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Department of MathematicsThe University of Toledo2801 W. Bancroft St Toledo, Ohio 43606-3390Tel:(O)(419) 530-2998 Fax: (419) 530-4720Email:[email protected]:∼mtsui
Differential Geometry (53), General Relativity and Gravitation (83) and
Partial Differential Equations (35).
• Ph. D. in Mathematics, 2001, Brandeis University
• M.S. in Applied Mathematics, Hsinchu,1989, National Chao-Tung Uni-
• B.S. in Applied Mathematics, 1987, National Chao-Tung University,
• Jan, 2008-present: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics,
• Jan, 2007-Dec, 2007: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics,
• Aug, 2005- Dec, 2006: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathemat-
• July, 2001-July, 2005: Ritt Assistant Professor, Department of Mathe-
• July, 2000- July, 2001: Software Engineer, Parametric Technology Cor-
• Summer, 1998: Graduate student mentor for Ronald E. McNair Scholar’s
• 1993-1998: Instructor, Department of Mathematics, Brandeis Univer-
• 1991-1992: Lecturer, Department of Applied Mathematics, National
Chao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
1. (With J-E Lee):The geometry and completeness of the two-phase solu-
oringer equations, Nonlinear evolution equa-
tions and dynamical systems (Kolymbari, 1989), 94–97, Res.
2. On Some Geometric Problems from General Relativity, 2000, Brandeis
3. (With M-T Wang) A Bernstein type result for special Lagrangian sub-
manifolds, Math. Res. Lett. 9 (2002), no. 4, 529–535.
4. (With M-T Wang) Mean curvature flows and isotopy of maps between
sphere, Comm. Pure. Appl. Math. 57 (2004), no. 8. 1110-1126.
5. (With Tian-Tsong Ng, Shih-Fu Chang, Jessie Hsu, Lexing Xie) Physics-
Motivated Features for Distinguishing Photographic Images and Com-puter Graphics. In ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Mul-timedia, Singapore, November 2005.
6. (With Tian-Tsong Ng, Shih-Fu Chang) Camera Response Function Es-
timation from a Single-channel Image Using Differential Invariants,ADVENT Technical Report 216-2006-2 Columbia University, March2006
7. (With Tian-Tsong Ng, Shih-Fu Chang) Using Geometry Invariants for
Camera Response Function Estimation, In IEEE Computer SocietyConference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, June 2007.
8. (With Tian-Tsong Ng, Shih-Fu Chang) Lessons Learned from Online
Classification of Photo-Realistic Computer Graphics and Photographs,In IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Applications for Public Secu-rity and Forensics (SAFE), April 2007.
9. (With J. Loftin) Ancient Solutions of the Affine Normal Flow, J. Dif-
ferential Geom. 78 (2008), no. 1, 113–162.
10. (With J. Loftin) Limits of Solutions to a Parabolic Monge-Ampere
Equation, Recent Advances in Geometric Analysis ALM11, Higher Ed-ucation Press and International Press, 151-172.
11. (with Tian-Tsong Ng) Camera Response Function Signature for Digi-
tal Forensics - Part I: Theory and Data Selection,IEEE Workshop onInformation Forensics and Security (WIFS), Dec. 2009.
12. (With Dominic Joyce, Yng-Ing Lee) Self-similar solutions and trans-
lating solitons for Lagrangian mean curvature flow, J. Diff. Geom. 84(2010), 127-161.
13. (with Mu-Tao Wang) Entire solutions of minimal surface systems with
14. (with Henry Wente) A Geometric Proof of the Uniqueness Theorem for
Solutions to the Liouville Equation, preprint.
15. (with Yng-Ing Lee and Mu-Tao Wang) Stability of the Minimal Surface
System and Convexity of Area Functional , preprint.
