds obtained from fruits or plants and shall be safe for human consumption. Permitted flavouring subtances shall be substance either naturally present in fruit/plant or synthetically produces which are capable of imparting flavour to the product and shall be safe for human consumption. Sweeteners
Nutritive sweeteners allowed are: Sucrose conforming to the requirements in MS82 (1989) ‘Specification for white refined sugar for industrial use’. Dextrose Glucose syrup conforming to the requirements in MS21 (1982) ‘Specification for glucose syrup (Liquid glucose)’. Those that are permitted in the current Food Regulation in the country. NOTE: Reduced/low/non calorie sweeteners can be used in low energy drinks. Permitted food conditioners
The following food conditioners may be used in the manufacture of beverages. 2.3.1 Acidity Citric acid conforming to the requirements in MS1282: Part 1 (1992). Malic acid conforming to the requirements in MS1282: Part 1 (1992). Acetic acid conforming to the requirements in MS1282: Part 1 (1992) NOTE: MS 1282: Part 1 (1992) ‘Specification for food additives Part 1: Acid regulators’. 2.3.2 Stabliser/emulsifier Stabiliser/emulsifier may be used in suitable quantities and in accordance with the code of Good Manufacturing Practice and the current Food Regulations in the country and conforming to the requiments in MS1282: Part 5: (1994) ‘Specification for food additives Part 5: Stablisers, thickeners and gelling agents’. Permitted food colours
Permitted food colours, currently allowed by the Food Regulations may be used provided that the quantities used shall be in accordance with the code of ethics of Good Manufacturing Practice. Permitted preservtives
The permitted preservatives may include benzoic acid, sorbic acid and sulphur dioxide conforming to the requirements in MS 1282: Part 2: (1992) ‘Specification for food additives part 2: Preservatives’. 2.6 Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
Vitamin C, (ascorbic acid) may be used in cordials, squashes and syrups. REQUIREMENTS
Fruit content, flavour and aroma requirements
A product claimed to be prepared from fruit or fruit juice shall contain no less than 25% weight/volume or pure fruit or fruit juice. 3.1.2 Essential oils, vegetable or other plant substances extracts or Any of these compounds may be used provided they represent the fruits, vegetables, other plant substances or flavours which the product is claimed or implied to be prepared from and the amounts and types used are in accordance with the code of Good Manufacturing Practice. The product shall have the taste and aroma characteristic of the fruits, vegetables or taste for which it is claimed or implied. Objectionable taste and odours shall not be present. Product requirements
The product shall be free from dirt, foreign particles, insect and redent contamination, seeds, skin, particles of cork or glass or other extraneous matter. The volume of the product, on testing, shall occupy no less than 95% of the total volume of the container when tested according to the method in Appendix A. 3.2.3 The product shall also comply the requirements as stated in Table 1 Requirements for cordials, (after reconstitution) The product on testing shall not contain metal contaminants more than the amounts permitted in Table 2. Table 2 Metal contaminants, (after reconstitution) The product on testing shall not contain preservatives more than the amount permitted in Table 3. The product on testing shall not contain microbiological count more than the amount permissible in Table 4 Table 4 Microbiological count CONTAINERS
All containers shall be clean and sound. Glass and plastic containers shall be free from chips, cracks and other defects. In the case of plastic containers, care should be taken by the manufacturer to choose the right types of plastic materials for making the containers so that the taste of the drink is not affected by the ‘carry-over’ of chemicals present in the plastic materials. All containers shall be securely sealed with new and clean caps. The product shall be prepared under strict hygienic conditions in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices and relevant public health requirements currently enforced. PACKING AND LABELLING
6.1 Each container shall be suitable labelled with the following name and address of the manufacturer and/or packer List of ingredients in descending order of proportions. Code number indicating batch and/or date of manufacture NOTE : Name of the product should include the name of fruit/flavour used. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS
The product shall in all other aspects comply with the requirements of the legislation currently enforced in the country. SPESIFIKASI SERBUK KOPI CAMPURAN
The coffee mixture is to be made from pure fresh/roasted and well ground coffee beans (decorticated berrieds of coffee) and to contain no other admixture except sugar, margarine and ground wheat, maize or barley. The coffee mixture shall contain not less than 50% by weight of coffee as defined in paragraph 1 above. The coffee beans used are to be fresh, free from mould, insect attack, foreign matter and injurious substances. Beans that are black and unripe should not be used. The coffee mixture shall be properly processed, freshly roasted and ground immediately prior to packing. All operations are to be carried out under strictly hygienic conditions in accordance with hygiene regulations currently in force in Malaysia. The coffee mixture shall be free from irregular size particles and shall not contain an excessive amount of fine powder. The coffee mixture shall contain not more than 7% moisture. The coffee mixture when properly infused or percolated to yield a beverage of pleasant taste and good characteristic, flavour and aroma. It shall be free from sour, earthy, musty, burnt or other objectionable flavours. CONTAINER
The coffee mixture is to be packed in new air tight plastic. Each plastic is to contain 1 kg nett weight of coffee mixture ang to bear a label showing the contents, nett wright and the percentage of each ingredient. The plastics are to be thoroughly cleaned internally before filling. Plastics are to be plated throughout, constructed of best quality material suitable for the pack and to be in clean, sound condition at the time of filling. Plastics not to contain more than 1% lead and 0.03% arsenic oxide. Each container is to bear a label giving the description and capacity of contents, initials of contractor and batch or code number and date of packing. In addition, the words ‘HAK KERAJAAN MALAYSIA’ is to be printed on the label. OUTER CASE
The cans are to be supplied in fibre-board cases, sufficiently robust to prevent damage to the contents under normal conditions of transit. The following details will be printed in 25 mm, characters, in good quality dark blue oil paint or stencil ink, on the from and back long sides of each case:- Coffee Mixture 20 x 1 kg. Name of Company Contract No. MAKANAN KERAJAAN MALAYSIA WARRANTY
14. THE MANUFACTURERS’S WARRANTY OF GOOD CONDITION TO APPLY FOR A PERIOD OF NINE MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF DELIVERY TO THE CONSIGNEE. The supplies to be rejected if, at any time during the warranty period, they are found to contain tin in excess of two hundred and fifthy parts per million. 16. The supplies to comply with all relevent statutory requirements or regulations relating to food currently in force in Semenanjung Malaysia. SPESIFIKASI KORDIAL JUS
PolyEthylene Terephthalate PolyEthylene (P.E.)


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