He encontrado que alguna farmacia puede tener existencias limitadas de ciertos medicamentos, mientras que otras pueden tener casi cualquier formato que se le ocurra y el habitual de dosis habitualidad apareció. En resumen, siempre se contiene el almacén de corroborar. Al mismo tiempo que el producto que más que gustaba ha resultado no estaba disponible en stock otro distinto por las Buenas costumbres también debe buscarse jefe no asн parezca. Por eso es importante disponer de un Plan B para actuar cuandod ello no ocurra.
Ventaja de tomar un genérico en lugar de Asix
Un genérico es más barato que el nombre de marca
Uno de los mayores incentivos para someterse al Dónde comprar Lasix genérico en lugar de pagar la marca es que usted puede obtener un ahorrando importantes Lasix genérico. Por lo tanto, un Lasix genérico es en general mucho más barato que el homólogo de marca, así que una denominación genérica se hace posible para las personas que usan este medicamento con frecuencia. Un ejemplo: La compra de lurosemida en lugar de Lasix es una considerable ahorro para el presupuesto mensual de medicamentos.
Bactericidal activity of combinations
As high level acquired resistance to conventional antibio-
of Silver–Water Dispersion™ with 19
tics is frequent, it seems reasonable to use combinationtherapy in order to achieve bactericidal synergism. Active
antibiotics against seven microbial
silver solutions have shown marked activity against proven
bacterial-resistant strains. Hence, a range of antibioticswere tested with Silver–Water Dispersion™ solution to determine antagonism, additive and synergistic effects
A. de Souza1, D. Mehta1 and R. W. Leavitt2,3,*
against a panel of microbial strains.
1Viridis Biopharma Pvt Ltd, 6/312, Jogani Industrial Complex,
Antibiotic discs used in this investigation are standardized
V. N. Purav Marg, Chunabhatti, Mumbai 400 022, India
discs by Pathoteq Biological Laboratories, India: Amoxicillin
2American Biotech Labs, 80 West Canyon Crest Road, Alpine,
(AX, 30 mcg), Carbenicillin (CN, 100 mcg), Cefopera-
Utah, 84004, USA3Department of Microbiology/Molecular Biology, 727 WIDB,
zone (CP, 75 mcg), Ceftizidime (FG, 30 mcg), Ciproflox-
Brigham Young University, Provo, Itah 84602-5199, USA
acin (RC, 5 mcg), Clindamycin (CD, 2 mcg), Doxycycline(DX, 30 mcg), Erythromycin (ER, 15 mcg), Gentamycin
The recent increase in the incidence of infections due to
(GM, 10 mcg), Kanamycin (KA, 30 mcg), Nalidixic Acid
bacterial resistance to antibiotics has been recognized
(NA, 30 mcg), Oxacillin (OC, 1 mcg), Penicillin-G (PG, 10
as an alarming problem, especially in the hospital en-
units), Rifampin (RF, 5 mcg), Streptomycin (SM, 10 mcg),
vironment with probability of cross-infection. Silver–
Tetracycline(TE, 5 mcg) Tobramycin (TB, 10 mcg) and
Water Dispersion®™ solution as an antibacterial is claimed to have no bacterial resistance. Nineteen anti-
The antibiotic solutions used in the study are
biotics were checked in combination with Silver–Water Dispersion™ solution against seven microbial organisms
KANAMAC-500 (Kanamycin injection, Macleods Phar-
for synergism. First, minimal inhibitory concentrations
maceuticals Ltd, Daman); FORTUM* (Ceftizidime injection,
were determined for the individual antibiotics and Sil-
GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceutical Ltd, India); MIKACIN
ver–Water Dispersion™ solution individually. Those
(Amikacin injection, Aristo Laboratories Ltd, Daman). combinations of individual antibiotics with Silver–
MAGNAMYCIN* (Cefoperazone injection, Astral Pharma-
Water Dispersion™ that displayed synergism were further evaluated through the checkerboard method.
The 32 ppm silver in distilled water (S–W D™) was
Synergistic activity of Silver–Water Dispersion™ solu-
obtained from American Biotech Laboratories, Utah, USA. tion in combination with nineteen antibiotics was tested
The organisms used are: E. coli (MDR) strain from stool
against seven bacterial strains, except where an organ-
sample; Ps. aeruginosa (multiple-drug resistant) strain from
ism was known to be resistant to the antibiotic. Out of
sputum. These two strains were obtained from P.D. Hin-
96 tests, five were synergistic, 89 additive, and two an- tagonistic.
duja Hospital (Mumbai); Methicillin-resistant S. aureuswas obtained from Lokmanya Tilak Muncipal Hospital. Keywords:
Antibiotics, bacterial resistance, Silver–Water
Shigella flexneri, Salmonella typhi, S. aureus 6538 P, Ba-cillus subtilis and Candida albicans are in-house labora-tory strains.
