He encontrado que alguna farmacia puede tener existencias limitadas de ciertos medicamentos, mientras que otras pueden tener casi cualquier formato que se le ocurra y el habitual de dosis habitualidad apareció. En resumen, siempre se contiene el almacén de corroborar. Al mismo tiempo que el producto que más que gustaba ha resultado no estaba disponible en stock otro distinto por las Buenas costumbres también debe buscarse jefe no asн parezca. Por eso es importante disponer de un Plan B para actuar cuandod ello no ocurra.
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Uno de los mayores incentivos para someterse al Dónde comprar Lasix genérico en lugar de pagar la marca es que usted puede obtener un ahorrando importantes Lasix genérico. Por lo tanto, un Lasix genérico es en general mucho más barato que el homólogo de marca, así que una denominación genérica se hace posible para las personas que usan este medicamento con frecuencia. Un ejemplo: La compra de lurosemida en lugar de Lasix es una considerable ahorro para el presupuesto mensual de medicamentos.
Reviews and Overviews Substance Use Disorders in Patients With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Review of the Literature Leslie K. Jacobsen, M.D. Objective: Alcohol use disorders and
dence, physiologic arousal resulting from
Steven M. Southwick, M.D.
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This
article reviews studies pertaining to the
Thomas R. Kosten, M.D.
work has led to the proposal that in PTSD,
adrenergic systems may interact such that
Method: Studies were identified by means
the stress response is progressively aug-
of computerized and manual searches.
notics, or alcohol in an effort to interrupt
Conclusions: Vigorous control of with- Results: High rates of comorbidity sug-
substance use disorders. Inclusion of pa-
and in clinical trials will be critical for de-
velopment of effective treatments for this
severely symptomatic patient population. (Am J Psychiatry 2001; 158:1184–1190)
Substance use disorders, particularly abuse of and de- substance use leading to failure to fulfill work, school, or
pendence on central nervous system (CNS) depressants,
home obligations; legal problems; and substance-related
are common in patients with posttraumatic stress disor-
interpersonal problems. Substance dependence further
der (PTSD). This article reviews clinical, epidemiologic,
includes tolerance, withdrawal symptoms upon cessation
and neurobiologic studies relevant to the problem of co-
of use, unsuccessful efforts to control use, and continued
morbid PTSD and substance use disorders and discusses
use despite persistent substance-related physical or psy-
the clinical implications of these findings.
Persons with PTSD have elevated rates of comorbid psy-
Clinical Phenomenology
chiatric disorders. Studies of both combat veterans and ci-
and Epidemiology
vilians with PTSD have demonstrated that, among menwith PTSD, alcohol abuse or dependence is the most com-
PTSD develops in some people after exposure to a severe
mon co-occurring disorder, followed by depression, other
traumatic event. The DSM-IV diagnosis of PTSD consists of
anxiety disorders, conduct disorder, and nonalcohol sub-
symptoms in three clusters: 1) reexperiencing symptoms,
stance abuse or dependence (1, 2). Among women with
including intrusive recollections of the trauma that are
PTSD, rates of comorbid depression and other anxiety dis-
triggered by exposure to cues symbolizing the trauma;
orders are highest, followed by alcohol abuse and depen-
2) avoidance symptoms, which involve diminished partici-
dence (1, 2). High rates of comorbidity of PTSD and sub-
pation in activities and avoidance of thoughts, people,
stance use disorders were first reported in war-related
places, and memories associated with the trauma; and
studies, in which as many as 75% of combat veterans with
3) arousal symptoms, which include difficulty sleeping, ir-
lifetime PTSD also met criteria for alcohol abuse or depen-
ritability, difficulty concentrating, hypervigilance, and ex-
dence (2). Among civilian populations, estimates of the
prevalence of lifetime substance use disorders have
Although intoxication and withdrawal symptoms vary
ranged from 21.6% to 43.0% in persons with PTSD, com-
across abused substances, all substance use disorders
pared with 8.1% to 24.7% in persons without PTSD (1, 3, 4).
