A vision of an Integrated Cancer Treatment program Introduction
In our clinic , we strive to combine the best from both the traditional western medical
approach with natural and holistic treatment perspectives. We are always updating our knowledge, and put al the new scientific discoveries we find on our scientific website www.medicdebate.org, where everyone is invited to help us keep track of al interesting new medical discoveries.
Many of the most common cancers found in our society have been traditionally rare in other large populations in the world; studies of migrants exclude a simple genetic explanation for these wide geographical variations and imply that psychological and environmental exposures are key determinants of the development of these cancers.
Our basic vision is that the most important issue for each patient is to learn how to connect to his/her inner core, and learn how express that more and more, in order to create a life worth living, with lots of fun, love, creativity, healthy good food and meaningful interpersonal relationships.
We have a team of professionals including holistical y educated cancer doctors, oncologists, neurologists, immunologists, nutritionists, naturopaths, psychotherapists, fun lovers and biological dentists that can support you in your fight to become cancer free. Love, Laughter, Tears and Passion!
Why get healed, if there is no love, laughter joy and creativity in your life? We at the Second Opinion Clinic believe that the most important thing in order to heal cancer is to is to have a reason to live, functioning love life and loving, stable and happy relationships. If you don’t have a partner, we wil even do our best to encourage you and give you advice how to find one.
We encourage your partner to come and stay with you in our clinic, and we encourage that you schedule as many romantic dates with each other as possible. We can recommend many nice restaurants, concert places and cafés in the surrounding area.
We also have lots of funny DVDs you can watch together in our pleasantly furnished rooms with wide-screen television sets.
We also have laughter sessions, where the patients and their relatives can sit and laugh together, for no reason at al but having fun.
We also believe it is important to be al owed to freely express regret, sadness, fear or anger, and give plenty of space for this too in both group and individual sessions. We welcome both your tears and your laughter!
We also provide counsel ing for couples and help dealing with intimacy problems. Creativity We strongly recommend patients to engage in hobbies and creativity. It is never too late to start learning how to play that music instrument you were always dreaming to master, start painting, or writing the novel you always wanted to write. If you already are engaged in hobby activities, bring you music instrument, knitting set or painting gears with you. If not, we will do our best to provide you with whatever you need to enhance your creativity. It is much better to be engaged in positive and creative activities the being a conventional cancer patient, only waiting for next treatment, worrying and reading about cancer. We actual y advice our clients to avoid al reading and other activities connected to cancer. It is our work to be updated and provide the best treatment available. We wish our clients to focus there entire attention on enjoying their lives and be as loving, loved and creative as possible. Exercise
There is overwhelming scientific evidence that exercise has a cancer preventive effect and also a positive effect on cancer survival. We encourage al our clients to have daily exercise. We have connections to a ful y equipped gym, tennis courts and swimming-pool and have excellent walking possibilities in the surrounding forests and hil s. We also provide yoga classes, physiotherapy and massage.
Many of today’s most chal enging, costly and debilitating chronic disease conditions – including heart disease, Type II diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, digestive and autoimmune disorders as well as many types of cancers – have been demonstrably linked to suboptimal nutrition.
Optimal nutrition creates a foundation al the way down at the cel ular level for a strong and healthy body. Through understanding the relationship between our external environment (I.e. the food we ingest) and our internal environment (cel ular function fuel ed by nutrient absorption)
we are able to achieve the complete, balanced nutrition essential to ensuring the harmonious system functioning that is at the core of what we think of as good health.
Our program recognizes that restoring nutritive balance is an essential part in order to promote healing in a body that is stressed by the burden of invasive chronic il ness
In most westernised societies, modern food production, processing and transport technologies as well as lifestyle have combined to create an environment in which convenience and preservation have largely replaced nutritional content as the dominant selection criteria driving food choices. The unintended consequence has been a negatively charged version of “We are what we eat”; without a doubt, this modernization of our food supply chain has resulted in critical nutritional deficits that at minimum prevent optimum health, and may promote or even accelerate disease progress.
Your treatment program approaches nutrition from a healing perspective, approaching food as medicine. As a patient you will be “prescribed” with nutrition plan based on your unique needs, with special special attention to identifying and addressing deficiencies, higher nutritional needs, and al ergies – some you may not even be aware of having – as well as taste and appearance. We co-operate with some of the worlds most advanced food al ergy and hormone laboratories in the US and also do determine correct assessments analysis with the help of dark field dark field microscopy and dried layers tests.
