He encontrado que alguna farmacia puede tener existencias limitadas de ciertos medicamentos, mientras que otras pueden tener casi cualquier formato que se le ocurra y el habitual de dosis habitualidad apareció. En resumen, siempre se contiene el almacén de corroborar. Al mismo tiempo que el producto que más que gustaba ha resultado no estaba disponible en stock otro distinto por las Buenas costumbres también debe buscarse jefe no asн parezca. Por eso es importante disponer de un Plan B para actuar cuandod ello no ocurra.
Ventaja de tomar un genérico en lugar de Asix
Un genérico es más barato que el nombre de marca
Uno de los mayores incentivos para someterse al Dónde comprar Lasix genérico en lugar de pagar la marca es que usted puede obtener un ahorrando importantes Lasix genérico. Por lo tanto, un Lasix genérico es en general mucho más barato que el homólogo de marca, así que una denominación genérica se hace posible para las personas que usan este medicamento con frecuencia. Un ejemplo: La compra de lurosemida en lugar de Lasix es una considerable ahorro para el presupuesto mensual de medicamentos.
IT’S HAPPENING Sept. 20, 2000
NDSU researchers receive $1.9 million NSF grant
A group of NDSU researchers was among the recipients of grantsannounced by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under its new$90 million Information Technology Research (ITR) initiative. BrianSlator, associate professor of computer science, is the principalinvestigator for the “Systems for Learning Science and AssessingStudent Learning” project that received a $1.94 million award.
The five-year grant will fund the project, which uses technology
developed in interactive, multi-user, virtual environment games to
engage science students. The role-based systems immerse students in a scientificenvironment where they play the role of scientists who collect data and performexperiments.
Developed by NDSU’s World Wide Web Instructional Committee, programs suchas “Geology Explorer” and “Virtual Cell” allow students to “learn by doing” asthey play educational games in a virtual environment. With “Geology Explorer”students use 15 field instruments and 25 laboratory instruments to identify an imag-inary world’s 90 rocks and minerals. The “Virtual Cell” allows students to moveinside a cell and conduct a variety of experiments.
Committee members Donald Schwert, professor of geology; Paul Juell, associateprofessor of computer science; Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat, assistant professor of geol-ogy; Phillip McClean, professor of plant sciences; Alan White, dean of science and
Varsity Mart to hold garage sale
mathematics; and Jeffrey Clark, professor of sociology/anthropology, are partici-
“This is a substantial grant that gives us a chance to show that we have some ideas
that can really make a difference. A grant like this gives us the opportunity to share
what we’ve learned with the world,” Slator said. “A group of faculty and students
has labored for three years putting together projects, fleshing out ideas and brain-storming this research agenda. There are several projects that are tied together by
Web site established for NDUS distance education information Robert Larson, distance education
The NDSU award was selected from more than 1,400 proposals. The NSF presented
grants for 62 large projects that will average $1 million per year for three to five
years, involving 41 institutions in 22 states. Another 148 smaller projects will each
total $500,000 or less for up to three years, involving 81 institutions in 32 states.
education initiatives occurring onNDUS campuses. The site is at
“This initiative will help strengthen America’s leadership in a sector that has
accounted for one-third of U.S. economic growth in recent years,” said President
Bill Clinton. “High technology is generating jobs that pay 85 percent more than theaverage private sector wage. I am pleased that the NSF is expanding its investment
in long-term information technology research. I urge the Congress to provide full
distance education programs, contactLarson at (701) 858-3186.
funding for NSF so it can continue to make these kinds of investments in America’sfuture.”
Next Issue
According to NSF director Rita Colwell, “These projects represent major innova-tions in information technology, rather than routine applications of existing technol-ogy. Our strategy to support long-term, high-risk research responds to a challenge
from the President’s Information Technology Advisory Committee, which called for
Submissions due: noon Sept. 21Old Main 204
increased federal investment to maintain the U.S. lead in this important sector of
The initiative emphasizes the subject areas of software, scaleable information infra-
structure, information management, revolutionary computing, human-computer
Published by the Office of the President/University Relations. NDSU is an equal opportunity institution. It’s Happening, Septebmer 20, 2000
interfaces, advanced computational science, education/work
force and social or economic implications of informationtechnology. The program’s main goals are to augment the
nation’s information technology knowledge base andstrengthen the work force.
The University Senate is expected to vote Oct. 9 on recom-mendations offered by the ad hoc committee on corporate
NDSU’s award comes in distinguished company. Other recip-
sponsorship. The committee, chaired by Kenneth Magel, pro-
ients include researchers from Massachusetts Institute of
fessor of computer science, presented its report to the Senate
Technology, Stanford University, University of Pittsburgh,
Sept. 11, which tabled action until the October meeting to
University of Colorado, University of Illinois, University of
encourage full review and discussion.