share key features. They include a maladaptive pattern of
Similarly, among substance abusers in the general popula-
Am J Psychiatry 158:8, August 2001JACOBSEN, SOUTHWICK, AND KOSTEN
tion, the reported rate of PTSD is 8.3% (5). Rates of PTSD
FIGURE 1. Symptoms of Increased Arousal in PTSD and
appear to be higher among patients in inpatient sub-
Symptoms Associated With Withdrawal From CNS Depres- santsa
stance abuse treatment (up to 42.5%) (6) and among preg-nant women in residential treatment for substance abuse(62%) (7). Surveys of substance-dependent adolescents
PTSD Symptoms of Symptoms of CNS Increased Arousal Depressant Withdrawal
have also found rates of PTSD ranging up to 19.2% (8).
Patients with both PTSD and a substance use disorder
have significantly higher rates of comorbid axis I and IIdisorders, psychosocial and medical problems, sub-
stance- or alcohol-related inpatient admissions, and re-
lapse to substance use, compared with patients whosesubstance use is not complicated by PTSD (4, 9). Further-
more, patients with PTSD and substance use disorders
tend to suffer from more severe PTSD symptoms, particu-
larly those in the avoidance and arousal symptom clus-ters, than do patients with PTSD alone (10). Conversely,
one longitudinal study of patients with PTSD and a co-
morbid substance use disorder found at 6-month post-treatment follow-up that patients whose PTSD symptoms
a From the DSM-IV criteria for PTSD, alcohol withdrawal, and seda-
had remitted reported significantly less substance use
tive, hypnotic, or anxiolytic withdrawal.
than did patients with unremitted PTSD (11).
experience. For example, PTSD patients with alcohol de-
Relationship of Substance Use
pendence exhibit significantly more arousal symptoms
to PTSD Symptoms
that do PTSD patients with cocaine dependence (10).
In the second model, withdrawal from substances, par-
Elevated rates of comorbid depressive and anxiety dis-
ticularly CNS depressants, may initiate a cycle that perpet-
orders in patients with PTSD greatly complicate any effort
uates relapse and continued substance use. The with-
to develop a model of the relationship between PTSD and
drawal syndromes associated with many CNS depressants
substance use. High rates of comorbidity suggest thatPTSD and substance use disorders are functionally related
overlap extensively with the arousal symptoms of PTSD
to one another. Two primary pathways have been de-
(15) (Figure 1). Substances may be taken initially to ame-
scribed to explain these high rates of comorbidity. In the
liorate PTSD symptoms. As noted earlier, patients with
first, substance abuse precedes PTSD. To sustain their
PTSD have reported that CNS depressants acutely provide
habit, some substance abusers repetitively place them-
symptom relief (14). Furthermore, objectively measured
selves in dangerous situations and, as a result, experience
startle responses are reduced by alcohol (16). However, the
high levels of physical and psychological trauma (5). For
physiologic arousal resulting from substance withdrawal
example, in a study of patients with PTSD and comorbid
may have an additive effect with arousal symptoms stem-
cocaine abuse, patients whose cocaine abuse developed
ming from PTSD. The resulting hyperaroused state may
first later developed PTSD as a result of trauma sustained
serve as a conditioned reminder of traumatic events and
in the context of procurement and use of cocaine (12).
thus precipitate an increase in reexperiencing symptoms.
Given that chronic substance use can lead to higher levels
Exacerbation of PTSD symptoms may then prompt re-
of arousal and anxiety as well as to sensitization of neuro-
lapse to substance use in an attempt to self-medicate.
biologic stress systems (13), substance abuse may result in
Thus, for the PTSD patient who already has symptoms of
a higher level of vulnerability to development of PTSD af-
arousal, the additional arousal that accompanies with-
drawal from substances may be intolerable. Alternatively,
In the second pathway, PTSD precedes development of
substances may be used to cope with the traumatic event
substance use disorders. In this model, the use of sub-
itself (17). This pattern may particularly apply when
stances is a form of self-medication. Patients report that
trauma that leads to PTSD occurs during adulthood. The
CNS depressants, such as alcohol, cannabis, opioids, and
initial calming effects from substance use may cue pa-
benzodiazepines acutely improve PTSD symptoms (14).