Another dietary approach which we have found works very well is the Budwig Protocol. Basically this involves consuming as much flax seed oil blended with zero fat quark as you can. When you blend the two together with a hand blender the oil actual y binds to the protein in the quark. The oil then gradual y replaces al the bad fats that may have got lodged in your cel walls, making them healthier and more alkaline.
There is also a very helpful free download book from the Budwig Centre.
If you have liver cancer, the biggest reasom for death is lack of protein = starvation.
MAP is a dietary protein substitute that provides the MAP Master Amino Acid Pattern® a unique pattern of essential amino acids in a highly purified, free, crystal ine form.
1. MAP™ provides a 99% Net Nitrogen Utilization (NNU).
This means that 99% of MAP's constituent amino acids act as precursors for BPS to become body’s constituent proteins. By comparison, the most nutritious dietary proteins, such as meat, fish or poultry provide an average of 32% NNU. Consequently, only 32% of their constituent amino acids can act as precursors for BPS. Meanwhile, most protein supplements only provide an average of 16% NNU, because they use milk, soy, casein or whey as their primary protein source. As a result, only 16% of their constituent amino acids act as precursors for BPS. Therefore, dietary proteins provide a BPS that is at least 3 times lower, compared to MAP™. While, protein supplements provide a BPS that is at least 6 times lower, compared to MAP.
MAP is absorbed in the smal intestine within 23 minutes from its ingestion.
By comparison, dietary proteins and protein supplements need from 3 to 6 hours to be digested. This is 6 to 12 times longer compared to MAP™. If you are a cancer patient, You often have problems absorbing nutrients and breaking down proteins. MAP wil help against this problem.
MAP releases only 1% nitrogen catabolites, namely metabolic toxic waste.
By comparison, dietary proteins and protein supplements release an average of 68-84% nitrogen catabolites. This is 68 to 84 times more metabolic toxic waste compared to MAP™. Therefore by taking MAP™ in substitution of dietary proteins or protein supplements,
overloading of the liver and kidney functions may be prevented. Thus, a healthier and more effective physical activity may be achieved.
The liver is normal y to a large extent occupied in turning proteins into calories, and will be greatly relieved when not being bombarded by unusable proteins.
These Nitrogen Catabolites can also have a toxic effect on the nervous system.
Big investigations published in major medical journals have proven that cancer could be reduced 50% in the norhern countries if people had enough Vitamin D. High dose Vitamin D have also been proven to prolong survival for prostate cancer and many other cancers. The best source for Vitamin D is the Sun. 30 minutes sunbathing in the summer is enough, even for a cancer patient. Unless you can do this, we recommend 5-10 000 ie/ day (125-250 microgram). Vitamin D is also very important for those who takes GcMAF, which will be mentioned further down in the article.
Dr Frederick B Levenson began his work with cancer patients in 1974, when he started providing psychotherapy for a stage IV breast cancer patient, with the primary goal of aiding her capacity to regulate and discharge irritation.
To his astonishment, he discovered that the patient started to recover from her cancer, as she connected more and more to Dr. Levenson in the psychotherapeutic process. In the end, she was total y free from cancer. He discovered that she was not the only one who could be healed from cancer by using this method, and over the years he refined his techniques, with even better results as a consequence. In 2010 a review was published of of Dr Levenson’s records and the medical records of his patients during a 35 year period. This clearly demonstrated a positive effect on patient longevity and both observed and reported patient quality of life.
In this paper 75 cases treated during 1974 to 2008 were discussed. Almost al patients were diagnosed with “incurable” cancers treated by oncologists at esteemed medical centres. Al subjects within this sample, with the exception of two who died immediately after the initialisation of treatment experienced an improved quality of life according to case records and reviewed documentation; 33 (44%) are stil alive, 80% survived for more than five years and 45% survived for more than 10 years. A noticeable trend of improved patient quality of life and longevity had occurred as Levenson refined and improved his treatment methodology over the decades. The patients often sought treatment after a terminal diagnosis, having been informed that al opathic biomedical interventions could not alter their prognosis. There seemed to be an improvement in longevity and several spontaneous remissions were noted in the hospital documentation.
The basic principle of Levenson Therapy is that cancer is not seen as a disease, but as a process, that can be reversed. Everyone has cancer cel s in his/her body al the time, but normal y these cel s are taken care of by the immune system, so that no serious problems wil develop. Cancer cel s are embryonic cel s that do not complete their maturation process into ful y differentiated, adult cel s, and Dr Levenson postulates that the reason for this lack of maturation of certain cel s lies in early traumas, and lack of adequate emotional support in early childhood as well as later in life.
