He encontrado que alguna farmacia puede tener existencias limitadas de ciertos medicamentos, mientras que otras pueden tener casi cualquier formato que se le ocurra y el habitual de dosis habitualidad apareció. En resumen, siempre se contiene el almacén de corroborar. Al mismo tiempo que el producto que más que gustaba ha resultado no estaba disponible en stock otro distinto por las Buenas costumbres también debe buscarse jefe no asн parezca. Por eso es importante disponer de un Plan B para actuar cuandod ello no ocurra.
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Uno de los mayores incentivos para someterse al Dónde comprar Lasix genérico en lugar de pagar la marca es que usted puede obtener un ahorrando importantes Lasix genérico. Por lo tanto, un Lasix genérico es en general mucho más barato que el homólogo de marca, así que una denominación genérica se hace posible para las personas que usan este medicamento con frecuencia. Un ejemplo: La compra de lurosemida en lugar de Lasix es una considerable ahorro para el presupuesto mensual de medicamentos.
The Teaching Physician for those who teach students and residents in family practice Volume 2, Issue 4 October 2003 POEMs for the Teaching Physician Intermittent Steroid Prevents Atopic
twice a week to the usually affected areas,
(whichever they didn’t get the first time). Dermatitis Relapse
along with emollient treatment, decreases
A crossover trial increases the power of a
study, making it possible to detect a statis-
Clinical question: Can the intermittent use
tically significant difference in a small
of a potent topical steroid prevent relapse
Source article: Berth-Jones J, Damstra R, Golsch S,
et al. Twice weekly fluticasone propionate added to
emollient maintenance treatment to reduce risk of re-
Setting: Outpatient (specialty)
lapse in atopic dermatitis: randomised, double blind,
parallel group study. BMJ 2003;326:1367-70.
BMs per week; P=.001). Conversely, the
Study design: Randomized controlled trial
colonic transit time decreased in the colchi-
cine group from 63.1 hours to 29.1 hours. Colchicine Effective for Idiopathic Chronic Constipation Synopsis: Two approaches are used after
in abdominal pain while taking colchicine,
Clinical question: Is colchicine an effec-
with a potent topical steroid: (1) continue
(borderline clinical significance), which
steroid treatment on a regular basis using a
decreased by the 4th week of active treat-
lower potency steroid, or (2) switch to a
Setting: Outpatient (specialty)
steroid-free emollient. The investigators ofthis project identified 376 adults with mod-
Bottom line: Colchicine is an effective Study design: Cross-over trial (random-
erate to severe atopic dermatitis who were
treatment for idiopathic chronic constipa-
experiencing a flare-up. All the patients
tion in women. It causes a small increase
received acute treatment with fluticasone
Synopsis: Chronic constipation is a frus-
propionate cream or ointment, a potent topi-
patients from requesting to continue treat-
trating condition to treat, and a cause is of-
cal steroid, once or twice daily for 4 weeks.
ment at study’s end. It is not clear whether
ten not found. Colchicine has a good safety
Patients whose dermatitis was brought un-
the results of this small trial generalize to
record in the treatment of gout and other
diseases, but diarrhea is a prominent side
emollient treatment twice daily. Half the
effect. Hoping to turn lemons into lemon-
patients received a placebo, and the other
Source article: Verne GN, Davis RH, Robinson ME,
ade, these gastroenterologists decided to
et al. Treatment of chronic constipation with colchi-
test colchicine as a treatment for idiopathic
cine: randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
therapy, with instructions for both groups
crossover trial. Am J Gastroenterol 2003;98:1112-6.
chronic constipation on a group of 16 pa-
to apply the product on healed sites and any
tients. All had suffered from constipation
newly occurring sites, twice a week in the
for at least 10 years; had not responded to
Mark Ebell, MD, MS, Michigan State University, Editor
curred in 29% of patients using the steroid
and had no identified cause for their symp-
and 61% of placebo-treated patients (P
toms after an extensive evaluation. All but
3.1). There was a difference between cream
25 to 89 years. This was a crossover trial,
and ointment preparations of fluticasone,
with relapses occurring twice as often in
orally 3 times daily throughout the study
baseline period, 4 weeks of active drug(colchicine 0.6 mg by mouth 3 times daily)
Bottom line: After controlling symptoms
or placebo, 2-week washout period, and fi-
of atopic dermatitis with regular use of a
topical steroid, applying the same steroid
Information Technology and Teaching
faster on the Tungsten C than on equiva-lent Pocket PC devices. in the Office Choosing a Handheld Computer for Teaching and Practicing Medicine
and slower processor speeds. However, forthe majority of Palm OS programs, this is
By Richard Usatine, MD, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio;and Darrick Nelson, MD, Corpus Christi Family Practice Residency Program
with slots to add memory. Memory cardscome in a number of forms now, but they
all work in a similar fashion to allow more
tions and offer them free to others to be
data and program storage on your PDA.