tients to resume substance use when PTSD symptoms
Consistent with this, patients with PTSD report that onset
and severity of substance abuse parallel the onset and es-
Most published data support the second model, in
calation of PTSD symptoms (14). In addition, clinical evi-
which substance use follows or parallels traumatic expo-
dence suggests that the choice of substances of abuse (CNS
sure and the development of PTSD (18). In a longitudinal
depressants versus CNS stimulants) may stem from the
study conducted by Chilcoat and Breslau (19), 1,007 adults
particular constellation of PTSD symptoms that patients
were reevaluated 3 and 5 years after an initial assessment. Am J Psychiatry 158:8, August 2001SUBSTANCE USE AND PTSD
The researchers found that preexisting substance abuse
toward drug self-administration (25). Initial work on the
did not increase subjects’ risk of subsequent exposure to
pathophysiology of this phenomenon indicated that
trauma or their risk of developing PTSD after exposure to
stress-induced or stress-enhanced drug self-administra-
trauma. The relationship between exposure to trauma and
tion is mediated by corticosterone (26).
increased risk for development of a substance use dis-
Evidence has accumulated to support a role for CRH in
order was found to be specific to PTSD, as exposure to
mediating the effects of stress on drug self-administration.
trauma without subsequent development of PTSD did not
Central, but not peripheral, administration of CRH has
increase risk for development of a substance use disorder
been shown to induce a long-lasting enhancement (sensi-
(19). Of note, one study of patients with cocaine depen-
tization) of the locomotor response to d-amphetamine
dence and PTSD found that patients in whom PTSD pre-
(27), and pretreatment with a CRH antagonist has been
ceded the onset of cocaine use were significantly more
shown to block the development of stress-induced sensiti-
likely to suffer from comorbid major depression and to
zation to d-amphetamine (28). Indeed, central adminis-
use benzodiazepines and opiates than were patients in
tration of anti-CRH antibody or the CRH receptor antago-
whom PTSD developed after the onset of cocaine use (12).
nist α-helical CRH has been found to block the locomotorhyperactivity induced by cocaine (29). Pathophysiology
Withdrawal from chronic cocaine or alcohol adminis-
tration in rats produces anxiety-like behavior and de-
Our review of the literature on the pathophysiologic ba-
creased exploration that is associated with selective in-
sis of comorbid PTSD and addiction selectively focuses on
creases in CRH in the hypothalamus, amygdala, and basal
studies of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis
forebrain (30, 31). Pretreatment with anti-CRH immun-
and the noradrenergic system, as these have been most
oserum or α-helical CRH, blocking the effects of CRH,
extensively studied in PTSD. It must be emphasized that
completely prevents the development of these with-
many other neurobiological systems are involved in both
drawal-associated behaviors (30). Consistent with these
the acute and chronic adaptation to stress and to sub-stance use. These systems include the dopaminergic, γ-
observations, CSF CRH is elevated in humans in acute al-
aminobutyric acid, benzodiazepine, and serotonergic sys-
cohol withdrawal and then normalizes or decreases below
tems, as well as the thyroid axis. Interactions among these
normal levels with extended abstinence and resolution of
systems in patients with comorbid PTSD and substance
withdrawal symptoms (32). Shaham and colleagues (33)
dependence are enormously complex. Thus, the potential
found that intracerebroventricular injection of CRH rein-
relationships we discuss between the HPA axis, the norad-
stated heroin seeking after extinction in rats trained to
renergic system, and symptoms in patients with comorbid
self-administer the drug. In addition, α-helical CRH atten-
PTSD and substance use disorders should be viewed as
uated the reinstatement effect of footshock stress (33).
one part of a far more complex whole.