1. Geometry and Analysis Seminar, Columbia University, Feb.2001
2. Workshop on Geometric Evolution Equations, National Center for The-
oretic Center, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Jul. 2003
3. Geometry and Analysis Seminar, Columbia University, March 2001
4. AMS sectional meeting, Courant Institute, New York, Apr. 2003.
5. Geometric Analysis Seminar, Princeton University, May 2004
6. Differential Geometry and Analysis Seminar,CUNY Graduate Center ,
7. Analysis Seminar, Cornell University, November 2004
8. Colloquium, University of Oklahoma, Feb. 2005
9. Colloquium, University of Toledo, March 2005
10. Geometric Analysis Conference , CUNY Graduate Center, March 2005
11. Geometric and Analysis Seminar, University of Toledo, September 2005
12. Student Research Seminar, University of Toledo, October 2005
13. Geometry Seminar, University of Toledo, November 2005
14. Natural Images Workshop at IMA,University of Minnesota, March 2006
15. Symplectic Topology and Differential Geometry Seminar, University of
16. Geometry Seminar, University of Michigan, March 2006
17. Geometry Analysis Seminar, Michigan State University, April 2006
18. Geometry Seminar, National Taiwan University, Taiwan Jan - June
19. Colloquium, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan March 2007
20. Colloquium, National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan April 2007
21. Colloquium, National Central University, Taiwan December 2007
22. Invited speaker, the Fourth International Congress of Chinese Mathe-
maticians ICCM-2007 at Zhejiang University, China, December 2007
23. Geometric analysis seminar, Ohio State University, October 2008
24. Geometry and Topology Seminars, University of Waterloo, Canada,
25. Conference Complex and Differential Geometry , Leibniz Universit¨
26. Differential Geometry Seminar, Lehigh University, Oct. 2009
27. Differential Geometry , Lehigh University, Oct. 2009
28. 2010 NCTS/TPE-TIMS Mini-Course and Workshop on Geometric and
Complex Analysis, National Taiwan University, July 2010
29. Geometry Seminar, National Chengkung University, July 2010
1. Workshop on Geometric Evolution Equations, National Center for The-
oretic Center, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Jul. 2001
2. First Yamabe Memorial Symposium on Geometry and Analysis, Uni-
3. Geometry of Lagrangian Submanifolds, Institute for Pure and Applied
Mathematics, University of Southern California, April 14 - 18, 2003.
4. 11th Southern California Geometric Analysis Seminar,University of
California at Irvine, Feb. 21- 21, 2004.
5. Geometric Flows: Theory and Computation, Institute for Pure and
Applied Mathematics, University of Southern California, February 23- 27, 2004.
6. Second Yamabe Memorial Symposium on Geometry and Analysis, Uni-
7. Conference Honoring the Retirements of F. Reese Harvey and John C.
8. XIIIth Southern California Geometric Analysis Seminar, University of
9. Workshop: Natural Images, Institute for Mathematics and its Appli-
cations, University of Minnesota , Mar. 2006
10. Workshop: Shape Spaces, Institute for Mathematics and its Applica-
tions, University of Minnesota , Apr. 2006
11. 2007 International Conference on Geometric Analysis, June 2007, Na-
12. Geometric Analysis: Present and Future, August 27-September 1, 2008,
13. The 61st Fall 2008 Midwest PDE Seminar, Nov 7-9, Ohio State Uni-
14. Workshop on ”Connections in Geometry and Physics”, Perimeter Insi-
tute for Theoretical Physics (Canada), May 8-10, 2009.
15. International Conference of Mathematics July 6-11, 2009, Department
of Mathematics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
16. Current Topic Workshop: Mathematical Developments Arising from
Biology, November 8-10, 2009, Mathematical Biology Institute
17. The 17th Southern California Geometric Analysis Seminar, Feb 20-21,
1. Numerical Methods and Linear Algebra (Math 2890), Spring 2008,
2. Partial Differential Equations, Fall 2008, Spring 2008, University of
3. Math for Liberal Arts (Online Course), Spring 2007
4. Introduction to Statistics (Online Course), Spring 2007, University of
5. Differential Geometry I, Fall 2006, University of Toledo
6. Topology, Spring 2006, 2009, University of Toledo
7. Calculus III, Spring 2006, University of Toledo
8. Elementary Differential Equations, Fall 2005, Fall 2006, University of
9. Partial Differential Equation, Spring 2005, Columbia University.
10. Analysis and Optimization, Spring 2004, Columbia University.
11. Ordinary differential equations, Fall 2003, Columbia University.
12. Calculus: differential and integral calculus for freshman , 2001-present,
13. Calculus: differential and integral calculus for freshman , 1993-1998,
14. Calculus: differential and integral calculus for freshman , 1991-1992,
National Chao-Tung University, Taiwan.
1. Referee, Journal of Differential Geometry, Transactions of the Amer-
ican Mathematical Society, Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterlyand Journal of Computer Science and Technology.
2. Organizer, New Perspectives in Geometric Analysis Conference, May
3. Organizer, 2007 International Conference on Geometric Analysis, June
14-18 2007, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
4. Organizer, The Ninth Pacific Rim Geometry Conference, Dec 10–14,
2008, , National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
5. Organizer, 2010 NCTS/TPE-TIMS Mini-Course and Workshop on Ge-
ometric and Complex Analysis, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
6. Colloquium organizer, University of Toledo, 2009-2010.
7. Undergraduate Adviser, University of Toledo, Jan. 2010-Present
THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES PROB 11/17, ff. 104-5 1 ________________________________________________________________________ SUMMARY: The document below is the Prerogative Court of Canterbury copy of the will, dated 29 May 1514 and proved 1 July 1514, of Sir William Browne, Lord Mayor of London. The testator was the son and heir of Sir John Browne, Lord Mayor of London in 1480, and the nephew of Sir W
"zetmail" <[email protected]> Early Life Patricia Cornwell was born as Patricia Daniels on June 9, 1956 in Miami, Florida. Cornwell's parents separated when Patricia was five. Cornwell told the New York Times (3/23/97) that her father left the family on Christmas Day in 1961 to join his secretary, whom he had made pregnant. After her parents divorced, when Patricia was