In order to heal these often very early wounds and personality patterns, it is necessary to let the therapist become like a surrogate mother, who “adopts” the patient in order to give support through two 45 minute talks a week plus daily contact over the telephone for a couple of minutes. It is also always possible to cal the therapist 24/7 in emergency situations. If you cannot come to the therapist physical y, sessions can be performed over a land-line telephone or Skype.
The first research was done in 1990 by Dr Yamamoto in Philadelphia and since then over 46 research papers have been published by over 100 scientists indicating that GcMAF rebuilds the immune system, and the immune system then eradicates early stage cancer and other diseases.
How does GcMAF work? In a healthy person your GcMAF acts like the “commanding officer” of your immune system and also instructs macrophages in your bloodstream to scour our bodies and kil malignancies. But malignant cel s like cancer send out an enzyme cal ed Nagalase that neutralises your GcMAF; so the macrophages never get the message to go into action – in this way disease suppresses the immune system, and cancer cel s grow unchecked.
In its role of immune system regulator, research shows GcMAF can reverse diseases that attack the immune system like chronic inflammation, bacterial and viral infections, Autism, Chronic Herpes, Chronic Acne, CFS, XMRV, Lyme disease, AIDS, HIV, Fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, Hodgkin’s, Lupus, MS, Parkinson’s, and various types of Immune dysfunction.
Professor Nobuto Yamamoto has published three scientific studies with excel ent clinical results on breast, prostate and colorectal cancers.
GcMAF is available both as injections you take intramuscularily or intravenously 1-2 times/week, and also as MAF314 yoghurt.
We recommend to combine both forms. The youghurt have also proven to be extremely helpful to relieve gastrointestinal side effects from chemotherapy and to increase appetite, reduce weight loss and diminish nausea.
At the ASCO(American Society of Clinical Oncology) congress in Chicago from June 4th to 8th 2010, the world’s most prestigious congress of clinical oncology with 30 to 35,000 participants, was published on the poster section a rather sensational result in the treatment of non-smal cel lung cancer with an increase of five year survival from an expected <1% to 44%!! There are also
extremely good results in the treatment of pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, gal bladder cancer, stomach cancer and oesophageal cancer.
Psorinum is an alcoholic extract of scabies, slough, and pus cel s. According to the pre-clinical data, “Psorinum-6x” (“x” stands for decimal potency of homoeopathy) activates different immune effector cel s (e.g., T cel s, and accessory cel s like, macrophages, dendritic cel s, and natural kil er cel s) which can trigger a complex antitumor immune response . I
In an observational, open level and single arm study on158 patients with histological y confirmed stomach, gal bladder, liver and pancreatic cancer, complete tumour response occurred in 28 (17.72%) cases and partial tumour response occurred in 56 (35.44%) of cases The participants’ eligibility criteria included histopathology/cytopathology confirmation of malignancy, inoperable tumour, and no prior chemotherapy or radiation therapy. The primary outcome measures of the study were to assess the radiological tumor response to find out how many participants survived at least 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years and final y 5 years after the beginning of the study considering each type of cancer. Psorinum-6x was administered oral y to al the participants up to 0.02ml/Kg body weight as a single dose in empty stomach per day for 2 years along with al opathic and homoeopathic supportive cares. There were 42 stomach cancers, 40 gal bladder cancers, 44 pancreatic cancers and 32 liver cancers included in the final analysis of the study.
In this study, no adverse side effects were observed from the drug Psorinum. However, very few patients reported to have mild oral irritation and skin itching which were successful y control ed by the supportive cares. Psorinum Therapy was also effective in improving the disease symptoms and the quality of life of the participants. At least 60% participants of stage-III and at least 45% participants of stage-IV reported that the therapy was effective in reducing their cancer-related pain, cough, dyspnoea, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, constipation and improving appetite, and weakness. These were also confirmed after examining the participants clinically. Improvements were also observed in the lab investigations like Complete Blood Count (CBC), Liver Function Test (LFT), Kidney function test, AFP level, and CA 19.9. These lab investigations were done as a part of their routine clinical check ups. Among the 158 participants, 98 (62.03%) were aged 65 years or more. Better outcomes were observed among the participants below 65 years of age than the participants who were over the age of 65. The outcomes did not vary significantly while considering gender.
The cumulative 5-year survival was 39.24% for patients who received Psorinum treatment, compared with an estimated 5-year survival of 23% for stomach cancer, 10% for liver cancer, <4% for pancreatic cancer and <15% for gal bladder cancer for patients taking conventional therapies. 28 patients (17.72%) had a complete recovery from their cancer in this study.