Neither adrenalectomy nor chronic or acute exposure tothe corticosterone synthesis inhibitor metyrapone inter-
HPA Axis in PTSD and Addiction
fered with the reinstatement effects of priming injections
In humans and animals, acute stress elicits a cascade of
of heroin or of footshock stress. A potent, selective CRF1
neurohormonal events, including increased turnover of
receptor antagonist, CP-154,526, has been found to atten-
norepinephrine in terminal projection regions of the locus
uate reinstatement of drug seeking induced by footshock
ceruleus and liberation of hypothalamic corticotropin-re-
stress after up to 14 days of extinction in rats trained to
leasing hormone (CRH) into the pituitary portal system,
self-administer heroin or cocaine (34).
which stimulates release of ACTH from the pituitary,
Findings from both animal and human studies of the ef-
which in turn triggers release of cortisol (human) or corti-
fects of chronic stress or of PTSD on HPA axis function
costerone (rat) from the adrenals (20). Animal and human
vary depending on the experimental paradigm used or the
research has implicated this cascade in the pathophysiol-
population studied. In patients with PTSD, elevated (35),
ogy of both substance use disorders and PTSD.
reduced (36), and normal (37) levels of cortisol secretion
Humans with substance dependence most frequently
have been reported. A series of studies performed by Ye-
identify stress and negative mood states as reasons for re-
huda and colleagues demonstrated that patients with
lapse and ongoing substance abuse (21). Recently, a per-
PTSD have an elevated number of lymphocyte glucocorti-
sonalized stress imagery task was shown to reliably in-
coid receptors (38), enhanced suppression of cortisol after
crease cocaine craving and salivary cortisol in cocaine-
administration of dexamethasone (39), a greater than nor-
dependent patients (22). Animal studies have shown that
mal decrease in the number of lymphocyte glucocorticoid
stress induces relapse to heroin and to cocaine self-ad-
receptors after administration of dexamethasone (39), and
ministration in rats trained to self-administer these sub-
higher than normal increases in ACTH after metyrapone
stances and then subjected to a prolonged drug-free
blockade of cortisol synthesis (40). All of these findings
period (23, 24). Similarly, in animals naive to illicit sub-
suggest that glucocorticoid negative feedback is enhanced
stances, a large range of stressors increases the proclivity
Am J Psychiatry 158:8, August 2001JACOBSEN, SOUTHWICK, AND KOSTEN
Animal studies examining the effects of uncontrollable
Thus, elevated levels of CRH in the brain in PTSD may me-
stress on HPA axis function have reported initial increases
diate both the symptoms of hyperarousal as well as the in-
of corticosterone secretion, followed by normalization of
creased risk for substance abuse and dependence seen in
corticosterone secretion with ongoing chronic stress (41).
this disorder. More specifically, elevated levels of CRH in
However, some investigators have failed to demonstrate
the brain in PTSD may enhance the euphorigenic proper-
normalization of corticosterone secretion with chronic
ties of certain drugs, such as stimulants, and may worsen
uncontrollable stress (42), particularly in animals that
the severity of withdrawal symptoms, thereby prompting
have been reared under stressful conditions (43) or when
patients to relapse to drug use. Conversely, brain CRH ele-
levels of chronic stress are high (44). In a pattern similar to
vations induced by withdrawal from substance use may
that found in humans with PTSD, animals subjected to a
exacerbate symptoms of hyperarousal, which could trig-
single episode of prolonged stress and then briefly re-
ger other symptoms of PTSD, prompting relapse to sub-
stressed after a stress-free period showed enhancement of
glucocorticoid negative feedback (45). Noradrenergic System in PTSD and Addiction
Although both animal and human studies have sug-
gested that glucocorticoid negative feedback may be en-
During chronic uncontrollable stress, norepinephrine
hanced in PTSD, the implications of these observations for
turnover increases in specific brain regions, including the
CRH secretion in this disorder are unclear. As noted ear-
locus ceruleus, hypothalamus, hippocampus, amygdala,
lier, CRH-producing cells and CRH receptors exist both in
and cerebral cortex (51). Evidence for noradrenergic dys-
the hypothalamus and in extrahypothalamic sites. Find-