Nutrient agar (Hi-Media, Mumbai) used in the antibi-
ERIOUS infections, particularly antibiotic-resistant, often
result in therapeutic failure when treated with seemingly
otic spectrum studies and Silver–Water Dispersion® and
appropriate single-drug antibiotic regimens, despite readily
antibiotic combination studies contains peptic digest of
achievable minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs).
animal tissue 50.00 g/l; yeast extract 1.5 g/l; beef extract
The mutations responsible for antibiotic resistance in bac-
1.5 g/l; sodium chloride 5.00 g/l; agar type I 25 g/l; pH
teria do not arise as a result of the ‘need’ of the organism.
7.4 ± 0.2. Nutrient broth (Hi-Media, Mumbai) used in the
Futuyma1 has noted that: ‘… The adaptive needs of the
macrodilution method (MIC) contains peptic digest of
species do not increase the likelihood that an adaptive
animal tissue 50.00 g/l; yeast extract 1.5 g/l; beef extract
mutation will occur; mutations are not directed towards
1.5 g/l; sodium chloride 5.00 g/l; glucose 5 g/l; pH 7.4 ± 0.2.
the adaptive need of the moment. . . .’ Mutations have causes,
Actively growing 16-h-old culture was surface-spread
but the species need to adapt isn’t one of them’. Alterna-
using sterile cotton swabs onto the nutrient agar surface
tives must therefore be sought to overcome infections
(Hi-Media). The plates were kept aside for absorption for
15 min. The antibiotic discs were then placed onto the
Silver–Water–Dispersion™ solution has been shown as
agar surface and the plates were incubated at 37°C for
an effective antibiotic against many Methicillin-resistant
24 h. All plates were examined for any zones of inhibition
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and multiple drug-resistant
around the antibiotic discs that would indicate sensitivity
(MDR) strains (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa).
of the organism. Zone diameters were recorded in milli-metres using a zone reader (Hi-Media) and interpretedaccording to the standard charts provided by the National
*For correspondence. (e-mail: [email protected])
Committee for Cultural and Laboratory Standards2.
MICs of eight bacterial strains with Silver–Water Dispersion®
R, Resistant; S, Sensitive; PR, Partially resistant.
Actively growing 16-h-old culture was surface-spread
MICs of the Silver–Water Dispersion™ and antibiotic
using sterile cotton swabs onto the nutrient agar surface
solutions for the seven microbes were determined using
(Hi-Media). The plates were laid aside for absorption for
the macrodilution broth susceptibility test. A standardized
15 min. Wells were punched into the agar surface using a
suspension of approximately 105–106 CFU/ml density
10 mm diameter cork-borer aseptically. Next 100 ml of
was obtained by inoculating the culture in nutrient broth
Silver–Water Dispersion™ was introduced into the wells.
(Hi-Media) and incubating the tubes at 37°C for 4 to 6 h.
The plates were incubated at 37°C for 24 h. Sensitivity was
A serial dilution of Silver–Water Dispersion™ was prepared
indicated by the zone of inhibition around the well. Zone
within a desired range. Similarly, the antibiotic solutions
diameter was recorded in millimetres using the zone
are also diluted. 100 ml of the standardized culture sus-
pension was then inoculated and tubes were incubated at
Drug interaction studies were carried out using the agar
37°C for 24 h. MIC was defined as the lowest concentra-
well diffusion method. Actively growing 16-h-old culture
tion of the inhibiting agent that completely inhibited bac-
was surface-spread using sterile cotton swabs onto the
terial growth. MIC can be visually examined by checking the
nutrient agar surface (Hi-Media). The plates were laid
aside for absorption for 15 min. Wells were punched into
The study of combined antimicrobial activity of Silver–
the agar surface for adding Silver–Water Dispersion™
Water Dispersion™ and antibiotics against seven microbes
solution (as above). The antibiotic discs were placed at a
was carried out using the checkerboard assay method. In
distance which was the average of their zone diameters
a final volume of 5 ml in each tube antibiotic solution and
obtained individually. The plates were incubated at 37°C
Silver–Water Dispersion™ solution diluted from appro-
for 24 h. The inhibition pattern obtained was recorded as
priate stock solution were added. Standardized culture
synergy, additive or antagonistic according to the criteria
suspension (105–106 CFU/ml) was prepared by inoculating
the organisms in nutrient broth incubated at 37°C for 4–6 h.
Synergism of Silver–Water Dispersion™ with antibiotics
An index of less than 0.5 is considered as evidence ofSynergism; an index of > 2.0 is evidence of antagonism.
