13-07-2012 front page.pub

2MB 82.69% 2MN 84.15% 3CW 97.93% 3SS 90.34% 4SS 96.90% 4PH 95.56%
Mansfield Green News
We are nearly at the end of the year and I would like to thank you all for your support throughout this year. School has come a long way and you have helped us to get there. Standards are improving and I know that the Staff have worked very hard on Overall Attendance: 91.41%
Several staff are leaving us next week. Some are moving on to “Be cool get your kids to school”
bigger and better things and we wish them well , and thank them for what they have achieved for Mansfield Green. Miss Steer, Mr Knipe and Miss Rennie are moving on and REMEMBER In the line at 5 to 9!!!
Ms Thomas, Mrs Opong and Mr Meredith will be joining us in September. Miss Scudemore and Miss Yasmin will be joining us Please get your child to school on time. too , to provide maternity cover for Mrs M Gillam and Mrs. Samra. Mrs Nessa and Miss Burgher will also be on maternity leave. Good luck everyone ! Important dates for your diaries and calendars.
Monday 16th July 2012
Thought of the week.
Tuesday 17th July 2012
I am a good sport, I follow the rules, take turns and play fair.
Parents Evening 4—6.30pm
Thursday 19th July 2012
End of Term 3.15pm
Mansfield Green’s Got Talent Competition
Friday 20th July 2012
Monday 3rd September 2012
Tuesday 4th September 2012
Wednesday 5th September 2012
Rhiann Patel, Renice Cunningham & Savannah Thomas-Green INFORMATION PAGES
Website Address: www.manfldgn.bham.sch.uk
Grammar School Tests
Stars of the Week!!
RHR Adama & Hawa
RPM Tanzilla
Today is the last day to register for the grammar For always listening carefully and trying
For settling into our class.
For being a good friend.
1SK Humza Ali
1CG Yassir
For always doing what he has been asked Trying hard on all his activities at school.
to do.

Summer Club
For always showing good manners.
We are sorry to inform you that due to refurbishment For been polite and showing good man-
during the 6 weeks holiday there will be 2MB Owais
2MN Summer
NO Summer Club this year.
For good numeracy work this week.
For writing a fabulous story.
Excellent progress in reading.
For improving your reading , writing and
children’s toilets and there may be no water on site. Health and safety regulations state that we need 3CW Sadia
3SS Christina
toilet facilities and running water to hold our usual Her improved social skills throughout the For swimming 25m unaided.
For showing good behaviour on our trip.
We are sorry for any inconvenience caused by this. For her consistent neat presentation of
her work.

4SS Tahmid
4PH Fartun, Hamsa, Mehak, Mazeda,
Always trying hard in literacy.
Fakhrun, Fahiima, Zenabou
For their contribution to a group ’Grow a
Please, please mark money envelopes clearly. It
makes it very difficult to make sure the money
5PS Faizle, Hussain, Sulaiman
5SJ Zara Kausar
goes to the correct place.
For representing the school well on our
For super topic work.
trip to Wyre Forest.
We cannot be responsible for any envelopes that
For super topic work.
come from children. Please hand in at the office.
6NS Rakeem, Raiesha, Mahbuba,
6EH Sameer, Fatima, Suheb, Raieq
Remember we do not give change.
Outstanding contribution to Year 6.
Fanrastic effort throughout the year.

Source: http://mansfield.school1.co.uk/newsletters/news120713.pdf

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