regulation in patients with PTSD has included elevated 24-
ings from some studies have suggested that hypothalamic
hour urinary epinephrine and norepinephrine excretion,
and extrahypothalamic CRH-producing cells may re-
a lower than normal number of platelet α2-adrenergic re-
spond differently to corticosterone. Specifically, corticos-
ceptors, elevated 24-hour plasma norepinephrine, and
terone appears to restrain hypothalamic CRH-producing
exaggerated cardiovascular and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxy-
cells while stimulating extrahypothalamic CRH-produc-
phenylglycol (MHPG) (a norepinephrine metabolite) re-
ing cells, particularly those in the amygdala (46). Replace-
sponses to intravenous yohimbine (52). Noradrenergic
ment of corticosterone in adrenalectomized rats de-
dysregulation has also been reported during states of
creases CRH production in the parvocellular nucleus of
withdrawal from chronic self-administration of alcohol
the hypothalamus while increasing CRH production in the
and other abused substances. The levels of noradrenaline,
central nucleus of the amygdala (47). This region-specific
norepinephrine, and MHPG in both plasma and CSF have
pattern of regulation is also seen in adrenally intact rats
been found to be increased and the number of platelet α2-
treated with high-stress levels of corticosterone for ex-
adrenergic receptors decreased in alcoholics during acute
tended periods of time (48). Thus, while glucocorticoid
withdrawal (53, 54). The severity of alcoholic withdrawal
feedback may decrease CRH production and release in the
symptoms has been positively correlated with the concen-
hypothalamus, it may stimulate CRH production and re-
tration of MHPG in CSF (54). Evidence for noradrenergic
lease in other brain regions, including the amygdala. This
dysregulation in opiate withdrawal has included findings
possibility has been addressed in two studies of patients
of elevated plasma MHPG in humans and elevated plasma
with PTSD, one that examined CSF concentrations of CRH
and brain MHPG in animals (55, 56). In animals, the level
at a single time point (49) and one that examined CSF con-
of noradrenergic activity was significantly correlated with
centrations of CRH at serial time points over a 6-hour pe-
the severity of withdrawal symptoms (56). These findings
riod (37). Both found significantly higher levels of CSF
have prompted the use of the α2-adrenergic receptor ago-
CRH in patients with PTSD than in normal comparison
nist clonidine in the treatment of both opiate withdrawal
subjects. However, although elevated CSF CRH suggests
that brain CRH may be elevated, the specific brain tissuesproducing CRH elevations cannot be determined from
Noradrenergic System/HPA Axis Interactions
Evidence that brain CRH and noradrenergic systems
The possibility that brain CRH levels are elevated in
modulate each other has been reported. Stress has been
PTSD is of great interest because of a rich preclinical liter-
shown to increase CRH levels in the locus ceruleus (59), a
ature indicating that elevated levels of CRH in the brain,
primary source of noradrenergic projections to all cortices
particularly in the amygdala, potentiate fear-related be-
as well as to the thalamus and hypothalamus, while intra-
havioral responses, including the startle response (50).
ventricular administration of CRH has been found to in-
These anxiogenic effects of CRH are reversed by adminis-
crease the discharge rates of locus ceruleus neurons and
tration of CRH antagonists (50). As noted earlier, findings
to increase norepinephrine turnover in hippocampus, hy-
from animal and human studies have supported a role for
pothalamus, and prefrontal cortex (60–62). Conversely,
CRH in mediating some effects of drugs of abuse, includ-
stress-induced activation of the locus ceruleus has been
ing stress- or priming-induced relapse to drug self-admin-
blocked by administration of CRH antagonists (63). Simi-
istration and symptoms of withdrawal (27, 28, 32–34).
lar evidence exists for the interaction of the CRH and nor-
Am J Psychiatry 158:8, August 2001SUBSTANCE USE AND PTSD
adrenergic systems in the hypothalamus (64) and the
states. Further, CRH antagonists reduce both the anxiety
amygdala, where stress induces increases in both CRH
and the enhanced response to illicit substances (sensitiza-
and norepinephrine (65). Furthermore, norepinephrine in
tion) that are induced by higher levels of brain CRH. These
the amygdala appears to stimulate release of CRH (66).