California-Berkeley, California Institute of Technology, DukeUniversity, University of Chicago, the University of Florida,
“As a land-grant university, NDSU has a mission to serve the
Michigan State University and City University of New York.
public and it has enjoyed many relationships with privateindividuals, corporations and groups. With the funding chal-lenges we face, those relationships should continue and
expand,” said Magel. “At the same time, NDSU’s integrity asan academic institution demands that the relationships benefit
Prescription coverage
broad public needs and they must be consistent with the uni-
Following announced changes to BlueCross BlueShield’s pre-
versity’s role as a seeker of truth.”
scription coverage, Lyn Pletta, benefits coordinator, saidNDSU’s plan will not be affected. Prescription coverage
The committee’s recommendations listed six principles,
• NDSU needs corporate and other external support. NDSU
should encourage efforts to foster relationships with external
entities that are consistent with the other principles;
With the removal of Claritin and Claritin-D from the formu-
• NDSU faculty must control all curricula and course offer-
lary list, coverage remains the same because those drugs now
• NDSU must control all staffing decisions for NDSU activi-
TIAA-CREF representatives will visit campus this fall for
• NDSU faculty must be able to decide upon their own
one-on-one counseling sessions. Faculty and staff interested
research programs and must be able to publish results freely
in discussing retirement planning, allocations, tax sheltering
(perhaps with a reasonable delay when requested by a fund-
or mutual funds with a representative may schedule and
appointment by calling 1-800-842-2009. Ask for Liz.
• No external entity shall be given exclusive access to NDSU
Campus visits will be Sept. 26-28, Oct. 17,18 and Nov. 28-30
facilities, personnel, students or curricula;
Dental enrollment
• It must be clear to any interested outsider (such as alumni,
Dental enrollment is coming up in October, and NDSU again
potential donors, accreditors, legislators and the media) that
will be offering flu shots for faculty and staff on campus in
these principles are being followed.
November. Additional information will be sent out by e-mailand appear in It’s Happening at State.
The report also includes representative consequences for eachof the principles.
The committee was formed in fall 1999 at the request of VicePresident for Academic Affairs Craig Schnell. Committeemembers include Magel; Thomas Colville, professor of vet-erinary and microbiological sciences; David Danbom, profes-sor of history; Donald Miller, professor and chair of pharma-cy practice; Thomas Riley, dean of arts, humanities and socialsciences; and Frank Yazdani, associate professor of civilengineering.
Magel said senators and faculty members with questions orcomments about the recommendations may contact any com-mittee member or e-mail him at Kenneth_Magel@ndsu. nodak.edu.It’s Happening, September 20, 2000
students’ project to aid NDSU Libraries
NDSU architecture and interior design students are using a
Sixteen fifth-year NDSU architecture students have relocated
class project to assist the NDSU Libraries as it tries to return
their design studio to quarters in downtown Fargo for the fall
to normal following the June flood. Through the end of
semester to assist with a proposed project to link Fargo and
September, the students will work on tentative plans and
Moorhead. Under the supervision of adjunct instructor Jeff
drawings for the renovation of the lower level of the Main
Morrau, the students will work on a project called “Revisiting
Library, which was extensively damaged by contaminated
the Cultural Bridge” that will illustrate possible ways build-
ings, bridges and activities can bring the two cities togetheras a single community, and how the Red River can serve as
Seen as a learning experience for students and a benefit for
the library, the students’ work will be presented to the profes-sional architect selected for the renovation project.
“Our students will reach out into the community to talk withresidents, workers, businesspersons, government officials,
Pamela Drayson, NDSU Libraries director, said the diagrams
arts organizations and others to identify visions that can unite
will help convey important ideas to the architect. “Right from
the two communities,” said Paul Gleye, professor and chair
the beginning we want to incorporate the students’ point of
of architecture and landscape architecture. “They will talk
view, and the outcome has got to be stronger because of
with the River Keepers, the Army Corps of Engineers, city
that,” she said. “This project is an effective use of some won-
and county engineers and planners, and other technical
derful resources here at NDSU. There aren’t many libraries
experts to mold these visions into viable flood-conscious pro-
around the country that have the luxury and availability of an
posals. In the end, the students will develop four separate
architecture program and an interior design program.”
projects that could act as models for linking together the
The participating classes are taught by Susan Ray-Degges,
associate professor of apparel, textile and interior design, and
The projects will be presented to the public in December.
Ronald Ramsay, associate professor of architecture and land-scape architecture.
The studio, undertaken in cooperation with the DowntownCommunity Partnership and the cities of Fargo and
The 19 students in the “Senior Interior Design Studio” class
Moorhead, is housed in the Black Building on Broadway, in
will interview other students and library staff, and develop
the former Elm Tree Square Cafe space. The students com-
proposals on how best to use the Main Library’s lower level.
“We’re always excited to do real-life projects,” Ray-Degges
“The public is welcome to visit the studio at any time,” Gleye
said. “Also, the students are direct users of the space and they
said. “We hope the downtown location will encourage contact
are usually your best guess on how they perceive the space
between the students and the public, and we welcome the
and how it might function. This gives the students an oppor-
tunity to have some input on something they all use.”