Psorinum in the treatment of Non Smal Cel Lung Cancer(NSCLC) In another phase II, open-level, single arm, and single stage study, also performed by Dr Chatterje et al, 95 participants were included with NSCLC. According to the AJCC TNM staging system, 58 (61.05%) of them diagnosed at stage IV. According to the RECIST criteria, complete tumour response occurred in 19 (20%) cases and partial tumour response occurred in 28 (29.47%) cases. 82 (86.32%) of them survived at least 1 yr, 70 (73.68%) survived at least 2 yrs, 58 (61.05%) survived at least 3
yrs, 49 (51.58%) survived at least 4 yrs, and 42 (44.21%) of them survived at least 5 yrs. These participants did not receive chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or any other investigational cancer treatments. Participants reported no side effects from the drug Psorinum.
44 patients participated in the study with Psorinum D6, 0,02 ml per kg body weight in the morning on empty stomach. Survival after first year 34, after 2 years 28, after 3 years 27, after 4 years 21, and after 5 years 17 of the patients were stil alive, equal to a 5-year survival of 39% - Probably the highest ever recorded 5 year survival on Pancreatic Cancer published so far in medicine history!! These results were examined by a very critical an independent expert commission at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, near Washington DC, USA, who has accepted the results, so that Dr. Chatterjee was able to present the results at the ASCO conference. There are plans to make more research on Psorinum on the famous MD Anderson Cancer Institute in Houston, Texas, USAThe treatment is suitable for many more cancer types, but research has so far been focused on the more difficult cancers.
Already in the early 1940s, it was discovered that leukaemias and sarcomas in rats can be healed and prevented by adding certain amino acids and trace elements to their diets. Prof Thomas Tal berg from Helsinki continued to develop these research findings into therapeutic modalities available for treatment of human cancers. He also found that when cancer cel s receive these amino acids and minerals, their respiratory organs, or mitochondria, change shape and become dense with electrons. The next thing that happens is that the cancer cel s transform into normal cel s. This means that he has found a method which can correct the metabolic aberration in certain cancer cel s, so that they can stop being cancer cel s and continue their natural differentiation into normal cel s. In many cases, he has thus managed to heal skin tumours in both animals and humans without even leaving a scar!!He has published control ed clinical studies showing how, among other things, he completely healed 60% of stage 4 malignant melanomas, 90-100% of melanomas of the eye (uveal melanomas) and 30% of stage 4 kidney cancers, conditions that are normal y almost 100% lethal. He has so far found the formulae for treating malignant melanomas, breast, prostate, kidney and gastrointestinal cancers with great success. He can also treat psoriasis with this method with an almost 100% success rate.
Besides taking one or two scoops of amino-acid/mineral powder each day, Dr Tal berg also recommends a smal amount (50 g) of mammalian brain each day. According to Tal berg, this has the dual effect of boosting the immune system and providing a balanced intake of essential lipids. He himself sel s cans of piglet brain pate, that can be used as spread on bread, mixed with ice cream or served as a dessert resembling pina colada.
He also uses a special kind of autologous vaccine, made from the patient’s own tumour tissue, and recommends avoidance of certain types of food nutrients for different types of cancer that
can stimulate cancer growth, I.e. molybdenum for breast cancer patients and zinc for kidney cancer patients.
We can provide the Tal berg protein/mineral powders and mammalian brain and we have plans to create a laboratory for making the autologous cancer vaccines.