nation for this is that it is easier to write
[PDAs]) continue to proliferate. PDAs now
programs for Palm OS than for Pocket PC.
fun addition to the new PDAs. You can use
occupy pockets opposite the stethoscope in
the white coats of preceptors, students, and
medical programs are now available in both
ings in your EMR or print the photo out for
programs, ePocrates, was only available for
the Treo by Handspring. If you are feeling
give their learners PDAs with appropriate
the Palm and was free. Now, ePocrates has
the effects of aging eyes, you will probably
want a color backlit screen regardless of the
ePocrates Rx Pro that is no longer free. This
their preceptors in the use of PDAs to prac-
tice medicine. As a preceptor, it is time to
PC as well as the Palm, but the free ver-
there are great Web sites that will help you
buy a PDA if you don’t have one. If you
review the prices and features. We suggest
have an old one, read on to find out what
benefits are available in the new PDAs on
sites for Palm OS devices. Hewlett-Packard,
the market. Whatever your level of exper-
than the same application written for Pocket
tise is with these new peripheral brains, all
PC devices. Some great Web sites to use to
of us can benefit from finding ways to ex-
tage of having a longer battery life. One
gather information for your purchase include:
has to regularly charge both types of de-
quality of medicine we teach and practice.
vices, because it is possible to lose all your
files and information if the battery runs out
Which Operating System Is for You—Pocket PC or Palm OS? Pocket PC:
PC account for the vast majority of the PDA
their internal memory capability. This is
market. Devices using the Palm OS are the
Comparisons of Hardware:
most popular in the medical field. As the
fordable, their use has risen. However, the
cessor speed of 400 mHz. This is an exact
majority of medical software is written for
match with regards to processor speed and
internal memory with the HP iPAQ h2215. Comparisons of Software:
available. This is especially true for the free
based medicine InfoRetriever program, run
mission. That is what people are using whenthey are beaming each other. If you havenot been beamed yet, you have something
Comparison of Palm OS and Pocket PC Devices
Features Palm OS Devices Pocket PC Devices
someone’s address and phone number with-
out having to write or type. In the next edi-
tion, we will cover how to go wireless with
Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Both formats will help
Richard Usatine, MD, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Editor Clinical Guidelines That Can Improve Your Care No Excuses—Lowering (Really Lowering) Blood Pressure on Our Patients With Diabetes By Caryl Heaton, DO; UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
By some estimates, there are about 16 mil-
diovascular endpoints. The basis for the rec-
ommendation for systolic pressure is less
clear, primarily because that was not spe-
cifically looked at, as it was in the HOT
large group of patients who have suddenly
“substantial” decrease in mortality and end-
gained a diagnosis of “prehypertension.”
points if the systolic BP was lowered.
UKPDS—United Kingdom Prospective DiabetesStudy
Therefore, the target was put at 135 (the
ADA guideline is 130, but the evidence here
* Number needed to treat for benefit is very sensitive
even the basic goals of blood pressure (BP)
Recommendation 3: Thiazide diuret-
to the starting point from which treatment begins. In
ics or ACE inhibitors can be used as first-
the UKPDS, the mean starting blood pressure was 160/
have wondered if the difficulty in achiev-
line agents for blood pressure control in
94 mm Hg. Thus, it should be noted that the numbersneeded to treat (NNT) for benefit for this study may
ing “ultra-low” blood pressure was worth
most patients with diabetes. Although the
be smaller than what would be found in current
the extra effort. The American Diabetes As-
practice, where most patients are expected to have
lower initial blood pressure levels.
ultra-low BP since early 2002 but without
a clear systematic review to back it up. We
hibitors more effectively decrease the rate
of cardiovascular events (including mortal-
Recommendation 4: Further studies
not pushing the blood pressure down—way
are warranted on the relative contribu- tions of glucose control and blood pres- sure control to clinical outcomes such as
presented a guideline1 that has critically re-
beta blockers. There is something intrinsi-
microvascular and macrovascular com-
viewed the best literature that we have.
cally protective in these medications in ad-
plications. Clearly the challenge for phy- Recommendation 1: Blood pressure con-
dition to their ability to lower the blood
sicians is to aggressively lower both the
trol must be a priority in the manage-
pressure. “Taken as a whole, the evidence
blood sugar and the BP. This guideline give
ment of persons with hypertension and
presented here is most convincing for the
us a reason to make the extra effort for our
type 2 diabetes. Hypertension is a signifi-
use of diuretics, ACE inhibitors, and pos-
cant risk factor for macrovascular disease
sibly angiotensin-receptor blockers, while
(coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular
disease, and peripheral vascular disease).