In addition, 16 third-year architecture students are involved
with the project. They have been divided into three teams thatwill each propose ideas and prepare isometric drawings.
“This is the kind of project I call ‘packing the suitcase,’
North Dakota EPSCoR is soliciting faculty members in the
which is typical of the kind of practice many architects have
science, engineering and mathematics departments at NDSU
today,” said Ramsay. “Very often they are not designing new
and the University of North Dakota to provide guidance and
buildings, they are retrofitting or reallocating space in exist-
mentoring to the next generation of researchers. Mentoring
ing structures. So, this is a real good project for that kind of
opportunities are available in conjunction with three EPSCoR
issue. In this case, the columns, floor, ceiling, walls and most
mechanical systems are already in place. Students will haveto find functions within those volumes.”
• “Science Bound” targets graduating high school studentswho show an interest in the science, engineering and mathe-
The project gives the students valuable practical experience
matics fields. Students work on original research projects
and, perhaps, a good basis from which to build a career.
“When they graduate, they will have photos, drawings, dia-grams and concept sheets. That will strengthen their portfo-
• The Advanced Undergraduate Research Awards (AURA)
lio,” Drayson said. “They will have had a great learning
program provides summer undergraduate research opportuni-
experience and they’ll have the documentation to prove it.”
Drayson said future class projects may include plans for the
• The faculty laboratory and research experience program
renovation of the Pharmacy Branch Library, the Chemistry
encourages collaboration between NDSU and UND
Branch Library and the second floor of the Main Library.
researchers and the faculty of the state’s comprehensive andliberal arts colleges and universities.
Faculty are invited to register research topics on the NDEPSCoR Web page at www.ndsu.nodak.edu/epscor/science_outreach by Sept. 29. For more information contact David R. Givers at 1-7516 or [email protected].It’s Happening, Septebmer 20, 2000
The North Dakota Interactive Video Network (IVN) is cele-
brating its 10th anniversary. To celebrate past achievementsand promote the future use of technology in the state, IVN is
NDSU psychology researchers are seeking volunteers with
planning monthly cyber seminars on the network during the
Tourette syndrome for a new study. The research will explore
the power of self-suppression in controlling symptoms. Clinical psychology graduate student Amy Meidinger, under
The first cyber seminar is scheduled for 11 a.m. Thursday,
the mentorship of Ray Miltenberger, professor of psychology,
Sept. 21, in IVN classroom EML 183. U.S. Sen. Byron
is conducting the study for her master’s degree thesis.
Dorgan and NDUS Chancellor Larry Isaak will be the fea-tured speakers. Dorgan will discuss the current status and
Tourette syndrome is a neurological disorder in which
future challenges of developing technology in rural states,
patients exhibit motor and vocal tics which are sudden, rapid
while Isaak will focus on the continued development of tech-
and recurring in nature. Motor tics typically involve the head,
nologies for distance education in North Dakota. The event is
neck and facial regions and may include eye blinking, gri-
macing, neck jerking or repetition of another person’s move-ments. Vocal tics frequently include words or sounds such as
Future “IVN is 10” cyber seminars will include the role of
grunting, sniffing or throat clearing.
North Dakota in United States strategic defense, the use oftele-technologies in tele-medicine, and other topics. The sem-
“We’re investigating a new area of research that, to the best
inars will be conducted on the third Thursday of each month
of our knowledge, has not been done before,” said Meidinger.
In the study, “An Investigation of Tic Suppression in Tourette
For more information, contact the IVN office at (701) 777-6486.
Syndrome,” volunteers will be asked to attempt to suppresstics over a specific time frame. Researchers will observe theirefforts and continue to monitor their behavior after the time
“This is something people with Tourette syndrome may bevery interested in. We don’t really have any idea how long
NDSU, partnering with seven other Midwest universities,
people can voluntarily suppress their tics,” Meidinger said,
recently received funding from the U.S. Department of
noting that treatment may be offered for volunteers. “We
Education for a project titled “A National Model for Inter-
want to see to what extent they can suppress their tics.”
Institutional Postbaccalaureate Distance EducationPrograms.” The project was one of 10 to be funded through
Tourette syndrome affects four to five individuals in every
the “2000 Learning Anywhere Anytime Partnership Awards.”