Currently, these vaccines cannot be made anywhere on planet earth except in Tal berg’s own laboratory, and as he is presently 77 years old, he is trying to reduce his workload, and therefore does not accept new patients. Conventional Cancer Therapies
Metronomic chemotherapy is one of the biggest steps forward in the history of cancer treatment and is based on the understanding of the blood supply in cancer tissue, or rather the possibility of control ing this so that the cancer cannot grow. For patients, this new method of treatment is very interesting because it has practical y no side effects. The treatment primarily uses tablets and research shows that this gives results that are as effective as conventional chemotherapy, in which the highest possible doses are given every second or third week, most often with quite serious side effects. Angiogenesis means the creation of new blood vessels from an existing blood vessel and this is the primary way in which cancer cel s obtain nutrition. Normal chemotherapy also destroys the endothelial cel s in the smal blood vessels, but is normal y interrupted 2-3 weeks between treatment in order to let the body recuperate form serious side effects like nausea, vomiting, bad immune system and diarrhoea. During this time the cancer rebuilds its blood supply. Metronomic chemotherapy, just like the regular beat of a metronome, is given daily or every second day, and thus does not al ow the blood vessels to re-establish. It does not matter which type of cancer cel s are involved or even whether they have become resistant. It is not cancer cel s themselves which are attacked by metronomic therapy, but the blood vessels supplying the cancer cel s. You may be wondering whether the endothelial cel s, too, can become resistant in the long run – and the answer is yes. However it takes a much longer time for the cancer cel s to become resistant and the normal process under metronomic treatment is likely to be as fol ows: At first the tumour becomes smal er, then comes a long and stable period which can last for years until final y the cancer grows again. You can then shift to another form of metronomic chemotherapy or a combination of metronomic substances. Targeted Therapies
Targeted cancer therapies are drugs or other substances that block the growth and spread of cancer by interfering with specific molecules involved in tumor growth and progression. Because scientists often cal these molecules “molecular targets,” targeted cancer therapies are sometimes cal ed “molecularly targeted drugs,” “molecularly targeted therapies,” or other similar names. By focusing on molecular and cel ular changes that are specific to cancer, targeted
cancer therapies may be more effective than other types of treatment, including chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and less harmful to normal cel s.
Below are some examples of targeted therapies: Imatinib mesylate (Gleevec®) is approved to treat gastrointestinal stromal tumor (a rare cancer of the gastrointestinal tract), certain kinds of leukemia, dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative disorders, and systemic mastocytosis.
● Trastuzumab (Herceptin®) is approved for the treatment of certain types of breast
cancer as well as some types of gastric or gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma.
● Lapatinib (Tykerb®) is approved for the treatment of certain types of advanced or
● Gefitinib (Iressa®) is approved to treat patients with advanced non-smal cel lung
● Erlotinib (Tarceva®) is approved to treat metastatic non-smal cel lung cancer and
pancreatic cancer that cannot be removed by surgery or has metastasised. This smal -molecule drug inhibits the tyrosine kinase activity of EGFR.
● Cetuximab (Erbitux®) is a monoclonal antibody that is approved for treating some
patients with squamous cel carcinoma of the head and neck or colorectal cancer.
● Everolimus (Afinitor®) is approved to treat patients with advanced kidney cancer whose
disease has progressed after treatment with other therapies, patients with subependymal giant cel astrocytoma who also have tuberous sclerosis and are unable to have surgery, or patients with pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors that cannot be removed by surgery, are local y advanced, or have metastasised.
● Bortezomib (Velcade®) is approved to treat some patients with multiple myeloma. The
drug is also approved for the treatment of some patients with mantle cel lymphoma.
● Bevacizumab (Avastin®) is a monoclonal antibody that is approved for the treatment of
glioblastoma. The therapy is also approved for some patients with non-smal cel lung cancer, metastatic colorectal cancer, and metastatic kidney cancer.
● Sorafenib (Nexavar®) is a smal -molecule inhibitor of tyrosine kinases that is approved
for the treatment of advanced renal cel carcinoma and some cases of hepatocel ular carcinoma.
● Sunitinib (Sutent®) is another smal -molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitor that is approved
for the treatment of patients with metastatic renal cel carcinoma, gastrointestinal stromal tumour that is not responding to Imatinib, or pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours that cannot be removed by surgery, are locally advanced, or have metastasised. Sunitinib blocks kinases involved in VEGF signal ing, thereby inhibiting angiogenesis and cel proliferation.
● Rituximab (Rituxan®) is a monoclonal antibody that is approved to treat certain types of
B-cel non-Hodgkin lymphoma and, when combined with other drugs, to treat chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). The therapy recognizes a molecule cal ed CD20 that is found on B cel s. When Rituximab binds to these cel s, it triggers an immune response that results in their destruction. Rituximab may also induce apoptosis.
● Ipilimumab (Yervoy™) is approved to treat patients with unresectable or metastatic
melanoma. This monoclonal antibody is directed against cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-
associated antigen-4 (CTLA-4), which is expressed on the surface of activated T cel s as part of a “checkpoint” to prevent a runaway immune response. By inhibiting CTLA-4, Ipilimumab stimulates the immune system to attack melanoma cel s.
● Catumaxomab (Removab) is ahybridwhich is used to
treat a condition occurring in patients withcancer. It binds to antigenand
Biphosphonates For patients with bone metastasis we use Biphosphonates such as Zoledronic acid (Zometa). These drugs stop the bones from being broken down by the cancer and also have some anti- cancer activity in their own right. We are mainly using a ‘metronomic’ dosage of Zometa, with a ¼ of the normal dose injected every week, instead of the ful dose injected every month. In a clinical study from China, this dosage regimen has been proven to be better than the conventional schedule. Conventional medicines with off-label anti cancer properties
LDN (low-dose naltrexone) Can boost the immune system — helping those with HIV/AIDS, cancer, autoimmune diseases, and central nervous system disorders. It also makes you feel better emotional y.