observations suggest that CRH antagonists could poten-
These observations have prompted the proposal by
tially have a role in the treatment of patients with PTSD
Koob (20) that interactions of the CRH and noradrenergic
and comorbid substance dependence. Although at
systems in the brain may, under some conditions, function
present no CRH antagonist has been approved for human
as a feed-forward system, leading to the progressive aug-
use, a series of CRH antagonists that can be administered
mentation of the stress response with repeated stress expo-
peripherally have been developed and have been shown
sure that is characteristic of PTSD. This progressive aug-
to cross the blood brain barrier (34, 69). These agents will
mentation of response with repeated stress has previously
be important tools for further defining the potential role of
been conceptualized as kindling (67). A feed-forward inter-
CRH antagonism in the treatment of patients with PTSD
action between the CRH and noradrenergic systems may
and substance dependence and will hopefully lead to de-
represent one neurobiologic underpinning of both PTSD
velopment of orally active preparations.
and substance use disorders. More specifically, stress, in-
Evidence of noradrenergic dysregulation in both PTSD
cluding stress related to self-administration of or with-
and in withdrawal from CNS depressants has prompted
drawal from substances, may stimulate CRH release in the
the use of the α2-adrenoceptor agonist clonidine in both
locus ceruleus, leading to activation of the locus ceruleus
disorders (57, 58). Data from both preclinical and clinical
and release of norepinephrine in the cortex, which in turn
research suggest that this agent, as well as the selective α2-
may stimulate the release of CRH in the hypothalamus and
adrenoceptor agonist guanfacine, would be effective in re-
amygdala (20). Such an interaction between the brain nor-
ducing noradrenergic hyperactivity in patients with PTSD
adrenergic and CRH systems may mediate the symptoms
and comorbid substance dependence. Guanfacine, given
of hyperarousal seen in PTSD, including exaggerated star-
its greater selectivity, may offer a more favorable side ef-
tle response. The proclivity toward misuse of CNS depres-
fect profile. Given the dearth of established treatments for
sants by patients with PTSD may reflect an attempt to
this patient population, controlled clinical trials to estab-
interrupt this feed-forward interaction by suppressing ac-
lish the efficacy of these agents are clearly indicated.
tivity of the locus ceruleus with these agents (68).
Finally, although preclinical work has resulted in con-
siderable progress toward delineating the contributions of
the HPA axis and noradrenergic systems to the pathophys-iologic underpinnings of PTSD with comorbid substance
Clinical and epidemiologic studies confirm that comor-
dependence, few neurobiologic studies have been con-
bidity of PTSD with substance use disorders is common
ducted in this patient population. The inclusion of sub-
and that the symptoms of patients with this comorbidity
jects with this comorbidity may render such studies more
tend to be more severe and more refractory to treatment
complicated, but the data emerging from this work would
than those of patients suffering from either disorder alone.
better inform the clinical management of the difficult-to-
Despite the frequency with which patients with both diag-
treat symptoms of these frequently encountered patients.
noses present for treatment, no systematic treatment ap-
At the minimum, patients who participate in studies of
proach of proven efficacy has been developed for this pop-
PTSD or of substance dependence must be thoroughly
ulation. Furthermore, little is known about the impact on
evaluated for the presence of this comorbidity to permit
substance use disorder outcomes of the medications and
adequate control of the effects of the comorbid condition
psychosocial interventions commonly used to treat PTSD,
on the neurobiologic processes under study.
These limitations notwithstanding, the research con-
Received May 11, 2000; revision received Aug. 22, 2000; accepted
Nov. 17, 2000. From the Department of Psychiatry, Yale University
ducted to date can inform both clinical practice and future
School of Medicine, New Haven, Conn., and the VA Connecticut
clinical and preclinical research. For example, clinical re-
Healthcare System. Address correspondence to Dr. Jacobsen, Depart-
search suggests that PTSD patients with substance depen-
ment of Psychiatry (116A), VA Connecticut Healthcare System, YaleUniversity–West Haven Campus, 950 Campbell Ave., West Haven, CT
dence, particularly those who are addicted to CNS depres-
06516; [email protected] (e-mail).
sants, may find the physiologic arousal resulting from
Supported in part by grants DA-00167, DA-04060, and DA-09250
substance withdrawal intolerable due to additive effects
from the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
with preexisting arousal symptoms related to PTSD. Suc-cessful detoxification of these patients may thus require
inpatient admission to permit vigorous control of with-drawal and PTSD-related arousal symptoms.
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Am J Psychiatry 158:8, August 2001
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