10,000 and is more common in males than females. Symptoms usually occur in childhood or early adolescence,
The Education Department is providing $1,073,779 to sup-
but must be present by age 18 in order to be diagnosed.
port the three-year project. The principal investigators for
Patients often describe the impending tic as a nearly irre-
NDSU are Virginia Clark, dean of human development and
sistible urge that can be suppressed for varying lengths of
education, and Greg Sanders, associate dean of human devel-
time, however when the tic does occur relief is typically
The project, which will utilize inter-institutional teams of fac-
Adults and children age six and above with a diagnosis of
ulty, academic deans, registrars, continuing education direc-
Tourette syndrome and the ability to understand verbal
tors, graduate deans and chief financial officers, will revamp
instruction to suppress tics are invited to participate. A mini-
the policy and practice environment for postbaccalaureate
mum commitment of five hours is required. For further infor-
education, simplify inter-institutional partnership arrange-
mation or to volunteer for the study, contact Meidinger at
ments and provide for academic and fiscal accountability of
A recently launched inter-institutional Web-based master’sdegree and postbaccalaureate certificate program in familyfinancial planning will serve as the primary test bed forresolving policy issues, organizational and financial problemsand infrastructure barriers. The project will result in the dis-semination of a national model for inter-institutional postbac-calaureate distance education programs and incorporation ofa collaboration coaching model at each participating universityto smooth the way for the development of other inter-institu-tional programs. It’s Happening, September 20, 2000
Macintosh was recognized for his research in
sales, focusing on such areas as marketingrelationships, consumer behavior and personal
“I’m honored and surprised,” said Macintosh,who joined the NDSU faculty in 1997 after
The NDSU College of Business Administration has recog-
more than 10 years in the banking and insur-
nized three of its faculty with its annual teaching, service and
ance industries. “All my research is applied, so
research awards. James Clifton, lecturer of accounting, was
I’m working with business people. I research timely issues,
recognized with the Teacher of the Year Award; Michael
so it is interesting from both the theoretical and application
Garrison, professor of business administration, received the
perspectives. I enjoy discussing my research in the class-
Outstanding Service Award; and Gerrard Macintosh, associ-
ate professor of business administration, was recognized withthe Excellence in Research Award.
In nominating Macintosh, James Hansen, associate professorof accounting, said, “He is well respected in the field and his
“My reaction was one of absolute surprise,”
work, which has been published in the top marketing journals
in the country, is often cited by other researchers. He certainly
accounting, principles of accounting and gov-
is one of the top researchers in the college.”
ernmental and not-for-profit accounting. “Theaward was one of my goals to achieve and I’m
Macintosh earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from
UND. His doctorate in marketing is from the University ofNebraska, Lincoln.
Clifton, who originally was an NDSU faculty
member from 1988-90, left campus to work in
The teaching, service and research awards were presented
private business for a time. His love for teaching was the rea-
son he returned in 1998. “I enjoy working with the studentsand watching the light bulb come on,” he said. “I also enjoybeing in a constant learning mode myself. I always try to be
R. Jay Goos, professor of soil science, and Brian Johnson,
Clifton earned his bachelor’s degree and his master of
research associate, have had three new articles accepted for
accountancy degree at the University of North Dakota. He
received his Certified Public Accountant certification in 1988.
“A Comparison of the Availability of Three Zinc Sources to
Garrison was honored for his service activities
Maize Under Greenhouse Conditions,” was published in a
both on campus and in outreach efforts. “I’m
recent issue of Biology and Fertility of Soils. “A Comparison
quite honored to be recognized by my colleagues
of Three Methods for Reducing Iron-deficiency Chlorosis in
for my service to the university, college, com-
Soybean” is in press for the Agronomy Journal, and
munity and profession. It’s an important award
“Response of Spring Wheat to Phosphorus and Sulfur Starter
for me,” said Garrison, who joined the NDSU
Fertilizers of Differing Acidification Potential” has been
accepted and is in press for the Journal of Agricultural
Garrison’s list of activities is extensive, includ-
ing active involvement with several committees and taskforces of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business, most
recently the national assessment task force on legal studieseducation. He has served as editor and reviewer for the
Matthew Patnode, assistant professor of music, recently per-
formed in two music festivals. The Hard-Bop SaxophoneQuartet, for which Patnode plays soprano and alto saxo-
He participates in the Business Education Partnership
phone, performed at the 12th World Saxophone Congress in
Committee of the Chamber of Commerce of Fargo
Montreal in July. Patnode also was a guest saxophone soloist
Moorhead, which sponsors a business ethics conference.
and clinician at the annual “Jass” Festival, Aug. 3-5, in
Garrison also is a member of the Town/Gown Board of the
Minot, N.D, where he performed with two jazz bands.
Northern Plains Ethics Institute and the Tri-College WorldStudies Committee.
Patnode joined the faculty at NDSU in 1999. He teachesapplied saxophone, flute, bassoon, chamber music and jazz
On campus, he was the chair of the Special Committee on
studies. He holds degrees in saxophone performance from
University Governance and was heavily involved in drafting
Arizona State University and State University of New York at
the college’s accreditation report as chair of the College
Potsdam. Patnode also has studied at the Conservatoire
National de Musique in Bordeaux, France, and was awarded
Garrison earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from
NDSU and juris doctor degree from the University of NorthDakota School of Law. It’s Happening, Septebmer 20, 2000
NDSU graduate Denesh Gunasekerampulle, BS ‘98, received
Singer/songwriter Tony Miltich is scheduled to present a
the third highest score on the May North Dakota Certified
concert at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 22, in the Memorial Union
Public Accountant exam. Gunasekerampulle, who passed the
Gallery. Miltich is a Minnesota native who has played and
exam in his first sitting, also was listed among the top 120
performed across the region much of his adult life. He will
present a mixture of original music and familiar tunes.