Noscapine, a natural y derived and existing ingredient of over-the-counter cough medicines in some countries, has also been shown to be useful against cancer. It works like the chemo drug paclitaxel (Taxol) but without many of the nasty side-effects.
Professor Lissoni from Italy has performed many clinical studies on the positive effects of taking 20 mg Melatonin at bedtime.
It diminishes side -effects from chemotherapy, increases life quality and has also strong anti cancer effect son its own.
In order to fight cancer, it is very important to kil al other bacteria’s and fungal infections, that takes away the attention of the immune system from kil ing the cancer. Itraconazol is an anti-fungal medication, that besides kil ing fungi, also have a anti angiogenic effect, similar to metronomic chemotherapy, thereby cutting off the blood supply to cancer tumours.
Metformin is the drug of choice for the management of type 2 diabetes mel itus. It improves insulin resistance and glycemic control and can safely be combined with other classes of anti-diabetic agents.
Exciting preclinical studies have shown that Metformin can inhibit the growth of cancer cel s both cel culture tests and animal tests. The recent evidence that Metformin results in (a) initiation of an LKB1-mediated AMPK-dependent energy stress response that can adversely affect survival of cancer cel lines and (b) inhibition of cancer related genes and proteins like phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt/mTOR has provided a molecular basis for a direct, insulin-independent antitumor effect and strengthened the rationale to evaluate Metformin in cancer clinical trials
The association of Metformin with reduced cancer mortality provides the rationale for the study of Metformin in the cancer treatment setting. A recent retrospective study in breast cancer patients showed that diabetic cancer patients treated with Metformin and neoadjuvant chemotherapy had a higher pathological complete response rate than the control groups. A phase III adjuvant trial of metformin is currently being launched by National Cancer Institute Canada and National Cancer Institute United States to assess the efficacy of Metformin in reducing breast cancer recurrence in 3,582 women with stage I and II breast cancer (2).
At the European Institute of Oncology, the Division of Cancer Prevention and Genetics is planning to conduct a clinical trial to evaluate the activity of Metformin on tumour cel proliferation in breast cancer patients undergoing surgery.
Recent studies have disclosed a surprising, but mechanistical y consistent, anticancer activity of Disulfiram (Antabus), a drug used for about 50 years in the treatment of alcoholism. Disulfiram has been successful y used to suppress hepatic metastases originating from ocular melanoma.
The pharmacokinetics of Disulfiram and its pharmacological profile in cancer cel lines and in cancer cel s obtained from patients is wel known. Disulfiram is a readily available and inexpensive substance whose adverse effects are negligible, compared to classical cancerostatics. Anti-inflammatory medication
Cancer creates a wound inside,( and sometimes also outside) the body. It then uses the bodies wound healing mechanism, which is inflammation, in order to increase the blood supply to the cancer itself. There are numerous studies showing positive effect of anti-inflammatory medicines on cancer survival. The most common anti-inflammatory medicines the so cal ed NSAID medications like Aspirin, Diclofenak, Ibuprofen etc., the newer Cox 2 inhibitors like Celebra(Celecoxib) and Corticosteroids (Prednisone, Betapred etc.)
We also use natural anti-inflammatory medicines likeFrankincense), and Ginger. Other Complementary Cancer Treatments Local Hyperthermia
In Local Hyperthermia, you use a modulated electric field generated by two active electrodes . Since malignant tissue has higher conductivity than healthy human tissue, the electric field tends to flow predominantly through the malignant tumour tissue. The combination of deep layer heating and the electric field leads to stimulation of malignant tumour cel s. This, in turn, triggers increased apoptotic activity in the tumour region and as a result, promotes cel death. Thanks to the selection at cel ular level, the radiation only has an effect in the region of the tumour; the healthy regions remain as good as untouched. In general, Local Hyperthermia can be used with al stages of cancer, although its current main use is with advanced solid tumours that are hardly operable or inoperable, as well as with recurrent tumours and metastases.