“The clinical trials of blood pressure con-
cium-channel blockers are unclear.” The
Snow V, Weiss KB, Mottur-Pilson C; Clinical
trol in diabetes have shown a consistent and
Efficacy Assessment Subcommittee of the Ameri-
dramatic effect in preventing clinical out-
evidence that diuretics were more benefi-
can College of Physicians. The evidence base fortight blood pressure control in the management
comes.” In both the Diabetes Control and
cial in self-reported black patients for re-
of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Ann Intern Med
ducing cardiovascular endpoints and stroke
2003;138(7):587-92. www.annals.org/cgi/con-
and that diabetic patients with nephropa-
Hansson L, Zanchetti A, Carruthers SG, et al. Ef-
fects of intensive blood-pressure lowering and
to decrease microvascular outcomes but not
ARBs. Calcium channel blockers are “best
low-dose aspirin in patients with hypertension:
reserved as second- or third-line agents in
principal results of the hypertension pptimal treat-ment (HOT) randomized trial. HOT Study Group. Recommendation 2: Clinicians should
patients with diabetes.” Finally, the authors
aim for a target BP of no more than 135/
admonish that these large trials repeated
80 for their patients with diabetes. In the
show that many, if not most, patients with
diabetes will require two or more medica-
Caryl Heaton, DO, UMDNJ-Robert
Study,2 a four-point difference in diastolic
tions to attain the blood pressure target. Wood Johnson Medical School, Editor
BP produced a 50% decrease in risk for car-
Teaching Points—A 2-minute Mini-lecture MS3: SLE? Rheumatoid arthritis? Can’t think of anything. Dr T: One of the problems with using cat- By Carolyn Thiedke, MD, Medical University of South Carolina
egories to generate a differential diagnosisis that some conditions don’t fit neatly into
Editor’s Note: The process of the 2-minuteMS3: Not really.
a category, because we don’t understand the
Mini-lecture is to get a commitment, probeDr T: OK, look that one up and any simi- for supporting evidence, reinforce what was
lar conditions, and we can talk about that
right, correct any mistakes, and teach gen-MS3: I had it when I did Surgery. eral rules. In this scenario, Dr Carolyn
those. You said that her partner didn’t no-
Thiedke (Dr T) works with a third-year stu-
tice any snoring or apnea during her sleep. MS3: Fibromyalgia, too. Some doctors I’ve dent (MS3) who has seen a patient who is
Let’s assume that the partner didn’t notice
any jerky movements of the patient as she
don’t. But I don’t think she has it, because
is falling asleep, and the patient didn’t feel
MS3: Ms Gilliard is a 35-year-old woman Dr T: I think fibromyalgia and chronic fa-
who is here because she is feeling tired for
in her legs. When we go back in, I’ll ask a
the past couple of months. Her mood is not
couple of questions to verify that. So, we
partly because I can’t cure them. Some pa-
really depressed; it’s more just tired and
don’t think it’s depression or a sleep disor-
tients find it very helpful, though, to have a
irritable. She still enjoys her work and fam-
clear diagnosis, whether or not the treat-
ily. And her appetite is OK. She has trouble
falling asleep, and she wants a sleeping pill. MS3: Occlusive, like with ischemia . . .that
She feels that if she can just get a good
generative—I can’t think of anything there.
night’s sleep she will be back to normal.
Emotion equals . . . you mentioned depres-
might be angina equivalent, but she is kind
She’s tried some over-the-counter remedies,
of young for heart disease. And it’s not
including melatonin, but they don’t really
MS3: Could be, but I can’t think of where.
help much. Her partner hasn’t noticed any
Dr T: It may not be occlusive, but CHF is Dr T: Boy, feeling tired is one of those pre- Dr T: Right! But no jaundice, no abdomi- MS3: Oh, I suppose she could have had a
senting concerns that has a vast differen-
nal pain-nothing to suggest pancreatic can-
tial! Let’s run through the differential. It
cer or biliary obstruction resulting from the
cancer. No other clues to cancer. I suppose
Dr T: Absolutely! And the last category?
sion as a cause. You mentioned what? Poor
she could have a leukemia or lymphoma. MS3: Metabolic/nutritional. Oh! Diabetes. MS3: We could check a CBC.
