Final copd rescue pack leaflet doxycycline v3.0 october13

Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust
Northern, Eastern and Western Devon
Clinical Commissioning Group
COPD Rescue Pack Information Leaflet

What is my COPD Rescue Pack?

Your COPD Rescue Pack contains a supply of standby medications to start if your COPD
deteriorates before you are able to see your GP.
Your COPD Rescue Pack contains two different medications:
• Steroid tablets: Prednisolone 5mg tablets • Antibiotic capsules: Doxycycline 100mg capsules
Please read this leaflet and keep it with your rescue pack medications.
When should I take my COPD Rescue Pack?

Only start your rescue pack medication if you are having a flare-up of your COPD.

You should have a COPD management plan detailing the steps you should take in the event
of a flare-up of your COPD. If you do not have a current management plan, contact your GP
or COPD nurse.

Your COPD may be getting worse if you have one of these symptoms

increased breathlessness new or increased wheeze and/or chest tightness change in sputum (phlegm) colour or quantity cough – new or increased If you have any of these symptoms, increase your reliever (blue) inhaler medication, rest and
keep indoors (see your COPD management plan).
If you have had two or more symptoms for over 24 hours, despite using more of your
reliever (blue) inhaler, start your rescue pack as follows:

First, check your Rescue Pack steroid tablets are not out of date - the expiry date is on the
Do not use the Rescue Pack if it has passed its expiry date, instead contact your Doctor Steroid (Prednisolone 5mg) tablets - Take six tablets immediately and then take six tablets again as a single dose each morning, with food, for one week. If your sputum (phlegm) has changed colour, especially if it is becoming green or brown, you should start your Rescue Pack antibiotic. First, check your Rescue Pack antibiotic capsules are not out of date - the expiry date is on the box. Do not use the Rescue Pack if it has passed its expiry date, instead contact your Doctor
Antibiotic (Doxycycline 100mg) capsules - Take two capsules immediately and then one
capsule each morning until the course is complete.
What should I do if I’ve forgotten to take a dose?

It is important that you take the medication as prescribed.
However, if you forget to take a dose, take it as soon as you remember and then carry on
taking your next dose at its regular time. If you realise you have missed a dose but it is
almost time for your next dose, do not take a double dose, skip the dose you have missed,
take the next dose at its regular time and then carry on as normal with any remaining doses.
Are there any side effects?

All medications may cause side effects. With short courses such as your COPD Rescue
Pack, most people don’t have any problems.
The patient information leaflets supplied with each medication within your Rescue pack list
the more common side effects and other precautions for each medication. Please read
these leaflets. If you are concerned about any side effects please contact your COPD nurse,
GP or Community Pharmacist for further information. If it is out of hours you can contact
Devon Doctors on 01392 824 600.
What else should I do?

If you start your rescue pack, you must contact your GP or COPD nurse to inform them that
you are less well and have started the rescue pack.
If y
e closed, contact Devon
l 999 and ask for an ambulance.
e.i th you.
Make sure you request a replacement rescue pack once you have recovered. Date revised: October 2013


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LA TEORÍA DE LOS ACTOS DE HABLA ✓ J.L. Austin o cómo hacer cosas con palabras -Fundamentos filosóficos: -la teoría del lenguaje corriente -Punto de partida: -la falacia descriptiva(a)enunciados constatativos / (b)enunciados realizativos (b)No sólo describen o informan sino que realizan una acciónSe manifiestan como oraciones declarativas en 1ª p. del s. del presente de indicat

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