A panel of bacterial strains was characterized using the
19 antibiotics under study. Results are shown in Table 1. The yeast C. albicans shows resistance to all the antibioticsunder study, but does show sensitivity to Silver–WaterDispersion™. The two hospital isolates E. coli and Ps. aeruginosa were found to be largely resistant to the anti-biotics under study, with Ps. aeruginosa showing resis-tance to all antibiotics being studied except for Ceftizidimeand Rifampin. Though MRSA was reported by the hospitalto show multiple resistance, laboratory sub-culturing has probably lowered its resistance. All the eight isolatesstudied showed susceptibility to Silver–Water Dispersion™solution when tested both by the agar cup method as well as by the MIC macrodilution test. Their MIC values are also given in Table 1. Figure 1.
Checkerboard inhibition result of Ps. aeruginosa with
Table 2 shows synergism results of Silver–Water Dis-
S–W D™ and Ceftizidime combination.
persion™ in combination with various antibiotics whenevaluated by the disc/cup combination. These tests were
100 ml of this suspension was then inoculated in the tubes
not performed when the organism was resistant to the an-
and incubated at 37°C for 24 h. The tubes were observed
tibiotic. However, it may be noted that no organism was
for turbidity to determine inhibition and compared with
resistant to Silver–Water Dispersion™. Thus the number
of tests completed was 96 out of the possible 133 be-
Konman et al.3 described the method for quantifying
tween 19 antibiotics and seven organisms. The tests
MIC results obtained in terms of Fractional Inhibitory
showed that five combinations were synergistic, 89 addi-
Concentration (FIC) index, defined as the sum of FIC values
of two drugs in combination: FIC index = FIC of drug A +
Five synergistic combinations in the agar diffusion
method (see Table 2), when checked by macro dilutionshowed only two combinations to be synergistic. We
chose the two synergistic and two additive combinations
among the five and determined MICs of the antibiotics
and Silver–Water Dispersion®, and the checkerboard
MICs of S–W D™, four antibiotics and combinations thereof
Figure 2.
MRSA inhibition with Penicillin-G alone (Well A), and in
combination with Silver–Water Dispersion® (Well B).
combinations of the four as reported. The FIC index re-
behind a host of resistant organisms in the system. These
ported in Table 3 is calculated favouring a minimum
resistant organisms reappear at a later date straining the
value of Silver–Water Dispersion®. When the inhibition
immune system. Figure 2 shows Penicillin-G (10 units)
is seen from the antibiotic side, the FIC index may be differ-
(well A) and Penicillin-G (10 units) in combination with
ent. As seen in Figure 1, using an antibiotic of 50 mg/ml
Silver–Water Dispersion™ solution (32 ppm) (well B).
and Silver–Water Dispersion® of 3 ppm for the inhibitory
Well A inhibition zone is not clear and displays the pres-
combination, the FIC index is 1.25 and not 1.4 as reported in
ence of resistance to Penicillin-G. Whereas well B having
a combination of Penicillin-G and Silver–Water Disper-
Table 2 shows that silver is mostly additive to the anti-
sion™ demonstrates the powerful clearing ability of Sil-
biotic efficacy. In the combinations examined, it is indepen-
dent in its bacterial activity except for five out of 96
It is clear that the combination will allow a more complete
synergistic combinations. It is also shown to have two
clearing of the pathological organism.
combinations which appeared antagonistic. These two
1. Futuyma, D. J., Science on Trial, 1983.
2. Konmen, E., Allen, S. D., Janda, W. M., Schreckenberger, P. C. and
To validate the results of Amoxicillin antagonism,
Winn, Jr. W. C., Color Atlas and Textbook. (Diagnostic Microbio-
30 mcg dilution of Amoxicillin was prepared in Silver–
logy), 1975, 5th edn, pp. 816–844.
Water Dispersion™ (32 ppm) solution. 100 ml of this
3. Bauer, Kirby, Sherris, Turck, Am. J. Clin. Pathol., 1966, 45, 493.
combination was added to a single well, and kept for dif-
4. National Committee for Cultural and Laboratory Standards, Per-
formance standards for antimicrobial disc susceptibility tests ed. 4
fusion followed by incubation. No antagonistic effects
were noted under these conditions as the zone of inhibitionobserved was 19 mm, comparable to 20 mm with a Silver–
Water Dispersion™ and 21 mm with Amoxicillin.
by Meghshree Deshmukh and Ms Zeenal Shah.
Many a times, antibiotics may cause symptoms in patients
Received 16 May 2006; accepted 12 June 2006
to temporarily disappear and yet the antibiotics may leave
2011.05.30 / 380x135mm / B.261.004.OEST_GTP_02 Herstellung der Lösung: GEBRAUCHSINFORMATION: INFORMATION FÜR DEN ANWENDER Verminderung der Blutplättchenkonzentration verursacht hat. INFORMATIONEN FÜR MEDIZINISCHES FACHPERSONAL 1. Lösungsmittel (Wasser für Injektionszwecke) und Pulver in den ungeöffneten Durchstechfl aschen auf Zimmertemperatur bringen. Diese Temperatur muss wäh
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