She had considered that herself. But she has
MS3: Yes, and appetite, sleep . . . Dr T: Great idea. Trauma? But no history
no increased thirst, hunger. And not urinat-
Dr T: That’s good. There’s also concentra-
of trauma. Infection? Toxin? This category
tion, guilt, helplessness/hopelessness, psy-
chomotor retardation, and suicidal ideation. MS3: Caffeine? I asked about that. She Dr T: Good. Other endocrine conditions? MS3: OK. No, I didn’t ask directly about
drinks three or four cups of coffee in the
morning but no soda, tea, or coffee later in
MS3: Low thyroid function! Dr T: I think that’s OK, in terms of diag-
the day. She doesn’t take any over-the-
Dr T: Right! OK, so I’m sure we could
nosis of at least major depressive disorder.
come up with more, if we kept on with it,
There are two criteria in that list, and you
Dr T: Good. You mentioned melatonin, so
through an organized differential diagno-
depression, you have to have at least one
edies—things that could cause fatigue or
sis on at least one patient today. This was a
that she might have tried to help get some
MS3: Poor mood and suicide?
sleep. What’s another big one that disrupts
for creating a differential can help bring in
Dr T: Poor mood, right! And the second
sleep and that people often try to help fall
memory, without having to turn to a text-
MS3: Umm . . . Dr T: Sorry, it’s hard to answer a “Guess
what I’m thinking of” type of question. I
don’t fit into neat categories. Great job—
MS3: There’s sleep apnea? MS3: Oh, of course. Right.
all of these diagnostic hypotheses. Let’s go
Dr T: And the evidence for that would be? Dr T: OK, keep going with the differential
back in and see her together, and I’m go-
MS3: Someone hears her snore heavily and
ing to repeat some of the highlights around
then not breathe briefly. But I would also
MS3: OK, toxin. Then there’s the other I,
the differential and fill in the one or two
expect her to be obese, and she’s not. Dr T: OK. Good point about obesity. And you
polymyalgia rheumatica. I think of that di-
found out about snoring and apnea? Outstand-
agnosis in someone over the age of 50 or so. Alec Chessman, MD, Medical University
ing job! Ever hear of restless legs syndrome?
Dr T: Right, me too. of South Carolina, Editor Excerpted from “For the Office-based Teacher of Family Medicine” Providing Difficult Feedback: TIPS for the Problem Learner By Jamee H. Lucas, MD and James R. Stallworth, MD, Palmetto Richland Family Prac- tice Residency, Columbia, SC
Providing effective feedback to learners is
of knowledge, or perform poorly in discus-
The next step is “identify the category
an important aspect of clinical teaching. In
of difficulty experienced by the learner.”
the office setting, giving feedback to learn-
continued cognitive difficulties may have
Using descriptions of the different types of
ers is challenging because the time devoted
to the learner often occurs in brief encoun-
preceptor can identify the category of dif-
ters outside the exam room. Preceptors typi-
difficulty structuring their experiences in
ficulty that the learner is having. This step
is important since planning a strategy to
clinical facts and pearls and devote less time
to understanding the clinical thinking pat-
ganization by arriving late at the clinic and/
assessment of the learner’s difficulty.
terns and learning styles of the student.1
rized the learner’s problem, feedback is best
praise the learner for items well done, point
provided using the concept of “perception
out areas of weakness, and give direction
not interact well with other people, includ-
versus reality.” In this concept, the precep-
ing patients, staff, or faculty. They may have
tor describes the perception that he/she has
monly used strategy is the “sandwich” tech-
either a mild disorder characterized by shy-
of the learner’s behavior but acknowledges
nique, where positive feedback is given at
ness or poor social skills or a more severe
that the learner may have a different view
disorder in which they are manipulative or
about his/her actions. For example, if the
negative feedback is given in the middle.2
preceptor observes the learner rebuking the
Other aspects of effective feedback include
the preceptor points out the inappropriate-
that the learner understands the feedback,
ness of the learner’s comments to the pa-
and focusing on specific behaviors that can
tient but also allows the learner to state his/
adapted this model to include more infor-
aging the learner to express his/her perspec-
form significantly below their potential due
tive on the situation, the preceptor may be
viewed as an ally, making the learner less
Vaughn et al that the term problem learner
proach uses the mnemonic TIPS (Table 1).
