The science supporting skinceuticals retinol products
technology that largely prevents the degradation of
Retinol (vitamin A) and its natural and synthetic
retinol due to light and heat exposure.1 The
analogs are collectively known as retinoids.
difficulties encountered in the 1960s did lead to the
Retinoid research has been conducted for nearly a
concentration of research activities on retinoic acid
century and has yielded comprehensive findings
regarding the importance of vitamin A as a
consequently, the establishment of retinoid drugs
nutrient, as well as the biological activities and
for various skin diseases. These medicinal products
pharmacological profiles of the various retinoids,
are generally classified into different generations of
most eminently retinol (ROL) and retinoic acid
retinoid development: The first generation
(RA). Drugs based on retinoids are now available
comprises trans-retinoic acid or tretinoin (Retin-
for the treatment of psoriasis, acne and other
A®) and 13-cis-retinoic acid or isotretinoin
dermatologic conditions related to keratinization.
(Accutane®), products effective for the treatment of
Medical research indicates that retinoic acid is
acne. Etretinate and acitretin (Tegison and
beneficial to maintain youthful skin and to repair
Soriatane) are second generation retinoid-based
damage caused by UV exposure or intrinsic aging.
drugs and are used primarily for the treatment of
Retinol is converted to retinoic acid once applied to
psoriasis. A third generation still in experimental
the skin, but is without the prohibitive irritation
stage is arotenoids, possibly beneficial in the
potential of the latter. Studies show retinol as a
application of some cancer therapies.2 Each retinoid
viable solution for combating skin aging and
has its own profile of pharmacological properties
problematic skin when delivered in a stable
that determine its usefulness in clinical dermatology
or oncology. In addition to existing clinical
research, researchers found that retinoids can have
a positive effect on intrinsic as well as photoaging
Retinol has long been known as an important
nutrient involved in a wide variety of functions
from embryonic development to cell differentiation
and vision. Deficiency of dietary vitamin A results
in generalized xerosis, hyperkeratosis and
Retinol (natural vitamin A) is obtained from the diet
squamous metaplasia of mucous membranes. ROL
either directly from foods such as fish oil and liver or
is the natural, diet-derived vitamin A, though the
indirectly in the form of beta-carotene, which with
collective term also includes its metabolites retinal
the help of enzymes is then converted to retinol for
and retinoic acid. All three are part of a greater
membrane transport. Retinol can be converted to
family generally referred to as retinoids. Grouped
retinoic acid for target cell delivery or converted to
under this umbrella are not only the natural
retinoids: retinol, retinal, and retinoic acid, but
also the many synthetic analogs that have been
Retinol binds with specific retinol-binding proteins
researched and developed since the significance of
(CRBP-I, CRPB II). These proteins facilitate the
vitamin A and all retinoids was discovered in the
transport inside the cell, and are also believed to
protect the molecule from non-specific oxidation.
After the enzymatic conversion of the ROL molecule
to RA, RA binds to the cellular retinoic acid binding
The importance of retinoids in dermatology dates
molecule CRABP (CRABP-I, CRABP-II) and is
transported from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. From
identified epidermal changes as abnormal
there, it exerts its effect on the target cells by
keratinization in vitamin A deficient animals. These
activating the retinoid receptors known as RA
observations were followed by numerous studies
receptors (RARs) and retinoid X receptors (RXRs).
focused on the metabolism and pharmacological
These receptors contain domains that bind to specific
action of retinoids in the skin. Investigations
DNA sequences, RA response elements (RARE), and
regarding the effect of topical retinol in the early
function to enhance or reduce gene transcription.3, 4
1960s (Kligman, Stuttgen) were unsuccessful due to
In human skin and dermal fibroblasts, it is cellular
ROL instability. These difficulties have recently
retinoic acid binding protein II (CRABP-II) mRNA
been overcome by the creation of formulation
that is selectively induced by all-trans retinoic acid.5
Note: Of the natural vitamin A compounds
prominent agent among retinoids for combating
(retinol, retinal, retinoic acid, retinoic ester), only
skin aging as well as problematic skin. Factors
concentration, stability, encapsulation method, and
formulation. Results from various studies show
The skin is formed by two basic layers: the
retinol, when properly formulated, to be an
epidermis, composed of keratinocytes in different
effective topical treatment preferred to other
stages of growth and differentiation, and the
dermis, whose major cellular constituents are
fibroblasts, which synthesize the fibrous component
of the dermal connective tissue, i.e. collagen and
1 Kligman L, Gans E. Re-emergence of topical
elastin fibers, as well as other extracellular matrix
retinol in dermatology. J of Dermatological
components, such as fibronectin and laminin.
Researchers suggest that cutaneous aging results
2 Neumann, Martino. Systemic and topical drugs
from the interplay of extrinsic damage by UV
for aging skin. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology
radiation, intrinsic increases in collagen-degrading
matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and decreased
3 Roos T, Jugert K, Merk H. Bickers D. Retinoid
collagen synthesis. Numerous large-scale, double-
metabolism in the skin. Pharmacological Review
blinded and placebo-controlled trials have shown
the efficacy of topical tretinoin in the treatment of
4 Ross AC. Overview of retinoid metabolism. J
photoaging. However, as tretinoin remains a
prescription drug, and in addition has a high
5 Elder J. Kang S., Voorhees J. et al. Retinoid
irritation potential, over-the-counter products
Induction of CRABP II mRNA in Human Dermal
mainly use retinol and retinyl palmitate.
Fibroblasts. J of Investigative Dermatology 1996;
6 Varani J. et al. Vitamin A antagonizes decreased
Researchers believe that retinol plays an important
cell growth and elevated collagen-degrading
role in countering aging mechanisms described
matrix metalloproteinases and stimulates collagen
above. A study utilizing human skin samples found
accumulation in naturally aged human skin. J of
that topical 1% retinol inhibits the increase in
Investigative Dermatology 2000; 114: 480-86
metalloproteinases and stimulates collagen
7 Kang S, Fisher G. Voorhees J. et al. Application
synthesis in both intrinsically aged and photoaged
of retinol to human skin in vivo induces
skin.6 Varani et al. also used tissue specimens to
epidermal hyperplasia and cellular retinoid
show that retinol may be able to restimulate
binding proteins characteristic of retinoic acid but
fibroblast growth potential, which seems to
without measurable retinoic acid levels of
decrease with increasing age. Further, Kang et al.
irritation. J of Investigative Dermatology 1995;
showed that topical retinol does increase epidermal
thickness in human skin, but without the irritation
of RA.7 The above studies show that concentrations
of 1% retinol produced results equivalent to
prescription strength retinoic acid. Evidence for the
Guttman C. Studies back retinol as photoaging tx.
effectiveness and biological activity of the ester
form of vitamin A, retinyl palmitate, is sparse and
Vahlquist A., What are natural retinoids.
no studies address clinically relevant findings in
Dermatology 1999; 199 (suppl 1)3-11
skin aging. Further, in mice, retinol stores in the
Griffiths CEM. The role of retinoids in the prevention
epidermis were partially UVB resistant, while
and repair of aged and photoaged skin. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 2001; 26: 613-18
Retinoids are among the most prescribed and recommended classes of agents in the dermatologic arsenal. Decades of research have led to versatility in use of these products. Studies demonstrating corrective benefits such as cell regeneration, exfoliation, and dermal collagen synthesis suggest an important role for topical retinoids in counteracting the effects of photoaging. Although still in the early stages of research, retinol is a
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