Gunasekerampulle, a native of Sri Lanka, graduated with
Admission is $5 for NDSU students; $6 for others. Tickets
majors in business administration and accounting. He recently
are available at the Memorial Union Ticket Office.
accepted employment at the Chicago office ofPricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP, and will work in the company’sMidwest Investigators Group, focusing on forensic accounting.
“Once again we have someone in the top three in North
Dakota, something we do fairly consistently,” said James
NDSU faculty are invited to participate in a luncheon sched-
Hansen, associate professor of accounting, noting that over
uled for 11:45 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 21, in the Memorial
the past nine exams, NDSU graduates have placed in the top
Union Ballroom. The event will recognize faculty from the
three postitions 13 times. “The success of our graduates
Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation for
shows the consistency of the strong program we have at NDSU
their work with assessment activities. It is also an opportunity
and the good students we get. They do a wonderful job.”
for faculty to learn about assessment practices used in the
Other NDSU alumni who were recognized for passing the
department. A sandwich buffet will begin at 11:45 a.m. and
CPA exam in one sitting were James Ford, BS ‘00; Amy
all activities will be concluded by 1 p.m.
Seykora, BS ‘00; and Jason Wahl, BS ‘99.
Bradford Strand, chair and professor of health, physical edu-
Also passing the exam were NDSU graduates Bruce Bauske,
cation and recreation, will present “Seven Steps to Successful
BS ‘98; Kris Benson, BS ‘99; Leah (Hatlestad) Corner, BS
Assessment” and initiate discussion of how assessment activ-
‘97; Tony Hauck, BS ‘98; Eric Mettler, BS ‘98; Robert
ities are organized in his department. This short presentation
Nelson, BS ‘99; Jeremy Ulmer, BS ‘97; and Galyn Wentz,
will be followed by a question-and-answer session conducted
by the faculty of the HPER department.
In addition, Carrie McCaslin, BS ‘99, was in the top 10 in the
The luncheon is sponsored by the members of the University
recent Minnesota CPA exam. She also passed in one sitting.
Assessment Committee as part of a series of events madepossible by a grant from the Bush Foundation.
Susan Hatfield, assessment of student learning expert from
Winona State University, will return to NDSU to serve as aconsultant with colleges and departments on assessment prac-tices and to present an open forum on assessment. Hatfield is
scheduled to visit NDSU Oct. 16-18. As her visit to NDSU
approaches, the University Assessment Committee will invitedepartments and colleges to schedule time to meet with her
The North Central Sections of the Canadian and American
and discuss their activities and objectives in assessing student
Societies of Agricultural Engineers will hold their annual
conference Sept. 29-30 at the Red River Inn and ConferenceCenter, Moorhead. Engineers, technical professionals and stu-
Suggestions for topics for future assessment luncheons may
dents from Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Minnesota, South
be submitted at the luncheon to any member of the
Dakota and North Dakota will be participating in the confer-
University Assessment Committee, or by calling 1-8262.
ence. Faculty and students from NDSU are invited to attend.
Members of the University Assessment Committee include:
The conference will include technical presentations, a discus-
Strand; Richard Chenoweth, director of summer school; Bob
sion by Case engineers on the development of the Quadtrac,
Harrold, professor of animal and range sciences; Allyn
industry tours, a quarter-scale tractor display in the ABEN
Kostecki, director of TRIO programs; Mary Kuzel, assistant
department and a student design competition.
professor of pharmacy; Joe Latimer, instructor of businessadministration; Jeff Low, clinical assistant professor of phar-
Registration for students is $5. The preliminary program and
macy; Jim Lindley, associate professor of ag and biosystems
registration forms are available at the FTP site:
engineering; Bill Martin, assistant professor of mathematics;
FTP:// Look under the directory “2000
Ines Rothe, graduate student in plant sciences; J.W.
Schroeder, extension specialist in animal and range sciences;Richard Shaw, associate professor of English; and William
Contact Ken Hellevang at 1-7243 or [email protected].
Slanger, director of institutional analysis. edu for complete registration information. Pre-registration isdue Sept. 20. It’s Happening, September 20, 2000
A training seminar focusing on domestic violence is planned
for 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 12, at the Armory inBottineau, N.D.
The 2000 Volunteer Network Agency Fair is scheduled for9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 20, on the Memorial
The event is being sponsored by the “STOP” Violence
Against Women Training Committee, a statewide group. Nona Wood, associate director for student rights and respon-
The event is for students, faculty and staff to learn about the
sibilities, is a member of the committee that developed the
volunteer opportunities in the Fargo-Moorhead area.
seminar. She is the higher education representative on the
Members of the Volunteer Network staff will be available to
committee. Other committee members instrumental in plan-
provide information about the program. More than 30 agen-
ning the event are Lonnie Olson, state’s attorney for Ramsey
cies from the area are scheduled to attend.