Also where conventional therapy approaches (surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy) are not very likely to be successful, or have proven to be inadequate, Local Hyperthermia has already been successful y used with the fol owing tumours, including their metastases in different organs: Astrocytomas and glioblastomas, bronchial carcinomas, cervix carcinomas, colorectal carcinomas, carcinomas of the urethra, hepatocel ular carcinomas, stomach carcinomas, malignant melanomas, mamma carcinomas, renal cel carcinomas, oesophagus carcinomas, ovarian carcinomas, pancreatic carcinomas, squamous epithelium, and carcinomas at head and throat.
Local Hyperthermia selectively heats the tumour tissue in the region to be treated. For this reason, Local Hyperthermia is particularly indicated for the treatment of localized solid tumours. It does not matter whether the tumour is located on the surface or deep down. The principle of self-focusing also al ows moving regions of the body to be treated, such as the lungs, or thermo-sensitive regions such as the brain. Local Hyperthermia is effective both in areas with high blood flow, such as the liver, and in regions with high air circulation, such as the lungs.
Usual y, the patient is treated for 1-1½ hour every second day. 10 such treatments are recommended. High Level Full Body Hyperthermia
In high level ful body hyperthermia, the body is heated for a few minutes to a temperature of 43-44 °C.
This is done with the patient in a bath tub with the assistance of an anaesthesiologist keeping the patient unconscious and under close medical supervision.
The technology was developed in Novosibirsk, Russia, and has successful y treated thousands of cancer patients without any serious side effects. Electrotherapy
WMCS (Wireless Micro Current Stimulation) is a new method for electrical stimulation of wounds. ES is recognized in more than 500 published articles as the most efficient method in wound care. The WMCS method transfers the electrical charges wirelessly to the wound, which makes the method significantly more useful than the previously known transferring methods.
The WMCS method uses oxygen to transport electrons to a ”plate out” effect on the wound, which means that the molecules deposits the electron, when they touch the wound or skin surface , while the oxygen molecule carries on as air gas. The basis for a current is the movement of electrons and with this simple method the WMCS technology transfers the current to the wound, where the so-cal ed ”current of injury” is established and supports the natural bio-electrical process of the wound healing.
WMCS has been proven to help the healing of cancer in many case reports. Papimi Therapy
Papimi device is a pulsed electromagnetic field generator. It is also related with bioresonance and frequency therapy. The produced nanopulses are characterized by high intensity and very short duration. The high power of the device and the unique way of function are the reasons of the wide range of applications and the remarkable results it shows. It is applied external y over the skin, by induction, (even over the clothes), painless, without any significant restrictions and without increasing tissues’ temperature. In addition no considerable adverse effects have been reported over the twenty-year application of the device.
It has been used to treat sport injuries, cancer and many other diseases. A root can be at the root of your problem!! - Dental treatments
Today there are many studies that can demonstrate and scientifically prove how dental issues can create or be the root cause of systemic conditions or repercussions. Our goal is to determine the possible systemic relation if found with any undetected or previously established dental problems. Such dental disturbances can cause damage to the immune systems ability to fight cancer by diverting its energy to fight I.e. an untreated sub-clinic dental root infection. Mercury from old amalgam fil ings and electric currents from these fil ings and can also cause problems. If needed, we can refer our patients to qualified dentists for correction of these issues during their stay at the Second Opinion Clinic. Herbal treatments
We use a wide variety of herbal treatments with scientifical y proven anti-cancer properties.
We can here mention Blood root, a plant use both internal y and as the main ingredient in so cal ed cancer salves, that has been used for treatment of cancer since many hundred of years with successful results. Bloodroot is often used for treatment of veterinary cancers. There are hundreds of scientific papers on the many strong and powerful anti-cancer effects of blood root.
Another anti cancer herb is milk thistle, Silybum marianum. It has been utilized for thousands of years to remedy a variety of ailments, particularly liver and gal bladder problems. Scientific studies suggest that substances in milk thistle (especially a flavonoid cal ed silymarin) act to protect the liver from toxins, including certain drugs such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), which in high doses (or in combination with alcohol) can cause liver damage. Silymarin has antioxidant and anti- inflammatory properties, and is thought to help the liver repair itself by growing new cel s.
Preparations from the European mistletoe (Viscum album L.) are among the most prescribed drugs in cancer patients in several European countries. The most common brand names are Iscador, Helixor and Viscum Album. Control ed Clinical Trials
In a randomized control ed study from 2008 on altogether 508 patients Iscador was shown to prolong overal survival of corpus uteri cancer patients. Psychosomatic self-regulation as a measure of autonomous coping with the disease, rised significantly more under Iscador therapy than under conventional therapy alone at a fol ow up of 12 months.