likely to be defensive and more likely to
has a negative connotation, but we use this
term to be consistent with other discussion
in difficulty is to “type and specify the in-
important that the learner also understands
in the literature.4) It is especially difficult
effective behaviors” and redirect these be-
for clinical teachers to give feedback and
demonstrate positive attitudes and actions
direction to these learners. The S-T-P model
in future encounters. The use of humor or
(Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cin-
to read more” or “Your interactions with
sharing personal stories of learning chal-
patients need work,” leaves the learner feel-
ing insecure and unsure about what he/she
structural and/or interpersonal difficulties.4
sense of trust that is necessary to expose
more detailed description about ineffective
the nuances of many of these problems.
trouble handling important events, such as
behaviors, the teacher gives the learner a
new phases of their education, illness or
must be a “strategy for treatment/follow-
deaths in the family, and difficulties in their
improve. An example of specifying and re-
marriage or other relationships. This diffi-
directing an ineffective behavior is: “Re-
learners should discuss their concerns about
culty in adjusting may lead to affective re-
the learner’s difficulties with the clerkship
actions that ultimately manifest as difficul-
abuse made me feel that you do not under-
stand how difficult it is to overcome sub-
preceptor’s input, the clerkship or residency
program director should develop a strategy
ally have difficulty in written or oral com-
are there to discuss a patient’s substance
to help the problem learner deal with the
munication, spatial-perception ability, or
difficulty in the current rotation as well as
integration of material. They may fall be-
future ones. For medical students, an ap-
hind in workload, demonstrate a poor fund
propriate school official such as the dean
ferral to an appropriate specialist should be
sistance to these learners. Yet, helping a
learner in difficulty with early and caring
treat the learner him/herself. Learners with
intervention is one of the most rewarding
cognitive disorders should undergo evalu-
aspects of clinical teaching. By using TIPS,
ation for a learning disability. They often
a preceptor can mirror the diagnostic ap-
benefit from test-taking and reading-skill
Type and specify the ineffective behaviors
improvement courses. Learners with struc-
Identify the category of difficulty experienced by the
tural disorders may benefit from organiza-
treatment plan to help the patient. The ba-
Perception versus reality feedback
mentoring. Learners with interpersonal dis-
sic skill set for using this strategy is present
orders are often the most difficult to deal
in all clinicians. The TIPS mnemonic just
Strategies for treatment and follow-up
with since many cases may involve psychi-
atric illnesses such as personality disorders. As indicated, psychiatric referral should be
Corresponding Author: Address correspondence to DrLucas, Palmetto Richland Family Practice Residency,
3209 Colonial Drive, Columbia, SC 29203. 803-
of students should also contribute to the
434-6563. Fax: 803-434-7529. jamee.lucas@
development of the plan. For learners with
severe difficulties, it may be necessary to
ers overcome their difficulties often is a
consult experts to formulate specific parts
gradual process lasting more than one ro-
of the plan. When appropriate, the learner
tation, so close follow-up is needed. The
Lucas J, Baxley E, Witherspoon P. Walking the
may also participate in the planning pro-
medical school official or residency pro-
balance BEAM: the art and science of becoming
gram director should maintain contact with
the learner, monitor the learner’s progress
does not follow the recommended steps for
throughout different clinical rotations, de-
teacher, second edition. Salt Lake City: Whitman
Ende J. Feedback in clinical medical education. JAMA 1983;250:777-81.
ally require psychological assessment and
Vaughn LM, Baker RC, DeWitt TG. The prob-
daunting experience, and it is often chal-
lem learner. Teach Learn Med 1998;10:217-22.
tion. To obtain an objective assessment, re-
lenging to give effective feedback and as-
The Teaching Physician is published by the Society of
POEMs for the Teaching Family Physician
Teachers of Family Medicine, 11400 Tomahawk Creek
Parkway, Suite 540, Leawood, KS 66211. 800-274-2237,ext. 5420. Fax: 913-906-6096. [email protected]Information Technology and Teaching in the Office
Richard Usatine, MD—[email protected]Managing publisher: Traci S. Nolte
Clinical Guidelines That Can Improve Your Care The Teaching Physician is published electronically on a
quarterly basis (July, October, January, and April). Tosubmit articles, ideas, or comments regarding TheTeaching Points—A 2-minute Mini-lecture Teaching Physician, contact the appropriate editor:
Copyright 2003 by the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine
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International Journal of Infectious Diseasesj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / i j i dOutcome of orthopedic implant infections due to different staphylococci§Dorota Teterycz Tristan Ferry Daniel Lew , Richard Stern Mathieu Assal Pierre Hoffmeyer Louis Bernard Ilker Uc¸kay a Orthopedic Surgery Service, Geneva University Hospitals and Faculty