County, and Detective Sgt. Nancy Murphy of the Minot
For more information contact Nicole Kahl, student director,
Registration, which is $10 and includes a noon meal, is dueby Sept. 29. Shorts and Reminders
The committee is planning to offer other training opportuni-ties throughout the year. For more information about this orupcoming events, contact Wood at 1-7754. Union Food Court specials Sept. 20-27 The Corner Deli Wednesday: roast beef
The NDSU national championship women’s softball team
will be recognized at a banquet Friday, Sept. 22, at Fargo’s
A social is scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m. with dinner fol-
lowing at 7 p.m. The program will feature NDSU head coachMitch Hanson, presentation of the 2000 Bison national cham-
More Than a Burger
pion women’s softball team and a season highlight tape.
Wednesday: 1/4 pound hamburgerThursday: popcorn chicken
Tickets are $15 per person and can be reserved by calling
Lois at 1-8869 until noon Thursday, Sept. 21.
Monday: 1/4 pound hamburgerTuesday: bacon cheeseburger
Prior to the banquet, at 3:30 p.m., an alumni game is sched-
uled at the Ellig Sports Complex. The event will showcasethe newly remodeled softball field. A La Carte Wednesday: hand-carved roast beef
Thursday: pork chop sueyFriday: taco salad
Monday: chicken stripsTuesday: French dip
The North Dakota Business Conference is scheduled for
Oct. 10-11, at the Holiday Inn, Fargo. An expert on the digitaleconomy, the chairman of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Pizza Express
and Gov. Ed Schafer will headline the conference.
Wednesday: creamy garlic chickenThursday: Tuscany
Its theme is “North Dakota @ The Crossroads,” and it is
coordinated by the Greater North Dakota Association, North
Dakota’s State Chamber of Commerce.
To register for the conference, or for more information, callGNDA at (701) 222-0929 or 800-382-1405. Or register
*Items are subject to change without notice.
online at www.gnda.com. To request information send e-mailto [email protected].
Call the Dining Services Lunch Line at 1-9501 to check outthe daily specials. Questions or comments may be dropped in
A full conference agenda can be found on GNDA’s Web site
the suggestion boxes in the dining center and the Union Food
Court, or call Kristina at the Union Buffet at 1-8122. It’s Happening, Septebmer 20, 2000 Positions Available
Positions open and closing dates through the Office of
Administrative Secretary/#3406Graduate School
Salary dependent on qualificationsSept. 27
Food Service Worker/#1040(Monday-Friday; weekends as necessary)
(Monday-Friday; weekends as necessary)11 a.m.-7:30 p.m.
Position openings also are available through the NDSU Web
Pizza Attendant/#4532Dining Services – UDC$6.15 minimum/hour
Research Opportunities
Weekend Swing Cook(nine-month; part-time, non-benefited)
The Office of Research Administration in Old Main 201K
Saturday – 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; Sunday – 10:30 a.m.-7 p.m.
announces the following funding opportunities and deadlines.
For more information, call 1-7035 or refer to the web site or
contact person provided below. For information about other
grants available, check the Research Administration Web siteat www.ndsu.nodak.edu/ndsu/sizer/resadmin.html and click on
“Funding Opportunities.” You also may do a funding oppor-
tunities search via SPIN, available at www.ndsu.nodak.edu/ndsu/sizer/SPINPlus/SPINPlus.htm.
Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Education Projects www.epa.gov/enviroed Deadline: Nov. 15
Grants of $25,000 or more will be made by EPA headquarters
for projects that increase the capacity to deliver coordinated
environmental education programs across states; use environ-
mental education as a catalyst to advance education reform
goals; or develop model projects to educate the public aboutenvironmental issues in their communities through community-
Teacher Technician - Preschool Room/#0223
based organizations or via print, film, broadcast or other
$1,350 minimum/month (nine-month position)Sept. 20
It’s Happening, September 20, 2000 Department of Labor National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences Community Audit Demonstration Projects (DoL/ETA) www.doleta.gov - refer to announcement SGA/DFA-110 Research on Music Deadline: Nov. 17 www.grammy.com/grantprogram Deadline: Oct. 1
The Labor Department’s Employment and TrainingAdministration has announced a demonstration program to
Applications for grants from the National Academy of
support promising practices in strategic planning and research
Recording Arts and Sciences are sought. Proposed projects
related to community audits for assessing local labor market
may fall in any of three categories: 1) archiving and preserv-
and economic trends. Community audits are strategic plan-
ing America’s music and recording heritage; 2) research relat-
ning practices that enable decision-makers to get a handle on
ed to music, such as music education methodology in early
rapidly changing demographic and economic trends and their
childhood or the effects of music study on early childhood
development; and 3) the health and well-being of music pro-fessionals. National Science Foundation Information Technology Research National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) www.nsg.gov/pubs/2000/nsf00126/nsf00126.txt Spacecraft Technology Deadline are given as three-day ranges, determined by zip http://spacescience.nasa.gov or contact Nancy Jenkins at code and type of project. [email protected] Deadline: Oct. 10
The National Science Foundation is inviting applications forinnovative high-payoff research that explores new scientific,
Proposals for exploratory research to begin long-range devel-
engineering and education areas in information technology.