Treatment with HELIXOR proved to be beneficial for breast cancer patients since it significantly improved quality of life and significantly reduced persistent signs/symptoms of the disease/treatment during the validated after-care period of approximately five years in 167 patients treated with Helixor.
In an open study from 2008 33 patients with primary breast cancer receiving adjuvant chemotherapy and simultaneous treatment with Iscador was compared with 33 controls without mistletoe therapy. Reductions in quality of life seemed to be smal er during add-on-therapy with mistletoe. Laboratory parameters showed no difference compared to the control group. Mistletoe patients showed better quality of life and a reduction of in the need of symptom relieving glucocorticoid(cortisone) co-treatment.
A study on altogether 10 patients with early stage cervix cancer and healthy volunteers showed that dose-escalation of Iscador reduces the monocyte-related clinical side effects, like temperature increase and skin reactions. The most interesting clinical long-term effect is the bystander stimulation of various memory T cel s that might mediate in vivo antitumor and anti nfectious T-cel response under mistletoe-extract immunization.
In three control ed cohort studies with altogether 374 patients, Iscador may have the effect of prolonging overal survival of cervical cancer patients. In the short term, psychosomatic self-
regulation increases more markedly under complementary Iscador therapy than under conventional therapy alone.
Grossarth et al found in 2006 that Iscador showed a clinical y relevant effect on breast tumour progression as measured by overal survival as wel as by the time to recurrences, lymphatic or distant metastases on 244 patients with breast cancer. In the short term, psychosomatic self-regulation increased more markedly under complementary Iscador therapy than under conventional therapy alone.
Ukrain, also cal ed NSC 631570 is an experimental anticancer drug invented by the Ukrainian researcher Wassil Nowicky and tested clinical y for the first time in 1978. It is a product that results from a reaction of alkaloids from greater celandine with the classic cancer medicine Thio-TEPA in the presence of hydrochloric acid.
Ukrain contents mixture of alkaloids. Chelidonine is general y considered the most important one. Chelidonine, like some other celandine alkaloids, is hardly soluble in water. This makes intravenous injections impossible. The preparation of Ukrain together with Thio-TEPA and hydrochloric acid makes the alkaloids water soluble and injectable. addition. It is probable the anti-cancer effect of Ukrain is a result of a combined action of al its constituents. Previously it has been postulated that the active component of Ukrain was a trimeric structure containing three chelidonine molecules connected by a Thiro-thepa skeleton. This has not been confirmed in later investigations.
Ukrain has been investigated in multiple phase I and phase II clinical trials on a large variety of cancer types with very promising results. Ukrain can also have a possible future role in the treatment of Hepatitis C and other viral infections.
Click onto go to a summary of al the clinical investigations and case reports on Ukrain
Anti-Cancer Mushrooms
There is an estimated 38,000 species of mushroom, only about 3,000 are edible, about 700 have known medicinal properties, and less than one percent are recognized as poisonous.
But even these poisonous mushrooms when properly elaborated in a laboratory are proving to have some outstanding health benefits.
Mushrooms have been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years.
Each time we get sick, our immune system weakens and may become more inadequate or subject to malfunction. Selected mushrooms have been effectively used to boost the immune
system to fight a host of diseases, including even deadly cancer. Some of the names of these are Lions mane, Shi take, Maitake, Coryolis Versicolor etc.
Several doctors working in cancer clinics for the past 5 years are reporting very positive results in treating every type of cancer with the diluted poison from Death Cap(Amanita Phal oides). Often in a matter of days tumours start to dissolve and patients feel their condition changing. The European laboratory have made it to safe specification without losing its potency and the doctors using the formula have reported no serious side effects, except from some increased bowel activity date This therapy does not affect the activity of somatic cel s and works by greatly enhancing the immune system
Probiotikus fermentált húskészítmények kifejlesztése BEVEZETÉS A funkcionális élelmiszerek jelentısége, valamint az ezzel foglalkozó kutatások és termékfejlesztések az elmúlt évtizedben jelentısen nıttek. Ezen élelmiszerek egy csoportja a probiotikus mikroorganizmusokat tartalmazó élelmiszerek. Egészségügyi hatásukat tekintve részt vesznek béltraktus mőköd
What Are Nonprescription Pain Relievers? Nonprescription pain relievers are analgesics that can be bought without a doctor’s order (prescription). Sometimes they are called “over-the-counter” pain remedies. They include aspirin (Bufferin, Ascriptin, Ecotrin), acetaminophen (Anacin-3, Tylenol, Datril), and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Nuprin). Many nonprescription pain relievers have diffe