opment of spacecraft technology are invited by NASA. This
Up to $500,000 is available for small projects; from $500,000
initiative is specifically interested in technology development
to $5 million for group projects; and up to $15 million for
focused on revolutionary architectures for very large, ultra-
large projects. The maximum project period is five years.
lightweight structures and apertures. Proposals are sought forexploratory research in two areas: 1) large apertures for
breakthrough imaging; and 2) large apertures for solar sails. Postdoctoral Fellowships in Science and Engineering www.nsf.gov/pubs/2000/nsf00145/nsf00145.htm Deadline: Nov. 28 Calendar
The National Science Foundation is inviting applications for12-month postdoctoral research fellowships for researchabroad and to host scientists from NATO partner countries. September
U.S. applicants may apply for scientific research at appropri-ate government and nonprofit scientific institutions in NATO
Through Sept. 24 Studio/scholarship recipient exhibition,
National Pork Producers Council 1. Research Solicitation for 2001 Funding - Deadline: Oct. 27
Entomology—Mac Butler, “Who Hears a Horton?
Entomology Under the Midnight Sun,” 1 p.m., Hultz 272
2. Supplemental Request for Proposals - Deadline: Sept. 28
The National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) is soliciting
Biotic Resources—James (Pat) Ward, Jr.,
research proposals dealing with pork production (environ-
“Ecological Responses by Mexican Spotted Owls to
ment and swine health) and pork products (quality, safety and
Environmental Variations in the Sacramento Mountains, New
nutrition). Specific areas of solicitation and the priority topics
within an area are described individually. The supplementalrequest for proposals solicits proposals to study the feasibility
Fubuki Daiko: Japanese Taiko Drums performance,
of identification of swine and traceability of the product
7:30 p.m., Festival Concert Hall; call 1-7969 for ticket infor-
throughout the pork chain and can include the possibility of a
second phase involving development of a system or modelfor the U.S. pork chain and pilot testing of this concept in a
Tony Miltich concert, 7:30 p.m., Memorial Union
practical situation. NPPC strongly encourages a team
Gallery; $6 general admission tickets available at Memorial
approach with multi-disciplinary and international involve-
ment on the team. Consideration should be given to engi-neers, economists and/or meat scientists for team members.
Biotic Resources—Hildy Reiser, “Development of a
Natural Resources Program for the Department of Defense,”10 a.m., Stevens 230
Animal and Range Sciences—Robert Harrold, “How
Do Students Learn–And Why Do Faculty Need to Know?” 3 p.m., Hultz 104
Psychology—Paul D. Rokke, “Applying Cognitive
Psychology to the Study of Psychopathology,” 3:30 p.m.,Minard 209
It’s Happening, Septebmer 20, 2000
Plant Sciences—Michael Walsh, University of
Reception for James Falck exhibition, 7-8 p.m.,
Western Australia, “At Harvest Weed Seed Destruction to
Minimize the Impact of Herbicide Resistance,” 3:30 p.m.,Loftsgard 114
Psychology—Stacey Benson, Southeast Human
Service Center, Fargo, “Recidivism Rates of Sexual
Soccer vs. University of North Dakota, 1 p.m., Ellig
Homecoming football game vs. South Dakota State,
Football vs. University of South Dakota, 7 p.m.,
Soccer vs. Augustana College, 11 a.m., Ellig Sports
Soccer vs. Truman State, 1 p.m., Ellig Sports
Soccer vs. South Dakota State, 1 p.m., Ellig Sports
TIAA-CREF representative on campus for personal
consultation;. call 1-800-842-2009 to schedule a one-on-oneappointment; ask for Liz
Free NDSU staff preview night of Little Country
Theatre’s “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the
Wedding,” 7:30 p.m., Askanase Auditorium
Science, Religion and Lunch Seminar—John
Helgeland, “Contemporary Religious Studies Looks at
University, “Physics in Brain Imaging: Functional Magnetic
Resonance Imaging,” 4 p.m., Memorial Union, Prairie Room (335)
Little Country Theatre production, “A Funny Thing
Happened on the Way to the Wedding,” Wednesday–
Psychology—Joshua Smyth, Syracuse University,
Saturday, 8 p.m.; Sunday, 2 p.m., Askanase Auditorium; for
“Structured Writing About Stressful Experiences: Exploring
tickets, call the Division of Fine Arts Box Office at 1-9442
New Frontiers and Opportunities,” 3:30 p.m., Minard 209
TIAA-CREF representative on campus for personal
consultation;. call 1-800-842-2009 to schedule a one-on-oneappointment; ask for Liz
Soccer vs. Minnesota State-Mankato, 11 a.m., Ellig
Psychology—Amy Wenzel, University of North
Dakota, “An Evaluation of Schema-Based Models ofInformation Processing in Anxiety Disorders,” 3:30 p.m.,Minard 209
Through Oct. 15 Theodore Waddell exhibit, “15 Years of
Volleyball vs. UND, 7 p.m., Bentson Bunker
Through Oct. 21 James Falck Exhibition, Reineke Visual
Volleyball vs. University of South Dakota, 7 p.m.,
Soccer vs. St. Cloud State, 1 p.m., Ellig Sports
Psychology—Mark A. Lau, Centre for Addiction
Science, Religion, and Lunch Seminar—Davis
and Mental Health, University of Toronto, “Inhibitory
Cope, “What is pseudoscience?” noon, Memorial Union 365
Deficits for Negative Information in Major Depression,” 3:30 p.m., Minard 209
Volleyball vs. South Dakota State, 7 p.m., Bentson
Volleyball vs. Morningside College, 7 p.m., Bentson
Psychology—David Wittrock is scheduled to present
Advising week begins for Spring 2001 semester
Volleyball vs. Augustana College, 7 p.m., Bentson
Science, Religion and Lunch Seminar—Lynn Rust,
“Swapping genes: Mechanisms of bacterial evolution Part 1,”noon, Memorial Union 365
Reception for Theordore Waddell, 4-6 p.m.,
Serving the technolog y needs of faculty, staff and students
The list below provides a summary of training sessions,
• Custom Multimedia Graphics Services
services and important reminders and notifications. Watch forthe ITS newsletter for additional information pertaining to
ITS has hired three student graphic designers through
Technology Fee funds to help students and faculty withinstructional graphics. The designers have such skills as free-hand drawing, custom charts or diagrams, video capturingand editing, optimizing graphics for the Web, animation or
• ITS Help Desk newsletter changes name
processes, graphics for Powerpoint presentations, custom
To encompass more than just Help Desk information, ITS has
photography, posters and custom clip-art. Contact Nancy
changed the name of its newsletter to ITS.news@NDSU.
Lilleberg at 1-7140 to receive this free service.
This newsletter will continue to provide updated informationregarding all ITS services and should be out shortly. • E-mail migration information sessions planned
ITS has scheduled four upcoming sessions to help individuals
• Fall training sessions scheduled
currently using Prairie, Plains or Badlands as e-mail to make
ITS has organized a full schedule of training sessions for fall.
the switch to the new IMAP e-mail system before Nov. 1.
Informational brochures have been mailed to faculty and staff
The next session is scheduled for 1-1:30 p.m. Sept. 28, in the
listing the session details of time, date and place. If you did
Memorial Union Meadowlark Room. Other sessions will be
not receive the mailing please contact Lorna Olsen at 1-6328
listed in the upcoming newsletter. Documentation also is
available at www.ndsu.edu/migration.
• The Technology Lunchbox series continues
ITS will host a workshop by the developers of the Portable,
Back by popular demand is the Technology Lunchbox series,
Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation (PETSc) Oct.
beginning Monday, Sept. 25. The first session, from 12:10-
17-18. PETSc is a suite of datastructures and routines for the
12:50 p.m. in FLC 319, is a demonstration on the Corporate
scalable (parallel) solution of scientific applications modeled
by partial differential equations. The workshop will be con-ducted using the resources of a new “Access Grid” node atNDSU. For details see www.ndsu.nodak.edu/accessgrid/• Software highlights petsc.html or contact Marty Hoag at 1-8639 or
-New HECN Select agreement with Microsoft will result inlower software prices
A brief profile of each of these new staff members will
-SAS “grace period” expires Oct. 1 (Renewal is necessary for
appear in the upcoming ITS newsletter.
-Contact Sue Fuss at 1-6111 or [email protected]for
AutoCAD, SAS and Microsoft software licensing.
-Acrobat Online Forms software can be obtained for $47 if
purchased in 10-pack lots. ITS will collect names of staff
wishing to become a part of a “10-pack” group. Contact
Nancy Lilleberg 1-7140 or [email protected].
It’s Happening, Septebmer 20, 2000 University Relations North Dakota State University PO Box 5167 Fargo, ND 58105
http://www.thebody.com/content/art1162.html Isentress, First Drug in New Class of Anti-HIV Drugs Approved in U.S. Learn More >> TEST POSITIVE AWARE NETWORK One-on-One With Tim'm West Tim'm West Journeys Into Self-Love -- for All One wintry Saturday evening, amid mountains of drama and mayhem at the release party for the Kevin's
Conflicts of interest: the issue goes on, and on. By Melissa Sweet The related issues of conflicts of interest and pharma marketing are a fertile field for investigation by researchers and journalists. You can get some sense of this from the list of recent articles below. This compilation is from Healthy Skepticism, and is provided as a free email update service to journalists (worth sig